Results for 'commuting'

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  1. Commutativity or Holism? A Dilemma for Conditionalizers.Jonathan Weisberg - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (4):793-812.
    Conditionalization and Jeffrey Conditionalization cannot simultaneously satisfy two widely held desiderata on rules for empirical learning. The first desideratum is confirmational holism, which says that the evidential import of an experience is always sensitive to our background assumptions. The second desideratum is commutativity, which says that the order in which one acquires evidence shouldn't affect what conclusions one draws, provided the same total evidence is gathered in the end. (Jeffrey) Conditionalization cannot satisfy either of these desiderata without violating the other. (...)
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    Commutative POVMs and Fuzzy Observables.S. Twareque Ali, Claudio Carmeli, Teiko Heinosaari & Alessandro Toigo - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (6):593-612.
    In this paper we review some properties of fuzzy observables, mainly as realized by commutative positive operator valued measures. In this context we discuss two representation theorems for commutative positive operator valued measures in terms of projection valued measures and describe, in some detail, the general notion of fuzzification. We also make some related observations on joint measurements.
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    (1 other version)Bounded commutative b-c-k logic and Lukasiewicz logic.Marta Sagastume - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (2):575-583.
    In [9] it is proved the categorical isomorphism of two varieties: bounded commutative BCK-algebras and MV -algebras. The class of MV -algebras is the algebraic counterpart of the infinite valued propositional calculus L of Lukasiewicz . The main objective of the present paper is to study that isomorphism from the perspective of logic. The B-C-K logic is algebraizable and the quasivariety of BCKalgebras is the equivalent algebraic semantics for that logic . We call commutative B-C-K logic, briefly cBCK, to the (...)
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  4. Commutative falling neutrosophic ideals in BCK-algebras.Young Bae Jun, Florentin Smarandache & Mehmat Ali Ozturk - 2018 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 20:44-53.
    The notions of a commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal and a commutative falling neutrosophic ideal are introduced, and several properties are investigated. Characterizations of a commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are obtained. Relations between commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal and (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are discussed. Conditions for an (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal to be a commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are established. Relations between commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal, falling neutrosophic ideal and commutative falling neutrosophic ideal are considered. Conditions for a falling neutrosophic ideal to be (...)
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    Nudging Commuters to Increase Public Transport Use: A Field Experiment in Rotterdam.Samuel Franssens, Ebo Botchway, Willie de Swart & Siegfried Dewitte - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A large-scale field experiment in Rotterdam, Netherlands, tested whether nudging could increase public transport use. During one work week, 4000 commuters on six bus lines, received a free travel card holder. On the three bus lines in the experimental condition, the card holders displayed a social label that branded bus passengers as sustainable travelers because of their bus use. On the three bus lines in the control condition, there was no such message on the card holders. Analysis of the number (...)
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    Commutative integral bounded residuated lattices with an added involution.Roberto Cignoli & Francesc Esteva - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):150-160.
    A symmetric residuated lattice is an algebra such that is a commutative integral bounded residuated lattice and the equations x=x and =xy are satisfied. The aim of the paper is to investigate the properties of the unary operation ε defined by the prescription εx=x→0. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for ε being an interior operator. Since these conditions are rather restrictive →0)=1 is satisfied) we consider when an iteration of ε is an interior operator. In particular we consider the (...)
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  7. Commutativity, Normativity, and Holism: Lange Revisited.Lisa Cassell - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):159-173.
    Lange (2000) famously argues that although Jeffrey Conditionalization is non-commutative over evidence, it’s not defective in virtue of this feature. Since reversing the order of the evidence in a sequence of updates that don’t commute does not reverse the order of the experiences that underwrite these revisions, the conditions required to generate commutativity failure at the level of experience will fail to hold in cases where we get commutativity failure at the level of evidence. If our interest in commutativity is, (...)
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    Non-commutative topology and quantales.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Francisco Miraglia - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (2):223-236.
    The relationship between q-spaces (c.f. [9]) and quantum spaces (c.f. [5]) is studied, proving that both models coincide in the case of Spec A, the spectrum of a non-commutative C*-algebra A. It is shown that a sober T 1 quantum space is a classical topological space. This difficulty is circumvented through a new definition of point in a quantale. With this new definition, it is proved that Lid A has enough points. A notion of orthogonality in quantum spaces is introduced, (...)
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    Non-commutative logical algebras and algebraic quantales.Wolfgang Rump & Yi Chuan Yang - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):759-785.
