Results for 'Urysohn's Lemma'

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  1.  51
    A constructive treatment of Urysohn's Lemma in an apartness space.Douglas Bridges & Hannes Diener - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (5):464-469.
    This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Günter Asser, whose work in founding this journal and maintaining it over many difficult years has been a major contribution to the activities of the mathematical logic community.At first sight it appears highly unlikely that Urysohn's Lemma has any significant constructive content. However, working in the context of an apartness space and using functions whose values are a generalisation of the reals, rather than real numbers, enables us to produce a significant (...)
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    Versions of Normality and Some Weak Forms of the Axiom of Choice.Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis, Herman Rubin & Jean E. Rubin - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):367-382.
    We investigate the set theoretical strength of some properties of normality, including Urysohn's Lemma, Tietze-Urysohn Extension Theorem, normality of disjoint unions of normal spaces, and normality of Fσ subsets of normal spaces.
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  3.  47
    Ehrenfeucht’s Lemma in Set Theory.Gunter Fuchs, Victoria Gitman & Joel David Hamkins - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (3):355-370.
    Ehrenfeucht’s lemma asserts that whenever one element of a model of Peano arithmetic is definable from another, they satisfy different types. We consider here the analogue of Ehrenfeucht’s lemma for models of set theory. The original argument applies directly to the ordinal-definable elements of any model of set theory, and, in particular, Ehrenfeucht’s lemma holds fully for models of set theory satisfying V=HOD. We show that the lemma fails in the forcing extension of the universe by (...)
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    Dickson’s lemma and weak Ramsey theory.Yasuhiko Omata & Florian Pelupessy - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):413-425.
    We explore the connections between Dickson’s lemma and weak Ramsey theory. We show that a weak version of the Paris–Harrington principle for pairs in c colors and miniaturized Dickson’s lemma for c-tuples are equivalent over \. Furthermore, we look at a cascade of consequences for several variants of weak Ramsey’s theorem.
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    Bishop's Lemma.Hannes Diener & Matthew Hendtlass - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (1-2):49-54.
    Bishop's Lemma is a centrepiece in the development of constructive analysis. We show that its proof requires some form of the axiom of choice; and that the completeness requirement in Bishop's Lemma can be weakened and that there is a vast class of non‐complete spaces that Bishop's Lemma applies to.
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    König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem.Makoto Fujiwara - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (2):241-257.
    We provide a fine‐grained analysis on the relation between König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem in the context of constructive reverse mathematics. In particular, we show that double negated variants of König's lemma and weak König's lemma are equivalent to double negated variants of the general decidable fan theorem and the binary decidable fan theorem, respectively, over a nearly intuitionistic system containing a weak countable choice only. This implies that the general decidable (...)
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  7.  80
    Weak König's Lemma Implies Brouwer's Fan Theorem: A Direct Proof.Hajime Ishihara - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (2):249-252.
    Classically, weak König's lemma and Brouwer's fan theorem for detachable bars are equivalent. We give a direct constructive proof that the former implies the latter.
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  8.  41
    To be, or not to be? The role of the unconscious in transgender transitioning: identity, autonomy and well-being.Alessandra Lemma & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):65-72.
    The exponential rise in transgender self-identification invites consideration of what constitutes an ethical response to transgender individuals’ claims about how best to promote their well-being. In this paper, we argue that ‘accepting’ a claim to medical transitioning in order to promote well-being would be in the person’s best interests iff at the point of request the individual is correct in their self-diagnosis as transgender (i.e., the distress felt to reside in the body does not result from another psychological and/or societal (...)
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  9. Zorn's lemma and complete Boolean algebras in intuitionistic type theories.J. L. Bell - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1265-1279.
    We analyze Zorn's Lemma and some of its consequences for Boolean algebras in a constructive setting. We show that Zorn's Lemma is persistent in the sense that, if it holds in the underlying set theory, in a properly stated form it continues to hold in all intuitionistic type theories of a certain natural kind. (Observe that the axiom of choice cannot be persistent in this sense since it implies the law of excluded middle.) We also establish the persistence (...)
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  10.  34
    (1 other version)Commentary on: ‘Forever young? The ethics of ongoing puberty suppression for non-binary adults’.Alessandra Lemma - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):757-758.
    Notini et al 1 offer a timely addition in the wake of a significant increase in young people identifying as transgender and gender diverse. The authors focus specifically on the case of 18-year-old Phoenix’s request for ongoing puberty suppression to affirm a non-binary gender identity. A central issue raised by Phoenix’s predicament, and that I suggest we can extend to ethical consideration of requests for other types of medical intervention by binary and non-binary TGD individuals, is whether we should ‘affirm’ (...)
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    Rudin's Lemma and Reverse Mathematics.Gaolin Li, Junren Ru & Guohua Wu - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 25:57-66.
