Results for 'chronobiology'

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  1.  22
    The chronobiological pattern of opiate-related hyperphagia is different from the dual periodicity of monotonous food intake.M. Apfelbaum & A. Mandenoff - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):744.
  2. (1 other version)From molecules to behavior and the clinic: Integration in chronobiology.William Bechtel - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):493-502.
    Chronobiology, especially the study of circadian rhythms, provides a model scientific field in which philosophers can study how investigators from a variety of disciplines working at different levels of organization are each contributing to a multi-level account of the responsible mechanism. I focus on how the framework of mechanistic explanation integrates research designed to decompose the mechanism with efforts directed at recomposition that relies especially on computation models. I also examine how recently the integration has extended beyond basic research (...)
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    Solar Cycles, Light, Sex Hormones and the Life Cycles of Civilization: Toward Integrated Chronobiology.Roy Barzilai - 2019 - Science and Philosophy 7 (2):15-26.
    The emerging discipline of complexity science, applied to the social sciences, seeks to study the rise of human civilization as a part of a natural, evolving biological system that exploits energy resources to fuel its growth into a complex social system. In order to understand the whole system, the reductionist approach, typical to Western science, must be supplanted. The atomistic study of various scientific fields as separate mechanical parts of the system must be broadened, creating a more holistic view of (...)
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    An Emerging System to Study Photosymbiosis, Brain Regeneration, Chronobiology, and Behavior: The Marine Acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis.Enrique Arboleda, Volker Hartenstein, Pedro Martinez, Heinrich Reichert, Sonia Sen, Simon Sprecher & Xavier Bailly - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (10):1800107.
    The acoel worm Symsagittifera roscoffensis, an early offshoot of the Bilateria and the only well‐studied marine acoel that lives in a photosymbiotic relationship, exhibits a centralized nervous system, brain regeneration, and a wide repertoire of complex behaviors such as circatidal rhythmicity, photo/geotaxis, and social interactions. While this animal can be collected by the thousands and is studied historically, significant progress is made over the last decade to develop it as an emerging marine model. The authors here present the feasibility of (...)
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    Explaining features of fine-grained phenomena using abstract analyses of phenomena and mechanisms: two examples from chronobiology.William Bechtel - 2017 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 24):1-23.
    Explanations of biological phenomena such as cell division, protein synthesis or circadian rhythms commonly take the form of models of the responsible mechanisms. Recently philosophers of science have attempted to analyze this practice, presenting mechanisms as organized collections of parts performing operations that together produce the phenomenon. But in some cases what researchers seek to explain is not a general phenomenon, but a specific feature of a more fine-grained phenomenon. In some of these cases, it is not the model of (...)
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  6.  85
    Scientists’ use of diagrams in developing mechanistic explanations: A case study from chronobiology.Daniel C. Burnston, Benjamin Sheredos, Adele Abrahamsen & William Bechtel - 2014 - Pragmatics and Cognition 22 (2):224-243.
    We explore the crucial role of diagrams in scientific reasoning, especially reasoning directed at developing mechanistic explanations of biological phenomena. We offer a case study focusing on one research project that resulted in a published paper advancing a new understanding of the mechanism by which the central circadian oscillator in Synechococcus elongatus controls gene expression. By examining how the diagrams prepared for the paper developed over the course of multiple drafts, we show how the process of generating a new explanation (...)
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  7. Fulfilled present and rhythm of life.Roland Kipke - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (1):23-42.
    Definition of the problem: The connection between time and the good life has already been worked out for a number of medical specialties and practices. However, what role does the temporality of the good life play for medicine as a whole? That is the central question of this article. Arguments: The good life is here understood as a meaningful life. Living meaningfully is only possible through present action. A fulfilled presence in this sense is therefore an essential aspect of the (...)
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  8.  36
    Another place, another timer: Marine species and the rhythms of life.Kristin Tessmar-Raible, Florian Raible & Enrique Arboleda - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (3):165-172.
