Results for 'Virtanen Akseli'

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  1.  6
    Biopoliittisen talouden kritiikki.Akseli Virtanen - 2006 - Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto.
  2. Claude Bernard and His Place in the History of Ideas.Reino Virtanen - 1961 - Science and Society 25 (3):283-285.
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    Justice at the Workplace: A Review.Marianna Virtanen & Marko Elovainio - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (2):306-315.
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  4. Claude Bernard and his place in the history of ideas.Reino Virtanen - 1960 - Lincoln,: University of Nebraska Press.
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    Claude Bernard'S Prophecies And The Historical Relation Of Science To Literature.Reino Virtanen - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (April-June):275-286.
  6. From sketches to first performance.Marjaana Virtanen - 2014 - In Taina Riikonen & Marjaana Virtanen (eds.), The embodiment of authority: perspectives on performances. New York: Peter Lang.
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    On Theory–Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies.Mikko J. Virtanen & Antti Silvast - 2023 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 48 (1):167-189.
    Our review essay contributes to the long-standing and vibrant discussion in science and technology studies (STS) on methods, methodologies, and theory–method relationships. We aim to improve the reflexivity of research by unpacking the often implicit assumptions that imbue research conduct and by offering practical tools through which STS researchers can recognize their research designs and think through them in a new way. To achieve these aims, we analyze different compositions of theories, methods, and empirics in three different STS approaches—actor–network theory, (...)
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    Realidad, mito y deseo. La mirada grecolatina de Aurora Luque.Ricardo Virtanen - 2011 - Arbor 187 (750):783-791.
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    L'imagerie scientifique de Paul Valéry.Reino Virtanen - 1975 - Vrin.
    Reino Virtanen. CHAPITRE VII LA FIN D'UNE TRAJECTOIRE « Valéry est notre Lucrèce », écrivait Alain '. Mais où est La Nature des Choses de Valéry ? Il a nié en effet la possibilité d'une telle œuvre dans la France de son époque. Il disait ...
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  10. Representation of the body as a basis of personal knowledge: A neuro-sychological perspective on Polanyi's subjective dimension of knowing.Ilkka Virtanen - 2011 - Appraisal 8 (3).
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    The essence of social support in interpersonal communication.Ira A. Virtanen & Pekka Isotalus - 2012 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 3 (1):25-42.
    The amount of social support literature in the field of interpersonal communication has increased steadily. In the last decade, however, no one has pushed for a conclusion as to what kind of phenomenon social support is. This article aims to describe the essence of social support. The essence is what must be present in all the phenomena that claim to be social support. The study uses phenomenological reduction and imag¬inative variation (1) on social support definitions and (2) on the empirical (...)
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    The Role of Customary Institutions in the Conservation of Biodiversity: Sacred Forests in Mozambique.Pekka Virtanen - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (2):227-241.
    Recently the role of customary local institutions in the conservation of biological diversity has become a topic of widespread interest. In this paper the conservation value of one such institution, traditionally protected forest, is studied with regard to its ecological representativity and institutional persistence. On the basis of a case study from Mozambique the paper concludes that traditionally protected forests do have a practical conservation value, especially as fire refuges and in the preservation of metapopulations of endangered species. However, it (...)
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    Organizational ethics: A literature review.Riitta Suhonen, Minna Stolt, Heli Virtanen & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):285-303.
    The aim of the study was to report the results of a systematically conducted literature review of empirical studies about healthcare organizations’ ethics and management or leadership issues. Electronic databases MEDLINE and CINAHL yielded 909 citations. After a two stage application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria 56 full-text articles were included in the review. No large research programs were identified. Most of the studies were in acute hospital settings from the 1990s onwards. The studies focused on ethical challenges, dilemmas (...)
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    New Practices of Cultural Truth Making: Evidence Work in Negotiations with State Authorities.Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen & Marja-Liisa Honkasalo - 2020 - Anthropology of Consciousness 31 (1):63-90.
