Results for 'Y. М. Lotman'

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  1.  23
    Exit to the City and Chronotopia: History, Everyday Life, Future.Elena Y. Burlina, Natalia V. Baraboshina & Larisa G. Ilivitskaya - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (11):27-45.
    The article analyzes the interdisciplinary methodology of city research within the philosophical and cultural approach. The authors argue that at present, besides sociological and economic approaches to the interpretation of the city, the cultural and philosophical examination of city is of special interest. It combines both theoretical issues and the practical aspects. The authors present the philosophical and cultural analysis of the city as well as the general concept of chronotopia. The concept of chronotope, proposed by M. M. Bakhtin and (...)
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    Anthropology of "Philosophy of Translation": Contemporary Ukrainian Philosophical Dimension.L. V. Kovtun & Y. O. Shabanova - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:38-53.
    _Purpose._ The study is aimed at the "philosophy of translation" methodology outlining as an original philosophical texts translation tool from the point of view of culture as anthropological phenomena, namely, individuals’ participating in the text creation process providing the consistent following tasks solution: a) clarifying the text author’s role, which is the object of recipients’ perception; b) the human psyche inexhaustible potential realization for the primary text semantic content understanding by the translator to prevent its distortion; c) defining the requirements (...)
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    Para Una Concepción sistémica Del texto: Las propuestas de iuri lotman Y Walter Mignolo.Biviana Hernández - 2008 - Alpha (Osorno) 26.
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    Travaux sur les systèmes de signes. Ecole de Tartu. Textes choisis et présentés par Y.M. Lotman et B.A. Ouspenski. Editions Complexe, Distribution P.U.F., 1976. 15,5 × 23, 253 p. [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):238.
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    Quem teme Lotman e Bakhtin? Duas leituras semióticas do medo.Ariel Gómez Ponce - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):29-45.
    RESUMO Busco traçar uma articulação teórica em torno de duas obras póstumas de Mikhail Bakhtin e Yuri Lotman, expoentes chave para pensar a cultura sob uma perspectiva semiótica. Nessas produções tardias, os dois pensadores expõem um interesse compartilhado em refletir como o medo se materializa, podendo-se ler em textos concretos que buscam explicar os fenômenos que estão ocorrendo no horizonte cultural. Nesse sentido, Lotman e Bakhtin estão focados em investigar a aparência regular de um conjunto de princípios e (...)
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  6. Dinámica de la desconfiguración y la reconstrucción de la semiósfera de La ciudad y los perros.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2019 - Cuadernos Del Hipogrifo. Revista Semestral de Literatura Hispanoamericana y Comparada 11 (11):52-73.
    La semiósfera, término empleado por Iuri Lotman, constituye todo el universo representado en La ciudad y los perros (1963), con un enfoque prioritario en la institución articulada. A partir de este espacio configurado, se aprecia la construcción de una sociedad condicionada al ejercicio militar, pero también es transgredida por su código moral al ejercer una violencia que está siendo permitida y aceptada. Por otro lado, el colegio como universo posible permite que el autor se apropie de elementos peculiares para (...)
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    Hipertextualidad, viralidad y dinamismo en Pegaso Zorokin de Gerardo Arana.Oscar Eduardo Bravo Gutiérrez - 2021 - Argos 8 (22):95-102.
    Pegaso Zorokin es una novela experimental que fue publicada en 2012 en cinco volúmenes de la revista digital [Radiador] Magazine. Está compuesta por veintitrés capítulos sin aparente conexión entre ellos. Esta estructura complica una lectura global y pone en crisis la idea de novela. Sin embargo, es posible encontrar continuidad dentro de los fragmentos si se atiende a los puentes hipertextuales dentro del texto. Estas conexiones logran la unidad buscada. La conformación de la novela es muy similar a la de (...)
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  8. Representación verbal y expresiva en el universo violento de La ciudad y los perros.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2019 - Litterata: Revista Do Centro de Estudos Hélio Simões 9 (2):56-70.
    Las formas verbal y expresiva que desarrollan los personajes de un texto literario se muestran mediante el dialogismo y el monologismo —conceptos ficcionalizados que desarrollan Mijaíl Bajtín, Iuri Lotman y Lubomír Doležel—; los mismos que se enfatizan con una atmósfera de violencia en la primera novela La ciudad y los perros (1963) del Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa. Estas modalidades adoptan una representación tripartita a través de amenazas, degradaciones a una persona con frases y al cosificar a (...)
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  9. Estratificación violenta en los personajes de La ciudad y los perros.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2021 - Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 8 (2):69-81.
