Results for 'conditioning axiom'

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  1.  27
    The generality of the "conditioning axiom" in human binary prediction.Peter L. Derks - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):538.
  2.  36
    Axiomatizing s4+ and j+ without the suffixing, prefixing and self-distribution of the conditional axioms.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (1/2):79-91.
  3.  54
    A Remark on Ascending Chain Conditions, the Countable Axiom of Choice and the Principle of Dependent Choices.Karl-Heinz Diener - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (3):415-421.
    It is easy to prove in ZF− that a relation R satisfies the maximal condition if and only if its transitive hull R* does; equivalently: R is well-founded if and only if R* is. We will show in the following that, if the maximal condition is replaced by the chain condition, as is often the case in Algebra, the resulting statement is not provable in ZF− anymore . More precisely, we will prove that this statement is equivalent in ZF− to (...)
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    Forcing Axioms, Finite Conditions and Some More.Mirna Džamonja - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya, Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 17--26.
  5.  64
    On Axioms of Conditional Set Existence.Hao Wang - 1967 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 13 (7-12):183-188.
  6.  27
    Model of conditioning incorporating the Rescorla-Wagner associative axiom, a dynamic attention process, and a catastrophe rule.Peter W. Frey & Ronald J. Sears - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (4):321-340.
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    Two chain conditions and their Todorčević's fragments of Martin's Axiom.Teruyuki Yorioka - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (1):103320.
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  8.  50
    Axioms for finite collapse models of arithmetic.Andrew Tedder - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):529-539.
    The collapse models of arithmetic are inconsistent, nontrivial models obtained from ℕ and set out in the Logic of Paradox (LP). They are given a general treatment by Priest (Priest, 2000). Finite collapse models are decidable, and thus axiomatizable, because finite. LP, however, is ill-suited to normal axiomatic reasoning, as it invalidates Modus Ponens, and almost all other usual conditional inferences. I set out a logic, A3, first given by Avron (Avron, 1991), and give a first order axiom system (...)
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  9.  18
    Finiteness conditions and distributive laws for Boolean algebras.Marcel Erné - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (6):572-586.
    We compare diverse degrees of compactness and finiteness in Boolean algebras with each other and investigate the influence of weak choice principles. Our arguments rely on a discussion of infinitary distributive laws and generalized prime elements in Boolean algebras. In ZF set theory without choice, a Boolean algebra is Dedekind finite if and only if it satisfies the ascending chain condition. The Denumerable Subset Axiom implies finiteness of Boolean algebras with compact top, whereas the converse fails in ZF. Moreover, (...)
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  10.  45
    Intricate Axioms as Interaction Axioms.Guillaume Aucher - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (5):1035-1062.
    In epistemic logic, some axioms dealing with the notion of knowledge are rather convoluted and difficult to interpret intuitively, even though some of them, such as the axioms.2 and.3, are considered to be key axioms by some epistemic logicians. We show that they can be characterized in terms of understandable interaction axioms relating knowledge and belief or knowledge and conditional belief. In order to show it, we first sketch a theory dealing with the characterization of axioms in terms of interaction (...)
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  11.  93
    Axioms for classical, intuitionistic, and paraconsistent hybrid logic.Torben Braüner - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):179-194.
    In this paper we give axiom systems for classical and intuitionistic hybrid logic. Our axiom systems can be extended with additional rules corresponding to conditions on the accessibility relation expressed by so-called geometric theories. In the classical case other axiomatisations than ours can be found in the literature but in the intuitionistic case no axiomatisations have been published. We consider plain intuitionistic hybrid logic as well as a hybridized version of the constructive and paraconsistent logic N4.
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  12.  49
    Metric spaces and the axiom of choice.Omar De la Cruz, Eric Hall, Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis & Jean E. Rubin - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):455-466.
    We study conditions for a topological space to be metrizable, properties of metrizable spaces, and the role the axiom of choice plays in these matters.
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  13.  70
    An incompatible pair of subjunctive conditional modal axioms.David Butcher - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 44 (1):71 - 110.
