Results for 'Women in rabbinical literature. '

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  1.  15
    Gender and dialogue in the rabbinic prism.Admiel Kosman - 2012 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The author applies the fields of gender studies, psychoanalysis, and literature to Talmudic texts. In opposition to the perception of Judaism as a legal system, he argues that the Talmud demands inner spiritual effort, to which the trait of humility and the refinement of the ego are central. This leads to the question of the attitude to the Other, in general, and especially to women. The author shows that the Talmud places the woman (who represents humility and good-heartedness in (...)
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    Changing attitudes: Women in brithish literature from the seventeenth to the late nineteenth century.Amberina Kazi - 2000 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 40 (1&2):11-21.
    The history of women's status in British Society is the "story of a quest" a long seemingly endless one. Women seeking a better, more acknowledged life have suffered, then gone forward, then retreated and so on. Women have sought "--- entry into the world, of education, and of growth, including growth in power ---". In this paper I propose to trace the history of the social status of British women from the seventeenth century to the late (...)
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    An Overview Of Women In Divan Literature.Ülkü Çeti̇nkaya - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:279-334.
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    Parables in Midrash: Narrative and Exegesis in Rabbinic Literature.Edward A. Goldman & David Stern - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):500.
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    Gender and Judaism: The Transformation of Tradition.Tamar Rudavsky - 1995 - NYU Press.
    Demonstates through different essays Jewish Womens movement rides the fine line between tradition and transformation.
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    Merkavah Mysticism and Rabbinic JudaismApocalyptic and Merkavah MysticismThe Merkabah in Rabbinic Literature.Peter Schäfer, Ithamar Gruenwald, David J. Halperin & Peter Schafer - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):537.
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    Embodied cognition in classical rabbinic literature.Daniel H. Weiss - 2013 - Zygon 48 (3):788-807.
    Challenging earlier cognitivist approaches, recent theories of embodied cognition argue that the human mind and its functions are best understood as intimately bound up with the human body and its physiological dimensions. Some scholars have suggested that such theories, in departing from some core assumptions of the Western philosophical tradition, display significant similarities to certain non-Western traditions of thought, such as Buddhism. This essay extends such parallels to the Jewish tradition and argues that, in particular, classical rabbinic thought presents a (...)
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    Rabbinic Literature and the History of Judaism in Late Antiquity: Challenges, Methodologies and New Approaches.Moshe Lavee - 2011 - In Lavee Moshe (ed.), Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine. pp. 319.
    This chapter examines the methodologies, new approaches, and challenges in the use of rabbinic literature to study the history of Judaism in late antiquity. It provides some examples that demonstrate some of the issues concerning the applicability of rabbinic literature to the study of Judaism in late-Roman Palestine. It concludes that rabbinic literature can serve as a historical source, especially when read indirectly and through the lens of well-defined theoretical frameworks, and when perceived as a rabbinic cultural product that reflects (...)
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  9. The Embryo in Ancient Rabbinic Literature: Between Religious Law and Didactic Narratives: An Interpretive Essay.Etienne Lepicard - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (1):21-41.
    At a time when bioethical issues are at the top of public and political agendas, there is a renewed interest in representations of the embryo in various religious traditions. One of the major traditions that have contributed to Western representations of the embryo is the Jewish tradition. This tradition poses some difficulties that may deter scholars, but also presents some invaluable advantages. These derive from two components, the search for limits and narrativity, both of which are directly connected with the (...)
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    Thiefing Sugar: Eroticism between Women in Caribbean Literature (review).Danielle Carlotti-Smith - 2012 - Symploke 20 (1-2):399-402.
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    he Invisibility of black women in history, literature and philosophy according to the thinking of gloria anzaldúa.Joana Maria Nascimento Silva - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):172-183.
    The purpose of this article is to examine the problem of loneliness in Hannah Arendt in the light of her considerations about totalitarianism. We seek not only to clarify this concept, but to examine to what extent it is important for understanding certain aspects of Arendt's critique of philosophy in general and political philosophy in particular.