    Quantum B-algebras, the partially ordered implicational algebras arising as subreducts of quantales, are introduced axiomatically. It is shown that they provide a unified semantic for non-commutative algebraic logic. Specifically, they cover the vast majority of implicational algebras like BCK-algebras, residuated lattices, partially ordered groups, BL- and MV-algebras, effect algebras, and their non-commutative extensions. The opposite of the category of quantum B-algebras is shown to be equivalent to the category of logical quantales, in the way that every quantum B-algebra admits a (...)
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  10.  78
    Commuting Conversions vs. the Standard Conversions of the “Good” Connectives.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (1):63-84.
    Commuting conversions were introduced in the natural deduction calculus as ad hoc devices for the purpose of guaranteeing the subformula property in normal proofs. In a well known book, Jean-Yves Girard commented harshly on these conversions, saying that ‘one tends to think that natural deduction should be modified to correct such atrocities.’ We present an embedding of the intuitionistic predicate calculus into a second-order predicative system for which there is no need for commuting conversions. Furthermore, we show that (...)
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  11.  67
    Commuting Bodies Move, Creatively.Astrida Neimanis - 2008 - PhaenEx 3 (2):115-148.
    In this paper, I sketch out the way our bodies are engaged while commuting in order to elucidate several key aspects of the bodily experience of “in-between-ness.” I discover that within the rhythm and movement of the in-between, our bodies can open to a specific kind of conceptual creativity—an insight that I unfold in reference to the unanticipated innovation and transformation that accompanies other bodily experiences of in-between-ness more generally. This sketch, however, also demands that I reflect on phenomenological (...)
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  12.  25
    Commutative Justice: A Liberal Theory of Just Exchange.Carl David Mildenberger - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This book develops a liberal theory of justice in exchange. It identifies the conditions that market exchanges need to fulfill to be just. It also addresses head-on a consequentialist challenge to existing theories of exchange, namely that, in light of new harms faced at the global level, we need to consider the combined consequences of millions of market exchanges to reach a final judgment about whether some individual exchange is just. The author argues that, even if we accept this challenge, (...)
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  13.  27
    Commutative rings whose ideals form an MV‐algebra.Lawrence P. Belluce & Antonio Di Nola - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):468-486.
    In this work we introduce a class of commutative rings whose defining condition is that its lattice of ideals, augmented with the ideal product, the semi-ring of ideals, is isomorphic to an MV-algebra. This class of rings coincides with the class of commutative rings which are direct sums of local Artinian chain rings with unit.
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    Self-commuting quantifiers.Dag Westerståhl - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):212-224.
    We characterize the generalized quantifiers Q which satisfy the scheme $QxQy\phi \leftrightarrow QyQx\phi$ , the so-called self-commuting quantifiers, or quantifiers with the Fubini property.
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    Non-commutative proof construction: a constraint-based approach.Jean-Marc Andreoli, Roberto Maieli & Paul Ruet - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142 (1):212-244.
    This work presents a computational interpretation of the construction process for cyclic linear logic and non-commutative logic sequential proofs. We assume a proof construction paradigm, based on a normalisation procedure known as focussing, which efficiently manages the non-determinism of the construction. Similarly to the commutative case, a new formulation of focussing for NL is used to introduce a general constraint-based technique in order to dealwith partial information during proof construction. In particular, the procedure develops through construction steps propagating constraints in (...)
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  16. Non-Commutative Operations in Consciousness Studies.Harald Atmanspacher - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (3-4):24-39.
    Two operations, e.g. measurements, successively applied to the state of a system are said to be non-commutative if the sequence of their application makes a difference for the final result. Non-commuting operations play a crucial role in quantum theory, where they are intimately related to concepts as central as those of complementarity and entanglement. However, their significance is not restricted to the small dimensions of the microworld. For reasons easy to understand, non-commuting operations must be expected to be (...)
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  17. The Commutativity of Evidence: A Problem for Conciliatory Views of Peer Disagreement.Georgi Gardiner - 2014 - Episteme 11 (1):83-95.
    Conciliatory views of peer disagreement hold that when an agent encounters peer disagreement she should conciliate by adjusting her doxastic attitude towards that of her peer. In this paper I distinguish different ways conciliation can be understood and argue that the way conciliationism is typically understood violates the principle of commutativity of evidence. Commutativity of evidence holds that the order in which evidence is acquired should not influence what it is reasonable to believe based on that evidence. I argue that (...)
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  18. Temporal non-commutative logic: Expressing time, resource, order and hierarchy.Norihiro Kamide - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (2):97-126.