    This article looks at negotiations with state authorities and the evidentiary criteria they create in culturally contrasting contexts when phenomena deal with elements that for the dominant society are conceptualized as “supernatural.” We draw from the level of experiences of other-than-human beings, especially spirits and “ungraspable” presences, as social practices in and of themselves as well as acts of mobilizing those which are meaningful for knowledge production in Indigenous Amazonia and North European contexts. Our two cases show how in state (...)
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    Le colloque Claude Bernard, Paris 1965.Reino Virtanen - 1966 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 19 (1):55-58.
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    Nietzsche and the Action Francaise: Nietzsche's Significance for French Rightist Thought.Reino Virtanen - 1950 - Journal of the History of Ideas 11 (2):191.
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    Independent postulates for subjective expected utility.Mikko Harju, Juuso Liesiö & Kai Virtanen - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-10.
    Although the subjective expected utility (SEU) theory is more than 60 years old, it was recently discovered by Hartmann (Econometrica 88(1):203–205, 2020, that one of the original seven postulates is redundant, i.e., it is implied by the other six postulates. In this brief communication, we show that this redundant axiom is the only one that is implied by the other axioms, thereby establishing that the remaining six postulates form an independent axiomatic system. This result further streamlines the preference assumptions (...)
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    Rationalizable strategies in games with incomplete preferences.Juho Kokkala, Kimmo Berg, Kai Virtanen & Jirka Poropudas - 2019 - Theory and Decision 86 (2):185-204.
    This paper introduces a new solution concept for games with incomplete preferences. The concept is based on rationalizability and it is more general than the existing ones based on Nash equilibrium. In rationalizable strategies, we assume that the players choose nondominated strategies given their beliefs of what strategies the other players may choose. Our solution concept can also be used, e.g., in ordinal games where the standard notion of rationalizability cannot be applied. We show that the sets of rationalizable strategies (...)
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  19. Johdatus modaalilogiikkaan.Veikko Rantala & Ari Virtanen - 2004 - Gaudeamus.
    The book studies philosophical and mathematical-logical problems of modal notions. Its starting points are possible worlds semantics and Kripke models, and it also concentrates on proof-theoretic methods.
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    The embodiment of authority: perspectives on performances.Taina Riikonen & Marjaana Virtanen (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Performance is a forum for social action, embodied interaction and shared authority. The Embodiment of Authority discusses the relationship between authorial questions and performances via the following topics: shared authorities, ontologies of art work, diverse roles of rehearsals in the performance process, and embodied knowledge.
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    The use of personal health information outside the circle of care: consent preferences of patients from an academic health care institution.Sarah Tosoni, Indu Voruganti, Katherine Lajkosz, Flavio Habal, Patricia Murphy, Rebecca K. S. Wong, Donald Willison, Carl Virtanen, Ann Heesters & Fei-Fei Liu - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    Background Immense volumes of personal health information are required to realize the anticipated benefits of artificial intelligence in clinical medicine. To maintain public trust in medical research, consent policies must evolve to reflect contemporary patient preferences. Methods Patients were invited to complete a 27-item survey focusing on: broad versus specific consent; opt-in versus opt-out approaches; comfort level sharing with different recipients; attitudes towards commercialization; and options to track PHI use and study results. Results 222 participants were included in the analysis; (...)
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    Patient consent preferences on sharing personal health information during the COVID-19 pandemic: “the more informed we are, the more likely we are to help”.Sarah Tosoni, Indu Voruganti, Katherine Lajkosz, Shahbano Mustafa, Anne Phillips, S. Joseph Kim, Rebecca K. S. Wong, Donald Willison, Carl Virtanen, Ann Heesters & Fei-Fei Liu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background Rapid ethical access to personal health information to support research is extremely important during pandemics, yet little is known regarding patient preferences for consent during such crises. This follow-up study sought to ascertain whether there were differences in consent preferences between pre-pandemic times compared to during Wave 1 of the COVID-19 global pandemic, and to better understand the reasons behind these preferences. Methods A total of 183 patients in the pandemic cohort completed the survey via email, and responses were (...)