    The marine ecosystem is governed by a multitude of environmental cycles, all of which are linked to the periodical recurrence of the sun or the moon. In accordance with these cycles, marine species exhibit a variety of biological rhythms, ranging from circadian and circatidal rhythms to circalunar and seasonal rhythms. However, our current molecular understanding of biological rhythms and clocks is largely restricted to solar‐controlled circadian and seasonal rhythms in land model species. Here, we discuss the first molecular data emerging (...)
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  9.  48
    Data graphs and mechanistic explanation.Daniel C. Burnston - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 57 (C):1-12.
    It is a widespread assumption in philosophy of science that data is what is explained by theory—that data itself is not explanatory. I draw on instances of representational and explanatory practice from mammalian chronobiology to suggest that this assumption is unsustainable. In many instances, biologists employ representations of data in explanatory ways that are not reducible to constraints on or evidence for representations of mechanisms. Data graphs are used to exemplify relationships between quantities in the mechanism, and often these (...)
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  10.  13
    Desynchronized circadian clock and exposures to xenobiotics are associated with differentiated disease phenotypes.Konstantinos Christos Makris - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100159.
    A paradigm shift in the human chronotoxicity of xenobiotics would study two‐sided desynchronized phenomena of interfacial interactions between cyclic or periodic environmental insults and the endogenous response and recovery profile. These systems‐based networks are under the influence of well‐synchronized biological clocks and their metabolic regulators. This perspective argues in favor of addressing the concept of synchronization in studies involving critical life windows of susceptibility, or circadian rhythms, or 24‐hour (periodic) diurnal rhythms and answering whether these disruptions in synchronization would affect (...)
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  11.  33
    Circadian rhythms: From behaviour to molecules.Ezio Rosato, Alberto Piccin & Charalambos P. Kyriacou - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (12):1075-1082.
    In higher eukaryotes, circadian behaviour patterns have been dissected at the molecular level in Drosophila and, more recently, in the mouse. Considerable progress has been made in identifying some of the molecular components of the clock in the fly, where two genes, period (per) and timeless (tim), are essential for behavioural rhythmicity. The PER and TIM proteins show circadian cycles in abundance, and are part of a negative feedback loop with their own mRNAs. Within the pacemaker neurons, the PER and (...)
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  12.  26
    Are Low Testosterone and Sex Differences in Immune Responses Causing Mass Hysteria during the Coronavirus Pandemic?Roy Barzilai - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (2):145-149.
    By integrating the entire body of research in human sexual dynamics, immune responses, and sociocultural behavior, we can conclude that the mass hysteria our society is currently experiencing originates in our evolved psychological adaptations to pandemic conditions [i]. A lack of hormonal balance [ii], due to a collapse in testosterone levels, may cause a disproportionate immune response that leads to the destruction of our cherished sociopolitical institutions—the very institutions that are design to protect human liberty and prosperity. What is playing (...)
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  13.  8
    Behaviour Analysis in Theory and Practice: Contributions and Controversies.Derek E. Blackman & Helga Lejeune (eds.) - 2018 - Psychology Press.
    This edited book addresses four themes of contemporary importance in the experimental and applied analysis of behaviour: chronobiology (relationships between time and behaviour), the emergence of rational thinking, language, and behavioural medicine. The current empirical and theoretical status of each theme is considered in individual chapters, the authors of which are distinguished research scientists drawn from a wide range of scholarship and with a distinctive European dimension. This cultural and theoretical diversity emerges from the fact that each chapter is (...)
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  14.  22
    The evolutionary dynamics of Consciousness: an integration of eastern and western holistic paradigms.Martin Lockley - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (9-10):9-10.
    Gebserian consciousness structures as expressed in human culture are readily understood as analogous to developmental dynamics in holistic biology, and eastern praxis and philosophy. Probably the most integral and fruitful western paradigm of whole-organism biology is that carefully developed in the Goethean tradition to incorporate an understanding of consciousness. This tradition profoundly understands our early childhood through adult development as a dynamic organic process in time, thus integrating the study of heterochrony and chronobiology with morphology, physiology and consciousness. In (...)
