Results for 'common notions'

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  1. Stoic Common Notions in Plotinus.John F. Phillips - 1987 - Dionysius 11:32-52.
  2. Common Notions in Early Modern Thought.Andreas Blank & Dana Jalobeanu (eds.) - 2019 - Special Issue of Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1) (2019): 1–216.
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  3. Forming common notions in a kinetic research collaboration.Hanna Vèaèatèainen - 2017 - In Pirkko Moisala, Taru Leppänen, Milla Tiainen & Hanna Väätäinen (eds.), Musical encounters with Deleuze and Guattari. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  4. Christian Wolff on Common Notions and Duties of Esteem.Andreas Blank - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):171-193.
    While contemporary accounts understand esteem and self-esteem as essentially competitive phenomena, early modern natural law theorists developed a conception of justified esteem and self-esteem based on naturally good character traits. This article explores how such a normative conception of esteem and self-esteem is developed in the work of Christian Wolff. Two features make Wolff’s approach distinctive: He uses the analysis of common notions that are expressed in everyday language to provide a foundation for the aspects of natural law (...)
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  5. The Common Notion of Free Will.Nada Gligorov - 2016 - In Neuroethics and the Scientific Revision of Common Sense. Dordrecht: Springer, Studies in Brain and Mind, Vol. 11.
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    Deduction and Common Notions in Alexander’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics A 1–2.Frans A. J. de Haas - 2021 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 24 (1):71-102.
    In this paper I explore the ways in which Alexander of Aphrodisias employs and develops so-called ‘common notions’ as reliable starting points of deductive arguments. He combines contemporary developments in the Stoic and Epicurean use of common notions with Aristotelian dialectic, and axioms. This more comprehensive concept of common notions can be extracted from Alexander’s commentary on Metaphysics A 1–2. Alexander puts Aristotle’s claim that ‘all human beings by nature desire to know’ in a (...)
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  7. Common Notions and Instincts as Sources of Moral Knowledge in Leibniz’s New Essays on Human Understanding.Markku Roinila - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):141-170.
    In his defense of innateness in New Essays on Human Understanding (1704), Leibniz attributes innateness to concepts and principles which do not originate from the senses rather than to the ideas that we are born with. He argues that the innate concepts and principles can be known in two ways: through reason or natural light (necessary truths), and through instincts (other innate truths and principles). In this paper I will show how theoretical and moral reasoning differ from each other in (...)
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  8. Common Notions and Immortality in Digby and the Early Leibniz.Andreas Blank - 2022 - In Han Thomas Adriaenssen & Laura Georgescu (eds.), The Philosophy of Kenelm Digby (1603–1665). Springer. pp. 59–87.
    Discussions of the relation between confessionalization and early modern natural philosophy have tended to focus on the influence of certain theological doctrines characteristic of the different Christian denominations on specific analyses of the material world. By contrast, I would like to argue that an obstacle to formulating all-too general confessionalization claims derives from ecumenical uses of early modern natural philosophy that serve to provide rational grounds for commonly acceptable theological views. One such ecumenical approach can be found in the work (...)
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    Euclid’s Common Notions and the Theory of Equivalence.Vincenzo De Risi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):301-324.
    The “common notions” prefacing the Elements of Euclid are a very peculiar set of axioms, and their authenticity, as well as their actual role in the demonstrations, have been object of debate. In the first part of this essay, I offer a survey of the evidence for the authenticity of the common notions, and conclude that only three of them are likely to have been in place at the times of Euclid, whereas others were added in (...)
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    The Role of Common Notions in Spinoza’s Ethics.Edward L. Schoen - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (4):537-550.
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    4. Natural Law and Common Notions.Reid Barbour - 2003 - In John Selden: Measures of the Holy Commonwealth in Seventeenth-Century England. University of Toronto Press. pp. 183-242.
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  12. Spinoza's concept of common notions. A functional interpretation.Abraham Rd - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (119-120):27-38.
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    가다머의 공통감각(Common Sense)과 유클리드의 공통개념(Common Notion)에 대한 비교 분석.Yeonjung Lim - 2019 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 91:333-352.
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  14. Introduction: Common Notions. An Overview.Andreas Blank & Dana Jalobeanu - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):9-24.
