Results for 'accomplishment'

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    Books Available List.Accomplished Teacher - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (5).
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  2. Accomplishing Accomplishment.Adam Morton - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (1):1-8.
    The concepts of knowledge and accomplishment are duals. There are many parallels between them. In this paper I discuss the "AA" thesis, which is dual to the well known KK thesis. The KK thesis claims that if someone knows something, then she knows that she knows it. This is generally thought to be false, and there are powerful reasons for rejecting it. The AA thesis claims that if someone accomplishes something, then she accomplishes that she accomplishes it. I argue (...)
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  3. The accomplishment of plans: a new version of the principle of double effect.Alexander R. Pruss - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (1):49-69.
    The classical principle of double effect offers permissibility conditions for actions foreseen to lead to evil outcomes. I shall argue that certain kinds of closeness cases, as well as general heuristic considerations about the order of explanation, lead us to replace the intensional concept of intention with the extensional concept of accomplishment in double effect.
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    Accomplishing Intergroup Relations in Group Homes: A Discursive Analysis of Professionals Talking About External and Internal Stakeholders.Marzia Saglietti & Filomena Marino - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Focusing on one of the most studied dimensions of Social Psychology, i.e., intergroup relations, this study analyzes its discursive accomplishment in a specific group-based intervention, i.e., the talk and work of an Italian group home, i.e., a small alternative care facility hosting a group of out-of-home children. Particularly, we focused on the fictionally called “Nuns’ Home,” a group home previously investigated for its ethnocentric bias, and its intergroup relations with “inside” and “outside” groups, such as schools, biological families, and (...)
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  5. Accomplishment.Adam Morton - manuscript
    The concepts of knowledge and of accomplishment have many similarities. In fact they are duals, in a sense that I explain. Similar issues arise about both of them, deriving from the functions they serve in everyday evaluation of inquiry and action.
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    Accomplishing Meaning in a Stratified World: An Existential-Phenomenological Reading of Max Weber’s ‘Class, Status, Party’.Joaquin Trujillo - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (4):345-356.
    This is an existential-phenomenological reading of Max Weber's "Class, Status, Party" that seeks a fuller understanding of meaning accomplishment in a stratified World. I appropriate stratification as a single meaning structure ontically defined by domination, intersubjectivity, and life-chances and ontologically determined by the power-to-be, There-being-with-others, and potentiality. I then discuss the significance of these structures in finite transcendence and describe ways they factually unfold in World achievement. I conclude with logotherapeutic reflections concerning meaning accomplishment in a stratified World (...)
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    Accomplishments and limitations of the ‘new’ mainstream in contemporary populism studies. [REVIEW]Anton Jäger & Yannis Stavrakakis - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (4):547-565.
    Two recent books on populism represent more than any other the new mainstream in populism studies. Through a reconstruction of the main arguments advanced by Jan-Werner Müller, on the one hand, and Cas Mudde and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, on the other, this article aims to highlight both the significant accomplishments as well as the main limitations of this orientation. Special attention is given to the way in which the two projects deal with the relationship between populism and democracy. In this (...)
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    Mission Accomplished? Reflecting on 60 Years of Business & Society.Martina Linnenluecke, Layla Branicki & Stephen Brammer - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):980-1041.
    Business & Society’s 60th anniversary affords an opportunity to reflect on the journal’s achievements in the context of the wider field. We analyze editorial commentaries to map the evolving mission of the journal, assess the achievement of the journal’s mission through a thematic analysis of published articles, and examine Business & Society’s distinctiveness relative to peer journals using a machine learning approach. Our analysis highlights subtle shifts in Business & Society’s mission and content over time, reflecting variation in the relative (...)
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    Accomplishing the Accomplished: The Vedas as a Source of Valid Knowledge in Śankara.Anantanand Rambachan - 1991 - University of Hawaii Press.
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    Accomplishing Closings in Talk Show Interviews: A Comparison with News Interviews.Esperanza Rama Martínez - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (3):283-302.
    This article investigates how talk show interviews are brought to an end. The closing process of televised talk shows is analysed and compared with Clayman's characterization of news interview closings. The study concludes that closings in both genres share features relating to the structural organization and the participants' behaviour which can be accounted for in terms of the institutional context in which the speech events take place. Nevertheless, the particular closing structure of each type of institutionally situated talk, as well (...)
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    Accomplishing the Accomplished: The Vedas as a Source of Valid Knowledge in Sankara.Francis X. Clooney - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):139.