  14. Axioms for deliberative stit.Ming Xu - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (5):505-552.
    Based on a notion of "companions to stit formulas" applied in other papers dealing with astit logics, we introduce "choice formulas" and "nested choice formulas" to prove the completeness theorems for dstit logics in a language with the dstit operator as the only non-truth-functional operator. The main logic discussed in this paper is the basic logic of dstit with multiple agents, other logics discussed include the basic logic of dstit with a single agent and some logics of dstit with multiple (...)
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  15.  81
    Fundamental axioms for preference relations.Bengt Hansson - 1968 - Synthese 18 (4):423 - 442.
    The basic theory of preference relations contains a trivial part reflected by axioms A1 and A2, which say that preference relations are preorders. The next step is to find other axims which carry the theory beyond the level of the trivial. This paper is to a great part a critical survey of such suggested axioms. The results are much in the negative — many proposed axioms imply too strange theorems to be acceptable as axioms in a general theory of preference. (...)
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  16.  17
    Forcing axioms for λ‐complete μ+$\mu ^+$‐c.c.Saharon Shelah - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (1):6-26.
    We consider forcing axioms for suitable families of μ‐complete ‐c.c. forcing notions. We show that some form of the condition “ have a in ” is necessary. We also show some versions are really stronger than others.
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  17. (1 other version)Ordinal Conditional Functions. A Dynamic Theory of Epistemic States.Wolfgang Spohn - 1988 - In W. L. Harper & B. Skyrms, Causation in Decision, Belief Change, and Statistics, vol. II. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    It is natural and important to have a formal representation of plain belief, according to which propositions are held true, or held false, or neither. (In the paper this is called a deterministic representation of epistemic states). And it is of great philosophical importance to have a dynamic account of plain belief. AGM belief revision theory seems to provide such an account, but it founders at the problem of iterated belief revision, since it can generally account only for one step (...)
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  18.  31
    Axioms for Defeat in Democratic Elections.Wesley H. Holliday & Eric Pacuit - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical Politics 33 (4):475 - 524.
    We propose six axioms concerning when one candidate should defeat another in a democratic election involving two or more candidates. Five of the axioms are widely satisfied by known voting procedures. The sixth axiom is a weakening of Kenneth Arrow's famous condition of the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA). We call this weakening Coherent IIA. We prove that the five axioms plus Coherent IIA single out a method of determining defeats studied in our recent work: Split Cycle. In particular, (...)
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  19.  78
    An axiom system for orthomodular quantum logic.Gary M. Hardegree - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (1):1 - 12.
    Logical matrices for orthomodular logic are introduced. The underlying algebraic structures are orthomodular lattices, where the conditional connective is the Sasaki arrow. An axiomatic calculusOMC is proposed for the orthomodular-valid formulas.OMC is based on two primitive connectives — the conditional, and the falsity constant. Of the five axiom schemata and two rules, only one pertains to the falsity constant. Soundness is routine. Completeness is demonstrated using standard algebraic techniques. The Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra ofOMC is constructed, and it is shown to (...)
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  20.  99
    Iterated Belief Change and the Recovery Axiom.Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose, Thomas Meyer & Ka-Shu Wong - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (5):501-520.
    The axiom of recovery, while capturing a central intuition regarding belief change, has been the source of much controversy. We argue briefly against putative counterexamples to the axiom—while agreeing that some of their insight deserves to be preserved—and present additional recovery-like axioms in a framework that uses epistemic states, which encode preferences, as the object of revisions. This makes iterated revision possible and renders explicit the connection between iterated belief change and the axiom of recovery. We provide (...)
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  21.  52
    Conditional Preference and Causal Expected Utility.Brad Armendt - 1988 - In W. L. Harper & B. Skyrms, Causation in Decision, Belief Change, and Statistics, vol. II. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3-24.
    Sequel to Armendt 1986, ‘A Foundation for Causal Decision Theory.’ The representation theorem for causal decision theory is slightly revised, with the addition of a new restriction on lotteries and a new axiom (A7). The discussion gives some emphasis to the way in which appropriate K-partitions are characterized by relations found among the agent’s conditional preferences. The intended interpretation of conditional preference is one that embodies a sensitivity to the agent’s causal beliefs.
