Results for 'bona mens'

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  1.  39
    « Mens regnum bona possidet » : scepticisme, fidéisme et naturalisme dans le dialogue sur le sujet de la divinité de la Mothe Le Vayer.Lorenzo Bianchi - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 85 (2):195.
    Résumé — Le Dialogue sur le sujet de la divinité, publié en 1631 dans les Cinq autres Dialogues sceptiques de La Mothe Le Vayer, se nourrit d’un franc scepticisme et d’un naturalisme « à l’imitation des Anciens », et La Mothe, en disciple de Sextus, adopte une attitude « de philosophe ancien et payen in puris naturalibus ». Dans ce dialogue, axé sur le thème de la diversité des religions, émerge le fidéisme propre à La Mothe et à son écriture (...)
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    The Failure of the Bona Fide Occupational Qualification in Cross‐Gender Prison Guard Cases: A Problem beyond Equal Employment Opportunity.Camille Monahan - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):101-121.
    Knowing the theory of gender that a court is using to understand and assess the issues in a case is vital to ensuring that women are afforded their full rights under the law. Unfortunately, courts often do not explicitly state what understanding of gender is informing their decisions. An exception is found in employment law: specifically, the bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) exception to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which allows employers to engage in sex-based discrimination in (...)
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    La relevancia del «Deus veracissimus» en la filosofía cartesiana, y su influencia en la filosofía moderna.Alejandro Rojas-Jiménez - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    En este trabajo se analiza el recurso cartesiano al Deus veracissimus con el objetivo de mostrar su lugar fundamental en la filosofía de Descartes defendiendo, frente a la tentación de considerarlo un recurso forzado como consecuencia de su intento de salvar la entrada en escena del Deus deceptor, que su defensa es el auténtico objetivo velado de la argumentación cartesiana, quien habría pretendido principalmente presentarlo como alternativa a la imagen de un Dios que estaba sirviendo durante el Renacimiento para censurar (...)
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    Hercules Cross-Dressed, Hercules Undressed: Unmasking the Construction of the Propertian Amator in Elegy 4.9.Sara H. Lindheim - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):43-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hercules Cross-dressed, Hercules Undressed: Unmasking the Construction of the Propertian amator In Elegy 4.9Sara H. LindheimVain trifles as they seem, clothes have, as they say, more important offices than merely to keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world’s view of us.—Virginia Woolf, OrlandoPropertius begins 4.9 with his version of the story of Hercules and Cacus that he adapts from Virgil’s recently published Aeneid. (...)
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    Reflective Theology.John A. Mourant - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:275-276.
    This book is an interesting excursion into the realm of what the author designates as ‘reflective theology’, a phrase which could equally well be identified with ‘philosophical theology’ or ‘philosophy of religion’. Like many excursions the book roams far and wide yet fails to achieve any substantial purpose. The author terms his approach ‘somewhat historical and person-centered’. He believes that certain contemporary issues can be better understood if we have a sense of their history. Certain philosophical figures are singled out (...)
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    Loving Judaism through Christianity.Shaul Magid - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):88-124.
    This contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium on xenophilia examines the life choices of two Jews who loved Christianity. Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik, born into an ultra-Orthodox, nineteenth-century rabbinic dynasty in Lithuania, spent much of his life writing a Hebrew commentary on the Gospels in order to document and argue for the symmetry or symbiosis that he perceived between Judaism and Christianity. Oswald Rufeisen, from a twentieth-century secular Zionist background in Poland, converted to Catholicism during World War II, became a monk, (...)
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    Wheat in thn Roman World: an addendum.Philip Mayerson - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (01):243-.
    J. K. Evans' well-documented article, ‘Wheat production and its social consequences in the Roman world’, correctly makes the point that ‘the evidence with regard to wheat yields is at once meagre and plainly contradictory’. The difficulty in assessing yields arises, of course, from the character of the available source material; namely, literary sources. The information comes from the hands of men such as Cicero and Varro who were concerned with matters other than specific data on the cultivation and production of (...)
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    Peter Whitfield. Landmarks in Western Science: From Prehistory to the Atomic Age. 256 pp., frontis., illus., figs., bibl., index. New York: Routledge, 1999. $35, Can $50. [REVIEW]Stephen Weldon - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):279-280.
