Results for 'Unknowability'

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  1.  37
    The Unknowable: An Ontological Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.S. L. Frank - 2020 - Ohio University Press.
    The Unknowable, arguably the greatest Russian philosophical work of the 20th century, was the culmination of S. L. Frank's intellectual and spiritual development, the boldest and most imaginative of all his writings, containing a synthesis of epistemology, ontology, social philosophy, religious philosophy, and personal spiritual experience.
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  2. Unknowing: Playing Seriously with Contemplative Deconstruction.David Collins - 1994 - Dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology - Berkeley/Alameda
    This theoretical psychological study comprises an illustration and analysis of the experience of "unknowing" described in contemplative and mystical literature. Materials examined were drawn from exponents of the West's "via negativa" and from the Japanese Zen master, Eihei Dosen. Although ultimately a non-discursive and ineffable mode of experience, the accounts of contemplative unknowing are shown in this study to bear a number of discernible common features. Psycho-spiritual techniques enjoined to inculcate the experience of unknowing are also examined. This study proposes (...)
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    Criminalising Unknowing Defence.Suzanne Uniacke - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy:651-664.
    Should a legal plea of self- or third-party defence include an ‘awareness component’ that requires that the actor was aware of the justificatory facts at the time of action? Some theorists argue that in cases of so-called unknowing defence, where an actor in fact averts an otherwise unavoidable danger to himself or another person although unaware at the time of action that this is what he is doing, the objective facts alone should allow a plea of self- or third-party defence. (...)
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    The Unknowability of God in Al-Ghazali.David B. Burrell - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (2):171 - 182.
    The main lines of this exploration are quite simply drawn. That the God whom Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship outstrips our capacities for characterization, and hence must be unknowable, will be presumed as uncontested. The reason that God is unknowable stems from our shared confession that ‘the Holy One, blessed be He’, and ‘the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth’, and certainly ‘Allah, the merciful One’ is one ; and just why God's oneness entails God's being unknowable deserves discussion, (...)
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    A little book of unknowing.Jennifer Kavanagh - 2014 - Winchester, UK: Christian Alternative.
    Unknowing is at the center of spiritual life. It is only by creating a space in which anything can happen that we allow God to speak; only by stepping back that we allow space for that unpredictable Spirit that brings us gifts beyond any of our imaginings.
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    Unknowable: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British Metaphysics, by W. J. Mander.Emily Thomas - 2022 - Mind 131 (521):357-361.
    The Unknowable offers the first sustained study of a nineteenth-century movement in British philosophy: metaphysical agnosticism. The book is appropriately titl.
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    The Unknowable: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British Metaphysics.W. J. Mander - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    W. J. Mander presents a history of metaphysics in nineteenth-century Britain. He traces the story of the development and interplay of three great schools of thought, the agnostics, the empiricists, and the idealists, and their different responses to the idea of an ultimate but unknowable way that things really are in themselves.
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  8. The Unknowable: The Pragmatist Critique of Matter.Glenn Tiller - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (2):206-228.
    Santayana's materialism is often the target of attack by critics past and present that are sympathetic to pragmatism. A common theme found in the objections of Santayana's critics is that matter is "unknowable". After briefly outlining Santayana's materialism and discussing his relationship to the pragmatist movement, four formulations of the "unknowable" objection are presented: (1) Matter is unknowable because it is not given in experience, (2) Matter is unknowable because its true nature cannot be revealed in perception, (3) Matter is (...)
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    The Virtues of Unknowing.Richard Smith - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):272-284.
    Traditional epistemology is often said to have reached an impasse, and recent interest in virtue epistemology supposedly marks a turn away from philosophers’ traditional focus on problems of knowledge and truth. Yet that focus re-emerges, especially among ‘reliabilist’ virtue epistemologists. I argue for a more ‘responsibilist’ approach and for the importance of some of the quieter and gentler epistemic virtues, by contrast with the tough-minded ones that are currently popular in education. In particular I make a case for what I (...)
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  10. Unknowability and Humility in Clinical Ethical Decisions.Atsushi Asai - 2002 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 12 (4):133-136.