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  15. Composite Substance, Common Notions, and Kenelm Digby's Theory of Animal Generation.Andreas Blank - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (1):1.
    This paper argues for two claims. (1) In his biological views, Kenelm Digby tries to reconcile aspects of an Aristotelian theory of composite substance with early modern corpuscularianism. (2) From a methodological point of view, he uses the Stoic-Epicurean epistemology of common notions in order to show the adequacy of his conciliatory approach. The first claim is substantiated by an analysis of Digby’s views on the role of mixture and homogeneity in the process of animal generation. The second (...)
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    Nathaniel Culverwell’s Stoic Theory of Common Notions.Mogens Laerke - 2023 - In C. Giglioni, C. Laursen & L. Simonutti (eds.), Mind, Life, and Time: Philosophy and Its Histories in Honour of Sarah Hutton. Springer.
    This chapter takes a closer look at the doctrine of common notions and universal consent developed by Nathaniel Culverwell (1619–51) in his Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature, a work based on lectures delivered at Cambridge in 1645–46, but only published posthumously in 1652. I study Culverwell’s doctrine of common notions and universal consent from the perspective of his critical discussion of two contemporary works, namely Descartes’s Discours de la méthode (1637) and Robert (...)
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  17. Spinoza on the politics of philosophical understanding Susan James and Eric Schliesser angels and philosophers: with a new interpretation of Spinoza's common notions.Eric Schliesser - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (3pt3):497-518.
    In this paper I offer three main challenges to James (2011). All three turn on the nature of philosophy and secure knowledge in Spinoza. First, I criticize James's account of the epistemic role that experience plays in securing adequate ideas for Spinoza. In doing so I criticize her treatment of what is known as the ‘conatus doctrine’ in Spinoza in order to challenge her picture of the relationship between true religion and philosophy. Second, this leads me into a criticism of (...)
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    Aspects of the Early Modern Common Notion. Herbert, Digby, Culverwell. AUTHOR VERSION.Mogens Laerke - 2023 - In Stephen Howard & Jack Stetter (eds.), The Edinburgh Critical History of Early Modern and Enlightenment Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press.
    In this chapter, I explore this complex and somewhat neglected tradition of the early modern common notion. I focus on three thinkers, two of them innatist in some sense, one of them not; all (mostly) products of the English context; all arguably part of the background for Locke’s critique of common notions and innate ideas in the first book of the Essay; and all related to each other in various and complicated ways. They are: Edward Herbert of (...)
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    Aspects of the Early Modern Common Notion. Herbert, Digby, Culverwell.Mogens Laerke - 2023 - In Stephen Howard & Jack Stetter (eds.), The Edinburgh Critical History of Early Modern and Enlightenment Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press.
    In this chapter, I explore the complex and neglected tradition of the early modern common notion. I focus on three thinkers, two of them innatist in some sense, one of them not; all (mostly) products of the English context; all arguably part of the background for Locke’s critique of common notions and innate ideas in the first book of the Essay; and all related to each other in various and complicated ways. They are: Edward Herbert of Cherbury (...)
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    Ennoēmata, Prolēpseis, and Common Notions.Ralph Doty - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):143-148.
  21. Entries “Existence,” “Essence,” “Deduction” and “Common Notions” in The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon.Lawrence Nolan (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  22. Presenting the formal theory of hierarchical complexity.Michael Lamport Commons & Alexander Pekker - 2008 - World Futures 64 (5-7):375 – 382.
    The formal theory of the Model of Hierarchical Complexity is presented. Complexity theories generally exclude the concept of hierarchical complexity; Developmental Psychology has included it for over 20 years. It also applies to social systems and non-human systems. Formal axioms for the Model are outlined. The model assigns an order of hierarchical complexity to every task, using natural numbers, establishing a quantal notion of stage and stages of performance. This formalizes properties of stage theories in psychology. The formal theory of (...)
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  23. On Reichenbach's common cause principle and Reichenbach's notion of common cause.G. Hofer-Szabo - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (3):377-399.
    It is shown that, given any finite set of pairs of random events in a Boolean algebra which are correlated with respect to a fixed probability measure on the algebra, the algebra can be extended in such a way that the extension contains events that can be regarded as common causes of the correlations in the sense of Reichenbach's definition of common cause. It is shown, further, that, given any quantum probability space and any set of commuting events (...)