    A new biography of one of the founding fathers of the Scientific Revolution, Robert Boyle, is no easy undertaking, but no scholar is better poised to give us a revisionist view of this iconic figure than Michael Hunter. For fourteen years Hunter, together with Edward Davis, supervised the definitive fourteen‐volume edition of Boyle's complete works, published and unpublished. This was the first such undertaking since the 1744 edition compiled by the cleric and antiquary Thomas Birch. Almost no Boyle scholar has (...)
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    Towards classifying propositional probabilistic logics.Glauber De Bona, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman & Marcelo Finger - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (3):349-368.
  10.  16
    Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting with Neural Networks.Bona Patria Nasution & Arvin Agah - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (3):219-254.
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    (1 other version)Die lage der wissenschaftstheorie in ungarn.E. Bóna & J. Farkas - 1973 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 4 (1):133-146.
    In der vorliegenden Studie Berichten die Verfasser über die Lage der Wissenschaftstheorie in Ungarn. Nach einem kurzen historischen Überblick sichten sie die heutigen Forschungsrichtungen der ungarischen Wissenschaftstheorie. In diesem Zusammenhang befassen sie sich mit wissenschaftsphilosophischen Forschungen überhaupt, des weiteren mit den Studien zur Analyse von bürgerlichen wissenschaftstheoretischen Richtungen und mit den wissenschaftstheoretischen Fragen neuer Disziplinen und Forschungszweige. Mit besonderer Aufmerksamkeit verfolgen die Autoren die Aktivitäten zur Untersuchung der aufkommenden wissenschaftlich-technischen Revolution und der einschlägigen Forschungen. Ausführlich sind auch die Forschungsarbeiten in (...)
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    (1 other version)Veröffentlichungen ungarischer wissenschaftstheoretiker.E. Bóna & J. Farkas - 1973 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 4 (1):188-193.
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    Honneth and Everyday Intercultural (Mis)Recognition: Work, Marginalisation and Integration.Bona Anna - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book conducts a critical investigation into everyday intercultural recognition and misrecognition in the domain of paid work, utilising social philosopher Axel Honneth’s recognition theory as its theoretical foundation. In so doing, it also reveals the sophistication and productivity of Honneth's recognition model for multiculturalism scholarship. Honneth and Everyday Intercultural Recognition is concerned with the redress of intercultural related injustice and, more widely, the effective integration of ethically and culturally diverse societies. Bona Anna analyses the everyday experiences of cross-cultural (...)
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  14. Graded Incoherence for Accuracy-Firsters.Glauber De Bona & Julia Staffel - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (2):189-213.
    This paper investigates the relationship between two evaluative claims about agents’ de- grees of belief: (i) that it is better to have more, rather than less accurate degrees of belief, and (ii) that it is better to have less, rather than more probabilistically incoherent degrees of belief. We show that, for suitable combinations of inaccuracy measures and incoherence measures, both claims are compatible, although not equivalent; moreover, certain ways of becoming less incoherent always guarantee improvements in accuracy. Incompatibilities between particular (...)
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  15. Towards a rich view of auditory experience.Elvira Di Bona - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2629-2643.
    In this paper I will argue that the gender properties expressed by human voices are part of auditory phenomenology. I will support this claim by investigating auditory adaptational effects on such properties and contrasting auditory experiences, before and after the adaptational effects take place. In light of this investigation, I will conclude that auditory experience is not limited to low-level properties. Perception appears to be much more informative about the auditory landscape than is commonly thought.
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    Via compendii ad Deum: via breve a Dio, 1657.Giovanni Bona - 2006 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki. Edited by Ermes Visconti & Sabrina Stroppa.
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  17. Why be coherent?Glauber De Bona & Julia Staffel - 2018 - Analysis 78 (3):405-415.
    Bayesians defend norms of ideal rationality such as probabilism, which they claim should be approximated by non-ideal thinkers. Yet, it is not often discussed exactly in what sense it is beneficial for an agent’s credence function to approximate probabilistic coherence. Some existing research indicates that approximating coherence leads to improvements in accuracy, whereas other research suggests that it decreases Dutch book vulnerability. Yet, the existing results don’t settle whether there is a way of approximating coherence that delivers both benefits at (...)
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  18.  13
    Lignes de fuite du marronnage.Dénètem Touam Bona - 2018 - Multitudes 70 (1):177.