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  22.  42
    Axioms for a Logic of Consequential Counterfactuals.Claudio E. A. Pizzi - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (5):907-925.
    The basis of the paper is a logic of analytical consequential implication, CI.0, which is known to be equivalent to the well-known modal system KT thanks to the definition A → B = df A ⥽ B ∧ Ξ (Α, Β), Ξ (Α, Β) being a symbol for what is called here Equimodality Property: (□A ≡ □B) ∧ (◊A ≡ ◊B). Extending CI.0 (=KT) with axioms and rules for the so-called circumstantial operator symbolized by *, one obtains a system CI.0*Eq (...)
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  23.  46
    The causal axioms of algebraic quantum field theory: A diagnostic.Francisco Calderón - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):98-108.
    Algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) puts forward three ``causal axioms'' that aim to characterize the theory as one that implements relativistic causation: the spectrum condition, microcausality, and primitive causality. In this paper, I aim to show, in a minimally technical way, that none of them fully explains the notion of causation appropriate for AQFT because they only capture some of the desiderata for relativistic causation I state or because it is often unclear how each axiom implements its respective desideratum. (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Conditional Probability and Defeasible Inference.Rohit Parikh - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (1):97 - 119.
    We offer a probabilistic model of rational consequence relations (Lehmann and Magidor, 1990) by appealing to the extension of the classical Ramsey-Adams test proposed by Vann McGee in (McGee, 1994). Previous and influential models of nonmonotonic consequence relations have been produced in terms of the dynamics of expectations (Gärdenfors and Makinson, 1994; Gärdenfors, 1993).'Expectation' is a term of art in these models, which should not be confused with the notion of expected utility. The expectations of an agent are some form (...)
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  25.  12
    The McKinsey Axiom on Weakly Transitive Frames.Qian Chen & Minghui Ma - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-24.
    The McKinsey axiom \((\textrm{M})\ \Box \Diamond p\rightarrow \Diamond \Box p\) has a local first-order correspondent on the class of all weakly transitive frames \({{\mathcal {W}}}{{\mathcal {T}}}\). It globally corresponds to Lemmon’s condition \(({\textsf{m}}^\infty )\) on \({{\mathcal {W}}}{{\mathcal {T}}}\). The formula \((\textrm{M})\) is canonical over the weakly transitive modal logic \(\textsf{wK4}={\textsf{K}}\oplus p\wedge \Box p\rightarrow \Box \Box p\). The modal logic \(\mathsf {wK4.1}=\textsf{wK4}\oplus \textrm{M}\) has the finite model property. The modal logics \(\mathsf {wK4.1T}_0^n\) ( \( n>0\) ) form an infinite descending (...)
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  26.  75
    Church Without Dogma: Axioms for Computability.Wilfried Sieg - unknown
    Church's and Turing's theses dogmatically assert that an informal notion of effective calculability is adequately captured by a particular mathematical concept of computability. I present an analysis of calculability that is embedded in a rich historical and philosophical context, leads to precise concepts, but dispenses with theses. To investigate effective calculability is to analyze symbolic processes that can in principle be carried out by calculators. This is a philosophical lesson we owe to Turing. Drawing on that lesson and recasting work (...)
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  27.  84
    Conditionals and monotonic belief revisions: the success postulate.Horacio L. Arlo Costa - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):557-566.
    One of the main applications of the logic of theory change is to the epistemic analysis of conditionals via the so-called Ramsey test. In the first part of the present note this test is studied in the “limiting case” where the theory being revised is inconsistent, and it is shown that this case manifests an intrinsic incompatibility between the Ramsey test and the AGM postulate of “success”. The paper then analyses the use of the postulate of success, and a weakening (...)
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  28.  75
    Conditioning Capacities and Choquet Integrals: The Role of Comonotony.Alain Chateauneuf, Robert Kast & André Lapied - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (2/4):367-386.
