Results for 'Wang Ch'ing-Cheng'

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  1.  40
    Postscript to the Specimen of Li Chih's Handwriting Preserved in the Shanghai Museum [1].Wang Ch'ing-Cheng - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 13 (1-2):87-99.
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    Philosophy, philology, and politics in eighteenth-century China: Li Fu and the Lu-Wang school under the Chʻing.Chin-hsing Huang - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explains the general intellectual climate of the early Ch'ing period, and the political and cultural characteristics of the Ch'ing regime at the time. Professor Huang brings to life the book's central characters, Li Fu and the three great emperors - K'ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Chien-lung - whom he served. Although the author's main concern is to explain the contributions of Li Fu to the Lu-Wang school of Confucianism, he also gives a clearly written account of (...)
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  3. Wang Chʻung ku shih.Chʻang Chʻing - 1960
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    Hsü Wei ti wen hsüeh yü yi hsu (The Literature and Art of Hsü Wei, 1521-1593)Hsu Wei ti wen hsueh yu yi hsu.Kuo-ch'ing Tu & Richard I.-Cheng Liang - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):428.
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  5. Wei wu pien chêng fa pʻi pʻan.Kuan-chʻing Wang - 1943
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    On Li Ssu.Wang Shao-P'U. & Li Ch'ang-Ch'ing - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (1-2):225-241.
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  7. Wang Chʻung yen chiu.Chʻing-Fang Pʻan - 1977
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    Fu-Sheng Yin. K'o-hsüeh-ching-yen-lun it cheng-hsing chi ch'i p'i-p'ing . Kuo-li T'aiwan-ta-hsüeh wen-shih-che hsüeh-pao , no. 2 , pp. 193–213. [REVIEW]Hao Wang - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):304-304.
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    Confession of an Old-Time Capitulationist - Critique of Chiang Ch'ing's Sinister Article "Our Life".Wen P'ing & Feng Cheng - 1979 - Chinese Studies in History 12 (3):56-61.
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  10. Wang Chʻung ssŭ hsiang pʻing lun.Kung Chʻên - 1968
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  11.  28
    Comrade Wu Han's Antiparty, Antisocialist, Anti-Marxist Political Thinking and Academic Viewpoints.Wang Cheng-P'ing & Ting Wei-Chih - 1969 - Chinese Studies in History 3 (1):49-85.
  12. Ho chʻing nien tʻan li hsiang.Yeh-min Wang - 1957 - Edited by Yang, Hsiao-chʻun & [From Old Catalog].
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  13. Wei wu pien cheng fa shih kuan yü shih wu ti lien hsi ho fa chan ti hsüeh shuo.Chung-pʻing Chʻen - 1957
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  14. Wang Chʻung pʻing lun.YüN-Sheng Huang - 1975
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  15. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue zai Zhongguo: cong Qing mo Min chu dao Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo cheng li = Makesizhuyi zhexue zai Zhongguo: cong Qingmo Minchu dao Zhonghuarenmingongheguo chengli.Ch I.-chü Li, Chiung-hua Wang & Yao-Hsien Chang (eds.) - 1991 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Taijiquan as a Way of Life: The Philosophy of Cheng Man-ch’ing.Andrew J. Dell’Olio - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):461-475.
    Cheng Man-ch’ing (1901–1975) is as responsible as anyone for the wide popularity of taijiquan in the West. While his stature as a master and teacher of taijiquan is legendary, he is less well-known as a philosopher. Yet Cheng wrote a number of philosophical commentaries on Chinese classics that shed light on his understanding of taijiquan. In this paper I propose that a consideration of Cheng’s philosophical reflections shows him to be a twentieth century Neo-Confucian who saw taijiquan (...)
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  17. Hsüeh hsi wei wu pien cheng fa ti chi pen fan chʻou.Chieh-pʻing Kʻung - 1978
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  18.  89
    (1 other version)Was the Revolution of 1911 the Struggle Between Confucians and Legalists?Fan Pai-Ch'uan - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 11 (2):40-54.
    Everybody knows that the Revolution of 1911 was an anti-imperialist and antifeudal democratic revolution led by the revolutionary and democratic group of the bourgeoisie in the period of the old democratic revolution in China. The leader of that revolution was Sun Yat-sen, and the guiding ideology was his old Three People's Principles. It is well known that Chairman Mao has made a series of scientific appraisals of these facts, but the newspapers and magazines controlled by the anti-Party clique of (...) Hung-wen, Chang Ch'un-ch'iao, Chiang Ch'ing and Yao Wen-yuan openly oppose Chairman Mao's scientific appraisals, betraying the fundamental principles of Marxism, distorting the Revolution of 1911 as a struggle between Confucians and Legalists, and replacing Sun Yat-sen as the standard-bearer of the revolution with Chang T'ai-yen, who played first an active and then a devastating role in the revolution. All this is part of the clique's attack on the Party in order to usurp the Party, seize power, restore capitalism and fabricate the "history" of the struggle between the Confucians and the Legalists. (shrink)
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  19.  35
    (1 other version)Refutation Of The "Stinking Number Nine" Theory Of The "Gang Of Four".Shen K'E.-T'ing - 1977 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 9 (2):43-56.
    The "gang of four" — Wang Hung-wen, Chang Ch'un-ch'iao, Chiang Ch'ing and Yao Wen-yuan — have created great chaos by confusing the relations between ourselves and the enemy, obliterating the differences between the two kinds of contradiction, wrecking Chairman Mao's policy of uniting with, educating and reforming intellectuals, calling intellectuals the "stinking number nine," smothering the revolutionary initiative of the broad masses of intellectuals, and destroying the ranks of revolutionary intellectuals.