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    Thiefing Sugar Eroticism between Women in Caribbean Literature (review).Carole Edwards - 2012 - Intertexts 16 (2):81-83.
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    Direct Divine Sanction, the Prohibition of Bloodshed, and the Individual as Image of God in Classical Rabbinic Literature.Daniel H. Weiss - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):23-38.
    This essay explores classical rabbinic literature's understanding of the prohibition of bloodshed alongside its understanding that "the image of God" corresponds to the physically embodied individual. This conception generates radical implications so that, apart from the narrow instance of a direct aggressor with intent to kill or rape, it is never legitimate to cause the death of any person, even in pursuit of a supposed "greater good." While notions of war and execution are retained in principle, the requirement of direct (...)
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  14.  26
    Rabbinic literature and Greco-Roman philosophy.Henry Albert Fischel - 1973 - Leiden,: Brill.
    PART ONE THE "FOUR IN PARADISE" ANTI-EPICUREAN STEREOTYPE, BIOGRAPHY, AND PARODY Scholarship on Epicureanism, always lively and abundant, ...
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    Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures (review).Cary Howie - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):156-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic LiteraturesCary Howie (bio)Sahar Amer, Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2008, xii + 254 pp.Sahar Amer’s Crossing Borders adds to the expanding bibliography on medieval sexualities by showing the resonances between certain female same-sex relationships in medieval French literature and analogous, though generally more explicit, relationships (...)
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    Research into Rabbinic Literature: An Attempt to Define the Status Quaestionis.Peter Schäfer - 2011 - In Schäfer Peter (ed.), Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine. pp. 51.
    This chapter aims to define to state of investigation of research into rabbinic literature. It describes the most important approaches in research on the basis of which rabbinic literature has been and is being studied. These include the traditional halakhic approach, the exploitative-apologetic approach, and the thematic approach. This chapter concludes that the questioning of the redactional identity of the individual works of rabbinic literature inevitably also disavows the research approach to the work at the level of the final redaction.
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    The specificities o f criminal women: discussing female invisibility in the literature.Mariana Barcinski - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 11 (11):145-159.
    The present work aims at discussing the ways in which the literature, especially in Criminology, refers to criminal women. As attested by feminist scholars interested in the topic, female crimes have been theorized from a male standpoint. In other words, no efforts have been constantly made to understand the specificities of crimes perpetrated by women. Thus, from both the analysis of the existent literature and data resulting from an empirical study conducted with female drug traffickers in Rio de (...)
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  18.  14
    Poverty, charity and the image of the poor in rabbinic texts from the land of Israel.Yael Wilfand Ben-Shalom - 2014 - Sheffield [England]: Sheffield Phoenix Press.
    In the rabbinic literature from the land of Israel the poor are depicted not as passive recipients of gifts and support, but as independent agents who are responsible for their own behaviour. Communal care for the needy was expected to go beyond their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter; the physical safety of the poor and the value of their time as well as their dignity and self-worth were also included in the scope of charity. In this monograph, Yael (...)
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  19.  41
    Introduction: Women, Philosophy and Literature in the Early Modern Period.Peter Anstey & Jocelyn Harris - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (3):323-325.
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  20.  13
    Women in Pāli Buddhism: walking the spiritual paths in mutual dependence.Pascale Engelmajer - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    The Pāli tradition presents a diverse and often contradictory picture of women. This book examines women's roles as they are described in the Pāli canon and its commentaries. Taking into consideration the wider socio-religious context and drawing from early brahmanical literature and epigraphical findings, it contrasts these descriptions with the doctrinal account of women's spiritual abilities. The book explores gender in the Pāli texts in order to delineate what it means to be a woman both in the (...)
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  21.  8
    Analysis and Argumentation in Rabbinic Judaism.Jacob Neusner - 2003 - University Press of Amer.