    Este artículo examina La ciudad y los perros (1963) de Mario Vargas Llosa para fundamentar cómo se logra la estratificación teórica de estilos y técnicas que se emplean para abordar la violencia en el texto. Sobre la epistemología, recurre principalmente a Todorov, Hamburger, Lotman y Genette. Y, para argumentar la manifestación de la violencia, considera las eventualidades que padecen los personajes del Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado; en especial, el Jaguar, el Poeta y el Esclavo. Esas acciones serán justificadas por (...)
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    Análisis semiótico de la película Dios y el diablo en la tierra del sol, de Glauber Rocha.Ana Luiza Valverde da Silva & Almudena Escribá Maroto - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (2).
    En 1964, Glauber Rocha dirigió la película Dios y el Diablo en la Tierra del Sol. Año en el que Brasil sufrió el golpe de estado militar. En este momento, hablar de política o problemas sociales era un asunto turbio debido a la fuerte amenaza de represión. Glauber escribió y dirigió esta película que versa acerca de la dicotomía entre el bien y el mal, lo culto y lo inculto, el orden y el desorden, las diferencias sociales, las construcciones simbólicas (...)
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  11. La semiótica cultural y tensiva: operación de reconstrucción de la identidad de los personajes cinematográficos.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Tema y Variaciones de Literatura 59 (59):143-155.
    Este artículo cuestiona la composición endógena de los personajes protagónicos de los largometrajes Días de Santiago (2004) y Hombre Araña (2002). Ellos presentarán dos estereotipos distintos de vivencias y coincidirán con el cuestionamiento consuetudinario de sus propias identidades. Esa percepción permitirá precisar en el objetivo de este trabajo, que consiste en fundamentar las transgresiones psicológicas de los involucrados, pese a su configuración definida y reconocible para el espectador. Para lograrlo, se recurrirá al análisis sociológico que propone Iuri Lotman desde (...)
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  12. Jerarquización castrense en el Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado de La ciudad y los perros (1963).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2020 - Anuario de Estudios Filológicos 43 (43):157-178.
    Esta obra literaria de Mario Vargas Llosa plasma una configuración asimétrica en sus personajes. Esta es distintiva de la condición moderna que justifica su inestabilidad ontológica, tal como lo constata Milagros Ezquerro. A su vez, se comprende por el contexto en el que se desarrolla: etapa dictatorial que se atraviesa en el Perú y Latinoamericana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Retomando esta premisa, este artículo tendrá como objetivo fundamentar cuáles son los enclaves que delimitan y convergen la constitución (...)
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    Вплив “ Smart технологій ” на розвиток “ Smart-міста ” в інформаційному суспільстві.І. С Рижова & С. О Захарова - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:81-90.
    The relevance of the study is that the theme of the influence of “Smart-technologies” on the development of “Smart-city” in the media space is one of the most popular in the theoretical array and actual from the practical point of view. The task is the selection of different approaches for understanding the phenomenon of “City” and “Smart”; definition of the specifics of “Smart-technologies”, “Smart-cities”, ecological design of the city. Analysis of recent releases and publications. The problem of the “city” as (...)
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    Social Dimension of Consciousness.Margarita Silantyeva - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:139-145.
    The report is devoted to elaboratation creative philosophical models for optimization multi-cultural dialogue into “post modern” global society. The main idea of the article is to describe the basic philosophical models (rooting in ancient philosophy, as the most seriously and fundamental theoretical positions for solution the problem of many-pole's world), connecting them with the main points of modern philosophers (F. Fucuyama, A. Toffler, S. Hantington, S. Averintsev, A. Panarin, Y. Lotman, S. Filatov, A. Malashenco, E. Volkhova etc). The dialogue (...)
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  15. Is the semiosphere post-modernist?George Rossolatos - 2015 - Kodikas- Ars Semeiotica 2 (38):95-113.
    This paper provides arguments for and against M.Lotman’s (2002) contention that Y.Lotman’s seminal concept of semiosphere is of post-modernist (post-structuralist; Posner 2011) orientation. A comparative reading of the definitional components of the semiosphere, their hierarchical relationship and their interactions is undertaken against the two principal axes of space and subjectivity in the light of Kantian transcendental idealism, as inaugural and authoritative figure of modernity, the Foucauldian discursive turn and the Deleuzian (post) radical empiricism (sic), as representative authors of (...)
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    The Hermeneutics Rule as a system of meaning and production of text.Leandro Martín Catoggio - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 45:105-121.
    El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad mostrar cómo la regla hermenéutica tal cual es descripta por Hans-Georg Gadamer en Wahrheit und Methode representa un sistema de significación que produce texto. Para ello se utilizará la semiótica de Iuri Lotman y la semiótica connotativa de Hjelmslev como cooperaciones teóricas que posibilitan describir con mayor analiticidad la regulación de la regla hermenéutica en el fenómeno de la comprensión.