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  24. The Notion of ‘Common Sense’ in Thomas Reid.Vinícius França Freitas - 2020 - Discurso 50 (1).
    The paper aims to discuss the notion of ‘common sense’ in Thomas Reid’s philosophy. It presents two hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that the common sense that Reid uses in philosophical matters is nothing but the set of original principles of the mind that determine human beings in regard to their notions, beliefs and inclinations, as well as the judgments and beliefs that are due to these principles. The second hypothesis states that Reid understands a kind of (...)
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    On Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle and Reichenbach's Notion of Common Cause.G. Hofer-SzabÓ - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (3):377-399.
    It is shown that, given any finite set of pairs of random events in a Boolean algebra which are correlated with respect to a fixed probability measure on the algebra, the algebra can be extended in such a way that the extension contains events that can be regarded as common causes of the correlations in the sense of Reichenbach's definition of common cause. It is shown, further, that, given any quantum probability space and any set of commuting events (...)
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    Wolterstorff on Reid’s Notion of Common Sense.Petr Glombíček - 2020 - Studia Neoaristotelica 17 (2):221-238.
    The paper addresses a mainstream contemporary view of the notion of common sense in Thomas Reid’s philosophy, as proposed by Nicholas Wolterstorff who claims that Reid was not clear about the concept of common sense, or about the principles of common sense. In contrast, this paper presents Reid’s conception as a clear and traditional Aristotelian notion of common sense and its principles as presuppositions of particular sense judgments, usually taken for granted. The alleged confusion about principles (...)
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  27. Decolonizing the notion of 'Urban Commons' to mitigate the fragility of contemporary cities.Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Proceedings of the International Conference: Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience. London: Counterarchitecture, in collaboration with UEL and Arup. pp. 94-97.
    In recent years, the international commons movement has increasingly joined forces with the global movement of municipalities, putting common ideas on the political agenda in many western countries. Commons have been widely discussed in literature. Broadly understood, commons refers to the practices for collective development, ownership, management, and fair access to resources and artifacts (social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and technological). However, the concept remains vague, complex, and unclear, especially when it comes to different contexts in which new definitions (...)
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    IX.—The Notion of a Common Good.F. Rosamond Shields - 1914 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 14 (1):274-290.
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    Common valence coding in action and evaluation: Affective blindness towards response-compatible stimuli.Andreas B. Eder & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1297-1322.
    A common coding account of bidirectional evaluation–behaviour interactions proposes that evaluative attributes of stimuli and responses are coded in a common representational format. This assumption was tested in two experiments that required evaluations of positive and negative stimuli during the generation of a positively or negatively charged motor response. The results of both experiments revealed a reduced evaluative sensitivity (d′) towards response-compatible stimulus valences. This action–valence blindness supports the notion of a common valence coding in action and (...)
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    The common morality in communitarian thought: Reflective consensus in public policy.Mark G. Kuczewski - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (1):45-54.
    I explore the possible meanings that the notion of the common morality can have in a contemporary communitarian approach to ethics and public policy. The common morality can be defined as the conditions for shared pursuit of the good or as the values, deliberations, traditions, and common construction of the narrative of a people. The former sense sees the common morality as the universal and invariant structures of morality while the second sense is much more contingent (...)
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    The common good in a secular society: The relevance of a Roman catholic notion to the healthcare allocation debate.B. Andrew Lustig - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (6):569-587.
    This essay analyzes Roman Catholic social teaching on the right to health care and the legitimacy of healthcare rationing. It considers that discussion at two levels: (1) the specific warrants that undergird key terms; and (2) the accessibility and applicability of those warrants to policy choices in a secular society. The essay concludes with a number of broader reflections meant to reserve an appropriate place for religious voices in the process of policy-making, as distinguished from its justification.
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  32. A Common-Sense Pragmatic Theory of Truth.John Capps - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):463-481.
    Truth is a fundamental philosophical concept that, despite its common and everyday use, has resisted common-sense formulations. At this point, one may legitimately wonder if there even is a common-sense notion of truth or what it could look like. In response, I propose here a common-sense account of truth based on four “truisms” that set a baseline for how to go about building an account of truth. Drawing on both ordinary language philosophy and contemporary pragmatic approaches (...)
