Results for 'analogon rationis'

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  1. Analogon Rationis: Baumgarten, Deleuze and the 'Becoming Girl' of Philosophy.Leyla Haferkamp - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):62-69.
    Baumgarten's Enlightenment Aesthetica provides an important philosophical analogon to Deleuze's alignment of the ‘logic of sense’ and the ‘logic of sensation’. By linking serious reason with its ‘other’, frivolous feeling, the book greatly influenced Herder and the Romantic movement. Baumgarten called aesthetics ‘logic's younger sister’. Like Deleuze he propagates nothing less than the ‘becoming-girl’ of philosophy.
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  2. L'esthétique de l'analogon rationis: une introduction à la philosophie d'Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten.Gilda Bouchat - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (1):1-20.
    Les multiples histoires des idées qui retracent la constitution, relativement récente, de la discipline appelée «esthétique», mentionnent souvent le nom d�Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1714-1762) en lui attribuant l�«invention» du néologisme «æsthetica». Très rapidement, ce terme latin, traduit en allemand, entre dans l�usage courant. De nos jours, il désigne un ensemble de discours souvent très hétérogènes sur les beaux-arts. Mais le sens originaire d�æsthetica, c�est-à-dire le contenu de l�ouvrage éponyme de 1750, demeure largement méconnu. Le présent article souhaite contribuer à souligner (...)
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  3. La fallacia dell'analogon rationis.Pietro Kobau - 2002 - Rivista di Estetica 42 (19):11-35.
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    Critical Aesthetics. Baumgarten and the Logic of Taste.Alessandro Nannini - 2021 - Aesthetic Investigations 4 (2):201-218.
    In this essay, I discuss Baumgarten’s neglected doctrine of taste. In particular I investigate his definition of taste as the judgment of the senses against the backdrop of the philosophical debate of his day, pointing out the biblical and classical sources of the idea of a judging aisthesis. In addition, I analyse the radical change that the definition of taste as the judgment of the senses brings about in the idea of both taste and the judgment of the senses with (...)
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    Die Entstehung der kritischen Rechtsphilosophie Kants 1762-1780. [REVIEW]B. P. R. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (2):373-374.
    A careful, detailed, summary and interpretation of the development of Kant’s views on political philosophy from his early denial that the concept of obligation could be derived from Wolff’s Naturkausalität until all the major elements of his own Rechtsphilosophie could be identified. The major source for the author’s reconstruction of these largely unpublished views is, of necessity, the large volume of disorganized, problematically dated Reflexionen, and student transcripts and summaries of his lectures. He convincingly organizes these materials into four main (...)
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    Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae.Krzysztof Głowacki & Mateusz Ignacik - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):292-294.
    The Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy in Cracow has existed since 1934, when it was erected by the Congregation for Seminaries and Universities. For the first 55 years it educated only the Jesuits, but since 1989 it has been opened to the laity as well. A memorial book Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae was published to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy with special dedication to its Professors: Fr. Roman Darowski SJ, Fr. Piotr Lenartowicz SJ, and Fr. Stanislaw (...)
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    Procurator rationis patrimonii: An Autonomous Equestrian Procuratorship or an Alternative Title of the procurator patrimonii?Karol Kłodziński - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):665-675.
    Summary The way patrimonial procuratorships (of the patrimonium, ratio privata, and res privata) functioned at the beginning of the 3rd century CE remains controversial. A recently published inscription from Proconsular Africa featuring a new equestrian procurator rationis patrimonii of ducenarius rank, combined with re-interpreting the patrimonial procuratorships held by M. Aquilius Felix, argues convincingly that the reform of the administration of imperial property carried out at the beginning of Septimius Severus’ reign may have been more comprehensive than previously believed.
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    Distinctio rationis ratiocinantis: Die scholastische Unterscheidungslehre vor dem Satz »A = A«.Sven K. Knebel - 2002 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 44:145-173.
    The present essay explores the sources and the scope of a major feature of the scholastic logic and metaphysics: the 16th-century distinction of the reasoning reason in contradistinction to the distinction of reasoned reason. Depending on whether the non-identity was meant to refer to first-order or second-order intentions, the distinctio rationis ratiocinantis intervened either between a definition and the term defined or between the two terms of identical propositions: »A = A«. How to save this elusive kind of distinction (...)
