Results for 'apoha'

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  1. Apoha.Catherine Prueitt - 2023 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Apoha, a Sanskrit term meaning exclusion, was used by the late fifth- to early sixth-century Buddhist philosopher Dignā ga as a keystone in his theory of denotation. According to Dignā ga, a word denotes its meaning through the exclusion of what is other (anyā poha). This idea provoked celebration and controversy that would last through the end of Sanskritic Indian Buddhism. In the hands of Dignā ga’s successor Dharmakīrti (seventh century), who developed what became the normative version of this (...)
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    Apoha: Buddhist Nominalism and Human Cognition.Mark Siderits, Tom J. F. Tillemans & Arindam Chakrabarti (eds.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    When we understand that something is a pot, is it because of one property that all pots share? This seems unlikely, but without this common essence, it is difficult to see how we could teach someone to use the word "pot" or to see something as _a_ pot. The Buddhist apoha theory tries to resolve this dilemma, first, by rejecting properties such as "potness" and, then, by claiming that the element uniting all pots is their very difference from all (...)
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    Apoha: Buddhist Nominalism and Human Cognition. Edited by Mark Siderits, Tom Tillemans, and Arindam Chakrabarti.Richard Hayes - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1).
    Apoha: Buddhist Nominalism and Human Cognition. Edited by Mark Siderits, Tom Tillemans, and Arindam Chakrabarti. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Pp. viii + 333. $95 ; $32 ; $31.99.
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    The Notion of Apoha in Chinese Buddhism.Chien-Hsing Ho - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (2):283-298.
    In this essay, I investigate how Chinese Yogācāra scholars of the Tang dynasty explicated and supplemented the theory of apoha (exclusion) propounded by the Indian Buddhist epistemologist Dignāga, according to which a nominal word functions by excluding everything other than its own referent. I first present a brief exposition of the theory. Then, I show that although they had very limited access to Dignāga’s theory, Kuiji and Shentai provide constructive and significant explanations that supplement the theory. I also show (...)
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    Horns in Dignāga’s Theory of apoha.Kei Kataoka - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (5):867-882.
    According to Dignāga, the word “cow” makes one understand all cows in a general form by excluding non-cows. However, how does one understand the non-cows to be excluded? Hattori answers as follows: “On perceiving the particular which is endowed with dewlap, horns, a hump on the back, and so forth, one understands that it is not a non-cow, because one knows that a non-cow is not endowed with these attributes.” Hattori regards observation of a dewlap, etc. as the cause of (...)
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  6. Buddhist ‘Theory of Meaning’ (Apoha vāda) as Negative Meaning’.Dr Sanjit Chakraborty - 2017 - NEHU Journal, North Eastern Hill University (2):67-79.
    The paper concentrates on the most pressing question of Indian philosophy: what is the exact connotation of a word or what sort of entity helps us to identify the meaning of a word? The paper focuses on the clash between Realism (Nyāya) and Apoha vāda (Buddhist) regarding the debate whether the meaning of a word is particular/universal or both. The paper asserts that though Naiyāyikas and Mīmāṁsakas challenged against Buddhist Apoha vāda, yet they realized that to establish an (...)
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    Reevaluating Dignāga’s Apoha Theory: As Revealed by Bhāviveka’s Critique.Long Yin Sin - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (4):391-407.
    Pramāṇavādins are antirealists on the problem of universals by virtue of the fact that they deny the existence of real universals. Dignāga, therefore, offered apoha theory to explain how the denotation of objects is possible without postulating real universals. According to Apohavāda, a word, for instance “cow”, denotes a cow not by referring to a real universal “cowness,” but by excluding it from those which are non-cows, such as horses. In recent years, there is a discussion about what the (...)
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  8. Theory of Apoha.Ramanath Pandey - 2010 - The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11:91-116.
    The present paper, ‘Theory of Apoha on the basis of the Pramanasamuccaya’, is based upon Dingnaga's principal philosophical treatise called Pramanasamuccaya and its commentary vritti . The main aim of this paper is to come to an understanding of Dingnåga's views on the doctrine of apoha (anyapoha), which seems to be most important to interpret the conventional signs that are of the words and sentences of human speech which are used by man conventionally. Thus the central concern of (...)
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    Apoha and the nominalist/conceptualist controversy.Rita Gupta - 1985 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 13 (4):383-398.