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    Measuring inconsistency in probabilistic logic: rationality postulates and Dutch book interpretation.Glauber De Bona & Marcelo Finger - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 227 (C):140-164.
  20.  64
    Metacognition of Visual Short-Term Memory: Dissociation between Objective and Subjective Components of VSTM.Silvia Bona, Zaira Cattaneo, Tomaso Vecchi, David Soto & Juha Silvanto - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  21.  24
    A disjointed account of the illusion of auditory continuity: in favor of hearing everyday sounds but against hearing semantic properties.Elvira Di Bona - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I will investigate the auditory illusion of continuity, which is the phenomenon of auditory occlusion in which we are able to hear a sound as continuous even though it has been masked by another sound. This phenomenon seems to have a perceptual nature when it occurs in the context of everyday sounds, while it seems to have a cognitive nature when it occurs in the context of speech sounds. This difference has the following consequences: (1) We need to have a (...)
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  22.  27
    Media visibility and corporate social responsibility investment evidence in Spain.Carolina Bona-Sánchez, Jerónimo Pérez-Alemán & Domingo Javier Santana-Martín - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):94-107.
    Despite the extensive research in both the determinants and the results of corporate social responsibility (CSR), relatively few studies have considered extra-legal institutions as potential determinants of CSR. Our work fills this gap by looking at how media attention affects CSR over a long-term period in a continental European setting. Our results show that media coverage positively affects CSR. Additional scrutiny triggered by media coverage encourages dominant owners to signal their commitment to limiting self-dealing transactions and their orientation toward stakeholders' (...)
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  23.  13
    Localising iceberg inconsistencies.Glauber De Bona & Anthony Hunter - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 246 (C):118-151.
  24.  13
    Il suono: l'esperienza uditiva e i suoi oggetti.Elvira Di Bona - 2018 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore. Edited by Vincenzo Santarcangelo.
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  25.  49
    Hearing chimeras.Elvira Di Bona - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-20.
    I argue that chimericity is a property that we typically experience when listening to multi-instrumental music. It is the property of hearing as a unified whole a melody or a harmony that does not belong to any single sound source but instead consists of the assembling of melodic or harmonic fragments coming from different sources. Chimericity is not reducible to the low-level audible properties of pitch and loudness; it is cognized at the perceptual level thanks to the auditory mechanism of (...)
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  26. Updating incoherent credences ‐ Extending the Dutch strategy argument for conditionalization.Glauber De Bona & Julia Staffel - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 105 (2):435-460.
    In this paper, we ask: how should an agent who has incoherent credences update when they learn new evidence? The standard Bayesian answer for coherent agents is that they should conditionalize; however, this updating rule is not defined for incoherent starting credences. We show how one of the main arguments for conditionalization, the Dutch strategy argument, can be extended to devise a target property for updating plans that can apply to them regardless of whether the agent starts out with coherent (...)
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    Nachschrift.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1856 - In Voltaire Und Rousseau in Ihrer Socialen Bedeutung. De Gruyter. pp. 183-184.
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  28. The Method of Contrast and the Perception of Causality in Audition.E. Di Bona - 2014 - In Fabio Bacchini at al, New Advances in Causation, Agency and Moral Responsibility. pp. 79-93.
    The method of contrast is used within philosophy of perception in order to demonstrate that a specific property could be part of our perception. The method is based on two passages. I argue that the method succeeds in its task only if the intuition of the difference, which constitutes the core of the first passage, has two specific traits. The second passage of the method consists in the evaluation of the available explanations of this difference. Among the three outlined options, (...)
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  29. Some considerations on pitch.E. Di Bona - 2013 - Phenomenology and Mind 4:244-54.
    Pitch is an audible quality of sound which can be explained not only in terms of strong correlation with sound waves’ properties, but also by a neat correlation to the properties of the sounding object. This seems to be in favour of the theory of sound labelled “distal view”, according to which sound is the vibration of the sounding object.
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  30. Narrative and Essayistic Temporalities.E. Di Bona - 2015 - Narration and Reflection, Special Issue of Compar(a)Ison: An International Journal of Comparative Literature:49-62.
