Results for 'Vagn Börge'

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  1. Paradoxie und Dialektik. Theorie oder Mitteilungsform.Vagn Andersen - 1993 - Kierkegaardiana 16:46-70.
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    List of Illustrations.Vagn Steen - 2006 - In David Hopkins & Anna Katharina Schaffner, Neo-avant-garde. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 423.
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    Intervju med Martin Jay.Øyvind Vågnes & Asbjørn Grønstad - 2007 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 25 (4):181-197.
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    L'esthétique de Jacques Maritain: avec une lettre-préface de Ja[c]ques Maritain.Vagn Lundgaard Simonsen - 1956 - Copenhague: Munksgaard.
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    Invisibility in Visual and Material Culture.Asbjørn Grønstad & Øyvind Vågnes (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    The essays in Invisibility in Visual and Material Culture contribute pioneering and revelatory insights into the phenomenon of invisibility, forging new and multi-disciplinary approaches at the intersection of aesthetics, technology, representation and politics. Importantly, they acknowledge the complex interaction between invisibility and its opposite, visibility, arguing that the one cannot be fully grasped without the other. Considering these entanglements across different media forms, the chapters reveal that the invisible affects many cultural domains, from digital communication and operative images to the (...)
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    Gestures of Seeing in Film, Video and Drawing.Asbjørn Grønstad, Henrik Gustafsson & Øyvind Vågnes (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    The complex gestures of artwork remain an under-explored theoretical topos in contemporary visual culture studies. In our turbulent mediasphere where images are constantly mobilized to enact symbolic forms of warfare and where they get entangled in all kinds of cultural conflicts and controversies, a turn to the gestural life of images promises a particularly pertinent avenue of intellectual inquiry. As both a cultural phenomenon and a philosophical concept, the notion of gesture straddles several disciplines, such as anthropology, linguistics, performance, theater, (...)
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    The Rock DrawingsPreceramic SitesLate Nubian Sites. Churches and SettlementsHuman Remains. Metrical and Non-Metrical Anatomical Variations.Carl E. DeVries, Pontus Hellstrom, Hans Langballe, Anthony E. Marks, C. J. Gardberg & Ole Vagn Nielsen - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):275.
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  8. Den drømmende hjerne.Melanie G. Rosen - 2021 - Turbulens.
    Efter du er vågnet svedende med et hamrende hjerte, og efter du pludselig har indset, at du i virkeligheden ikke er i fare, men at du faktisk ligger sikkert i din seng, kan det være svært at forstå, hvordan du blot få sekunder tidligere var overbevist om, at du var ved at blive nedtrampet af en flok enhjørninger. Hvorfor har vi disse livagtige hallucinationer, når vi sover, og hvorfor, uanset hvor underlige de er, tror vi stadig, at vi er vågne, (...)
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    Filosofie a filosofie (společenských) věd?Martin Paleček - 2010 - Filosofie Dnes 1 (2):87-96.
    Je-li nějaký filozof dotázán známými či přáteli na to, čím se profesně zabývá, a odpoví-li po pravdě, často se rozhostí rozpačité ticho. Je sice mnoho oborů, o kterých má laická veřejnost – použijeme-li tento výraz – jen mlhavou představu, avšak snad žádná disciplína nepůsobí tak vágně, jako filozofie. Domnívám se, že důvodem je to, že pojem filozofie skutečně vágní je a že pod pojmem filozofie často rozumíme natolik odlišné činnosti a přístupy, že zahrnout je pod společný pojem lze jen velmi (...)
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