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    Ratnakīrti on Apoha. Ratnakīrti & Madhumita Chattopadhyay - 2002 - Kolkata: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Maha Bodhi Book Agency. Edited by Madhumita Chattopadhyay.
    On the negative theory of meaning (Apohavāda) in Buddhist logic; critical edition with text and translation.
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    Tibetan Contributions to the 'Apoha' Theory: The Fourth Chapter of the Tshad-Ma rigs-pa'i gter.L. W. J. van der Kuijp - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):408-422.
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  12. Breaking the Circle. Dharmakīrti’s Response to the Charge of Circularity Against the Apoha Theory and its Tibetan Adaptation.Pascale Hugon - 2009 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 37 (6):533-557.
    This paper examines the Buddhist’s answer to one of the most famous (and more intuitive) objections against the semantic theory of “exclusion” ( apoha ), namely, the charge of circularity. If the understanding of X is not reached positively, but X is understood via the exclusion of non-X, the Buddhist nominalist is facing a problem of circularity, for the understanding of X would depend on that of non-X, which, in turn, depends on that of X. I distinguish in this (...)
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    Buddhist theory of meaning (apoha) and negative statements.Dhirendra Sharma - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (1/2):3-10.
  14.  34
    How Can the Word “Cow” Exclude Non-cows? Description of Meaning in Dignāga’s Theory of Apoha.Kiyotaka Yoshimizu - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (5):973-1012.
    Dignāga’s theory of semantics called the “theory of apoha ” has been criticized by those who state that it may lead to a circular argument wherein “exclusion of others” is understood as mere double negation. Dignāga, however, does not intend mere double negation by anyāpoha. In his view, the word “cow” for instance, excludes those that do not have the set of features such as a dewlap, horns, and so on, by applying the semantic method called componential analysis. The (...)
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    The theory of meaning in buddhist logicians: The historical and intellectual context of apoha[REVIEW]R. K. Payne - 1987 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 15 (3):261-284.
    These supporting concepts enable us to much more adequately understand the meaning of apoha. First, a sharp distinction is drawn between the real and the conceptual; the real is particular, unique, momentary and the basis of perception, while the conceptual is universal, general, only supposedly objective and the basis of language. Second, the complex nature of negation discloses the kind of negation meant by apoha. Negation by implication is seen as disclosing the necessary relation between simple affirmations and (...)
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    A philosophical development of Buddhist theory of Apoha: with reference to Nyāya-Buddhhist controversy.Lata Dilip Chhatre - 2022 - Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation.
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    On What it is That Buddhists Think About—Apoha in the Ratnakīrti-Nibandhâvali—.Parimal G. Patil - 2003 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 31 (1-3):229-256.
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    Dharmakīrti's Theory of exclusion (apoha).Vincent Eltschinger - 2018 - Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. Edited by Vincent Eltschinger.
    part 1. An annotated translation of Pramāṇavārttikasvavṛtti 24,16-45,20 (Pramāṇavārttika 1.40-91.
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    Word meaning, sentence meaning, and apoha.Mark Siderits - 1985 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 13 (2):133-151.
  20. On semantics and saṃketa: Thoughts on a neglected problem with buddhist apoha doctrine. [REVIEW]Dan Arnold - 2006 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 34 (5):415-478.
    “...a theory of meaning for a particular language should be conceived by a philosopher as describing the practice of linguistic interchange by speakers of the language without taking it as already understood what it is to have a language at all: that is what, by imagining such a theory, we are trying to make explict." – Michael Dummer (2004: 31).
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    Shifting Concepts: The Realignment of Dharmakīrti on Concepts and the Error of Subject/Object Duality in Pratyabhijñā Śaiva Thought.Catherine Prueitt - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (1):21-47.
    Contemporary scholars have begun to document the extensive influence of the sixth to seventh century Buddhist philosopher Dharmakīrti on Pratyabhijñā Śaiva thought. Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta’s adaptation of Dharmakīrti’s apoha theory provides a striking instance of the creative ways in which these Śaivas use Dharmakīrti’s ideas to argue for positions that Dharmakīrti would emphatically reject. Both Dharmakīrti and these Śaivas emphasize that the formation of a concept involves both objective and subjective factors. Working within a certain perceptual environment, factors such (...)
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  22. Resolving the Ineffability Paradox.Chien-Hsing Ho - 2015 - In Arindam Chakrabarti & Ralph Weber (eds.), Comparative Philosophy without Borders. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 69-82.
