Results for 'Vallabhachars '

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  1.  10
    Śrī Vallabhācārya.Udaya Pratāpa Siṃha - 2021 - Naī Dillī: Sāhitya Akādemī.
    Life and teachings of Vallabhācārya, 1479-1531?, leader of the Vallabhachars, Vaishnava sect, and exponent of the Śuddhādvaita school in Hindu philosophy.
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    Śāṅkara evaṃ Vallabha-darśana meṃ naitika karma ke sampratyaya ka viśleshaṇa.Vijaya Bhaṭanāgara - 2021 - Dillī, Bhārata: Jñānabhāratī Pablikeśansa.
    Analytic study of ethical conviction and beliefs with reference to the Advaitavada of Śaṅkarācārya and Śuddhādvaitavāda of Vallabhachars.
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  3. Vallabhacharya.B. K. Bhatt - 1980 - Hyderabad, [India]: Abul Kalam Azad Oriental Research Institute.
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    Śrī Rādhāvallabhīyamataprakāśakaṃ Brahmasūtra-bhāṣyam.Vasudeva Tripāṭhi - 2009 - Navadehalī: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskr̥tasaṃsthānam. Edited by Mithilāprasāda Tripāṭhī.
    Commentary on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa from Vallabhachars view point.
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  5. Andhakāravāda: vidvatsaṅgoṣṭhī.Sharad Goswami (ed.) - 2009 - Māṇḍavī-Kaccha: Śrīvallabhācārya Ṭrasṭa.
    Research papers presented at a seminar organized by Shri Vallabhacharya Trust at Pune in 2004.
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  6.  14
    The philosophy of the Vāllabha school of Vēdanta.Ke Nārāyaṇa - 2004 - Varanasi: Indological Research Centre.
    Description: Suddhadvaita or the system of Pure Monism of Sri Vallabhacarya claims to be the most faithful and authentic exposition of the real teachings of the Upanisads as it purifies the Non-Dual Ultimate Reality of the extraneous concept of Maya introduced by Samkara under the influence of Buddhism. In this system we have the concept of Non-Dualism or Advaita in its pristine, Upanisadic sense unblemished by Samkara's Illusionism, the concept of a Concrete, Personal and determinate Ultimate Reality. In recent years (...)
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  7. Darśanāntara ke pariprekṣya meṃ Śuddhādvaitavedāntasamīkṣā.Avadhānārāyaṇa Śarmā - 2013 - Darabhaṅgā, Bihāraḥ: Kāmeśvarasiṃhadarabhaṅgāsaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayaḥ.
    Study of Suddhadvaita philosophy with reference to other system of Hindu philosophy.
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  8. Śrīvallabhācārya viracita Tatvārthadīpanibandhāntargata Śāstrārthaprakaraṇakī Vrajabhāshāṭīkā. Gokuladāsa - 2000 - Māṇḍavī, Gujarāta: Śrīvallabhācārya Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Sharad Goswami & Vallabhācārya.
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