Results for 'Weibo'

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  1. Han Feizi tong xia wen zi kao zheng.Weibo Huang - 1978 - [Jiayi shi]: Xing guo chu ban she.
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    Simulation of Enterprise Human Resource Scheduling Algorithm Optimization in the Context of Smart City.Liqun Zhang & Weibo Yang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-10.
    In this paper, a new human resource scheduling algorithm is proposed based on the optimization simulation of the human resource scheduling algorithm to find the most suitable human resource allocation scheme for different regions. A simulation system for human resource allocation is proposed, which integrates the scheduling algorithm of this paper and conducts simulation experiments using the historical data of enterprise problems in each region collected in a smart city. The simulation experiment proves that the dispatching algorithm in this paper (...)
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    Current Change Rate Influences Sensorimotor Cortical Excitability During Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation.Sheng-Long Jiang, Zhongpeng Wang, Weibo Yi, Feng He, Hongzhi Qi & Dong Ming - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  4.  34
    Weibo Attention and Stock Market Performance: Some Empirical Evidence.Minghua Dong, Xiong Xiong, Xiao Li & Dehua Shen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
    In this paper, we employ Weibo Index as the proxy for investor attention and analyze the relationships between investor attention and stock market performance, i.e., trading volume, return, and volatility. The empirical results firstly show that Weibo attention is positively related to trading volume, intraday volatility, and return. Secondly, there exist bidirectional causal relationships between Weibo attention and stock market performance. Thirdly, we generally find that higher Weibo attention indicates higher correlation coefficients with the quantile regression (...)
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    Weibo or WeChat? Assessing Preference for Social Networking Sites and Role of Personality Traits and Psychological Factors.Juan Hou, Yamikani Ndasauka, Xuefei Pan, Shuangyi Chen, Fei Xu & Xiaochu Zhang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  6.  26
    Communicative functions of emoji sequences in the context of self-presentation: A comparative study of Weibo and Twitter users.Jing Ge-Stadnyk - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (4):369-387.
    Focusing on Weibo and Twitter, this study adopts computer-mediated discourse analysis to examine how influencers use emoji sequences when engaging in self-presentation. It identified a variety of text-based speech acts, emoji functions, and functional relations by conducting speech act and pragmatic function analysis. ‘Claim’ is the most common text-based speech act accompanying with emoji sequences in both data groups; however, the former had a higher percentage than the later. Moreover, emoji functioning as a combination of ‘stance and action’ in (...)
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    Mining Community-Level Influence in Microblogging Network: A Case Study on Sina Weibo.Yufei Liu, Dechang Pi & Lin Cui - 2017 - Complexity:1-16.
    Social influence analysis is important for many social network applications, including recommendation and cybersecurity analysis. We observe that the influence of community including multiple users outweighs the individual influence. Existing models focus on the individual influence analysis, but few studies estimate the community influence that is ubiquitous in online social network. A major challenge lies in that researchers need to take into account many factors, such as user influence, social trust, and user relationship, to model community-level influence. In this paper, (...)
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  8. Cong "xin ma" dao Weibo.Xueliang Ding - 1991 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si.
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    Ru jia yu Weibo de wu ge dui hua.Renchang Ye - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    經濟倫理的對話 財富思想的對話 支配類型的對話 理念類型的對話 決策倫理的對話 《儒家與韋伯的五個對話》為跨越政治、經濟、宗教與方法學等領域的思想史學術創作。葉仁昌教授累積了將近三十年的思考與體會,很大膽並充滿創意地,對儒家與韋伯(Max Weber)開展了五個批判性的對話。包括了清教徒與東亞的經濟倫理、欠缺無限利潤心的儒家財富思想、道德型正當性的支配類型、義利之辨的四種理念類型,以及何不曰利的決策倫理省思。藉此,不只重構了韋伯若干論述 的框架,也爲儒家提供了新視角下的不同詮釋。 韋伯是一位經典的大師,葉仁昌教授卻不只具體地指出韋伯對儒家的理解盲點,還應用韋伯的方法學來新論儒家,更試圖補足韋伯對儒家在研究上的遺漏,完成韋伯未竟的探索,甚至重構韋伯有關支配類型的框架。當然,在這樣 的過程中,儒家也因為新的視角而得到了不同詮釋。.
