Results for 'William Gochberg'

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  1. Complexity and Organization.William C. Wimsatt - 1972 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1972:67-86.
  2. Level-Confusions in Epistemology.William P. Alston - 1980 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 5 (1):135-150.
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    Reductive Explanation: A Functional Account.William C. Wimsatt - 1972 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1974:671-710.
  4. The Organization Man.William H. Whyte - 1960 - Ethics 70 (2):164-167.
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    Studies on the telegraphic language: The acquisition of a hierarchy of habits.Lowe Bryan William & Noble Harter - 1899 - Psychological Review 6 (4):345-375.
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    Essays in Philosophical Biology.William Morton Wheeler - 1939 - New York: Russell & Russell. Edited by George Howard Parker.
    William Morton Wheeler -- The anti-colony as an organism -- Jean-Henri Fabre -- On instincts -- The termitodoxa, or biology and society -- The organization of research -- The dry-rot of our academic biology -- Emergent evolution and the development of societies -- Carl Akeley's early work and environment -- Present tendencies in biological theory -- Hopes in the biological sciences -- Some attractions of the field study of ants -- Animal societies.
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    Ockham on the Virtues.William & Rega Wood - 1997 - Purdue University Press.
    One of the world's great philosophers, William of Ockham's On the Connection of the Virtues (De connexione virtutum) provides insightful perspectives on ordinary issues of human conduct. Written in reasonably simple and nontechnical language, it is translated into English here for the first time. Ockham's views on many subjects have been misunderstood, his views on ethics as much as any. This book is designed to avoid some pitfalls that arise in reading medieval philosophy generally and Ockham in particular. Wood (...)
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    Underdetermination in classic and modern tests of general relativity.William J. Wolf, Marco Sanchioni & James Read - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-41.
    Canonically, ‘classic’ tests of general relativity (GR) include perihelion precession, the bending of light around stars, and gravitational redshift; ‘modern’ tests have to do with, _inter alia_, relativistic time delay, equivalence principle tests, gravitational lensing, strong field gravity, and gravitational waves. The orthodoxy is that both classic and modern tests of GR afford experimental confirmation of that theory _in particular_. In this article, we question this orthodoxy, by showing there are classes of both relativistic theories (with spatiotemporal geometrical properties different (...)
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    Psychophysics and ecometrics.William H. Warren & Robert E. Shaw - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):209-210.
  10.  94
    (1 other version)Diagrams as Tools for Scientific Reasoning.Adele Abrahamsen & William Bechtel - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (1):117-131.
    We contend that diagrams are tools not only for communication but also for supporting the reasoning of biologists. In the mechanistic research that is characteristic of biology, diagrams delineate the phenomenon to be explained, display explanatory relations, and show the organized parts and operations of the mechanism proposed as responsible for the phenomenon. Both phenomenon diagrams and explanatory relations diagrams, employing graphs or other formats, facilitate applying visual processing to the detection of relevant patterns. Mechanism diagrams guide reasoning about how (...)
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  11. The ethics of investing.William B. Irvine - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (3):233 - 242.
    In this paper, I examine various popular notions concerning the ethics of investing. I first consider and reject the absolutist view that it is always wrong to invest in evil companies and the view that what makes investments in evil companies morally objectionable is the fact that by making such investments, investors are taking steps to benefit from the wrongdoing of others. I then defend the view that what makes certain investments morally objectionable is the fact that by making such (...)
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    The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences: Volume 1: Founded Upon Their History.William Whewell - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1840, this two-volume treatise by Cambridge polymath William Whewell remains significant in the philosophy of science. The work was intended as the 'moral' to his three-volume History of the Inductive Sciences, which is also reissued in this series. Building on philosophical foundations laid by Immanuel Kant and Francis Bacon, Whewell opens with the aphorism 'Man is the Interpreter of Nature, Science the right interpretation'. Volume 1 contains the majority of Whewell's section on 'ideas', in which he (...)
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    Essays, comments, and reviews.William James - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This generous omnium-gatherum brings together all the writings William James published that have not appeared in previous volumes of this definitive edition of ...
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    Hypnotic induction decreases anterior default mode activity.William J. McGeown, Giuliana Mazzoni, Annalena Venneri & Irving Kirsch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):848-855.
    The ‘default mode’ network refers to cortical areas that are active in the absence of goal-directed activity. In previous studies, decreased activity in the ‘default mode’ has always been associated with increased activation in task-relevant areas. We show that the induction of hypnosis can reduce anterior default mode activity during rest without increasing activity in other cortical regions. We assessed brain activation patterns of high and low suggestible people while resting in the fMRI scanner and while engaged in visual tasks, (...)