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    Ens rationis ratiocinatae and ens rationis ratiocinantis: Reflections on a New Book on Beings of Reason in Baroque-Age Scholasticism.Claus A. Andersen - 2014 - Quaestio 14:315-327.
    This review-article examines Daniel Novotny’s new book on entia rationis in Baroque-Age scholasticism. Novotný’s presentation of Francisco Suárez’, Pedro Hurtado’s, Bartolomeo Mastri’s and Bonaventura Belluto’s as well as Juan Caramuel’s theories of beings of reason is discussed. Beyond Novotný’s results, it is pointed out 1) that Suárez’ theory of the causation of beings of reason is anticipated by his explanation of the relationship between formal and objective concepts, and 2) that the traditional division of distinctions of reason lies in (...)
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  10. Analogon and Analogia in the Philosophy of Aristotle.M. D. Philippe - 1969 - The Thomist 33 (1):1-74.
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    Palaestra Rationis: Discussioni su natura della copula e modalita nella filosofia "scolastica" tedesca del XVII secolo. Gino Roncaglia.E. Ashworth - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):539-539.
  12. Societas rationis. Festschrift für Burkhard Tuschling zum 65. Geburtstag.Dieter Hünig, Gideon Stiening & Ulrich Vogel (eds.) - 2002 - Dunckler & Humblot.
  13. Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne.James Maclaurin (ed.) - 2012 - Springer.
    Edited book containing the following essays: 1 Getting over Gettier, Alan Musgrave.- 2 Justified Believing: Avoiding the Paradox Gregory W. Dawes.- 3 Literature and Truthfulness,Gregory Currie.- 4 Where the Buck-passing Stops, Andrew Moore.- 5 Universal Darwinism: Its Scope and Limits, James Maclaurin, - 6 The Future of Utilitarianism,Tim Mulgan. 7 Kant on Experiment, Alberto Vanzo.- 8 Did Newton ʻFeignʼ the Corpuscular Hypothesis? Kirsten Walsh.- 9 The Progress of Scotland: The Edinburgh Philosophical Societies and the Experimental Method, Juan Gomez.- 10 Propositions: (...)
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    Iter rationis. Reise der Vernunft in Leibniz’ Welt der Monaden.Heinrich Schepers - 2017 - Studia Leibnitiana 49 (1):2.
    This journey shall provide the reader with a simple, though complete, guide to Leibniz’s metaphysics, incidentally preventing him or her from common errors. I will start with unfolding Leibniz’s definition of a simple substance as a free acting individual substance, which, in doing so, constitutes its complete concept. This latter contains everything that happens to the individual substance, a process taking place in God’s mind by forming the possibilities as combinations of his attributes before his decision to create the best (...)
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    Ens rationis e a natureza da lógica segundo Avicena.Alfredo Storck - 2008 - Discurso 38:7-30.
    O presente artigo divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira, analisa-se a noção de um ser mental como sujeito da lógica. O principal objetivo dessa parte é fornecer algumas notas históricas sobre a origem e a importância de uma noção bastante difundida nos séculos XIII e XIV. A segunda parte concentra-se na filosofia de Avicena e procura mostrar como esse autor opõe-se à existência de um ser mental como sujeito da lógica.
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    Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: a study in scholasticism of the Baroque Era.Daniel Novotny - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In this groundbreaking book, Daniel D. Novotny explores one of the most controversial topics of Suarez's philosophy: "beings of reason." Beings of reason are impossible intentional objects, such as blindness and square-circle.
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  17. Rationis traditio.Dominique Janicaud - 1985 - The Temps de la Réflexion 6:127.
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    Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era. By Daniel Novotný.Victor M. Salas Jr - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):105-107.
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    Entia Rationis and Second Intentions.John of St Thomas - 1949 - New Scholasticism 23 (4):395-413.
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    Ens reale, ens rationis, or Something In-Between?Claus A. Andersen - 2024 - Vivarium 62 (1):58-89.