    A first-order temporal non-commutative logic TN[l], which has no structural rules and has some l-bounded linear-time temporal operators, is introduced as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. The logic TN[l] allows us to provide not only time-dependent, resource-sensitive, ordered, but also hierarchical reasoning. Decidability, cut-elimination and completeness (w.r.t. phase semantics) theorems are shown for TN[l]. An advantage of TN[l] is its decidability, because the standard first-order linear-time temporal logic is undecidable. A correspondence theorem between TN[l] and a resource indexed non-commutative logic RN[l] (...)
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  19. Non-commutative logic I: the multiplicative fragment.V. Michele Abrusci & Paul Ruet - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (1):29-64.
    We introduce proof nets and sequent calculus for the multiplicative fragment of non-commutative logic, which is an extension of both linear logic and cyclic linear logic. The two main technical novelties are a third switching position for the non-commutative disjunction, and the structure of order variety.
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  20. QE commutative nilrings.D. Saracino & C. Wood - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):644-651.
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  21. Probability kinematics and commutativity.Carl G. Wagner - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):266-278.
    The so-called "non-commutativity" of probability kinematics has caused much unjustified concern. When identical learning is properly represented, namely, by identical Bayes factors rather than identical posterior probabilities, then sequential probability-kinematical revisions behave just as they should. Our analysis is based on a variant of Field's reformulation of probability kinematics, divested of its (inessential) physicalist gloss.
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    Commutator conditions and splitting automorphisms for stable groups.Frank O. Wagner - 1993 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (3):223-228.
    We show that a stable groupG satisfying certain commutator conditions is nilpotent. Furthermore, a soluble stable group with generically splitting automorphism of prime order is nilpotent-by-finite. In particular, a soluble stable group with a generic element of prime order is nilpotent-by-finite.
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    Commutative regular rings and Boolean-valued fields.Kay Smith - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):281-297.
    In this paper we present an equivalence between the category of commutative regular rings and the category of Boolean-valued fields, i.e., Boolean-valued sets for which the field axioms are true. The author used this equivalence in [12] to develop a Galois theory for commutative regular rings. Here we apply the equivalence to give an alternative construction of an algebraic closure for any commutative regular ring.Boolean-valued sets were developed in 1965 by Scott and Solovay [10] to simplify independence proofs in set (...)
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  24. Preservation, Commutativity and Modus Ponens: Two Recent Triviality Results.Jake Chandler - 2017 - Mind 126 (502):579-602.
    In a recent pair of publications, Richard Bradley has offered two novel no-go theorems involving the principle of Preservation for conditionals, which guarantees that one’s prior conditional beliefs will exhibit a certain degree of inertia in the face of a change in one’s non-conditional beliefs. We first note that Bradley’s original discussions of these results—in which he finds motivation for rejecting Preservation, first in a principle of Commutativity, then in a doxastic analogue of the rule of modus ponens —are problematic (...)
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  25. Disagreement, equal weight and commutativity.Alastair Wilson - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 149 (3):321 - 326.
    How should we respond to cases of disagreement where two epistemic agents have the same evidence but come to different conclusions? Adam Elga has provided a Bayesian framework for addressing this question. In this paper, I shall highlight two unfortunate consequences of this framework, which Elga does not anticipate. Both problems derive from a failure of commutativity between application of the equal weight view and updating in the light of other evidence.
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    Commutative Energetic Subsets of BCK-Algebras.Young Bae Jun, Eun Hwan Roh & Seok Zun Song - 2016 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (1).
    The notions of a C-energetic subset and permeable C-value in BCK-algebras are introduced, and related properties are investigated. Conditions for an element t in [0, 1] to be an permeable C-value are provided. Also conditions for a subset to be a C-energetic subset are discussed. We decompose BCK-algebra by a partition which consists of a C-energetic subset and a commutative ideal.
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  27. Non-commutative logic I: the multiplicative fragment.P. Ruet & M. Abrusci - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (1):29-64.
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    Commutation-Augmented Pregroup Grammars and Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages.Nissim Francez & Michael Kaminski - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (2-3):295-321.
    The paper presents a generalization of pregroup, by which a freely-generated pregroup is augmented with a finite set of commuting inequations, allowing limited commutativity and cancelability. It is shown that grammars based on the commutation-augmented pregroups generate mildly context-sensitive languages. A version of Lambek’s switching lemma is established for these pregroups. Polynomial parsability and semilinearity are shown for languages generated by these grammars.