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    Political irony as self-censorship practice? Examining dissidents’ use of Weibo in the 2017 Hong Kong Chief Executive Election.Zhongxuan Lin & Yupei Zhao - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (5):512-532.
    This research examines the knowledge constructed in political ironic discourses, which is associated with different models of practicing self-censorship, taking a case study of the 2017 Hong Kong Chief Executive Election via social media Weibo. Critical discourse analysis, the verbal irony principle and semi-structured interviews were employed to compare participants from mainland China and Hong Kong, including opinion leaders and casual users. This research suggests a three-stage analytical framework that clearly emphasizes the act of rhetorical discourse and the practice (...)
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  11.  13
    Climato-Economic Origins of Variations in Uniqueness of Nickname on Sina Weibo.Lingnan He, Yue Chen & Xiaopeng Ren - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the world of social media, people are free to choose names based on their preferences, which may potentially reflect certain levels of uniqueness. In this study, we have attempted to explore the possibility of applying the ecological theory of individualism/collectivism in the context of social media. We, thus, examined provincial variations in the uniqueness of nicknames among more than 13 million Sina Weibo users. Initially, the nickname uniqueness indicator was set at the provincial level. It was found that (...)
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    Developmental Trend of Subjective Well-Being of Weibo Users During COVID-19: Online Text Analysis Based on Machine Learning Method.Yingying Han, Wenhao Pan, Jinjin Li, Ting Zhang, Qiang Zhang & Emily Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Currently, the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic experienced by the international community has increased the usage frequency of borderless, highly personalized social media platforms of all age groups. Analyzing and modeling texts sent through social media online can reveal the characteristics of the psychological dynamic state and living conditions of social media users during the pandemic more extensively and comprehensively. This study selects the Sina Weibo platform, which is highly popular in China and analyzes the subjective well-being of Weibo (...)
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    Public Social Media Discussions on Agricultural Product Safety Incidents: Chinese African Swine Fever Debate on Weibo.Qian Jiang, Ya Xue, Yan Hu & Yibin Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Public concern over major agricultural product safety incidents, such as swine flu and avian flu, can intensify financial losses in the livestock and poultry industries. Crawler technology were applied to reviewed the Weibo social media discussions on the African Swine Fever incident in China that was reported on 3 August 2018, and used content analysis and network analysis to specifically examine the online public opinion network dissemination characteristics of verified individual users, institutional users and ordinary users. It was found (...)
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    Offensive, hateful comment: A networked discourse practice of blame and petition for justice during COVID-19 on Chinese Weibo.Dennis Tay & Ying Jin - 2023 - Discourse Studies 25 (1):3-24.
    Using data from user comments to the official social networking account of the Hubei Red Cross Foundation on a participatory web platform, this study attends to the offensive and hateful comments produced by ordinary Internet users to blame the elite authorities for their malfeasance in managing the donation during the COVID-19 in China. Drawing on Discursive Psychology, we focus on the rhetorical strategies that users employ to legitimise their actions as well-founded evidential blame against a norm-breaking act rather than radical (...)
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  15.  33
    Modeling of Causes of Sina Weibo Continuance Intention with Mediation of Gender Effects.Lingyu Wang, Wenguo Zhao, Xianghong Sun, Rui Zheng & Weina Qu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  16. Xian dai hua jin cheng zhong de guan liao zhi: Weibo guan liao zhi li lun yan jiu.Xiaoyong Huang - 2003 - Ha'erbin Shi: Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she.
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    She hui xue juan da: kan da shi Weibo ru he wu dao ren lei si wei.Hongren Xie - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gong si.
    數十年來,學術界在西方建構的知識體系底下看似健康地成長茁壯,社會(科)學也不例外。但讓人難以理解的是,身為古典社會學三大家,且至今仍是全球最具影響力的學者韋伯(Max Weber)對於東方社會的描繪,與經驗事實並不相符,存在著巨大落差。更讓人不解的則是,東方(尤其是中國)知識份子奉韋伯之說法為圭臬,當他們面向西方時,讚嘆著歐洲經濟、科技,與社會思潮的進步,幾乎完全地 失去了批判能力;面向東方時,反而極具信心地全盤否定其傳統,並視之為進步的阻礙。 本書完整地將韋伯重要之著作、概念工具、歷史比較方法,以及對東方(特別是中國)的「理解」逐一詳實論證,期待讀者能從此書中得到些許啟發,進而修正過去被誤導的歷史觀與世界觀。.