    The issues of this essay concern whether there are ways of experiencing time that are specific to narration and whether such ways can also be applied to the experience of time in reflection. In order to tackle these issues, we shall compare and contrast the experience of time in life with both the temporal experiences of narration and the temporal experiences of reflection. We shall begin, then, with a discussion on what the “experience of time” is, in the attempt of (...)
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    The glair cognitive architecture.Stuart C. Shapiro & Jonathan P. Bona - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):307-332.
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  32.  12
    Introduction. The nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception.Elvira Di Bona & Vincenzo Santarcangelo - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:3-7.
    The aim of this special issue of Rivista di Estetica is to investigate the nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception. The investigation was carried out using different methodologies: 1) focusing on the auditory object in relation to its metaphysical dimension; 2) working on the comparison between auditory and visual perception; 3) finding similarities and differences between auditory and musical objects; and, finally, 4) focusing exclusively on the speci...
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  33.  17
    Listening to the Space of Music.Elvira Di Bona - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:93-105.
    A person listening to music can be said to “hear space” in two senses: metaphorically, when the musical features of a composition, such as melody, harmony or rhythm, evoke a space (e.g., if she hears a “rising” melodic line) or suggest abstract concepts related to an imaginary spatial scene; and literally, when she perceives spatial information relating to sound sources and the spatial region where they are located. In this paper I will analyze the way we perceive space when listening (...)
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  34.  26
    Musil in a loop: the other condition and the extended mind.Elvira Di Bona & Stefano Ercolino - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70:49-59.
    In this paper, we propose a reading of Robert Musil’s controversial notion of the “other condition” in light of the basic features of the philosophical doctrine of externalism, as formulated in the classical account of the extended mind proposed by Andy Clark and David Chalmers (1998). Our reading is not meant to exhaust the complexity and polysemy of the idea of the other condition, but merely aims to open up a possible perspective on the interpretation of a concept that is (...)
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  35. The CERN model, a collective machinery to test laws against nature.Michel Spiro & Maurizio Bona - 2025 - In Eliezer Rabinovici, Laws: rigidity and dynamics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte..
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  36. The Ockhamization of the event sources of sound.R. Casati, E. Di Bona & J. Dokic - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):462-466.
    There is one character too many in the triad sound, event source, thing source. As there are neither phenomenological nor metaphysical grounds for distinguishing sounds and sound sources, we propose to identify them.
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    II. Abschnitt. Die Elemente in der Composition organischer Wesen.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 401-423.
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    I. Abschnitt. Geschichtliche Darstellung der Ansichten über die Thiersystematik des Aristoteles von Plinins an bis auf die Neuzeit.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 11-69.
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    IV. Rousseaus Ansichten über Kultur und Natur.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1856 - In Voltaire Und Rousseau in Ihrer Socialen Bedeutung. De Gruyter. pp. 85-104.
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  40.  7
    Vorrede.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1856 - In Voltaire Und Rousseau in Ihrer Socialen Bedeutung. De Gruyter.
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    The wellsprings of religion.Aleksandr Menʹ - 2017 - Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press. Edited by Alasdair Macnaughton.
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  42. Meeting Sheryle at the Gym 'Michael JB Jackson'.Mens Sana & Sano In Corpore - 2000 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 13:61.
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    Solution textile.The Yes Men - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):51-61.
    In his speech to an assembly of « corporate citizens » at the conference « Fibers and Textiles for the Future » at the University of Tampere in Finland, Hank Hardy Unruh of the WTO explains all the advantages of freedom and remote labor: After all, the American South, a great producer of textiles in its time, gained nothing from its localization of slavery. But remote labor demands close-up forms of surveillance and therefore creates a new market, for which the (...)
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    Druckfehler.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 520-520.
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    (1 other version)Einleitung.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 1-8.
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    Frontmatter.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1856 - In Voltaire Und Rousseau in Ihrer Socialen Bedeutung. De Gruyter.
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    IV. Abschnitt. Allgemeine Gesetze der Gestaltung und Combination der Organe.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 463-480.
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    III. Abschnitt. Das Thiersystem.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 112-329.
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    I. Abschnitt. Die Kosmologie des Aristoteles.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 384-400.
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    II. Abschnitt. Grundsätze der Einteilung.Jürgen Bona Meyer - 1855 - In Aristoteles Thierkunde: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Zoologie, Physiologie Und Alten Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 70-111.
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