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    El crimen del padre Amaro. Dos contextos: Portugal siglo XIX, México siglo XX.Marina Ruano Gutiérrez & Irma Angélica Bañuelos Ávila - 2021 - Argos 8 (22):16-33.
    Este trabajo está divido en dos partes: en la primera de ellas se aborda la novela decimonónica de Eça de Queirós El crimen del padre Amaro: Escenas de la vida devota, así como la adaptación cinematográfica de Carlos Carrera y el guión de Vicente Leñero para la película El crimen del padre Amaro. Y un particular retorno al género novelístico El padre Amaro de Vicente Leñero. La metodología que se usará en este primer apartado será: exégesis de la adaptación, resumen (...)
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    O tonto e o louco. Notas sobre a cena cultural contempor'nea.Pampa Arán - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (4):141-156.
    RESUMO Em seu livro Cultura e explosão, no qual analisa a dinâmica cultural, Lotman utiliza as figuras do “tonto” e do “louco” como termos paradigmáticos de atitudes humanas que encarnam as formas de mudança social. Imersos no espaço de uma semiosfera, os atos humanos ganham significado em relação à totalidade desse universo. O autor propõe considerar a estrutura ternária tonto/inteligente/louco como um continuum que permite visualizar graus de adequação individual e coletiva à norma. Neste texto, sintetizarei a múltipla descrição (...)
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    La poética de Libia Posada como un discurso visual que se contrapone a las narrativas hegemónicas de la identidad.Monica Lucia Molina Saldarriaga - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (41):103-130.
    El presente artículo propone un análisis semiótico de los elementos que conforman el discurso visual de Libia Posada, a partir de la teoría de la semiósfera de Yuri Lotman. Se aborda la producción artística de Posada como una construcción de identidades sociales y políticas que desafían las narrativas hegemónicas. Con dicho enfoque, se revela cómo las obras de Posada operan como discursos visuales que visibilizan y problematizan diversas identidades.
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    Stressful Experiences of Masculinity Among U.S.-Born and Immigrant Asian American Men.Y. Joel Wong & Alexander Lu - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (3):345-371.
    Explaining how stereotypes and norms influence role-identities during reflected appraisal processes, we develop a theory about diverse groups of minority men—the “minority masculinity stress theory”—and apply it to Asian American men. We conceptually integrate hegemonic masculinity, stereotypes, and mental health to examine how Asian American men experience masculinity and how their experiences are uniquely stressful. We analyze elicited text from an open-ended questionnaire to explain two experiences of masculinity-related stress: trying to live up to the masculine ideal and enacting work-related (...)
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    Negative Dialectics.Y. Sherratt - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1):55-66.
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    From immigrant worker to Muslim immigrant: Challenges for feminism.Ferruh Yılmaz - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (1):37-52.
    In many Western European countries, gender equality and sexual tolerance have increasingly become markers of national cultures and European values that face an insistent threat from Muslims. Gender equality and sexual tolerance are increasingly framed in cultural terms and they play an important role in the construction of a social imaginary based on a cultural antagonism between ‘us’ and ‘them’. This article argues that a new ‘culturalized’ social imaginary has been established by turning ‘immigrant workers’ into ‘Muslim immigrants’ over the (...)
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  23. Science and Ethics, some of the Main Principles and Problems.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1987 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 30 (1):11-23.
    Science can (also) be studied as responsible and rational human activity, guided and legitimated by its own normative system: a finite and ordered set of norms and values for agents in a given field of activity. Such norms of inquiry are needed for a rationality requirement of science, which also presupposes a partial agreement on (acceptance of, respect for) these norms between scientists and their social environment. The notions of scientific accountability, autonomy, and freedom of inquiry are elucidated by means (...)
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    Teleology and Causality.Y. H. Krikorian - 1949 - Review of Metaphysics 2 (8):35 - 46.
    All these activities of living beings, and the functioning of their organs, and the functioning of instruments demand a teleological explanation. Why do human beings toil? Why do living beings try to maintain the activities of the organism? What are the functions of specific organs or instruments? Intelligible answers can be given in teleological terms. Of course, one could ask many questions about these situations that would not require the teleological explanation; for example, questions concerning the mechanical structure of living (...)
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    Un opúsculo inédito de Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo: de libera et irrefragabili auctoritate romani pontificis.Antonio García Y. García - 1957 - Salmanticensis 4 (1):474-502.
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    Mütercimi Meçhul Bir Kasîde-i Bürde Tercümesi.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):211-245.
    Qaṣeeda-i Burdah written by Egyptian sufi poet Busīrī (d. 695/1296) as an eulogy for Beloved Messenger Moḥammed has received great attention in the Islamic world. This work has been recited both in cultural/social ceremonies such as weddings, holidays and funerals. On the other hand, it was also annotated, translated, and takhmīs, tesdīs, tesbī‘ and taşṭīr were written to it by the pen of scholars and litterateurs in literary circles. These activities, which have been carried out over and over again, has (...)