    The purpose of this paper is to show problems encountered in the clinical setting by analyzing a case of a senile demented patient and to reexamine the validity of existing ethical principles and procedures. It will be argue that although existing ethical guidelines and procedures are ordinarily quite useful, ethical decisions based on them could sometimes be inconclusive because unknowabililty and uncertainty inherent to real life situations such as the care of the demented elderly patient exist. It will also be (...)
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  11. Two Kinds of Unknowing.Rebecca Mason - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (2):294-307.
    Miranda Fricker claims that a “gap” in collective hermeneutical resources with respect to the social experiences of marginalized groups prevents members of those groups from understanding their own experiences (Fricker 2007). I argue that because Fricker misdescribes dominant hermeneutical resources as collective, she fails to locate the ethically bad epistemic practices that maintain gaps in dominant hermeneutical resources even while alternative interpretations are in fact offered by non-dominant discourses. Fricker's analysis of hermeneutical injustice does not account for the possibility that (...)
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  12. Unknowing: Christian and Buddhist Soteriological Epistemology.James Dominic Rooney - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-23.
    Buddhists point to the soteriological value not only of the dispelling of ignorance, but the arising of insight or wisdom which constitutes the salvific goal of practice. Madhyamaka’s unique conception of the ultimate nature of reality makes this cognition of what is metaphysically ultimate distinct from other kinds of knowledge, as these soteriologically valuable cognitive states aim at something unlike anything else so known: the lack of ‘own- being,’ or emptiness, of all reality. After considering and rejecting some popular interpretations (...)
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  13. The unknowable.George Santayana - 1923 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    The Magic of Unknowing: An East-West Soliloquy.Mervyn Sprung - 1987 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    The Magic of Unknowing is a unique philosophical and literary work. Cast in the dialogue form, it unfolds in the mood of soliloquy. Mervyn Sprung has created an imaginative meeting of the minds of great western philosophers: Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Hume, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and Pyrrho. All are brothers, the more skeptical sons of Aristotle. Later they hear as well from Chang, a Taoist, and Nagaraj, a Buddhist, both lately adopted into the family. The dialogue dramatises the erosion in modern times (...)
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  15. One wage of unknowability.Dennis Whitcomb - 2013 - Synthese 190 (3):339-352.
    Suppose for reductio that I know a proposition of the form <p and I don’t know p>. Then by the factivity of knowledge and the distribution of knowledge over conjunction, I both know and do not know p ; which is impossible. Propositions of the form <p and I don’t know p> are therefore unknowable. Their particular kind of unknowability has been widely discussed and applied to such issues as the realism debate. It hasn’t been much applied to theories (...)
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    Structural Unknowability.Timothy Williamson - 2000 - In Knowledge and its limits. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter explores the limits on what can be known that are revealed by an argument first published by Fitch, sometimes known as the Paradox of Knowability. The argument shows that if some truths are unknown then some truths are unknowable. This represents an important challenge to verificationism and anti‐realism. Objections to the argument by Edgington, Kvanvig, Melia, and others are considered and projected. Thus, knowledge turns out to have structural limits.
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    Unknowing Barbara.Lee Edelman - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (1):89-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Unknowing BarbaraLee Edelman (bio)There's something you should know about Barbara Johnson. Something you don't know. Something you can't know. Something that's hidden in plain sight. And Johnson, though never possessing that knowledge, indicates, time and time again, both its utter impossibility and the impossibility of ceasing to utter it—the impossibility that generates time as always already time again, as allegorical temporality, as the compulsion (implicit in the phrase "you (...)
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  18. Unknowable Truths.Zachary Goodsell, John Hawthorne & Juhani Yli-Vakkuri - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    In an anonymous referee report written in 1945, Church suggested a sweeping argument against verificiationism, the thesis that every truth is knowable. The argument, which was published with due acknowledgement by Fitch almost two decades later, has generated significant attention as well as some interesting successor arguments. In this paper, we present the most important episodes in this intellectual history using the logic that Church himself favoured, and we give reasons for thinking that the arguments are less than decisive. However, (...)
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    Logically Unknowable Propositions: a criticism to Tennant's three-partition of Anti-Cartesian propositions.Massimiliano Carrara & Davide Fassio - 2009 - In P. Hanna, An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, Vol.2. Atiner. pp. 181-194.