    Do ubiquitous modes of thought (types of analysis, types of argumentation) pervade the entire corpus of the Rabbinic writings of late antiquity and impart coherence to those diverse documents? Here are the results of a systematic probe of representative Halakhic and Aggadic documents in search of the answer to that question. The result is limited but one-sided: the answer is yes, they do. The inquiry proves urgent, because the bases for supposing the Rabbinic documents coalesce have diminished, and the differences (...)
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  22.  45
    Can women in labor give informed consent to epidural analgesia?Kyoko Wada, Louis C. Charland & Geoff Bellingham - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (4):475-486.
    There are reasons to believe that decision‐making capacity (mental competence) of women in labor may be compromised in relation to giving informed consent to epidural analgesia. Not only severe labor pain, but also stress, anxiety, and premedication of analgesics such as opioids, may influence women’s decisional capacity. Decision‐making capacity is a complex construct involving cognitive and emotional components which cannot be reduced to ‘understanding’ alone. A systematic literature search identified a total of 20 empirical studies focused on (...)’s decision‐making about epidural analgesia for labor pain. Our review of these studies suggests that empirical evidence to date is insufficient to determine whether women undergoing labor are capable of consenting to epidural analgesia. Given such uncertainties, sufficient information about pain management should be provided as part of prenatal education and the consent process must be carefully conducted to enhance women’s autonomy. To fill in the significant gap in clinical knowledge about laboring women’s decision‐making capacity, well‐designed prospective and retrospective studies may be required. (shrink)
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  23. Women’s Divination in Biblical Literature: Prophecy, Necromancy, and Other Arts of Knowledge.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Women in Power: Undoing or Redoing the Gendered Organization?Sheryl Skaggs, Sibyl Kleiner & Kevin Stainback - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (1):109-135.
    A growing literature examines the organizational factors that promote women’s access to positions of organizational power. Fewer studies, however, explore the implications of women in leadership positions for the opportunities and experiences of subordinates. Do women leaders serve to undo the gendered organization? In other words, is women’s greater representation in leadership positions associated with less gender segregation at lower organizational levels? We explore this question by drawing on Cohen and Huffman’s conceptual framework of women (...)
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  25.  10
    Women Poets in Chagatai Literature.Recai Kiziltunç - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:731-759.
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  26.  21
    Exploring the Contributions of Women in the History of Philosophy, Science, and Literature, Throughout Time.Chelsea C. Harry & George N. Vlahakis (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book explores contributions by some of the most influential women in the history of philosophy, science, and literature. Ranging from Sappho and Sophie Germain to Stebbing and Evelyn Fox Keller, this work ultimately demonstrates the impact these non-canonical, sometimes unknown or hidden, sources had, or may have had, on the recognized male leaders in their fields, from Aristotle to Pascal, Kant, Whitehead, and Russell. Chapters reflect philosophical pluralism, both analytic and continental themes, and cover figures reaching across the (...)
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  27.  17
    Of Grim Witches and Showy Lady-Devils: Wealthy Women in Literature and Film.Veronika Schuchter - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):50-65.
    Imagining super rich women in the real and fictional world has long been a struggle. Those few depictions that do exist are scattered across time periods and literary genres, reflecting the legal restrictions that, at different points in time, would not allow women to accumulate assets independent of the patriarchal forces in their lives. The scarcity of extremely wealthy women in literature and film is confirmed by Forbes magazine’s list of the fifteen richest fictional characters that features (...)
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  28. The Aroma of Righteousness: Scent and Seduction in Rabbinic Life and Literature.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Women in rock, women in romanticism.James Rovira (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    Women in Rock, Women in Romanticism is the first book-length work to explore the interrelationships between contemporary female musicians and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century art, music, and literature by women and men. The music and videos of contemporary musicians including Erykah Badu, Beyoncé, The Carters, Hélène Cixous, Missy Elliot, the Indigo Girls, Janet Jackson, Janis Joplin (and Big Brother and the Holding Company), Natalie Merchant, Joni Mitchell, Janelle Monáe, Alanis Morrisette, Siouxsie Sioux, Patti Smith, St. Vincent (Annie Clark), (...)