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  27. Fernando de Córdoba.Adolfo Bonilla Y. San Martín - 1911 - Madrid,: V. Suárez. Edited by Marcelino Menéndez Y. Pelayo & Fernando de Córdoba.
  28. Establishing organizational ethical climates: How do managerial practices work?Anyi Chung Amber Y.-P. Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics.
    Over the past two decades, Victor and Cullen’s (Adm Sci Q 33:101–125, 1988 ) typology of ethical climates has been employed by many academics in research on issues of ethical climates. However, little is known about how managerial practices such as communication and empowerment influence ethical climates, especially from a functional perspective. The current study used a survey of employees from Taiwan’s top 100 patent-owning companies to examine how communication and empowerment affect organizational ethical climates. The results confirm the relationship (...)
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  29. On the Too Often Overlooked Complexity of the Tension between Subject and Object.Y. Ataria - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):550-552.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Consciousness as Self-Description in Differences” by Diana Gasparyan. Upshot: Gasparyan’s article ignores the inherent tension of being a human who is both a subject and an object at the same time. Any theory of consciousness must include both of these dimensions.
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  30. Pîstîmolocî klasîk =.Samał Manîy - 2018 - Soran [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Le Biławkirawekanî Kitêbfroşi Mêxek.
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    Unas lecciones de metafísica.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1981 - Madrid: Revista de Occidente.
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  32. Reducing spatial neglect by visual and other sensory manipulations: non-cognitive (physiological) routes to the rehabilitation of a cognitive disorder.Y. Rossetti & G. Rode - 2002 - In Hans-Otto Karnath, David Milner & Giuseppe Vallar (eds.), The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford University Press. pp. 375--396.
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    Time ethics for persons with dementia in care homes.Veslemøy Egede-Nissen, Rita Jakobsen, Gerd S. Sellevold & Venke Sørlie - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):0969733012448968.
    The purpose of this study was to explore situations experienced by 12 health-care providers working in two nursing homes. Individual interviews, using a narrative approach, were conducted. A phenomenological–hermeneutical method, developed for researching life experiences, was applied in the analysis. The findings showed that good care situations are experienced when the time culture is flexible, the carers act in a sovereign time rhythm, not mentioning clock time or time as a stress factor. The results are discussed in terms of anthropological (...)
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  34. Shevilim be-ḥinukh ha-dor.Y. Shechter - 1988 - Tel-Aviv: Ḳarni.
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    Tratado de derecho político.Enrique Gil Y. Robles - 1961 - Madrid]: A. Aguado.
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  36. Can emotional valence be determined from words.Y. Bestgen - 1993 - Cognition and Emotion 7:21-36.
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    (1 other version)Utilitarian Deontic Logic.Y. Murakami - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 211-230.
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  38. Human Perception and Performance: Why we respond faster to the self than to others.Y. Ma & S. Han - 2010 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (3):619-633.
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  39. Hsun Tzu’s Theory of Government – with Translation of Chapter 9 of the Hsun Tzu, Kingly Government.Y. P. Mei - 1970 - Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 8 (1-2):36-83.
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  40. The modularity of language: Some empirical considerations.Y. Grodzinsky - 1996 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 29 (3-4):425-443.
  41. Doctrina política de la reacción.Jesús Guisa Y. Azevedo - 1941 - México,: Editorial Polis.
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  42. Repetition priming for newly formed and preexisting associations.Y. Goshengottstein & M. Moscovitch - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):456-456.
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    Sound-action awareness in music.Rolf Inge Godøy - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 231.
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  44. Sefer Yiśraʼel ḳedoshim: be-ḥiyuv shemirat ʻenayim le-or ha-halakhah.Y. D. Harfenes - 2005 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Y.D. Harfenes.
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  45. Estudios de derecho constitucional.Manuel Herrera Y. Lasso - 1940 - Polis 2.
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  46. Gandhism for millions.Y. G. Krishnamurti - 1949 - Patna,: Pustak Bhandar.
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  47. Pierre Daled, Spiritualisme et materialisme au XIX^ e siecle.Y. Lepers - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  48. Leslie, AM, 153.Y. Liu, A. Bisazza, M. M. Botvinick, N. Chomsky, C. DiYanni, L. Feigenson, W. T. Fitch, J. I. Flombaum, U. Hahn & M. D. Hauser - 2005 - Cognition 97:337.
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  49. The Artistic, the Aesthetic and the Function of Art: What Is an Artwork Supposed to Be Appreciated For?Y. Park - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 53:271-286.
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  50. AGAMBEN, Giorgio (2008). Què vol dir ser contemporani? Barcelona: Arcàdia.Joan Lara Amat Y. León - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 42:235.
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