    A number of contemporary philosophers think that the unqualified statement “X is unspeakable” faces the danger of self-referential absurdity: if this statement is true, it must simultaneously be false, given that X is speakable by the predicate word “unspeakable.” This predicament is in this chapter formulated as an argument that I term the “ineffability paradox.” After examining the Buddhist semantic theory of apoha (exclusion) and an apoha solution to the issue, I resort to a few Chinese Buddhist and (...)
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  23. Dharmakirti, Davidson, and knowing reality.Lajos Brons - 2013 - Comparative Philosophy 3 (1):30-57.
    If we distinguish phenomenal effects from their noumenal causes, the former being our conceptual(ized) experiences, the latter their grounds or causes in reality ‘as it is’ independent of our experience, then two contradictory positions with regards to the relationship between these two can be distinguished: either phenomena are identical with their noumenal causes, or they are not. Davidson is among the most influential modern defenders of the former position, metaphysical non-dualism. Dharmakīrti’s strict distinction between ultimate and conventional reality, on the (...)
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    An Exclusive Volume on Exclusion.Pradeep P. Gokhale - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (4):605-616.
    Apoha theory could perhaps be understood as a part of the Buddhist program of emancipating people from the clutches of attachment. Diṅnāga and thereafter Dharmakīrti, when they developed their epistemology of perception, inference, and language, pointed out that through perception we are associated with unique particulars, which are momentary. We try to give an enduring status to them through thought and language by constructing universals. Thus, thought and language amount to false constructions, and they also mark our attachment to (...)
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    Karmic Imprints, Exclusion, and the Creation of the Worlds of Conventional Experience in Dharmakīrti’s Thought.Catherine Prueitt - 2018 - Sophia 57 (2):313-335.
    Dharmakīrti’s apoha theory of concept formation aims to provide an account of intersubjectivity without relying on the existence of real universals. He uses the pan-Yogācāra theory of karmic imprints to claim that sentient beings form concepts by treating unique particulars as if a certain subset of them had the same effects. Since this judgment of sameness depends on an individual's habits, desires, and sensory capacities, and these in turn depend on the karmic imprints developed over countless lifetimes and continuously (...)
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  26. Beyond Time, Not Before Time: The Pratyabhijñā S'aiva Critique of Dharmakīrti on the Reality of Beginningless Conceptual Differentiation.Catherine Prueitt - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (3):594-614.
    The influential apoha theory of concept formation of the seventh-century Buddhist Dharmakīrti stands as a philosophically powerful articulation of how language could work in the absence of real universals. In brief, Dharmakīrti argues that concepts are constructed through a goaloriented process that delimits the content of an experience by ignoring whatever does not conform to one's conditioned expectations. There are no real similarities that ground this process. Rather, a concept is merely what's left over once one has glossed over (...)
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    Prajñākaragupta’s Philosophy of Language. 배경아 - 2017 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (50):337-358.
    언어의 대상은 ‘타자의 배제’이고 선명하게 현현하는 감관의 대상일 수 없다는 점에서 쁘라즈냐까라굽따(Prajñākaragupta ca. 780-840)의 언어의미론 또한 불교인식론논리학파(佛教認識論理学)의 아뽀하(apoha)론에서 벗어나지 않는다. 다만 쁘라즈냐까라굽따는 개념지의 영상(影像, pratibimbaka) 자체가 언어의 대상으로 타자의 배제인 것은 있을 수 없지만 배제는 반드시 형상을 갖는 지(知)와 결합하는 것이라고 하는 유형상지식론(有形相知識論)에 기반 해서 아뽀하론을 전개한다. 또한 그는 외계의 본질인 ‘배제’를 인정하지 않는다. 개념지의 영상(pratibimbaka) 자체가 언어의 대상으로 타자의 배제는 아니지만 언어의 대상은 동일한 결과를 갖지 않는 것(atatkārya)으로부터 배제된 공통성(sāmānya)이고 그 공통성을 본질로 하는 형상은 실재가 아니라 잠재인상(潛在印象, vāsanā)을 (...)
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  28. Empty subject terms in buddhist logic: Dignāga and his chinese commentators.Zhihua Yao - 2009 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 37 (4):383-398.
    The problem of empty terms is one of the focal issues in analytic philosophy. Russell’s theory of descriptions, a proposal attempting to solve this problem, attracted much attention and is considered a hallmark of the analytic tradition. Scholars of Indian and Buddhist philosophy, e.g., McDermott, Matilal, Shaw and Perszyk, have studied discussions of empty terms in Indian and Buddhist philosophy. But most of these studies rely heavily on the Nyāya or Navya-Nyāya sources, in which Buddhists are portrayed as opponents to (...)