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    Variations of Rado's lemma.Paul Howard - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):353-356.
    The deductive strengths of three variations of Rado's selection lemma are studied in set theory without the axiom of choice. Two are shown to be equivalent to Rado's lemma and the third to the Boolean prime ideal theorem. MSC: 03E25, 04A25, 06E05.
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  13. Jónsson's lemma for regular and nilpotent shifts of pseudovarieties.E. Graczynska & I. Chajda - 1997 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 26 (2).
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    Itô’s Lemma with Quantum Calculus : Some Implications. [REVIEW]Emmanuel Haven - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):529-537.
    q-derivatives are part of so called quantum calculus. In this paper we investigate how such derivatives can possibly be used in Itô’s lemma. This leads us to consider how such derivatives can be used in a social science setting. We conclude that in a Itô Lemma setting we cannot use a macroscopic version of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle with q-derivatives.
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  15.  32
    Interpreting weak Kőnig's lemma in theories of nonstandard arithmetic.Bruno Dinis & Fernando Ferreira - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (1-2):114-123.
    We show how to interpret weak Kőnig's lemma in some recently defined theories of nonstandard arithmetic in all finite types. Two types of interpretations are described, with very different verifications. The celebrated conservation result of Friedman's about weak Kőnig's lemma can be proved using these interpretations. We also address some issues concerning the collecting of witnesses in herbrandized functional interpretations.
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    A note on r− S lemma.Osamu Sonobe - 1979 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 8 (1):10-13.
    Rauszer and Sabalski proved in [2] that distributivity with respect to infi- nite joins and meets is a sucient and necessary condition making the RasiowaSikorski Lemma valid in distributive lattices. The main part of their proof is a direct construction of a required filter under distributivity. In this note we show that a generalization of the result can be obtained from the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma for Boolean algebras by using Gornemann’s result in [1] instead of a direct con- ¨ (...)
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  17.  31
    On uniform weak König's lemma.Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 114 (1-3):103-116.
    The so-called weak König's lemma WKL asserts the existence of an infinite path b in any infinite binary tree . Based on this principle one can formulate subsystems of higher-order arithmetic which allow to carry out very substantial parts of classical mathematics but are Π 2 0 -conservative over primitive recursive arithmetic PRA . In Kohlenbach 1239–1273) we established such conservation results relative to finite type extensions PRA ω of PRA . In this setting one can consider also a (...)
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  18.  22
    Isols and burnside's lemma.J. C. E. Dekker - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:245-263.
  19. König's lemma, the ω-Rule and primitive recursive arithmetic.E. G. K. López-Escobar - 1985 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 25 (1):67-74.
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    A finitary Kronecker's lemma and large deviations in the strong law of large numbers on Banach spaces.Morenikeji Neri - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (6):103569.
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  21.  28
    Variations of Zorn's lemma, principles of cofinality, and Hausdorff's maximal principle. I. Set forms.Judith M. Harper & Jean E. Rubin - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (4):565-588.
  22.  56
    Reverse mathematics and a Ramsey-type König's Lemma.Stephen Flood - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1272-1280.
    In this paper, we propose a weak regularity principle which is similar to both weak König's lemma and Ramsey's theorem. We begin by studying the computational strength of this principle in the context of reverse mathematics. We then analyze different ways of generalizing this principle.
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  23.  50
    Variations of Zorn's lemma, principles of cofinality, and Hausdorff's maximal principle. II. Class forms.Judith M. Harper & Jean E. Rubin - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (1):151-163.
  24.  25
    Carlson-Simpson's lemma and applications in reverse mathematics.Paul-Elliot Angles D'Auriac, Lu Liu, Bastien Mignoty & Ludovic Patey - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103287.
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  25. Some new intuitionistic equivalents of Zorn’s Lemma.John L. Bell - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):811-814.
    Two new intuitionistic equivalents to Zarn’s Lemma are stated and proved.
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  26.  82
    Nonlocality and Gleason's lemma. Part I. Deterministic theories.H. R. Brown & G. Svetlichny - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (11):1379-1387.
    J. S. Bell's classic 1966 review paper on the foundations of quantum mechanics led directly to the Bell nonlocality theorem. It is not widely appreciated that the review paper contained the basic ingredients needed for a nonlocality result which holds in certain situations where the Bell inequality is not violated. We present in this paper a systematic formulation and evaluation of an argument due to Stairs in 1983, which establishes a nonlocality result based on the Bell-Kochen-Specker “paradox” in quantum mechanics.
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  27.  23
    Applications of Fodor's lemma to Vaught's conjecture.Mark Howard - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42 (1):1-19.
  28. Farkas's Lemma and the nature of reality: Statistical implications of quantum correlations. [REVIEW]Anupam Garg & N. D. Mermin - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (1):1-39.