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  29. Commuting probability revisions: The uniformity rule. [REVIEW]Carl G. Wagner - 2003 - Erkenntnis 59 (3):349-364.
    A simple rule of probability revision ensures that the final result ofa sequence of probability revisions is undisturbed by an alterationin the temporal order of the learning prompting those revisions.This Uniformity Rule dictates that identical learning be reflectedin identical ratios of certain new-to-old odds, and is grounded in the oldBayesian idea that such ratios represent what is learned from new experiencealone, with prior probabilities factored out. The main theorem of this paperincludes as special cases (i) Field's theorem on commuting (...)
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    Non-commutative Łukasiewicz propositional logic.Ioana Leuştean - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):191-213.
    The non-commutative counterpart of the well-known Łukasiewicz propositional logic is developed, in strong connection with the algebraic theory of psMV-algebras. An extension by a new unary logical connective is also considered and a stronger completeness result is proved for this system.
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    Commutative basic algebras and non-associative fuzzy logics.Michal Botur & Radomír Halaš - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (3-4):243-255.
    Several investigations in probability theory and the theory of expert systems show that it is important to search for some reasonable generalizations of fuzzy logics (e.g. Łukasiewicz, Gödel or product logic) having a non-associative conjunction. In the present paper, we offer a non-associative fuzzy logic L CBA having as an equivalent algebraic semantics lattices with section antitone involutions satisfying the contraposition law, so-called commutative basic algebras. The class (variety) CBA of commutative basic algebras was intensively studied in several recent papers (...)
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    Generalization of Krinsky's commutativity proof of transfer matrices with Hamiltonians.Huzihiro Araki & Takaaki Tabuchi - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (11):1485-1494.
    The commutativity of the 1-dimensional XY-h type Hamiltonian and the transfer matrix of a 2-dimensional spin-lattice model constructed from an R-matrix is studied by Sutherland's method. We generalize Krinsky's result to more general Hamiltonians and more general R matrices, and we obtain a generic condition on their parameters for the commutativity, which defines an irreducible algebraic manifold in the parameter space.
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  33. Illusions of Commutativity: The Case for Conditional Excluded Middle Revisited.Patrick Todd, Brian Rabern & Wolfgang Schwarz - manuscript
    The principle of Conditional Excluded Middle has been a matter of longstanding controversy in both semantics and metaphysics. The principle suggests (among other things) that for any coin that isn't flipped, there is a fact of the matter about how it would have landed if it had been flipped: either it would have landed heads, or it would have landed tails. This view has gained support from linguistic evidence indicating that ‘would’ commutes with negation (e.g., ‘not: if A, would C’ (...)
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  34. Additivity of the commutator and residuation.Janusz Czelakowski - 2008 - Reports on Mathematical Logic.
    The notion of a commutator lattice is investigated. It is shown that the class of commutator lattices is coextensive with the class of lattices with residuation.
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    On classification of commutative BCK-logics'.Kazimiera Dyrda - 1985 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 14 (1):30-32.
    A classification of commutative BCK-logics which is an analogon of Hosoi classification of intermediate logics is given in the paper.
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    Commutativity, Comeasurability, and Contextuality in the Kochen-Specker Arguments.Gábor Hofer-Szabó - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (3):483-510.
    I will argue that Kochen-Specker arguments do not provide an algebraic proof for quantum contextuality since, for the argument to be effective, operators must be uniquely associated with measur...
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    Commuters, Located Life Interests, and the City's Demos.Lior Glick - 2020 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (4):480-495.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 29, Issue 4, Page 480-495, December 2021.
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  38. Squares of Oppositions, Commutative Diagrams, and Galois Connections for Topological Spaces and Similarity Structures.Thomas Mormann - manuscript
    The aim of this paper is to elucidate the relationship between Aristotelian conceptual oppositions, commutative diagrams of relational structures, and Galois connections.This is done by investigating in detail some examples of Aristotelian conceptual oppositions arising from topological spaces and similarity structures. The main technical device for this endeavor is the notion of Galois connections of order structures.
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  39. A Philosopher Looks at Non-Commutative Geometry.Nick Huggett - 2018
    This paper introduces some basic ideas and formalism of physics in non-commutative geometry. My goals are three-fold: first to introduce the basic formal and conceptual ideas of non-commutative geometry, and second to raise and address some philosophical questions about it. Third, more generally to illuminate the point that deriving spacetime from a more fundamental theory requires discovering new modes of `physically salient' derivation.