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  20.  50
    Chiang Ch'ing's "Farewell Letter" to T'Ang Na.Lan P'ing Chiang Ch'ing - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 14 (2):77-82.
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  21. (1 other version)Wang Tʻing-hsiang chê hsüeh hsüan chi.Tʻing-Hsiang Wang - 1965 - Edited by Hou, Wai-lu & [From Old Catalog].
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  22. Fa lü ta i: tung lun pien, hsien fa pien.Chʻing-fêng Liu - 1954
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  23. Lun jên hsing chih kʻai chang yü hsüeh fo.Chʻing-Sung[From Old Catalog] - 1960
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  24. Ho hsieh ti she hui.Chʻing-Chiang Lin - 1974
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  25.  37
    Lenin on the Principle of Party Nature in Philosophy.Ch'eri Ho-Ch'ing - 1973 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 5 (2):4-20.
    Increasingly skillful forgery of Marxism and increasingly skillful disguise of various antimaterialist theories as Marxism are the characteristics of modern revisionism in political economy, tactics, and general philosophy ." In this remark, Lenin unmistakably pointed out the old tricks of the various revisionists who frenziedly attacked Marxism. In philosophy, veteran revisionists such as Bernstein and his ilk who followed on the tail of bourgeois professors of philosophy called for "return to Kant," integration of Marxism with Kantianism, and replenishment of Marxism (...)
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  26. Fa hsüeh tʻung lun.Chʻing-fêng Liu - 1954
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  27. Nihon to Chūgoku ni okeru Dyūi kyōikugaku no juyō kōzō ni kansuru kenkyū.Ch°I. Wang & Fuji Zerokkusu Kobayashi Setsutaråo Kinen Kikin - 1993 - Tōkyō: Fuji Zerokkusu Kobayashi Setsutarō Kinen Kikin..
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  28. Hsien Chʻin fa lü ssu hsiang yü tzu jang fa.Yün-chʻing Keng - 1973
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  29. (1 other version)A Reading of Han Fei's "Wu Tu" [Five Vermin].Ti Ch'ing - 1978 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (1):19-33.
    To give the necessary affirmation to the historical role played by the Legalists and to study and analyze the Legalists' writings from the Marxist point of view is a major task on the ideological front called for by the deepening of the Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius. Han Fei was an outstanding representative of the Legalists of the late Warring States period. He summed up the experience, both positive and negative, of the newly emerging landlord class in the (...)
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  30. Shen mo shih wei hsin chu i.Chʻing-hai Kao - 1957
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  31.  12
    Wang Chong (27-97?): connaissance politique et vérité en Chine ancienne.Nicolas Zufferey & Ch ung Wang - 1995 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Analyse: Le penseur chinois Wang Chong (27-97?) fut souvent considéré comme un auteur hétérodoxe, voire anti-confucianiste, tant en Chine ancienne qu'au XXe siècle.
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  32. Spontaneity & the Pattern of Things the Zirán and Wùshi of Wáng Chong's Lun Héng by M. Henri Day.Ch'ung Wang & M. Henri Day - 1972
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  33. Chou Chʻin ming chia san tzŭ chiao chʻüan.Chʻi-Hsiang Wang - 1957 - I Wen Yin Shu Kuan. Edited by Wen Yin & Long Gongsun.
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  34. Hsiung Shih-li hsien sheng hsüeh chi.Shih-chʻing Pʻan - 1979
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  35. Ta hsüeh che hsüeh kai lun.Chen-chʻing Sun - 1972
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  36. Zhe xue ci dian.Ping-chʻing Fan - 1926
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  37.  28
    Shih-shuo Hsin-yü: A New Account of Tales of the WorldShih-shuo Hsin-yu: A New Account of Tales of the World.Donald E. Gjertson, Liu I.-ch'ing & Richard B. Mather - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):380.
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  38. Hsin lo chi hsüeh.Ling-chʻing Hsü - 1950
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  39. Lun heng chu shih.Ch ung Wang & Pei-Ching Ta Hsüeh - 1979 - Chung-Hua Shu Chü : Hsin Hua Shu Tien Pei-Ching Fa Hsing so Fa Hsing.
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  40. Ronkō.Katsumi Yamada & Ch ung Wang - 1976 - Tōkyō: Meiji Shoin. Edited by Chong Wang.
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  41.  19
    中国古代的语言和逻辑.Chad Hansen, Ch ing-yü Chang, Yün-Chih Chou & Ch ing-T. Ien Ts ui - 1998
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  42. San min chu i yü li hsüeh hsiu yang ssŭ hsiang.Shuang-chʻing Li - 1967 - San Min Chu I Yen Chiu So.
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  43. Chʻien shu ku chin shan o yin kuo pao ying.Chʻi-mou Wang (ed.) - 1975
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  44. Han Fei ti fa chih ssû hsiang.Chʻên-chʻing Chang - 1930
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  45. Kuo fu chê hsüeh ssŭ hsiang.O. -chʻing Sung - 1971
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  46. Lo chi yü kʻo hsüeh fang fa.Chih-chʻing Sung - 1964 - Edited by Lin, Ju-hao & [From Old Catalog].
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  47. Jen sheng che hsüeh tao lun.Shuang-chʻing Li - 1972
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  48. Lun hêng chiao chêng.Tsung-yao T. ien & Ch ung Wang - 1964 - Kuo Li T Ai-Wan Ta Hsüeh Wen Hsüeh Yüan.
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  49. Fa hsüeh tʻung lun.Jên-chʻing Ho - 1954
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  50. Jen hsing fen hsi.Chʻing-yü Chʻen - 1962
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