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    Confronting vulnerability: the body and the divine in rabbinic ethics.Jonathan Wyn Schofer - 2010 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Aging and death -- Elimination -- Early death -- Drought -- Life cycles.
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  31. Studies in Sin and Atonement in the Rabbinic Literature in the First Century.A. Büchler & F. C. Grant - 1967
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    The idea of history in rabbinic Judaism.Jacob Neusner - 2004 - Boston: Brill.
    Jacob Neusner is Research Professor of Religion and Theology at Bard College, Member of the Institute of Advanced Study, and Life Member of Clare Hall, ...
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  33.  13
    Lament in Jewish thought: philosophical, theological, and literary perspectives.Ilit Ferber, Paula Schwebel & Gershom Scholem (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
    Lament, mourning, and the transmissibility of a tradition in the aftermath of destruction are prominent themes in Jewish thought. The corpus of lament literature, building upon and transforming the biblical Book of Lamentations, provides a unique lens for thinking about the relationships between destruction and renewal, mourning and remembrance, loss and redemption, expression and the inexpressible. This anthology features four texts by Gershom Scholem on lament, translated here for the first time into English. The volume also includes original essays by (...)
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    Pious irreverence: confronting God in rabbinic Judaism.Dov Weiss - 2017 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Judaism is often described as a religion that tolerates, even celebrates arguments with God. In Pious Irreverence, Dov Weiss has written the first scholarly study of the premodern roots of this distinctively Jewish theology of protest, examining its origins and development in the rabbinic age (70 CE-800 CE).
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    The book of Jewish wisdom: the Talmud of the well-considered life.Jacob Neusner & Noam Mordecai Menahem Neusner (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Continuum.
    The unique wisdom of Judaism comes from the Talmud and the Judaic sages' other ancient writings that preserve the tradition of the originally oral Torah, or Teachings of Moses. Sometimes surprising - "better sincere sin than hypocritical virtue" - and always penetrating and helpful - "who are rich? those who are happy with their lot" - the wisdom of the oral Torah is set forth on more than one hundred subjects, arranged alphabetically, in their sources' own words, here rendered in (...)
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  36.  8
    Governmental and judicial ethics in the Bible and rabbinic literature.James Eugene Priest - 1980 - New York: KTAV Pub. House.
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    The Glory of the Scholar: The Nexus of Beauty and Intellect in Chinese and Rabbinic Literature.Aryeh Amihay & Lupeng Li - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):531-555.
    Abstract:This study explores the relationship between beauty and intellect, often represented as diametrical opposites, in Chinese and Jewish texts, particularly with reference to Confucian and rabbinic texts. Four discourses concerning the nexus of beauty and intellect are presented: antagonistic, complementary, authentic, and epistemic. In both traditions, although more so in Confucianism, intellect is sometimes elided with moral virtue, adding another element to the discussion. The comparison of this theme in distant traditions seeks to highlight their shared resistance to a single (...)
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  38.  42
    Women in Sport.Angela Schneider - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):415-418.
    The topic of Women’s sport has engendered increasing scholarship across differing disciplines in recent years; however, in the philosophy of sport literature, it has not been as abundant as it migh...
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  39.  17
    A Man for All Seasons: David in Rabbinic and New Testament Literature.Jouette M. Bassler - 1986 - Interpretation 40 (2):156-169.
    The rabbis found a measure of David's importance in the importance of his son Solomon, and an echo of that same sentiment is also at work in the New Testament traditions about David's messianic son.
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    Feminilidade e lágrimas na literatura clássica, na Bíblia hebraica e na literatura rabínica.Daniela Susana Segre Guertzenstein - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):68-92.
    Literature discloses beliefs, cultural values, myths and ideologies which reveal concepts of morality of the environments when and where it was produced. This article proposes to investigate male and female characters in different literatures to analyze the female figure and the maternal cry in the Hebrew Bible and Rabbinic literature. Rabbinical Hebrew literature teaches social practices through traditions. This context reveals the development of gender archetypes from the Hebrew Bible and in the rabbinical Hebrew literature universe of the (...)