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    Modal Definability: Two Commuting Equivalence Relations.Yana Rumenova & Tinko Tinchev - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):177-194.
    We prove that modal definability with respect to the class of all structures with two commuting equivalence relations is an undecidable problem. The construction used in the proof shows that the same is true for the subclass of all finite structures. For that reason we prove that the first-order theories of these classes are undecidable and reduce the latter problem to the former.
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    On Commutative and Nonassociative Syntactic Calculi and Categorial Grammars.Maciej Kandulski - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):217-235.
    Two axiomatizations of the nonassociative and commutative Lambek syntactic calculus are given and their equivalence is proved. The first axiomatization employs Permutation as the only structural rule, the second one, with no Permutation rule, employs only unidirectional types. It is also shown that in the case of the Ajdukiewicz calculus an analogous equivalence is valid only in the case of a restricted set of formulas. Unidirectional axiomatizations are employed in order to establish the generative power of categorial grammars based on (...)
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    Work, Rest, Play... and the Commute.David Jenkins - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (4):511-535.
    While there has been considerable philosophical attention given to injustices surrounding work, there has been much less on those injustices that pertain specifically to workers’ commutes. In this paper, I argue that commutes are important parts of people’s working lives, and thus deserve attention as sites of potentially considerable injustice. I evaluate commutes in terms of their impact on people’s work, their rest, the control they exercise over their lives outside of work, and their ability to meet the demands of (...)
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    Iconicity in mathematical notation: commutativity and symmetry.Theresa Wege, Sophie Batchelor, Matthew Inglis, Honali Mistry & Dirk Schlimm - 2020 - Journal of Numerical Cognition 3 (6):378-392.
    Mathematical notation includes a vast array of signs. Most mathematical signs appear to be symbolic, in the sense that their meaning is arbitrarily related to their visual appearance. We explored the hypothesis that mathematical signs with iconic aspects—those which visually resemble in some way the concepts they represent—offer a cognitive advantage over those which are purely symbolic. An early formulation of this hypothesis was made by Christine Ladd in 1883 who suggested that symmetrical signs should be used to convey commutative (...)
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    Commutativity and self-reference.C. Smoryński - 1982 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23 (4):443-452.
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    (1 other version)Commutative recursive word arithmetic in the alphabet of prime numbers.Henry A. Pogorzelski - 1964 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 5 (1):13-23.
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    Non-commutative classical arithmetical sequent calculi are intuitionistic.Revantha Ramanayake - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):441-452.
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    Minimal Varieties of Representable Commutative Residuated Lattices.Rostislav Horčík - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (6):1063-1078.
    We solve several open problems on the cardinality of atoms in the subvariety lattice of residuated lattices and FL-algebras [4, Problems 17—19, pp. 437]. Namely, we prove that the subvariety lattice of residuated lattices contains continuum many 4-potent commutative representable atoms. Analogous results apply also to atoms in the subvariety lattice of FL i -algebras and FL o -algebras. On the other hand, we show that the subvariety lattice of residuated lattices contains only five 3-potent commutative representable atoms and two (...)
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    A derivation of local commutativity from macrocausality using a quantum mechanical theory of measurement.W. M. de Muynck & J. P. H. W. van den Eijnde - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (2):111-146.
    A theory of the joint measurement of quantum mechanical observables is generalized in order to make it applicable to the measurement of the local observables of field theory. Subsequently, the property of local commutativity, which is usually introduced as a postulate, is derived by means of the theory of measurement from a requirement of mutual nondisturbance, which, for local observables performed at a spacelike distance from each other, is interpreted as a requirement of macrocausality. Alternative attempts at establishing a deductive (...)
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    When can non‐commutative statistical inference be Bayesian?Miklós Rédei - 1992 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 6 (2):129-132.
    Abstract Based on recalling two characteristic features of Bayesian statistical inference in commutative probability theory, a stability property of the inference is pointed out, and it is argued that that stability of the Bayesian statistical inference is an essential property which must be preserved under generalization of Bayesian inference to the non?commutative case. Mathematical no?go theorems are recalled then which show that, in general, the stability can not be preserved in non?commutative context. Two possible interpretations of the impossibility of generalization (...)
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    Non-commutative propositional logic with short-circuit evaluation.Jan A. Bergstra, Alban Ponse & Daan J. C. Staudt - 2021 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 31 (3-4):234-278.
    Short-circuit evaluation denotes the semantics of propositional connectives in which the second argument is evaluated only if the first is insufficient to determine the value of the expression. Com...
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