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  18. Xue shu ju ren yu li xing kun jing: Weibo, Babo, Habomasi.Xiaolin Chen - 1987 - Taibei Shi: Shi bao chu ban gong si.
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    Presenting an Ideal Self on Weibo: The Effects of Narcissism and Self-Presentation Valence on Uses and Gratifications.Lei Vincent Huang & Susu Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Jin ji yu tian liang: po jie Weibo de mi zhen.Guangguo Huang - 2015 - Xinbei Shi: Xin li chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
    內容簡介 為了批駁韋伯學說的謬誤,倘若我們以韋伯所謂的「理性化」和「除魅化」來界定「現代化」,則在儒家文化的發展史上,一共經過了三次「現代化」:在「軸樞時期」,孔子及其門人解釋《易經》,完成了儒家文化的第一次「 理性化」;宋明時期,程朱「理學」一派強調「道問學」和陸王「心學」一派強調「尊德性」,是其第二次現代化。 在「天人合一」的文化傳統裡,宋明理學家很難將具有「普遍性」的儒家價值理念建構成形式性的理論,來說清楚「儒家價值是什麼?」因此,儒家文化的第三次現代化,必須充分吸納西方文明菁華的科學哲學,以「多元哲學典 範」來建構「含攝文化的理論」。 本書以西方的科學哲學為基礎,先建構普世性的〈人情與面子〉理論模型,以及〈自我的曼陀羅模型〉,再以之作為參考架構,重新詮釋先秦儒家思想的內容,藉以描繪出先秦儒家思想的「文化型態學」。然後再對儒家思想分析 其「文化衍生學」,而分別討論:程朱的理學、陸王的心學、明清的經學,以及陽明學對於日本的影響。 在二十一世紀中,華人知識分子最重要的任務,是要以「儒、釋、道」三教合一的儒家文化作為主體,吸納西方文明的菁華,「中學為體,西學為用」,建立「儒家人文主義」的學術傳統,開創出嶄新的中華文明。.
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    Evaluating the American-Chinese trade war on Chinese social media: discourses of nationalism and rectifying a humiliating past.Gwen Bouvier, Qiang Geng & Wenting Zhao - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    The US and China have both benefited greatly from their trading relationship. However, motivated by a US concern that their partner was becoming more of a rival, then-president Donald Trump began a ‘trade war’ in 2018. In US news outlets and, of particular interest here, on American social media platforms, China was represented as a global menace, with extreme xenophobia against Chinese people. Yet less is known about how Chinese people responded on social media to the same situation. This paper (...)
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    Disagreement strategies and institutional face attack in Chinese mainstream media editorial comments on Weib.Jie Xia - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (1):23-46.
    This paper explores how readers of Chinese mainstream media editorials use disagreement strategies to attack the institutional face of the mainstream media organizations on Weibo. By quantitative and qualitative analysis, the disagreement strategies in Weibo comments were elaborated based on the logos-oriented and ethos-oriented distinction. It was found that logos-oriented disagreements were employed to criticize the content of the editorial, ethos-oriented ad-hominem disagreements were employed to attack the trustworthiness and impartiality of the mainstream media organizations, and ethos-oriented ad-personam (...)
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    Unpacking ‘baby man’ in Chinese social media: a feminist critical discourse analysis.Yifan Chen & Qian Gong - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (4):400-417.
    This paper argues that the proliferation of the new term ‘baby man’ has an impact on reconstructing established gender relationships and resisting China's authoritarian political power in a highly-censored online environment. This study employs feminist critical discourse analysis to investigate how Chinese feminism adopts the discursive construction of ‘baby man’ and how they echo the complex historical and sociocultural backgrounds through a case study of 43 posts containing ‘baby man’ on Chinese social media. The finding suggests that the term ‘baby (...)