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    Kenelm Digby's logic of common and natural notions.Mogens Lærke - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article, I take a fresh look at the logic of common and natural notions contained in the Two Treatises published in 1644 by Kenelm Digby (1603–1665). Digby's doctrine of common notions was an attempt to retrofit Aristotelianism in order to bring it out of the shadows of scholasticism and into the age of the new experimental and collaborative natural philosophy. To achieve that, he argued that natural philosophy began in the world of experience expressed (...)
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  34. Prawne a pozaprawne pojęcia dobra wspólnego [Legal and Extralegal Notions of Common Good].Marek Piechowiak - 2013 - In Wojciech Arndt, Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier & Krzysztof Szczucki (eds.), Dobro wspólne. Teoria i praktyka. Wydawnictwo Sejmowe. pp. 23-45.
    Opracowanie dotyczy relacji konstytucyjnego pojęcia „dobro wspólne” z art. 1 Konstytucji RP, do pozaprawnych pojęć dobra wspólnego. Bezpośredni asumpt do jego przygotowania dało zdanie odrębne sędziego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego Zbigniewa Cieślaka do wyroku TK z dnia 20 kwietnia 2011 r. w sprawie Kp 7/09, dotyczącej zmian w prawie budowlanym. Jest to w ogóle najobszerniejsza wypowiedź w całym dotychczasowym orzecznictwie TK poświęcona wprost problematyce dobra wspólnego. Sędzia Z. Cieślak wyraźnie odróżnił prawne pojęcie dobra wspólnego – jego zdaniem właściwe dla interpretacji klauzuli dobra (...)
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  35. Basic notions of information structure.Manfred Krifka - 2008
    This article takes stock of the basic notions of Information Structure (IS). It first provides a general characterization of IS following Chafe (1976) within a communicative model of Common Ground (CG), which distinguishes between CG content and CG management. IS is concerned with those features of language that concern the local CG. It then defines and discusses the notions of Focus (as indicating alternatives) and its various uses, Givenness (as indicating that a denotation is already present in (...)
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  36. A Non-Individualistic Notion of the Common Good.Abdoulaye Ba - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela C. M. Roothaan (eds.), Wellbeing in African Philosophy: Insights for a Global Ethics of Development. Lanham, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
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    ''PF Strawson a common-sense logician at this stage makes a distinction between the notion of 'Entailment 'and the notion of 'Presupposition'. l This distinction follows from two kinds of logical absurdities. Strawson explains these logical absudities in this way: There are two statements, say 5 snd S'. Now if S'is the necessary condition for the truth simply of S and if one asserts 'S'. [REVIEW]Amit Kr Sew - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (2).
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    Public Goods and the Commons: Opposites or Complements?Maurits de Jongh - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (5):774-800.
    The commons have emerged as a key notion and underlying experience of many efforts around the world to promote justice and democracy. A central question for political theories of the commons is whether the visions of social order and regimes of political economy they propose are complementary or opposed to public goods that are backed up by governmental coordination and compulsion. This essay argues that the post-Marxist view, which posits an inherent opposition between the commons as a sphere of inappropriable (...)
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  39. Approximate common knowledge and co-ordination: Recent lessons from game theory. [REVIEW]Stephen Morris & Hyun Shin - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (2):171-90.
    The importance of the notion of common knowledge in sustaining cooperative outcomes in strategic situations is well appreciated. However, the systematic analysis of the extent to which small departures from common knowledge affect equilibrium in games has only recently been attempted.We review the main themes in this literature, in particular, the notion of common p-belief. We outline both the analytical issues raised, and the potential applicability of such ideas to game theory, computer science and the philosophy of (...)
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    On Reichenbach's common cause principle and Reichenbach's notion of common cause* G Pabor Hofer-Szab Po Department of Philosophy Technical University of Budapest.Mikl Pos R. Pedei & L. Paszl Po E. Szab Po - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50:377-399.
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  41. The Individual and the Common Goals in the Avant-Garde Notions of Art.Grzegorz Sztabiński - 2007 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 9:13-40.
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  42. Common morality: Comment on Beauchamp and Childress.Oliver Rauprich - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (1):43-71.