    Choquet integrals and capacities play a crucial role in modern decision theory. Comonotony is a central concept for these theories because the main property of a Choquet integral is its additivity for comonotone functions. We consider a Choquet integral representation of preferences showing uncertainty aversion (pessimism) and propose axioms on time consistency which yield a candidate for conditional Choquet integrals. An other axiom characterizes the role of comonotony in the use of information. We obtain two conditioning rules for (...)
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  29. Conditional Excluded Middle in Systems of Consequential Implication.Claudio Pizzi & Timothy Williamson - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (4):333-362.
    It is natural to ask under what conditions negating a conditional is equivalent to negating its consequent. Given a bivalent background logic, this is equivalent to asking about the conjunction of Conditional Excluded Middle (CEM, opposite conditionals are not both false) and Weak Boethius' Thesis (WBT, opposite conditionals are not both true). In the system CI.0 of consequential implication, which is intertranslatable with the modal logic KT, WBT is a theorem, so it is natural to ask which instances of CEM (...)
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  30.  4
    Conditional normative reasoning as a fragment of HOL.Xavier Parent & Christoph Benzmüller - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (4):561-592.
    We report on the mechanisation of (preference-based) conditional normative reasoning. Our focus is on Åqvist's system E for conditional obligation, and its extensions. Our mechanisation is achieved via a shallow semantical embedding in Isabelle/HOL. We consider two possible uses of the framework. The first one is as a tool for meta-reasoning about the considered logic. We employ it for the automated verification of deontic correspondences (broadly conceived) and related matters, analogous to what has been previously achieved for the modal logic (...)
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  31.  22
    Explicit Conditionals in the Framework of Classical Conditional Logic.Claudio E. A. Pizzi - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (2):161-187.
    The paper proposes a first approach to systems whose language includes two primitives (>+ and >-) as symbols for factual and counterfactual conditionals which are explicit, i.e. that are stated jointly with the truth or falsity of the antecedent clause. In systems based on this language, here called 2-conditional, the standard corner operator may be defined by (Def>) A > B := (A >+ B)∨(A >- B), while in classical conditional systems one could introduce the two symbols for explicit conditionals (...)
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  32.  54
    A sufficient condition for completability of partial combinatory algebras.Andrea Asperti & Agata Ciabattoni - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1209-1214.
    A Partial Combinatory Algebra is completable if it can be extended to a total one. In [1] it is asked (question 11, posed by D. Scott, H. Barendregt, and G. Mitschke) if every PCA can be completed. A negative answer to this question was given by Klop in [12, 11]; moreover he provided a sufficient condition for completability of a PCA (M, ·, K, S) in the form of ten axioms (inequalities) on terms of M. We prove that just one (...)
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  33.  36
    Von Rimscha's Transitivity Conditions.Paul Howard, Jean E. Rubin & Adrienne Stanley - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (4):549-554.
    In Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice every set has the same cardinal number as some ordinal. Von Rimscha has weakened this condition to “Every set has the same cardinal number as some transitive set”. In set theory without the axiom of choice, we study the deductive strength of this and similar statements introduced by von Rimscha.
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  34.  83
    Conditionals and Conditional Probabilities without Triviality.Alexander R. Pruss - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (3):551-558.
    The Adams Thesis holds for a conditional → and a probability assignment P if and only if P=P whenever P>0. The restriction ensures that P is well defined by the classical formula P=P/P. Drawing on deep results of Maharam on measure algebras, it is shown that, notwithstanding well-known triviality results, any probability space can be extended to a probability space with a new conditional satisfying the Adams Thesis and satisfying a number of axioms for conditionals. This puts significant limits on (...)
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  35. Can redescriptions of outcomes salvage the axioms of decision theory?Jean Baccelli & Philippe Mongin - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1621-1648.
    The basic axioms or formal conditions of decision theory, especially the ordering condition put on preferences and the axioms underlying the expected utility formula, are subject to a number of counter-examples, some of which can be endowed with normative value and thus fall within the ambit of a philosophical reflection on practical rationality. Against such counter-examples, a defensive strategy has been developed which consists in redescribing the outcomes of the available options in such a way that the threatened axioms or (...)