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    Exploring the Relationship Between Social Commerce Features and Consumers’ Repurchase Intentions: The Mediating Role of Perceived Value.Jinyuan Guo & Lei Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The popularity of social media, such as WeChat and Weibo in China, has provided an opportunity to develop social commerce. Although shopping through social commerce platforms is widely favored by consumers, the factors affecting consumers’ decision-making behavior in the social commerce environment remain unclear. Therefore, from the perspective of the stimulus–organism–response theory, we construct a consumer repurchase decision model in the social commerce environment and analyze the influencing mechanism of social commerce features on perceived value and consumers’ repurchase intention. (...)
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    Increase of Collectivistic Expression in China During the COVID-19 Outbreak: An Empirical Study on Online Social Networks.Nuo Han, Xiaopeng Ren, Peijing Wu, Xiaoqian Liu & Tingshao Zhu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The pathogen-prevalence hypothesis postulates that collectivism would be strengthened in the long term in tandem with recurrent attacks of infectious diseases. However, it is unclear whether a one-time pathogen epidemic would elevate collectivism. The outbreak of COVID-19 and the widespread prevalence of online social networks have provided researchers an opportunity to explore this issue. This study sampled and analyzed the posts of 126,165 active users on Weibo, a leading Chinese online social network. It used independent-sample t-tests to examine whether (...)
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  26.  11
    Research on Emotion Analysis and Psychoanalysis Application With Convolutional Neural Network and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory.Baitao Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study mainly focuses on the emotion analysis method in the application of psychoanalysis based on sentiment recognition. The method is applied to the sentiment recognition module in the server, and the sentiment recognition function is effectively realized through the improved convolutional neural network and bidirectional long short-term memory model. First, the implementation difficulties of the C-BiL model and specific sentiment classification design are described. Then, the specific design process of the C-BiL model is introduced, and the innovation of the (...)
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    Yu Jianrong: From Concerned Scholar to Advocate for the Marginalized: Guest Editors' Introduction.Marina Svensson & Eva Pils - 2014 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 46 (1):3-16.
    In this second issue on the scholar and public intellectual Yu Jianrong, we address some of the topics that have been at the core of his academic work and where his research and views have helped shaped awareness of these issues among the general public and the academic community. We focus on the rural-urban divide, land issues, the letters and visits system, and social unrest and the so-called stability issue. To highlight the public intellectual dimension of Yu's work, we have (...)
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    How to Catch Customers’ Attention? A Study on the Effectiveness of Brand Social Media Strategies in Digital Customer Engagement.Yuying Liu, Xinxin Liu, Meng Wang & Decheng Wen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Enterprises often post branded content on social media and adopt a proactive response approach to improve digital customer engagement to gain a competitive advantage. However, there are many brands which fail to operate social media as effectively as expected. The effective use of brand social media strategies to improve digital customer engagement remains an ongoing challenge for the enterprises. Based on firm-generated content theory and social presence theory, this study aims to identify the impact of brand social media strategies on (...)
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    The Effect of Emotion on Prosocial Tendency: The Moderating Effect of Epidemic Severity Under the Outbreak of COVID-19.Yingying Ye, Tingting Long, Cuizhen Liu & Dan Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    During the outbreak of COVID-19, information on the epidemic inundated people’s lives and led to negative emotions in many people. This study aims to explore the effect of various emotions on prosocial tendencies during the COVID-19 outbreak and the moderating effect of the severity of the epidemic. We explore these effects by conducting a text analysis of the content of posts by 387,730 Weibo users. The results show that the severity of the epidemic promotes prosocial tendencies; anger motivates prosocial (...)
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    Ironic criticisms and responses on Chinese social media.Xinyue Tian & Wei Ren - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (1):97-124.
    Ironic criticisms in online interactions are very common, but have rarely been examined. Following the concept of (non)propositional irony, this study investigates how online ironic criticisms are produced and responded to. The findings were derived from a mixed-methods analysis of 200 comments and 1,140 responses collected from Weibo. The analysis offers a computer-mediated taxonomy and identifies four subtypes of ironic criticisms, with different realisation forms in each subtype. Responses to negative evaluations are more common in online ironic interactions. Possible (...)