    The ontological status of esse cognitum was at the center of complex debates throughout the Scotist tradition (Alnwick vs. Aesculo, Mastri vs. Punch). This article investigates the Scotist Angelo Volpe’s discussion of esse cognitum enjoyed by possible creatures in the divine intellect. Volpe responds to two religious warnings, one against assuming any eternal real being for merely possible creatures, and a second against depriving God’s eternal knowledge of a corresponding object, since that would endanger this knowledge itself. Volpe opts for (...)
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  21. The Realm of entia rationis and its Boundaries: Hervaeus Natalis on Objective Being.Charles Girard - 2020 - Recherches de Théologie Et de Philosophie Médiévales 87 (2):349-369.
    Hervaeus Natalis distinguishes two types of items that can have esse obiective in the intellect: objects of acts of intellection (man, this cat, etc.) and properties unapprehended by these acts, or background properties (being a species, being a particular, etc.), that are beings of reason. Yet, his conception of the esse obiective of objects evolved. First, he had a neutral conception of esse obiective: items presenting themselves to the intellect are cognized, transparently, without being altered in the process. Later, he (...)
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    Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era. By Daniel D. Novotný.John Kronen - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (1):157-160.
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    Iter rationis. Viaje de la razón en el mundo de las mónadas de Leibniz.Heinrich Schepers & Griselda Gaiada - 2020 - Tópicos 39:12-45.
  24. Concordia rationis et fidei . Dokumente.Friedrich Wilhelm Stosch & Winfried Schröder - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (1):133-134.
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    Palaestra rationis: discussioni su natura della copula e modalità nella filosofia "scolastica" tedesca del XVII secolo.Gino Roncaglia - 1996 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Analogo rationis.Maurizio Ferraris & Pietro Kobau - 1994 - Cuem.
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    Mathesis rationis: Festschrift für Heinrich Schepers.Albert Heinekamp, Heinrich Schepers, Martin Schneider & Wolfgang Lenzen - 1990
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  28. The changing role ofentia rationis in mediaeval semantics and ontology: A comparative study with a reconstruction.Gyula Klima - 1993 - Synthese 96 (1):25 - 58.
  29. Societas rationis. Festschrift für Burkhard Tuschling zum 65. Geburtstag.[author unknown] - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (2):371-372.
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    El "ens rationis": un caso de objeto puro.José Luis Fernández - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):297-318.
    This article tries to show that the ens rationis is nothing else but one of the most relevant cases of the pure object. To reach this conclusión, the different position regarding the pure object as those of Meinong, Hartmann Millán-Puelles and the Schoolmen are examined.
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  31. The Psychical Analogon in Sartre's Theory of the Imagination.Cam Clayton - 2011 - Sartre Studies International 17 (2):16-27.
    Sartre's theory of the imagination is important both as an alternative to the idea that the imagination consists of images contained somehow in the mind - the "illusion of immanence" — and as an early formulation of Sartre's conception of consciousness. In this paper I defend Sartre's theory of imaginative consciousness against some of its critics. I show how difficulties with his theory parallel a perennial problem in Sartre-interpretation, that of understanding how consciousness can negate its past and posit possibilities (...)
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    IX*—Distinctiones rationis, or the Cheshire Cat which Left its Smile Behind it.Ronald J. Butler - 1976 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76:165-176.
    Ronald J. Butler; IX*—Distinctiones rationis, or the Cheshire Cat which Left its Smile Behind it, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 76, Issue 1, 1.
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    Ens reale / Ens rationis. Le mental et le réel dans le formalisme scotiste du XVIe siècle.Francesco Marrone - 2017 - Quaestio 17:155-176.
    This paper focuses on the formulation of the concept of ‘reality’ between the XV and the XVI centuries by investigating the classification of being of reason and its distinction from real being in...
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    Ex Oriente lumen naturale rationis: how East and West met.Н. А Железнова - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (2):184-191.
    The book under review is devoted to īśvaravāda – Indian philosophical theism in the con­text of the polemics between theists and antitheists. The author traces the history of the con­cepts of “theism” and “philosophical theism” in European philosophy and provides a jus­tification for the possibility of applying these concepts to medieval India. The publication examines three versions of īśvaravāda (in classical Yoga, Advaita-Vedānta, Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and bhakti-schools of Vedānta), accompanied by translations from Sanskrit sec­tions of texts that present the arguments of (...)