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  15.  18
    Genes, body clocks and prevention of sleep problems.Anders Nordgren - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):569-579.
    Chronobiologists argue that their scientific findings have implications for prevention of sleep problems. They claim that some sleep problems are caused by the fact that people live against their individual body clock rather than adjusted to it. They also claim that by taking the findings of chronobiology seriously in policy-making some sleep problems can be prevented. I investigate applications of chronobiology in two social areas—school schedules and shift work—and show that in order for these applications to be justified (...)
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  16. The mind-brain problem in cognitive neuroscience (only content).Gabriel Vacariu & Vacariu - 2013
    (June 2013) “The mind-body problem in cognitive neuroscience”, Philosophia Scientiae 17/2, Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (eds.): 1. William Bechtel (Philosophy, Center for Chronobiology, and Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego) “The endogenously active brain: the need for an alternative cognitive architecture” 2. Rolls T. Edmund (Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, Oxford, UK) “On the relation between the mind and the brain: a neuroscience perspective” 3. Cees van Leeuwen (University of Leuven, Belgium; Riken Brain Science (...)
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    Social Isolation and Sleep: Manifestation During COVID-19 Quarantines.June J. Pilcher, Logan L. Dorsey, Samantha M. Galloway & Dylan N. Erikson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although researchers have investigated the impact of social isolation on well-being, the recent quarantines due to COVID-19 resulted in a social isolation environment that was unique to any examined in the past. Because sleep is one of the endogenous drives that impacts short and long-term health and well-being, it is important to consider how social isolation during the COVID-19 government-mandated quarantines affected sleep and sleep habits. A number of researchers have addressed this question during the last 2 years by examining (...)
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  18.  12
    Circalunar clocks—Old experiments for a new era.Tobias S. Kaiser & Jule Neumann - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (8):2100074.
    Circalunar clocks, which allow organisms to time reproduction to lunar phase, have been experimentally proven but are still not understood at the molecular level. Currently, a new generation of researchers with new tools is setting out to fill this gap. Our essay provides an overview of classic experiments on circalunar clocks. From the unpublished work of the late D. Neumann we also present a novel phase response curve for a circalunar clock. These experiments highlight avenues for molecular work and call (...)
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  19.  93
    Understanding endogenously active mechanisms: A scientific and philosophical challenge. [REVIEW]William Bechtel - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 (2):233-248.
    Abstract Although noting the importance of organization in mechanisms, the new mechanistic philosophers of science have followed most biologists in focusing primarily on only the simplest mode of organization in which operations are envisaged as occurring sequentially. Increasingly, though, biologists are recognizing that the mechanisms they confront are non-sequential and the operations nonlinear. To understand how such mechanisms function through time, they are turning to computational models and tools of dynamical systems theory. Recent research on circadian rhythms addressing both intracellular (...)
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  20.  22
    Strengths and opportunities in research into extracellular matrix ageing: A consultation with the ECMage research community.Matthew J. Dalby, Vanja Pekovic-Vaughan, Daryl P. Shanley, Joe Swift, Lisa J. White & Elizabeth G. Canty-Laird - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (5):2300223.
    Ageing causes progressive decline in metabolic, behavioural, and physiological functions, leading to a reduced health span. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is the three‐dimensional network of macromolecules that provides our tissues with structure and biomechanical resilience. Imbalance between damage and repair/regeneration causes the ECM to undergo structural deterioration with age, contributing to age‐associated pathology. The ECM ‘Ageing Across the Life Course’ interdisciplinary research network (ECMage) was established to bring together researchers in the United Kingdom, and internationally, working on the emerging field (...)
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  21.  14
    Time and the Nervous System.William Gooddy - 1988 - Greenwood.
    Gooddy, a British neurologist, argues that our sense of time, and relativity in general, is a function of the nervous system. Written for the general reader, the 10 essays discuss atomic, cellular, and glandular "clocks," age, government time vs. personal time, and time disorders (such as being in love). Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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