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  41.  16
    Jordanian Women in Education: Politics, Pedagogy and Gender Discourses.Salam Al-Mahadin - 2004 - Feminist Review 78 (1):22-37.
    The ‘epistemic’ violence that has beset gender discourses in education refutes the claim that progress is measured by figures and numbers of Jordanian women in schools and the workplace. While such discourses demand to be contextualized, deconstructed and resisted, they also necessitate creating a link between political praxis and gender politics. My argument centres on the indispensable role critical discourse can play in locating these instances of ‘epistemic’ violence and revealing the manner in which the themes of constructed gender (...)
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  42.  12
    Judendomens feminina kärna. Strukturella omvändningar och deras betydelse för skapandet av det rabbinska systemet.Jacob Neusner - 1993 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 14 (1):45-57.
    Rabbinic Judaism is often described as an exclusively male-dominated and patriarchal religious system. However, the structure of the core of this patriarchal religious system is deeply feminine, with a strong relational dimension. Torah studies, which only men had access to, are secondary in character: a life lead according to the commandments is necessary but not enough. God does not force humankind to subordination, but he gives answers to voluntary gifts. Man gives voluntarily, God answers voluntarily. The right relation to God (...)
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  43.  34
    Women in Neo-Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah, and the Mainline Churches in Contemporary Nigeria.Adolphus Ekedimma Amaefule - 2022 - Feminist Theology 31 (1):34-50.
    This paper looks, in the first place, at gender issues in Pentecostal Christianity in Nigeria. This is especially as captured by the Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, in her novel, Americanah. It is found that women in Nigerian Pentecostalism are more than the men in number and participate more actively both in church activities and in spiritual efforts at home. However, it is mostly the men who are the pastors and leaders of the Nigerian Pentecostal churches, even if at (...)
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  44.  35
    Jóhanna Katrín Friđriksdóttir, Women in Old Norse Literature: Bodies, Words, and Power. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. xiv, 192. $95. ISBN: 978-0-230-12042-6. [REVIEW]Jana K. Schulman - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):263-265.
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  45.  25
    Justice, Mercy, and Gender in Rabbinic Thought.Suzanne Last Stone - 1996 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 8 (1):139-177.
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    Women in Iranian Kurdistan: Patriarchy and the Quest for Empowerment.Valentine M. Moghadam, Omid Ghaderzadeh & Sahar Shakiba - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (4):616-642.
    Informed by sociological standpoint, intersectional, and gender regime theories, we examine perceptions of a diverse sample of Iranian Kurdish women in the city of Sanandaj about their legal status and social positions. We find perceptions of injustice, oppression, male control, and lack of opportunity associated with both the family and broader society. Kurdish women are socially located in structures and institutions of both private and public patriarchy. At the same time, their growing educational attainment and knowledge of possibilities (...)
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  47. Making Silence Speak: Women's Voices in Greek Literature and Society. Edited by Andre Lardinois and Laura McClure.M. Johnson - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (4):520-521.
  48. Women, nonhuman animals, and the notion of marginalization in Bengali literature.Swatilekha Maity - 2021 - In Anthony J. Nocella & Amber E. George (eds.), Critical Animal Studies and Social Justice: Critical Theory, Dismantling Speciesism, and Total Liberation. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Women in the Vichy Nightmare: Working Behind the Scenes in Simone Jollivet’s La Princesse des Ursins.Kenneth Krauss - 1994 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 11 (1):88-104.
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    Daughters of Tradition: Women in Yiddish Culture in the 16th-18th Centuries.Alicia Ramos-González - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (2):213-226.
    This article focuses on the cultural world of Jewish women in Eastern Europe between the 16th century and the beginning of the 19th century. It reveals the extent to which Yiddish language and literature were a means of gaining knowledge for such women. This is because Yiddish - a Jewish language that developed around 1000 years ago among the Jews living in Ashkenaz - was the language of the people, of ordinary life, of business and social relations, and (...)
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