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    Associations Between Neonatal Cry Acoustics and Visual Attention During the First Year.Aicha Kivinummi, Gaurav Naithani, Outi Tammela, Tuomas Virtanen, Enni Kurkela, Miia Alhainen, Dana J. H. Niehaus, Anusha Lachman, Jukka M. Leppänen & Mikko J. Peltola - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been suggested that early cry parameters are connected to later cognitive abilities. The present study is the first to investigate whether the acoustic features of infant cry are associated with cognitive development already during the first year, as measured by oculomotor orienting and attention disengagement. Cry sounds for acoustic analyses (fundamental frequency; F0) were recorded in two neonatal cohorts at the age of 0-8 days (Tampere, Finland) or at 6 weeks (Cape Town, South Africa). Eye tracking was used (...)
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    Sexual and Reproductive Health: How Can Situational Judgment Tests Help Assess the Norm and Identify Target Groups? A Field Study in Sierra Leone.Lisa Selma Moussaoui, Erin Law, Nancy Claxton, Sofia Itämäki, Ahmada Siogope, Hannele Virtanen & Olivier Desrichard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sexual and reproductive health is a challenge worldwide, and much progress is needed to reach the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals. This paper presents cross-sectional data collected in Sierra Leone on sexual and gender-based violence, family planning, child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation using an innovative method of measurement: situational judgment tests, as a subset of questions within a larger survey tool. For the SJTs, respondents saw hypothetical scenarios on these themes and had to indicate how they (...)
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    Agreement between parental reports and patient records in food allergies among infants and young children in Finland.Jetta Tuokkola, Minna Kaila, Pirjo Pietinen, Olli Simell, Mikael Knip & Suvi M. Virtanen - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (6):984-989.
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    Discourses of Charisma: Barack Obama’s First 6 Months as the President of the USA. [REVIEW]Tuomo Takala, Sanja Tanttu, Anna-Maija Lämsä & Aila Virtanen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):149-166.
    This study aims to investigate discourses of the charisma of Barack Obama in articles in a leading Finnish newspaper during the first 6 months of his presidency. The results show that the media created a very enthusiastic atmosphere around Obama. His charisma was built up mostly around his person, with the emphasis on an exceptional personality, life story and behaviour. In addition, the various crises that arose were used to reinforce the picture of Obama as charismatic. The findings undermine the (...)
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  27.  11
    Reino Virtanen, L’imaginaire scientifique de Paul Valéry. Paris, Librairie J. Vrin, 1975. 14 × 19, 154 p.P. Huard - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):232-234.
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    Claude Bernard and His Place in the History of IdeasReino Virtanen.Leonard Wilson - 1962 - Isis 53 (2):276-277.
  29.  18
    Artists as truth-seekers.Nina Kokkinen - 2021 - Approaching Religion 11 (1):4-27.
    This article focuses on the concept of the seeker and considers how the analytical tool of seekership, defined and developed in the sociology of religion, could be applied to the study of art and esotericism. The theoretical argument is made more tangible with the example of the Finnish artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela, whose life story, art and writings resonate with the concept of seekership. The ways in which Gallen-Kallela writes about his interest in esotericism and the dawn of the new (...)
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    Epistemic Injustice and Digital Disinformation: Addressing Knowledge Inequities in the Digital Age.Sugeng Sugeng, Annisa Fitria & Selam Bastomi - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):134-168.
    This research scrutinizes the repercussions of digital disinformation on knowledge disparities and delves into strategies aimed at fostering epistemic justice. The examination of the findings will involve a comprehensive exploration of various ethical frameworks and theories. This analytical approach seeks to identify the underlying ethical issues that may be inherent in the results. Ethical frameworks provide a structured lens through which we can evaluate the implications of the findings on different stakeholders, ensuring a thorough understanding of potential ethical dilemmas. For (...)
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