Results for 'conditor'

  1. Nova de Universis Philosophia Libris Quinquaginta Comprehensa. In Qua Aristotelica Methodo Non Per Motum, Sed Per Lucem, & Lumina Ad Primam Causam Ascenditur. Deinde Nova Quadam, Ac Peculiari Methodo Tota in Contemplationem Venit Divinitas. Postremo Methodo Platonica Rerum Universitas À Conditore Deo Deducitur.Francesco Patrizi, Roberto Hermes, Zoroaster, Aristotle & Plato - 1593 - Excudebat Robertus Meiettus.
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    Camillus as Numa: religion in Livy’s refoundation narratives.Gwynaeth McIntyre - 2018 - Journal of Ancient History 6 (1):63-79.
    Livy’s first pentad of Ab Urbe Condita begins and ends with the founding and refounding of the city. Both are achieved first through violence and then through the establishment and re-establishment of religious authority and the restoration of Rome’s relationship with its gods. This article examines the connection Livy makes between Numa and Camillus and the place of religion within the refoundation narratives. The religious topography of Rome is essential to Camillus’ argument for the Romans to remain in the city (...)
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  3. Ovid's Theban History: The First 'Anti- Aeneid'?Philip Hardie - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (01):224-.
    The magnificence of Augustan Rome is the indispensable setting for Ovid the urbane love poet, rusticitas is the one unforgivable sin. Yet in Ovid's perpetuum carmen cities are for the most part invisible, at best incidental backdrops; the countryside, present in many vividly drawn landscapes, constantly thrusts itself on our attention, a place where mysterious powers menace the individual's identity. This neglect of the city makes a striking, and deliberate, contrast with the Aeneid, a ktistic epic whose meaning is governed (...)
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