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    The accomplished senator.Wawrzyniec Goślicki - 1733 - Miami: American Institute of Polish Culture.
  13. The accomplished senator of Laurentius Goslicius.W. J. Stankiewicz - 1946 - [London?]: Oficyna Warszawska Abroad.
  14. Accomplishing the Impossible: Jīva Gosvāmī and the Concept of Acintya in Caitanya Vaiṣṇava Vedānta.Ravi M. Gupta - 2020 - In Ayon Maharaj (ed.), The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Mission Accomplished? Unified Science and Logical Empiricism at the 1935 Paris Congress and Afterwards.Hans-Joachim Dahms - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:289-305.
    Pour la plupart, les membres du cercle de Vienne se sentaient investis d’une mission philosophique et aussi culturelle: poursuivre la tradition française des Lumières et l’adapter aux exigences du temps. Si l’on se demande dans quelle mesure l’objectif a été atteint, la réponse est double. Quand ils ont cherché à élaborer une encyclopédie empiriste, à savoir l’Encyclopédie internationale de la science unifiée, qui serait comme l’équivalent de la Grande Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert, l’échec a été flagrant. À cela, il (...)
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    Vision Accomplished? The Enigma of Ho Chi Minh.Chauncey S. Goodrich & N. Khac Huyen - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):419.
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    “The Danger of Accomplishments”.Gary B. Selin - 2007 - Newman Studies Journal 4 (2):75-82.
    Newman’s Anglican sermon—“The Danger of Accomplishments”— warned his Oxford audience of the dangers both of higher education and of a life of luxury. Yet how can this sermon’s rejection of flowery literature that entertains and arouses pleasant feelings in its readers be reconciled with Newman’s later advocacy in his The Idea of a University that classical literature is an important aspect of a liberal education?
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  18. Redemption — Accomplished and Applied.John Murray - 1955
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    Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences,800 BC to 1950.Alan Wolfe - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (2):352-352.
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    Accomplishing the Accomplished: The Vedas as a Source of Valid Knowledge in Sankara.Arvind Sharma - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (4):737-744.
  21.  39
    “Transmission” Accomplished?: Latin’s Alimentary Metaphors of Communication.William Michael Short - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):247-275.
    Whereas communication is today conceived as the “transmission” of “signals” along a “conduit,” Latin speakers’ understanding of this concept was delivered by a system of metaphors recruiting images of cooking, serving, eating, and digesting food. More than providing simply colorful ways of speaking about thought and speech, however, these alimentary metaphors functioned together to deliver a coherent overall model of how mental representations come to be verbally shared among individuals. While it is not the only metaphorical model available to Latin (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Executions, Motivations, and Accomplishments.David Israel, John Perry & Syun Tutiya - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (4):515 - 540.
    Brutus wanted to kill Caesar. He believed that Caesar was an ordinary mortal, and that, given this, stabbing him (by which we mean plunging a knife into his heart) was a way of killing him. He thought that he could stab Caesar, for he remembered that he had a knife and saw that Caesar was standing next to him on his left, in the Forum. So Brutus was motivated to stab the man to his left. He did so, thereby killing (...)
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    Accomplishing Modernity: Dewey's Inquiry, Childhood and Philosophy.Stefano Oliverio - 2012 - Education and Culture 28 (2):54-69.
    In her recent much-debated manifesto for Socratic education, Martha Nussbaum (2010) makes two statements seemingly dissonant with each other: on the one hand, she recognizes in Dewey "a thinker who brought Socrates into virtually every American classroom" (p. 64); on the other hand, she points out that "Dewey, however, never addressed systematically the question of how Socratic critical reasoning might be taught to children of various ages" (p. 73). The latter remark works as a sort of springboard to the introduction (...)
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    (1 other version)Assembling the ‘Accomplished’ Teacher: The Performativity and Politics of Professional Teaching Standards.Dianne Mulcahy - 1991 - In Tara Fenwick & Richard Edwards (eds.), Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 78–96.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Clearing Some Definitional Ground: Standards as Epistemic Objects What Counts as a Standard?: Orthodoxies and other Stories Travelling with Actor‐Network Theory: ‘It's Practice All theWay Down’6 The Project in Question: Data and Method Assemblage7 Teaching and Standards of Teaching: Performative Tales from the Field Assembling the Accomplished Teacher: Whose Assemblage Counts? The Critical Contribution of Actor‐Network Theory: Performative Politics Notes References.