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  36.  65
    Relativistic hadronic mechanics: Nonunitary, axiom-preserving completion of relativistic quantum mechanics.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (5):625-729.
    The most majestic scientific achievement, of this century in mathematical beauty, axiomatic consistency, and experimental verifications has been special relativity with its unitary structure at the operator level, and canonical structure at the classical levels, which has turned out to be exactly valid for point particles moving in the homogenenous and isotropic vacuum (exterior dynamical problems). In recent decades a number of authors have studied nonunitary and noncanonical theories, here generally calleddeformations for the representation of broader conditions, such as extended (...)
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  37.  27
    Set and revealed preference axioms for multi-valued choice.Hans Peters & Panos Protopapas - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (1):11-29.
    We consider choice correspondences that assign a subset to every choice set of alternatives, where the total set of alternatives is an arbitrary finite or infinite set. We focus on the relations between several extensions of the condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives on one hand, and conditions on the revealed preference relation on sets, notably the weak axiom of revealed preference, on the other hand. We also establish the connection between the condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives and (...)
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  38. Conditional Probability and Dutch Books.Frank Döring - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):391 - 409.
    There is no set Δ of probability axioms that meets the following three desiderata: (1) Δ is vindicated by a Dutch book theorem; (2) Δ does not imply regularity (and thus allows, among other things, updating by conditionalization); (3) Δ constrains the conditional probability q(·,z) even when the unconditional probability p(z) (=q(z,T)) equals 0. This has significant consequences for Bayesian epistemology, some of which are discussed.
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    Completeness for counter-doxa conditionals – using ranking semantics.Eric Raidl - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):861-891.
    Standard conditionals $\varphi > \psi$, by which I roughly mean variably strict conditionals à la Stalnaker and Lewis, are trivially true for impossible antecedents. This article investigates three modifications in a doxastic setting. For the neutral conditional, all impossible-antecedent conditionals are false, for the doxastic conditional they are only true if the consequent is absolutely necessary, and for the metaphysical conditional only if the consequent is ‘model-implied’ by the antecedent. I motivate these conditionals logically, and also doxastically by properties of (...)
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  40.  2
    Bypassing Lewis’ Triviality Results. A Kripke-Style Partial Semantics fir Compounds of Adams’ Conditionals.Alberto Mura - 2021 - Argumenta 6 (2):293-354.
    Bypassing Lewis’ Triviality Results. A Kripke-Style Partial Semantics for Compounds of Adams’ Conditionals Alberto Mura University of Sassari Abstract According to Lewis’ Triviality Results (LTR), conditionals cannot satisfy the equa­tion (E) P(C if A) = P(C | A), except in trivial cases. Ernst Adams (1975), however, provided a probabilistic semantics for the so-called simple conditionals that also sat­isfies equation (E) and provides a probabilistic counterpart of logical consequence (called p-entailment). Adams’ probabilistic semantics is coextensive to Stalnaker­Thomason’s (1970) and Lewis’ (1973) (...)
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  41.  18
    Choice Principles and Compactness Conditions.Bernhard Banaschewski - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):427-430.
    It is shown in Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory that Cκ, the Axiom of Choice for κ-indexed families of arbitrary sets, is equivalent to the condition that the frame envelope of any κ-frame is κ-Lindelöf, for any cardinal κ.
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  42. Rational choice on non-finite sets by means of expansion-contraction axioms.M. Carmen Sánchez - 1998 - Theory and Decision 45 (1):1-17.
    The rationalization of a choice function, in terms of assumptions that involve expansion or contraction properties of the feasible set, over non-finite sets is analyzed. Schwartz's results, stated in the finite case, are extended to this more general framework. Moreover, a characterization result when continuity conditions are imposed on the choice function, as well as on the binary relation that rationalizes it, is presented.
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  43. (1 other version)Belief revision conditionals: basic iterated systems.Horacio Arló-Costa - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1-3):3-28.