    The Knowability Paradox is a logical argument that, starting from the plainly innocent assumption that every true proposition is knowable, reaches the strong conclusion that every true proposition is known; i.e. if there are unknown truths, there are unknowable truths. The paradox has been considered a problem for every theory assuming the Knowability Principle, according to which all truths are knowable and, in particular, for semantic anti-realist theories. A well known criticism to the Knowability Paradox is the so called restriction (...)
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  20. The Unknowable. An Ontological Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.S. L. Frank & Boris Jakim - 1983 - Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (3):267-272.
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    A Pedagogy of Unknowing: Witnessing Unknowability in Teaching and Learning.Michalinos Zembylas - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (2):139-160.
    Using insights from the tradition of via negativa and the work of Emmanuel Levinas, this paper proposes that unknowability can occupy an important place in teaching and learning, a place that embraces the unknowable in general, as well as the unknowable Other, in particular. It is argued that turning toward both via negativa and Levinas offers us an alternative to conceptualizing the roles of the ethical and the unknowable in educational praxis. This analysis can open possibilities to transform how (...)
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  22. An argument concerning the unknowable.Leon Horsten - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):240-242.
    Williamson has forcefully argued that Fitch's argument shows that the domain of the unknowable is non-empty. And he exhorts us to make more inroads into the land of the unknowable. Concluding his discussion of Fitch's argument, he writes: " Once we acknowledge that [the domain of the unknowable] is non-empty, we can explore more effectively its extent. … We are only beginning to understand the deeper limits of our knowledge. " I shall formulate and evaluate a new argument concerning the (...)
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  23. Lost in translation: unknowable propositions in probabilistic frameworks.Eleonora Cresto - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):3955-3977.
    Some propositions are structurally unknowable for certain agents. Let me call them ‘Moorean propositions’. The structural unknowability of Moorean propositions is normally taken to pave the way towards proving a familiar paradox from epistemic logic—the so-called ‘Knowability Paradox’, or ‘Fitch’s Paradox’—which purports to show that if all truths are knowable, then all truths are in fact known. The present paper explores how to translate Moorean statements into a probabilistic language. A successful translation should enable us to derive a version (...)
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  24. Unknowable Colour Facts.Brian Cutter - 2021 - Mind 130 (519):909-941.
    It is common for an object to present different colour appearances to different perceivers, even when the perceivers and viewing conditions are normal. For example, a Munsell chip might look unique green to you and yellowish green to me in normal viewing conditions. In such cases, there are three possibilities. Ecumenism: both experiences are veridical. Nihilism: both experiences are non-veridical. Inegalitarianism: one experience is veridical and the other is non-veridical. Perhaps the most important objection to inegalitarianism is the ignorance objection, (...)
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  25. Unknowable truths: a reply to Cook.Jennifer Duke-Yonge - 2006 - Analysis 66 (4):295-299.
    Response to 'Knights, knaves and unknowable truths’, by Roy T. Cook.
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  26. ``Unknowable Truths and Omniscience: A Reply to Kvanvig".Charles Taliaferro - 1993 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 61:553-566.
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  27. Unknowable Obligations.Roy Sorensen - 1995 - Utilitas 7 (2):247-271.
    You face two buttons. Pushing one will destroy Greensboro. Pushing the other will save it. There is no way for you to know which button saves and which destroys. What ought you to do? Answer: You ought to make the correct guess and push the button that saves Greensboro. Second question: Do you have an obligation to push the correct button?
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    Positive Ignorance: Unknowing as a Tool for Education and Educational Research.Emile Bojesen - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (2):394-406.
    Positive ignorance is the putting in to question of, and sometimes moving on from, the knowledge we think we have, and asking where it might be just or helpful to do so. Drawing primarily on the work of Barbara Johnson, this article shows how the notion of positive ignorance might be offered as a tool in the context of education and educational research. Partly a critical development of Richard Smith's argument in ‘The Virtues of Unknowing’, I attempt to understand ‘unknowing’ (...)
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    The Unknowable: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British Metaphysics by W. J. Mander.Dwight Lindley - 2021 - Newman Studies Journal 18 (2):94-95.
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    Physicalism without unknowable colors.Peter W. Ross - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):789-789.