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    Philosophical Conceptions and Practical Results.William James - 2011 - In Robert B. Talisse & Scott F. Aikin (eds.), The Pragmatism Reader: From Peirce Through the Present. Princeton University Press. pp. 66-78.
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  16. From Reactive to Endogenously Active Dynamical Conceptions of the Brain.Adele Abrahamsen & William Bechtel - unknown
    We contrast reactive and endogenously active perspectives on brain activity. Both have been pursued continuously in neurophysiology laboratories since the early 20thcentury, but the endogenous perspective has received relatively little attention until recently. One of the many successes of the reactive perspective was the identification, in the second half of the 20th century, of the distinctive contributions of different brain regions involved in visual processing. The recent prominence of the endogenous perspective is due to new findings of ongoing oscillatory activity (...)
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  17.  34
    A Syntactically Motivated Theory of Conditionals.William G. Lycan - 1984 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9 (1):437-455.
  18.  28
    Cosmological inflation and meta-empirical theory assessment.William J. Wolf - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):146-158.
  19.  40
    Kant's Theory of Mental Activity.William H. Baumer - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (1):133-134.
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  20. Religion and Morality.William J. Wainwright - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 59 (3):175-178.
  21.  38
    On Moral Enhancement.Simkulet William - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (4):17-18..
  22.  34
    Playing by the Rules: A Philosophical Examination of Rule-Based Decision-Making in Law and Life.William H. Wilcox - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):169.
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  23.  41
    Functional organization, analogy, and inference.William Wimsatt - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 173--221.
  24.  27
    Analytic Theology as a Way of Life.William Wood - 2014 - Journal of Analytic Theology 2:43-60.
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    Promising stabs in the Dark: theory virtues and pursuit-worthiness in the Dark Energy problem.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-40.
    This paper argues that we ought to conceive of the Dark Energy problem—the question of how to account for observational data, naturally interpreted as accelerated expansion of the universe—as a crisis of underdetermined pursuit-worthiness. Not only are the various approaches to the Dark Energy problem evidentially underdetermined; at present, no compelling reasons single out any of them as more likely to be true than the other. More vexingly for working scientists, none of the approaches stands out as uncontroversially preferable over (...)
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  26.  9
    The Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of Poetry.William Kurtz Wimsatt & Monroe C. Beardsley - 1970
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  27.  23
    Alternative axiomatizations of elementary probability theory.William K. Goosens - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (1):227-239.
  28.  29
    Some Problems with the Concept of 'Feedback'.William C. Wimsatt - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:241 - 256.
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    (1 other version)Taming the Dimensions-Visualizations in Science.William C. Wimsatt - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:111 - 135.
    The role of pictures and visual modes of presentation of data in science is a topic of increasing interest to workers in artificial intelligence, problem solving, and scientists in all fields who must deal with large quantities of complex multidimensional data. Drawing on studies of animal motion, aerodynamics, morphological transformations, the history of linkage mapping, and the analysis of deterministic chaos, I focus on the strengths and limitations of our visual system, the analysis of problems particularly suited to visualization-the analysis (...)
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    Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake (review).William Desmond - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):362-363.
    William Desmond - Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 362-363 Donald Phillip Verene. Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. Pp. xiv + 264. Cloth, $45.00. This is an outstanding book written with elegance and verve, packed with erudition and delivered with wit. It offers insight into both (...)
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  31. Simple systems and phylogenetic diversity.William C. Wimsatt - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):267-275.
    The simple systems methodology is a powerful reductionistic research strategy. It has problems as implemented in developmental genetics because the organisms studied are few and unrepresentative. Stronger inferences require independent arguments that key traits are widely distributed phylogenetically. Evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of generative entrenchment and self-organization provide possible support, and are also necessary components of a developmental systems approach.
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    Lewis Carroll's infinite regress.William A. Wisdom - 1974 - Mind 83 (332):571-573.
  33. Does the Cosmological Argument Depend on the Ontological?William F. Vallicella - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (4):441-458.
    Does the cosmological argument (CA) depend on the ontological (OA)? That depends. If the OA is an argument “from mere concepts,” then no; if the OA is an argument from possibility, then yes. That is my main thesis. Along the way, I explore a number of subsidiary themes, among them, the nature of proof in metaphysics, and what Kant calls the “mystery of absolute necessity.”.
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    Border/control.William Walters - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2):187-203.
    How might we historicize the idea of border control? If state borders can be understood as institutional sites of governance, what forms of governance do they enact? This article asks what insights Foucauldian political sociology might offer these questions. Drawing on Deleuze's analytic of ‘control’, the article seeks to bring new meaning to the idea of border control. Under standing control as a particular technology of power, special attention to the changing topography of border control as well as the changing (...)
