Results for 'aśūnyatā'

  1.  18
    Diverse Meanings of “Non-Empty” Implied in Buddhist Scriptures and Treatises: with a F ocus on the Huayan jing. 조연숙 - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 132:229-250.
    The Chinese word “bukong” 不空 appearing in the Āgama texts is a rendering of Pāli words such as aritta (not discarded), asuñña (not empty), amogha (not vain). Whereas the Madhyamika texts never affirm the term non‐empty as a counterpart of the concept emtpy, the Yogācāra texts overlay it with a slightly negative connotation as a false imagination. However, Tathāgatagarbha thought affirms that term positively, and Chinese strands of Buddhism further adopt it as an absolute affirmation by identifying emptiness with non‐emptiness, (...)
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  2.  23
    God: An Adventure in Comparative Theology.Bernhard Nitsche - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):329-345.
    Abstractabstract:This article explores the specific profiles of the understanding of ultimate reality in Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism to ask whether there are points of contact between the Christian-Muslim and the Christian-Buddhist conception of divine reality. Thereby, the soteriological interest of Christian trinitarian thinking and the differences to the apophatic thinking in Islam but also the personal understanding of divine reality and the transnumeric unity of God come into view. Moreover, there are Muslim positions that assign the instances of divine Word (...)
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