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  25. Mereological characters and progressive accomplishments.Karoly Varasdi - forthcoming - Journal of Semantics.
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  26. The accomplishment of jean capreolus, OP.Edward P. Mahoney - 2004 - The Thomist 68 (4):601-632.
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    ‘The accomplishment of many years’: Three notes towards a history of the sand-glass.A. J. Turner - 1982 - Annals of Science 39 (2):161-172.
    The first note examines current assumptions about the medieval origins of the sand-glass and underlines the defective nature of our knowledge. The second note suggests a possible etymology for an unusual fifteenth-century English term for the instrument. The third note assembles such evidence as can be found on the price of sand-glasses and the structure of the trade that produced them.
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  28. Music practice and participation for psychological well-being: A review of how music influences positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.Adam M. Croom - 2015 - Musicae Scientiae: The Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 19:44-64.
    In “Flourish,” Martin Seligman maintained that the elements of well-being consist of “PERMA: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.” Although the question of what constitutes human flourishing or psychological well-being has remained a topic of continued debate among scholars, it has recently been argued in the literature that a paradigmatic or prototypical case of human psychological well-being would largely manifest most or all of the aforementioned PERMA factors. Further, in “A Neuroscientific Perspective on Music Therapy,” Stefan Koelsch also (...)
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  29. Natural kinds and literary accomplishments.Michael Ghiselin - 1980 - Michigan Quarterly Review 19:73-88.
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  30. Wittgenstein’s Accomplishment Is Most Importantly About Method.John Powell - 2000 - Essays in Philosophy 1 (2):22-27.
    Editor's Intro to the journal issue. Wittgenstein's methods are more important than his solutions or views on particular problems. He also attacks processes which give rise to philosophical problems, such as Cartesian dualism and Platonism and other more narrow pictures or assumptions. His recommendations that progress be based on what we get from juxtaposing examples with philosophical temptations are still being absorbed by the discipline. This is more the case now, fifteen years aftr I wrote this introduction.
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    Map for accomplishing spatial tasks.Osamu Hoshino, Takafumi Yoshizawa & Takeshi Kambara - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta (eds.), No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--289.
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    (1 other version)Video Gaming as Practical Accomplishment: Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, and Play.Stuart Reeves, Christian Greiffenhagen & Eric Laurier - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    Accounts of video game play developed from an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic perspective remain relatively scarce. This study collects together an emerging, if scattered, body of research which focuses on the material, practical “work” of video game players. The study offers an example-driven explication of an EMCA perspective on video game play phenomena. The materials are arranged as a “tactical zoom.” We start very much “outside” the game, beginning with a wide view of how massive-multiplayer online games are played within (...)
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    The resurrector of past accomplishments.Pavel Gurevich - 2017 - Philosophical Anthropology 3 (2):8-29.
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  34. Praxiology - The Science of Accomplished Acting.Henryk Skolimowski - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):348.
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  35. What Did the Cross Accomplish? A Conversation about the Atonement.[author unknown] - 2021
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  36. The Neural Accomplishment of Objectivity.Pete Mandik - 2008 - In Pierre Poirier & Luc Faucher (eds.), Des Neurones a La Philosophie: Neurophilosophie Et Philosophie Des Neurosciences. Éditions Syllepse.
    Philosophical tradition contains two major lines of thought concerning the relative difficulty of the notions of objectivity and subjectivity. One tradition, which we might characterize as.
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  37. What Can Genetic Engineering Accomplish.Gerard Elfstrom - 2001 - Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences 72:190-6.
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  38. Plans and their accomplishment.Alexander Pruss - manuscript
    Maritain Society Group Meeting, Eastern APA, 2006.
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    Mundane data: The routines, contingencies and accomplishments of digital living.Christine Heyes La Bond, Deborah Lupton, Shanti Sumartojo & Sarah Pink - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    This article develops and mobilises the concept of ‘mundane data’ as an analytical entry point for understanding Big Data. We call for in-depth investigation of the human experiences, routines, improvisations and accomplishments which implicate digital data in the flow of the everyday. We demonstrate the value of this approach through a discussion of our ethnographic research with self-tracking cycling commuters. We argue that such investigations are crucial in informing our understandings of how digital data become meaningful in mundane contexts of (...)
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    The Notion of Accomplishment in Levinas.Rodolphe Calin - 2019 - Levinas Studies 13:69-83.