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  35. Risk, utility, and social policy.William Vickrey - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  36.  13
    The character of micropipes in silicon carbide crystals.William M. Vetter & Michael Dudley - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (9):1209-1225.
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    Justice, Economics, and Jurisprudence.William Vickrey - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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    (1 other version)Problems of Vision: Rethinking the Causal Theory of Perception.William Child - 1997 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):729-731.
  39.  77
    The Role of Mere Exposure Effect on Ethical Tolerance: a Two-Study Approach.William A. Weeks, Justin G. Longenecker, Joseph A. McKinney & Carlos W. Moore - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (4):281-294.
    This paper reports on the results from two studies that were conducted eight years apart with different respondents. The studies examined the role of the Mere Exposure Effect on ethical tolerance or acceptability of particular business decisions. The results from Study 1 show there is a significant difference in ethical judgment for 12 out of 16 vignettes between those who have been exposed to such situations compared to those who have not been exposed to them. In those 12 situations, those (...)
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  40.  86
    On the philosophical interest of Frege arithmetic.William Demopoulos - 2003 - Philosophical Books 44 (3):220-228.
  41.  14
    Physicians’ Quantitative Assessments of Medical Futility.William J. Winslade, Henry S. Perkins, Stuart J. Youngner, Jeffrey W. Swanson & S. Van McCrary - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):100-105.
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    What Is Information? Three Concepts.William F. Harms - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (3):230-242.
    The concept of information tempts us as a theoretical primitive, partly because of the respectability lent to it by highly successful applications of Shannon’s information theory, partly because of its broad range of applicability in various domains, partly because of its neutrality with respect to what basic sorts of things there are. This versatility, however, is the very reason why information cannot be the theoretical primitive we might like it to be. “Information,” as it is variously used, is systematically ambiguous (...)
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  43.  25
    Reinforcement or maximization?William Vaughan - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):405-405.
  44.  1
    Memetics does not provide a useful way of understanding cultural evolution : a developmental perspective.William C. Wimsatt - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 273-291.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Some Commonalities Can a Memetic Approach to Cultural Change Work? Memetics and Genetics Memetics and Epidemiology The Myth of Self‐replication An Alternative Approach Differential Dependency and Generative Entrenchment as Bases for a Theory of Evolutionary Change Elements of a Developmental Theory of Cultural Evolution New Predictions of This Theory Conclusion Postscript: Counterpoint Notes References.
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    From Association to Gestalt: The Fate of Hermann Lotze's Theory of Spatial Perception, 1846-1920.William Woodward - 1978 - Isis 69 (4):572-582.
    A MAJOR PHILOSOPHICAL INTERPRETER of Kant and critic of Herbart and Hegel, Hermann Lotze ( 1817-1881) is known to historians of psychology primarily for his theory of spatial perception.' As Professor of Philosophy at Gottingen University from 1845 to 1880, he published his theory of the physiological mechanism for spatial consciousness no less than six times.2 Standard accounts present his local sign theory as an associationistic, empiricistic, or empiristic view.3 Yet they also mention its influence among nativists such as Lotze's (...)
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  46. The Modernist Impulse in American Protestantism.William R. Hutchison - 1976
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    Calvin's Salvation in Writing: A Confessional Academic Theology.William A. Wright - 2015 - Brill.
    In Salvation in Writing , William Wright derives from Calvin’s theology of justification and sanctification a dialectical logic for writing truth that both rivals and mends those of Hegel and Derrida. The result represents a new program for academic theology.
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    On changing organizational cultures by injecting new ideologies: The power of stories.William A. Wines & J. B. Hamilton - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):433 - 447.
    Recent corporate legal and ethical meltdowns suggest that avoiding such harms to companies and to society requires a significant culture change within the organization. This paper addresses the issue of what it takes to change a corporate culture. While conventional wisdom may suggest that a change requires only the institution of an ethics office with proper reporting paths and an ethics code, such an approach is only a beginning. Many large corporations, especially those in danger of legal and ethical catastrophes, (...)
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  49. Is Hume's shade of blue a red Herring?William H. Williams - 1992 - Synthese 92 (1):83 - 99.
    The existence of an idea of a missing shade of blue contradicts Hume's first principle that simple ideas all derive from corresponding simple impressions. Hume dismisses the exception to his principle as unimportant. Why does he do so? His later account of distinctions of reason suggests a systematic way of dealing with simple ideas not derived from simple impressions. Why does he not return to the problem of the missing shade, having offered that account? Several suggestions as to Hume's solution (...)
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    Resentment and Impartiality.William E. Young - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 36 (1):103-130.
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