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  29. Indian Buddhist Philosophy: Metaphysics as Ethics.Amber D. Carpenter - 2013 - Durham: Routledge.
    Development of Buddhist thought in India; 1. The Buddha’s suffering; 2. Practice and theory of no-self; 3. Kleśas and compassion; 4. The second Buddha’s greater vehicle; 5. Karmic questions; 6. Irresponsible selves, responsible non-selves; 7. The third turning: Yogācāra; 8. The long sixth to seventh century: epistemology as ethics; I. Perception and conception: the changing face ofultimate reality; II. Evaluating reasons: Naiyāyikas and Diṅnāga. III. Madhyamaka response to Yogācāra IV. Percepts and concepts: Apoha 1 ; V. Efficacy: Apoha (...)
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    Conventional Truth and Intentionality in the Work of Dharmakīrti.Laura Guerrero - 2015 - In Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield & Graham Priest (eds.), The Moon Points Back. Oxford University Press USA.
    Conventional truth describes things as delivered by ordinary experience; ultimate truth captures the way that things are independent of our interests, practices, and cognitive faculties. It is notoriously difficult to provide an adequate analysis of either conventional or ultimate truth, however. This chapter develops a previous scholarly suggestion to understand conventional truth in Madhyamaka as deflationary truth. It points out that this suggestion is a good one only if a supplementary theory of meaning, which the deflationary theory of truth presupposes, (...)
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    How do Mādhyamikas think?: and other essays on the Buddhist philosophy of the middle.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2016 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom.
    Intro -- Title -- Contents -- Publisher's Acknowledgment -- Introduction -- Madhyamaka's Promise as Philosophy -- 1. Trying to Be Fair -- 2. How Far Can a Mādhyamika Reform Customary Truth? Dismal Relativism, Fictionalism, Easy-Easy Truth, and the Alternatives -- Logic and Semantics -- 3. How Do Mādhyamikas Think? Notes on Jay Garfield, Graham Priest, and Paraconsistency -- 4. "How Do Mādhyamikas Think?" Revisited -- 5. Prasaṅga and Proof by Contradiction in Bhāviveka, Candrakīrti, and Dharmakīrti -- 6. Apoha Semantics: (...)
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    Semantic Aspect of Buddhist Logic with Special Reference to Dinnaga and Dharmakirti.Pramod Kumar - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 6:167-183.
    Buddhist logicians have rejected the reality of universals on the one hand, and, on the other hand, given a substitute in the form of the doctrine of Apoha. The doctrine of apoha first appears in Dinnaga’s Pramanasamuccaya, according to which words and concepts are negative by their very nature. They proceed on thebasis of negation. They express their own meaning only by repudiating their opposite meaning. The Buddhist logicians talk of two types of knowledge, viz., pratyaksa, which is (...)
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  33. Meaning and reality: a cross-traditional encounter.Lajos L. Brons - 2013 - In Bo Mou R. Tiesze (ed.), Constructive Engagement of Analytic and Continental Approaches in Philosophy. Brill. pp. 199-220.
    (First paragraph.) Different views on the relation between phenomenal reality, the world as we consciously experience it, and noumenal reality, the world as it is independent from an experiencing subject, have different implications for a collection of interrelated issues of meaning and reality including aspects of metaphysics, the philosophy of language, and philosophical methodology. Exploring some of these implications, this paper compares and brings together analytic, continental, and Buddhist approaches, focusing on relevant aspects of the philosophy of Donald Davidson, Jacques (...)
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    A Critical Examination of Dinnaga’s Views on Sentence.Pramod Kumar - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 24:29-36.
    The idea to work on this topic was come to my mind when I came across Masaaki Hattori’s comment that Dinnaga has accepted Bhartrhari’s views regarding the meaning of a sentence although their theories of word meaning are completely different from each other. According to Bhartrhari, in all phenomenal entities there are two elements viz. jati and vyakti; jati refers to the real element and vyakti to the unreal. Vyakti suffer changes, whereas jati remains constant. Again according to him the (...)
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    The dialogue of civilizations in the birth of modern science (review).Sundar Sarukkai - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (4):736-741.