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    Transcultural political communication from the perspective of proximization theory: A comparative analysis on the corpuses of the Sino–US trade war.Guoliang Zhang, Yingfei He, Danyang Zhang & Lijuan Chen - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (4):341-361.
    Previous studies have shown the operational potential in political discourse analysis from the proximization perspective. This study adopts a cross-disciplinary approach to analyze political communication across transcultural contexts, especially in the cyber discourse space. Based on the spatial–temporal–axiological model, we compare the journalistic discourses on two social media platforms by China Xinhua News Agency, an official speaker for China worldwide. The corpuses are constructed with microblogs on Weibo in Chinese and Twitter in English containing key words of Sino–US trade (...)
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    ‘Hidden in plain sight’: Expressing political criticism on Chinese social media.Richard Fitzgerald & Xiaoping Wu - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (3):365-385.
    While the proliferation of social media technologies in China has empowered the public with new opportunities for public expression and political engagement in a ‘virtual public sphere’, Chinese Internet censorship has meant that users have to develop creative ways to engage in political criticism. In a context where both mechanical and human censors are employed, Chinese users have become adept at utilizing the affordances of technology, Chinese language and cultural resources to express their opinions through social media. Drawing upon data (...)
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    Family(jiārénmen) is not a family: a study on the construction of pragmatic identities in the generalization of Internet address term “jiārénmen”.Junling Wang, Yansheng Mao & Kaihang Zhao - forthcoming - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics.
    This paper examines the generalization of the Internet address term “family” (jiārénmen), a recently emerging phenomenon in language use from the perspective of Pragmatic Identity Theory. The main thrust of this research is to reveal the pragmatic identities and pragmatic functions involved in the use of “family” (jiārénmen). The core point has been arrived at by using a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses to explore relevant cases collected from WeChat, Weibo, and in-person conversations. Research findings demonstrated that in (...)
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    Dr. Li Wenliang, COVID-19 outbreak and the principle of beneficence.Pablo Ayala Enriquez & Daniel Lemus-Delgado - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46:37-54.
    Resumen Tomando como punto de partida las condiciones del contexto socio político donde se originó el brote epidémico del virus SARS-CoV-2, los autores analizan la influencia que tuvo el principio de beneficencia como una de las razones éticas que condujeron al oftalmólogo Li Wenliang a alertar a través de la red social Weibo, sobre el surgimiento de un brote epidémico distinto, por su agresividad, al del SARS. Se asume que dicho principio puede comprenderse a partir de un enfoque donde (...)
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    Use self-construction theory to understand Daka destination information sources and motivation impact on tourism intention.Yitao Chen, Junwei Zhao, Jianyi Ding, Lei Wang & Shengjun Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Daka destinations refer to tagging one’s visit to a popular destination by posting on social media. As a novel tourism concept derived from digital media in the post-pandemic era, Daka destinations have become a major option for potential tourists; thus, investigating tourist intentions toward them is of utmost significance to tourism recovery. Based on the viewpoints of information sources of Daka destinations, tourism motivations, and self-construction, this study investigates the research framework of potential tourism intentions through three scenarios. The findings (...)
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    Use of Offensive Animal Metaphor as an Interactional Activity in Online Forum Discussions.Ying Jin & Dennis Tay - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (4):281-295.
    This paper investigates offensive animal metaphors in blog comments about the management of donations of money and medical relief during the coronavirus pandemic in China. Rather than understanding the metaphorical usage of language as a cognitive process, we consider its situational usage as a social action and invoke insights from Conversation Analysis. Based on data retrieved from Sina Weibo, we show how discussants use animal metaphors to accomplish varying actions and construct intelligibility between themselves and others about the relationship (...)
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    Research on reform and breakthrough of news, film, and television media based on artificial intelligence.Xiaojing Li - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):992-1001.
    With the development of technology, news media and film and television media are spreading faster and faster, and at the same time, the spread of rumors is also accelerated. This article briefly describes the application of artificial intelligence in news media and film and television media using a back-propagation neural network algorithm to reform refutation of rumors in news media and film and television media, and compared it with K-means and support vector machine algorithms in simulation experiments. The results showed (...)