    The notion of common morality plays a prominent role in some of the most influential theories of biomedical ethics. Here, I focus on Beauchamp and Childress’s models in the fourth and fifth edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics as well as on a revision that Beauchamp proposed in a recent article. Although there are significant differences in these works that require separate analysis, all include a role for common morality as starting point and normative framework for theory construction (...)
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    Common sense as extremism: the multi-semiotics of contemporary national socialism.Gustav Westberg & Henning Årman - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (5):549-568.
    This paper explores how national socialist aesthetics and semiotics are regimented within the Swedish Nazi milieu today. In order to treat fascism as contemporary ideology, the article applies intertextuality and provenance as analytical concepts in the analysis of how Nazism is re-emerging discursively. The analysis contributes unique insights, as the dataset consists of extremist discourse aimed at providing members of the most prominent Swedish Nazi movement with guidance on how to embody and express national socialism in their everyday lives. The (...)
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    Common reasoning about admissibility.Cristina Bicchieri & Oliver Schulte - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (2-3):299 - 325.
    We analyze common reasoning about admissibility in the strategic and extensive form of a game. We define a notion of sequential proper admissibility in the extensive form, and show that, in finite extensive games with perfect recall, the strategies that are consistent with common reasoning about sequential proper admissibility in the extensive form are exactly those that are consistent with common reasoning about admissibility in the strategic form representation of the game. Thus in such games the solution (...)
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    Citizens of a common intellectual homeland: the transatlantic origins of American democracy and nationhood.Armin Mattes - 2015 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Notions of democracy and nationhood constitute the pivotal legacy of the American Revolution, but to understand their development one must move beyond a purely American context. Citizens of a Common Intellectual Homeland explores the simultaneous emergence of modern concepts of democracy and the nation on both sides of the Atlantic during the age of revolutions. Armin Mattes argues that in their origin the two concepts were indistinguishable because they arose from a common revolutionary impulse directed against the (...)
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  46. On the relation between the probabilistic characterization of the common cause and Bell׳s notion of local causality.Gábor Hofer-Szabó - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 49:32-41.
    In the paper the relation between the standard probabilistic characterization of the common cause and Bell's notion of local causality will be investigated. It will be shown that the probabilistic common cause follows from local causality if one accepts, as Bell did, two assumptions concerning the common cause: first, the common cause is localized in the intersection of the past of the correlating events; second, it provides a complete specification of the `beables' of this intersection. However, (...)
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    Crisis of the Common Good or Great Hope?Ignace Haaz - 2022 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 1:175-201.
    Obiora F. Ike’s impressive amount of research texts on ethics can be found on Library. In general, there is no need to search for a justification of a life work and commitment to values, when a person reaches beyond a certain level of experience in life, in any field of professional work, even more in spiritual and ethical development. In the following lines I shall focus on the value of the common good for a person who not only (...)
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    Scottish common sense philosophy: sources and origins.James Fieser & James Oswald (eds.) - 2000 - Sterling, Va.: Thoemmes Press.
    The Scottish Common Sense School of philosophy emerged during the Scottish Enlightenment of the second half of the eighteenth century. The School’s principal proponents were Thomas Reid, James Oswald, James Beattie and Dugald Stewart. They believed that we are all naturally implanted with an array of common sense intuitions and these intuitions are in fact the foundation of truth. Their approach dominated philosophical thought in Great Britain and the United States until the mid nineteenth century. In recent years (...)
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    The Common Cause Principle. Explanation via Screening off.Leszek Wronski - 2010 - Dissertation, Jagiellonian University
    My Ph.D. dissertation written under the supervision of Prof. Tomasz Placek at the Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. In one of its most basic and informal shapes, the principle of the common cause states that any surprising correlation between two factors which are believed not to directly influence one another is due to their common cause. Here we will be concerned with a version od this idea which possesses a purely probabilistic formulation. It was (...)
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    Toward Ideational Collective Action: The Notions of Common Good and of the State in Late 19th Century Social Liberalism.Bojan Vranic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):369-383.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze notions of common good and of the state in late 19th century British social liberalism and their relation to collective action of the citizens. The author shows that British social liberals argued for a type of state that uses top down strategy to encourage collective action in order to transform individuals into a socially responsible groups, i.e. good citizens. The paper focuses on philosophical works of F. H. Bradley, ethics of (...)
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