    The aim of this article is to emphasize the notion of accomplishment in Levinas, partly building on the unpublished works of the author, where it appears as a keyword of his philosophy. It is a matter of highlighting the double filiation of this term, as an extension of the Husserlian notion of intuitive fullfilment to the entire existence and as a resumption of the hermeneutical and theological notion of figural interpretation. By showing how Levinas applies the structure symbol-accomplishment (...)
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  41. How to Accomplish Corporate Social Responsibility for Human Rights – A Case Study on the Nicaraguan Sugarcane Industry.Anita Aufrecht - 2017 - In Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (ed.), Perspectives on Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics: Including a Special Section on Business and Human Rights. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  42. Cognitive enhancement, cheating, and accomplishment.Rob Goodman - 2010 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20 (2):pp. 145-160.
    In an essay on performance-enhancing drugs, author Chuck Klosterman (2007) argues that the category of enhancers extends from hallucinogens used to inspire music to steroids used to strengthen athletes—and he criticizes those who would excuse one means of enhancement while railing against the other as a form of cheating: After the summer of 1964, the Beatles started taking serious drugs, and those drugs altered their musical performance. Though it may not have been their overt intent, the Beatles took performance-enhancing drugs. (...)
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    The Categorical Imperative as Accomplishment of the Logical Need of Reason.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden (eds.), Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Research and Teaching on Social Issues: Some Accomplishments and Future Challenges.Gerald F. Cavanagh - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1413-1417.
    This essay comments on some accomplishments and future challenges concerning research and teaching in social issues. The author chaired the All-Academy of Management Task Force on Ethics. The SIM Division’s role is to examine critically the suitability of the actions and policies of business managers, organizations (mostly business firms), and the free market system itself. The scope of inquiry covers ethics, governance of organizations, and stakeholders. The emphasis in that inquiry is on the benefits and harms to people from businesses (...)
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    STS Challenges for Accomplishing Educational Reform: The Need for Solving Learning Problems.Robert E. Yager - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):315-320.
    STS represents a significant reform effort in science/technology education in grades kindergarten through the undergraduate collegiate years. It focuses on use of constructivism as a way of learning and a broader view of science, and as a way of assessing learning for real understanding. Basic to STS is teaching and the assessment of learning in multiple domains, namely, concepts, processes, the application of both to new situations, the nature and history of science, creativity skills, and attitude. When education occurs in (...)
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  46. Questions concerning accomplished and current globalisation.Mariusz M. Zydowo - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo (ed.), Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 158.
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  47. Medical record keeping as interactional accomplishment.Søren Beck Nielsen - 2014 - Pragmatics and Society 5 (2):221-242.
    Medical records are documents of tremendous social importance. They have been the subject of much medical and sociological research, in particular regarding validity, accessibility and readability. This paper uses Conversation Analysis to add an aspect to the understanding of medical records that has been missing so far, namely how medical records are produced as interactional accomplishments; specifically, how hospital staff members during meetings conversationally negotiate and reach conclusions, treatment recommendations, and other types of consequential decisions. The process involves four steps: (...)
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    Idioms of polymediated practices and the techno-social accomplishment of co-presence in transnational families.Heike Monika Greschke - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (5):828-849.
    Drawing on data from a comparative ethnographic study on media usage in transnational families, this paper contributes to a reappraisal of polymedia theory. Two main theoretical assumptions are reconsidered. First, it is demonstrated why the equal availability assumption has to be revised in light of the complex interactions between the corporeal, communicative and social mobilities which together constitute transnational migration. Second, it is argued that the techno-socially accomplished co-presence in transnational families depends more on the creative appropriation and combination of (...)
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  49. What we must Accomplish in the coming Decades.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):359-366.
    . In order to survive as a species and grow in complexity, humanity must adopt a new image of what it means to be human, rediscover a reward system beyond the merely material, and see that young people find joy in challenges and in cooperating with others.
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  50. Free Will as a Psychological Accomplishment.Eddy Nahmias - 2016 - In David Schmidtz & Carmen Pavel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
    I offer analyses of free will in terms of a complex set of psychological capacities agents possess to varying degrees and have varying degrees of opportunities to exercise effectively, focusing on the under-appreciated but essential capacities for imagination. For an agent to have free will is for her to possess the psychological capacities to make decisions—to imagine alternatives for action, to select among them, and to control her actions accordingly—such that she is the author of her actions and can deserve (...)
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