    It is now well known that, on pain of triviality, the probability of a conditional cannot be identified with the corresponding conditional probability [25]. This surprising impossibility result has a qualitative counterpart. In fact, Peter Gärdenfors showed in [13] that believing ‘If A then B’ cannot be equated with the act of believing B on the supposition that A — as long as supposing obeys minimal Bayesian constraints. Recent work has shown that in spite of these negative results, the question (...)
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  44.  94
    Some restricted lindenbaum theorems equivalent to the axiom of choice.David W. Miller - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (1):183-199.
    . Dzik [2] gives a direct proof of the axiom of choice from the generalized Lindenbaum extension theorem LET. The converse is part of every decent logical education. Inspection of Dzik’s proof shows that its premise let attributes a very special version of the Lindenbaum extension property to a very special class of deductive systems, here called Dzik systems. The problem therefore arises of giving a direct proof, not using the axiom of choice, of the conditional . A (...)
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  45. Probability and conditionals.Robert C. Stalnaker - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (1):64-80.
    The aim of the paper is to draw a connection between a semantical theory of conditional statements and the theory of conditional probability. First, the probability calculus is interpreted as a semantics for truth functional logic. Absolute probabilities are treated as degrees of rational belief. Conditional probabilities are explicitly defined in terms of absolute probabilities in the familiar way. Second, the probability calculus is extended in order to provide an interpretation for counterfactual probabilities--conditional probabilities where the condition has zero probability. (...)
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    Faithful representation, physical extensive measurement theory and archimedean axioms.Brent Mundy - 1987 - Synthese 70 (3):373 - 400.
    The formal methods of the representational theory of measurement (RTM) are applied to the extensive scales of physical science, with some modifications of interpretation and of formalism. The interpretative modification is in the direction of theoretical realism rather than the narrow empiricism which is characteristic of RTM. The formal issues concern the formal representational conditions which extensive scales should be assumed to satisfy; I argue in the physical case for conditions related to weak rather than strong extensive measurement, in the (...)
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  47. The Logic of the Evidential Conditional.Eric Raidl, Andrea Iacona & Vincenzo Crupi - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):758-770.
    In some recent works, Crupi and Iacona have outlined an analysis of ‘if’ based on Chrysippus’ idea that a conditional holds whenever the negation of its consequent is incompatible with its antecedent. This paper presents a sound and complete system of conditional logic that accommodates their analysis. The soundness and completeness proofs that will be provided rely on a general method elaborated by Raidl, which applies to a wide range of systems of conditional logic.
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  48.  26
    Some Admissible Rules in Modal Systems with the Brouwerian Axiom.Timothy Williamson - 1996 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 4 (2):283-303.
    The paper studies the admissibility of some cancellation rules in normal modal systems with the Brouwerian axiom. For example, KDB and KTB are proved to admit the following rule: if ⊢ ¬ and ⊢ ⋄α ≡ ⋄β then ⊢ ¬. Two notions of the preservation of validity by a rule on a frame are defined; on both, the preservation of validity by the preceding rule is shown not to be a first-order condition. A speculative connection is suggested with logics (...)
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  49. Bell's Inequalities and Kolmogorov's Axioms.David Atkinson - unknown
    After recalling proofs of the Bell inequality based on the assumptions of separability and of noncontextuality, the most general noncontextual contrapositive conditional probabilities consistent with the Aspect experiment are constructed. In general these probabilities are not all positive.
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  50.  84
    On Seidenfeld‘s Criticism of Sophisticated Violations of the Independence Axiom.Wlodek Rabinowicz - 1997 - Theory and Decision 43 (3):279-292.
    An agent who violates independence can avoid dynamic inconsistency in sequential choice if he is sophisticated enough to make use of backward induction in planning. However, Seidenfeld has demonstrated that such a sophisticated agent with dependent preferences is bound to violate the principle of dynamic substitution, according to which admissibility of a plan is preserved under substitution of indifferent options at various choice nodes in the decision tree. Since Seidenfeld considers dynamic substitution to be a coherence condition on dynamic choice, (...)
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