    A general algorithm is given for determining whether or not a given set of pair distributions allows for the construction of all the members of a specified set of higher-order distributions which return the given pair distributions as marginals. This mathematical question underlies studies of quantum correlation experiments such as those of Bell or of Clauser and Horne, or their higher-spin generalizations. The algorithm permits the analysis of rather intricate versions of such problems, in a form readily adaptable to the (...)
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  29.  90
    Nonlocality and Gleason's lemma. Part 2. Stochastic theories.Andrew Elby - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (11):1389-1397.
    I derive a Gleason-type contradiction from assumptions weaker than those needed to reach a Bell inequality. By establishing the inconsistency between local realism and QM's perfect EPR-type anticorrelations, the proof fills in a gap left open by Bell arguments.
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  30.  36
    The FAN principle and weak König's lemma in herbrandized second-order arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (9):102843.
    We introduce a herbrandized functional interpretation of a first-order semi-intuitionistic extension of Heyting Arithmetic and study its main properties. We then extend the interpretation to a certain system of second-order arithmetic which includes a (classically false) formulation of the FAN principle and weak König's lemma. It is shown that any first-order formula provable in this system is classically true. It is perhaps worthy of note that, in our interpretation, second-order variables are interpreted by finite sets of natural numbers.
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    Measure theory and weak König's lemma.Xiaokang Yu & Stephen G. Simpson - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (3):171-180.
    We develop measure theory in the context of subsystems of second order arithmetic with restricted induction. We introduce a combinatorial principleWWKL (weak-weak König's lemma) and prove that it is strictly weaker thanWKL (weak König's lemma). We show thatWWKL is equivalent to a formal version of the statement that Lebesgue measure is countably additive on open sets. We also show thatWWKL is equivalent to a formal version of the statement that any Borel measure on a compact metric space is (...)
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  32.  23
    Families of sets related to Rosenthal’s lemma.Damian Sobota - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (1-2):53-69.
    A family \ is called Rosenthal if for every Boolean algebra \, bounded sequence \ of measures on \, antichain \ in \, and \, there exists \ such that \<\varepsilon \) for every \. Well-known and important Rosenthal’s lemma states that \ is a Rosenthal family. In this paper we provide a necessary condition in terms of antichains in \}\) for a family to be Rosenthal which leads us to a conclusion that no Rosenthal family has cardinality strictly (...)
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  33.  81
    Ramsey’s theorem and König’s Lemma.T. E. Forster & J. K. Truss - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (1):37-42.
    We consider the relation between versions of Ramsey’s Theorem and König’s Infinity Lemma, in the absence of the axiom of choice.
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  34.  77
    Some conservation results on weak König's lemma.Stephen G. Simpson, Kazuyuki Tanaka & Takeshi Yamazaki - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 118 (1-2):87-114.
    By , we denote the system of second-order arithmetic based on recursive comprehension axioms and Σ10 induction. is defined to be plus weak König's lemma: every infinite tree of sequences of 0's and 1's has an infinite path. In this paper, we first show that for any countable model M of , there exists a countable model M′ of whose first-order part is the same as that of M, and whose second-order part consists of the M-recursive sets and sets (...)
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    Bert Musschenga, Integriteit. Over de eenheid en heelheid van de persoon. Utrecht 2004: Lemma. 215 pagina’s. ISBN 905931283x. [REVIEW]S. Griffioen - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (2):194-196.
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  36.  67
    Separation and weak könig's lemma.A. Humphreys & Stephen Simpson - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):268-278.
    We continue the work of [14, 3, 1, 19, 16, 4, 12, 11, 20] investigating the strength of set existence axioms needed for separable Banach space theory. We show that the separation theorem for open convex sets is equivalent to WKL 0 over RCA 0 . We show that the separation theorem for separably closed convex sets is equivalent to ACA 0 over RCA 0 . Our strategy for proving these geometrical Hahn-Banach theorems is to reduce to the finite-dimensional case (...)
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  37.  14
    The Integrability of Ovals: Newton's Lemma 28 and Its Counterexamples.Bruce Pourciau - 2001 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 55 (5):479-499.
    Principia (Book 1, Sect. 6), Newton's Lemma 28 on the algebraic nonintegrability of ovals has had an unusually mixed reception. Beginning in 1691 with Jakob Bernoulli (who accepted the lemma) and Huygens and Leibniz (who rejected it and offered counterexamples), Lemma 28 has a history of eliciting seemingly contradictory reactions. In more recent times, D.T. Whiteside in 1974 gave an “unchallengeable counterexample,” while the mathematician V.I. Arnol'd in 1987 sided with Bernoulli and called Newton's argument an “astonishingly (...)