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  35. Gegen entia rationis, sogenannte irreale oder ideale Gegenstände.Franz Brentano - 1929 - Philosophische Hefte 2 (4):257-273.
  36. Ein harmonikales Analogon: Leibniz'Stammbaum-Modell in der Dissertatio de arte combinatoria.Werner Schulze - 1987 - Studia Leibnitiana 19 (1):98-116.
    The Lambdoma, considered the most important harmonical pattern of order is to be understood as a further development of a figure attributed to the Pythagoreans "in the shape of the capital letter Lambda" -therefore named Lambda . Diagrams similar to the Lambdoma without explicit harmonical significance can be found in the writings of several medieval and modern authors, including Ramon Llull , whose influence on Leibniz is already evident in the Dissertatio de arte combinatoria , Leipzig 1666. Leibniz and Llull (...)
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    Smiglecius on entia rationis.Gino Roncaglia - 1995 - Vivarium 33 (1):27-49.
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    Sartre et la peinture: pour une redéfinition de l'analogon pictural.Sophie Astier-Vezon - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4e de couv. mentionne "Nous admirons la plupart du temps les peintures vénitiennes du Tintoret dans des conditions défavorables : il en est de même pour les textes de Sartre sur la peinture, disséminés au gré des Situations, parfois inédits. On croit alors y trouver une théorie de l'imaginaire focalisée sur l'irréalité du monde des images. La définition des "arts non-signifiants" dans Qu'est-ce que la Littérature, tout comme les articles sur la peinture, rédigés entre 1954 et 1970 corrigent certaines (...)
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    Entre logique mentaliste et métaphysique conceptualiste : la distinctio rationis ratiocinantis.Sven K. Knebel - 2002 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 61 (2):145.
    La distinction entre la distinctio rationis ratiocinatae et la distinctio rationis ratiocinantis n’est aucunement une spécialité scotiste, mais bien un héritage scolastique commun depuis le XVIe. La controverse portait sur la manière dont la distinctio rationis ratiocinantis s’appliquait à la proposition « A=A ». Sur ce point, la pensée de Mastri constitue un tournant dans l’histoire du scotisme, dans la mesure où il n’instrumentalise plus la distinctio rationis ratiocinantis pour la logique mentaliste, mais au contraire la (...)
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    Conceito objetivo, denominação extrinseca E entia rationis em francisco Suárez.André Rangel Rios - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):719-750.
    Suárez, talvez o principal expoente da Escolástica do século XVI, em suas Disputationes metaphysicae, trabalha, entre outros temas, o do conceito objetivo. Atendo-se principalmente à disputação 2, secção n• 1, procura-se mostrar a fecundidade de tal noção, desenvolvendo, para tanto, os temas: o conceito formal enquanto ato mental e enquanto imago, a doutrina da denominação extrínseca: a denominação extrínseca e os entia rationis, a denominação extrínseca e os possíveis.
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    La obra De consolatione rationis de Petrus Compostellanus.María González-Haba - 1975 - München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften : In Kommission bei Beck. Edited by Petrus Compostellanus.
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  42. Analogia and ens rationis.Jacqueline Lagrée - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  43. Analogia and ens rationis.Jacqueline Lagrée - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  44. La loi comme ordinatio rationis dans les manuels d'avant Vatican II.Paul Rambert - 2009 - Revue Thomiste 109 (4):531-588.
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  45. Aproximaciones al "Principium reddendae rationis suficientis".Raúl López Upegui - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):310-336.
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  46. Rational Entities (entia rationis) in the Aristotelian Tradition of the 17th Century.S. Sousedik - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52 (4):533-544.
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    Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era. [REVIEW]Matthew Minerd - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (1):145-147.
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    Verbum Nuncius est Rationis.Edwin D. Craun - 1989 - Augustinian Studies 20:143-164.
  49. Gratiosum lumen rationis. Appunto a proposito di un sintagma dantesco.Ruedi Imbach - 2012 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 59 (2).
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  50. Principium contradictionis oraz Principium rationis sufficientis w ontologii Christiana Wolffa.Artur Banaszkiewicz - 2002 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 2.
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