    When I first encountered Indian philosophy after having studied Western philosophy, two examples of comparative interest caught my attention. One was Saussure's theory of meaning through difference (which led to the vibrant traditions of structuralism, poststructuralism, and postmodernism). I was immediately struck by the stark similarity between this theory and the Buddhist apoha theory of meaning. The other example was that of Hume, and in this case I was amazed at the sophistication of the Indian philosophical discussions on the (...)
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    Dignāga's philosophy of language: Pramāṇasamuccayavṛtti V on anyāpoha.Ole Holten Pind - 2015 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Edited by Dignāga.
    The Buddhist philosopher Dignaga (around 500 CE) centers his philosophy of language on the theorem of verbal meaning as "exclusion of other referents" (anyapoha). This is the topic of the fifth chapter in his summarizing last work, the Pramanasamuccayavrtti. Since a word tells its hearer something about the object to which it refers in the same way that a logical reason tells its observer something about the object of which it is a property, Dignaga's apoha thesis is a crucial (...)
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    Ratnakīrti viracita Apohasiddhi kā Govindacandra Pāṇḍe kr̥ta anuvāda aura vyākhyā. Ratnakīrti - 1971 - Jayapura: Darśana Pratishṭhāna. Edited by Govind Chandra Pande.
    Treatise on the differentiative category (apoha) according to Buddhist logic and metaphysics.
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    How to Refer to a Thing by a Word: Another Difference Between Dignāga’s and Kumārila’s Theories of Denotation.Kiyotaka Yoshimizu - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):571-587.
    In studies of Indian theories of meaning it has been standard procedure to examine their relevance to the ontological issues between Brahmin realism about universals and Buddhist nominalism. It is true that Kumārila makes efforts to secure the real existence of a generic property denoted by a word by criticizing Dignāga, who declares that the real world consists of absolutely unique individuals. The present paper, however, concentrates on the linguistic approaches Dignāga and Kumārila adopt to deny or to prove the (...)
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    Meaning and Non-Existence: Kumārila’s Refutation of Dignāga’s Theory of Exclusion by Kei Kataoka and John Taber (review).Charles A. Goodman - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Meaning and Non-Existence: Kumārila’s Refutation of Dignāga’s Theory of Exclusion by Kei Kataoka and John TaberCharles A. Goodman (bio)Meaning and Non-Existence: Kumārila’s Refutation of Dignāga’s Theory of Exclusion. By Kei Kataoka and John Taber. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021. Pp. 268. Paper $44.00, ISBN 978-3-7001-8641-0.Kumārila Bhaṭṭa (seventh century CE) was a brilliant and highly original thinker, a master of Sanskrit style, and perhaps the most formidable philosophical (...)
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  40. How Not to Avoid Speaking.Chien-Hsing Ho - 1996 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 24 (5):541-562.
    Mahayana Buddhist philosophers’ attitude toward language is notoriously negative. The transcendental reality is often said to be ineffable. One’s obsession to apprehend the truth through words is an intellectual disease to be cured Attachment to verbal and conceptual proliferation enslaves oneself in the afflictive circle of life and death. Nevertheless, no Buddhist can afford to overlook the significance of language in preaching Buddhist dharmas as well as in day-to-day transactions. The point is not that of keeping silence. Rather, one should (...)
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    Dharmakīrti's thought and its impact on Indian and Tibetan philosophy: proceedings of the Third International Dharmakīrti Conference, Hiroshima, November 4-6, 1997.Shōryū Katsura (ed.) - 1999 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenchaften.
    The proceedings of the Third International Dharmakirti Conference held in Hiroshima in 1997 collect a number of papers devoted to the study of the great seventh-century Buddhist philosopher, Dharmakirti, and his impacts upon the succeeding generations of both Buddhist and non-Buddhist philosophers in India and Tibet. The Second International Dharmakirti Conference was held in Vienna, and its proceedings, Studies in the Buddhist Epistemological Tradition, have been published in this same series. The present volume contains the results of the important researches (...)
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    Utpaladeva’s Lost Vivṛti on the Īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikā.Raffaele Torella - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):115-126.
    The recent discovery of a fragmentary manuscript of Utpaladeva’s long commentary (Vivṛti or Ṭīkā) on his own Īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikā (ĪPK) and Vṛtti enables us to assess the role of this work as the real centre of gravity of the Pratyabhijñā philosophy as a whole, though the later Śaiva tradition chose instead Abhinavagupta’s Vimarśinī as the standard text. This brilliant, and more compact and accessible, text was copied and copied again during the centuries and became popular in south India too, where a (...)
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