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  38.  36
    Reverse Mathematics of Topology: Dimension, Paracompactness, and Splittings.Sam Sanders - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (4):537-559.
    Reverse mathematics is a program in the foundations of mathematics founded by Friedman and developed extensively by Simpson and others. The aim of RM is to find the minimal axioms needed to prove a theorem of ordinary, that is, non-set-theoretic, mathematics. As suggested by the title, this paper deals with the study of the topological notions of dimension and paracompactness, inside Kohlenbach’s higher-order RM. As to splittings, there are some examples in RM of theorems A, B, C such that A (...)
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  39.  72
    A non-standard construction of Haar measure and weak könig's lemma.Kazuyuki Tanaka & Takeshi Yamazaki - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):173-186.
    In this paper, we show within RCA 0 that weak Konig's lemma is necessary and sufficient to prove that any (separable) compact group has a Haar measure. Within WKL 0 , a Haar measure is constructed by a non-standard method based on a fact that every countable non-standard model of WKL 0 has a proper initial part isomorphic to itself [10].
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    Computable metrization.Tanja Grubba, Matthias Schröder & Klaus Weihrauch - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (4‐5):381-395.
    Every second-countable regular topological space X is metrizable. For a given “computable” topological space satisfying an axiom of computable regularity M. Schröder [10] has constructed a computable metric. In this article we study whether this metric space can be considered computationally as a subspace of some computable metric space [15]. While Schröder's construction is “pointless”, i. e., only sets of a countable base but no concrete points are known, for a computable metric space a concrete dense set of computable points (...)
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  41.  29
    (1 other version)A constructive version of Sperner's lemma and Brouwer's fixed point theorem.A. K. Khalifa - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (3):247-251.
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    The Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem is the jump of Weak Kőnig’s Lemma.Vasco Brattka, Guido Gherardi & Alberto Marcone - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (6):623-655.
  43.  32
    Halin’s infinite ray theorems: Complexity and reverse mathematics.James S. Barnes, Jun Le Goh & Richard A. Shore - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Halin in 1965 proved that if a graph has [Formula: see text] many pairwise disjoint rays for each [Formula: see text] then it has infinitely many pairwise disjoint rays. We analyze the complexity of this and other similar results in terms of computable and proof theoretic complexity. The statement of Halin’s theorem and the construction proving it seem very much like standard versions of compactness arguments such as König’s Lemma. Those results, while not computable, are relatively simple. They only (...)
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    A case for the lemma/lexeme distinction in models of speaking: Comment on Caramazza and Miozzo (1997).Ardi Roelofs, Antje S. Meyer & Willem J. M. Levelt - 1998 - Cognition 69 (2):219-230.
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    Addendum to: “The Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem is the jump of weak Kőnig's lemma” [Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 163 (6) (2012) 623–655]. [REVIEW]Vasco Brattka, Andrea Cettolo, Guido Gherardi, Alberto Marcone & Matthias Schröder - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (8):1605-1608.
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  46. Investigation of the equivalence of the axiom of choice and Zorn's lemma from the viewpoint of the hierarchy of types.J. Richard Büchi - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (2):125 - 135.
  47.  16
    Notes on the stable regularity lemma.M. Malliaris & S. Shelah - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):415-425.
    This is a short expository account of the regularity lemma for stable graphs proved by the authors, with some comments on the model theoretic context, written for a general logical audience.
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    Aubert Karl Egil. Relations généralisées et indépendance logique des notions de réflexivité, symétrie et transitivité. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences , vol. 229 , pp. 538–540.Büchi J. Richard. Investigation of the equivalence of the axiom of choice and Zorn's lemma from the viewpoint of the hierarchy of types. [REVIEW]Paul Bernays - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (4):285-286.
  49.  75
    Piron's and Bell's Geometric Lemmas and Gleason's Theorem.Georges Chevalier, Anatolij Dvurečenskij & Karl Svozil - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (10):1737-1755.
    We study the idea of implantation of Piron's and Bell's geometrical lemmas for proving some results concerning measures on finite as well as infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, including also measures with infinite values. In addition, we present parabola based proofs of weak Piron's geometrical and Bell's lemmas. These approaches will not used directly Gleason's theorem, which is a highly non-trivial result.
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    Borelli’s edition of books V–VII of Apollonius’s Conics, and Lemma 12 in Newton’s Principia.Alessandra Fiocca & Andrea Del Centina - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (3):255-279.
    To solve the direct problem of central forces when the trajectory is an ellipse and the force is directed to its centre, Newton made use of the famous Lemma 12 (Principia, I, sect. II) that was later recognized equivalent to proposition 31 of book VII of Apollonius’s Conics. In this paper, in which we look for Newton’s possible sources for Lemma 12, we compare Apollonius’s original proof, as edited by Borelli, with those of other authors, including that given (...)
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