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    Topic modeling and sentiment analysis of Chinese people’s attitudes toward volunteerism amid the COVID-19 pandemic.Ruheng Yin, Jing Wu, Rui Tian & Feng Gan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent need for volunteers to complement overwhelmed public health systems. This study aims to explore Chinese people’s attitudes toward volunteerism amid the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, we identify the latent topics in volunteerism-related microblogs on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter using the topic modeling analysis via Latent Dirichlet Allocation. To further investigate the public sentiment toward the topics generated by LDA, we also conducted sentiment analysis on the sample posts using the (...)
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    Network Pseudohealth Information Recognition Model: An Integrated Architecture of Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Data Block Update.Jie Zhang, Pingping Sun, Feng Zhao, Qianru Guo & Yue Zou - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    The wanton dissemination of network pseudohealth information has brought great harm to people’s health, life, and property. It is important to detect and identify network pseudohealth information. Based on this, this paper defines the concepts of pseudohealth information, data block, and data block integration, designs an architecture that combines the latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm and data block update integration, and proposes the combination algorithm model. In addition, crawler technology is used to crawl the pseudohealth information transmitted on the Sina (...) platform during the “epidemic situation” from February to March 2020 for the simulation test on the experimental case dataset. The research results show that the LDA model can deeply mine the semantic information of network pseudohealth information, obtain the features of document-topic distribution, and classify and train topic features as input variables; the dataset partitioning method can effectively block data according to the text attributes and class labels of network pseudohealth information and can accurately classify and integrate the block data through the data block reintegration method; and considering that the combination model has certain limitations on the detection of network pseudohealth information, the support vector machine model can extract the granularity content of data blocks in pseudohealth information in real time, thus greatly improving the recognition performance of the combination model. (shrink)
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    Reciprocity in Quarantine: Observations from Wuhan’s COVID-19 Digital Landscapes.Yanping Ni, Morris Fabbri, Chi Zhang & Kearsley A. Stewart - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (4):435-457.
    The 2003 SARS pandemic heralded the return of quarantine as a vital part of twenty-first century public health practice. Over the last two decades, MERS, Ebola, and other emerging infectious diseases each posed unique challenges for applying quarantine ethics lessons learned from the 2003 SARS-CoV-1 outbreak. In an increasingly interdependent and connected global world, the use of quarantine to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, similarly poses new and unexpected ethical challenges. In this essay, we look beyond standard debates (...)
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  41.  19
    Constructing Care-Based Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Fortune 500 Companies in China and the United States. [REVIEW]Chuqing Dong, Qiongyao Huang, Shijun Ni, Bohan Zhang & Cang Chen - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (4):775-802.
    The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes new opportunities for CSR development, and companies in both China and the US, the two largest economies severely impacted by the pandemic, are seeking innovative ways to engage with publics on social media through CSR communication. This study draws on the care ethics theory to examine different manifestations of care values in corporations’ CSR messages and their relationships with publics’ behavioral and emotional engagement on social media. A quantitative content analysis of Weibo and Twitter posts (...)
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    Social Media for Health Campaign and Solidarity Among Chinese Fandom Publics During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Qiaolei Jiang, Shiyu Liu, Yue Hu & Jing Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background:As a highly contagious disease, the COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious health threat and psychological burden for the global communities. From the conceptual perspective of affordances, this research examined the role of social media for health campaign and psychological support during the global crisis.Methods:Data from both social media and a nationwide survey were collected and analyzed. Face mask-related posts on Sina Weibo from January 1, 2020, to June 30, 2020, were retrieved and studied. Face mask wearing as a (...)
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    (1 other version)Les réseaux sociaux numériques en Chine : une constellation de petits mondes.Éric Sautedé - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 59 (1):, [ p.].
    Les réseaux sociaux numériques ont connu en Chine un engouement massif, et cela dès leur introduction en 2007. On compte aujourd’hui 210 millions d’utilisateurs de « ites d’échanges sociaux », soit exactement la moitié des 420 millions d’internautes chinois, et les autorités chinoises soulignent désormais que ce développement des réseaux sociaux numériques est « irrésistible ». Comme souvent pour la Chine, la tyrannie des nombres n’a d’égale que l’originalité des usages. C’est cette originalité bornant à la singularité des « caractéristiques (...)
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