    Byrne & Hilbert (2003; henceforth B&H) do not adequately explain how it is that phenomenal colors are physical, as their physicalism claims. This explanation requires more characterization of the relationship between the epistemology and nature of color than B&H provide. With this characterization, we can see that a physicalist need not accept unknowable color facts, as B&H do.
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    The unknowable Other and ethics of ungraspability: Education through the irrational.Sajad Kabgani - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):1010-1020.
    The insistence on knowledge accumulation in modern educational discourses has led to the formation of exclusive dichotomies in various forms, most tangibly observable in the division of people into ‘knowledgeable’ and ‘unknowledgeable’. What underlies this dichotomy is a conception of rationality based on which knowledge is seen as an ‘instrument’ which must necessarily result in a usable, profitable product. From a Levinasian perspective, the latter situation inevitably, if not purposefully, leads to the formation of the Other being located at the (...)
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    The unknowable Gurdjieff.Margaret C. Anderson - 1962 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    Unknowability: An Inquiry Into the Limits of Knowledge.Nicholas Rescher - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    This philosophically rich volume examines the limits of human knowledge and considers their implications.
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    The Structure of an Unknowable System.Justin Holder - unknown
    One may demarcate at least three major forms of philosophical antirealism: scientific, sceptical, and transcendental. Each regards certain systems as unknowable. And for each, it has been argued that even if the nature of a system is unknowable, its structure may still be known. Structuralism in this sense is as yet ununified: even though structure is supposed to solve a similar problem in each case, proposals tend to be formulated in ways that make them specific to their respective contexts. Here (...)
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    Unknow Thyself: Apophaticism, Deconstruction, and Theology after Ontotheology.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2003 - Modern Theology 19 (3):387-417.
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    Acknowledging Unknowing: Stanley Cavell and the Philosophical Criticism of Literature.William Franke - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1):248-258.
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    The unknowability and the ineffability of God аccording to John Scott (Eriugena).Марија Тодоровска - 2019 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 72:53-80.
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    Pragmatism, semantics, and the unknowable.S. Rosenkranz - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):340 – 354.
    Pragmatism in semantics is hampered by its proponents' tendency to tie understanding too closely to our mastery of epistemic practice. Both Brandom's inferentialist semantics and the anti-realist semantics championed by Dummett and Tennant amply illustrate this tendency. As a consequence, neither theory can successfully handle cases of the innocuously unknowable in which two sentences, though mutually consistent, nonetheless cannot be known to be true together. On Brandom's account, such sentences are treated as being mutually inconsistent after all. According to both (...)
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    Safety and Unknowability.Peter Baumann - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1601-1605.
    In a recent paper Jacob Ross presents two ingenious objections against the safety theory of knowledge: one against the claim that safe true belief is necessary for knowledge, the other one against the claim that safe true belief is sufficient for knowledge. While the first objection seems to go through there are problems with the second one: Its core issue is due not to problems of the safety theory but to peculiarities of the proposition used in the objection. Instead of (...)
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  40. Descriptions and unknowability.Jan Heylen - 2010 - Analysis 70 (1):50-52.
    In a recent paper Horsten embarked on a journey along the limits of the domain of the unknowable. Rather than knowability simpliciter, he considered a priori knowability, and by the latter he meant absolute provability, i.e. provability that is not relativized to a formal system. He presented an argument for the conclusion that it is not absolutely provable that there is a natural number of which it is true but absolutely unprovable that it has a certain property. The argument depends (...)
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  41. Necessary limits to knowledge: unknowable truths.Richard Routley - 2010 - Synthese 173 (1):107-122.
    The paper seeks a perfectly general argument regarding the non-contingent limits to any (human or non-human) knowledge. After expressing disappointment with the history of philosophy on this score, an argument is grounded in Fitch’s proof, which demonstrates the unknowability of some truths. The necessity of this unknowability is then defended by arguing for the necessity of Fitch’s premise—viz., there this is in fact some ignorance.
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  42. Remarks On the Unknowable.Harvey M. Friedman - unknown
    The kind of unknowability I will discuss concerns the count of certain natural finite sets of objects. Even the situation with regard to our present strong formal systems is rather unclear. One can just profitably focus on that, putting aside issues of general unknowability.
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    Knowing the unknowable God: how faith thrives on divine mystery.James R. Lucas - 2003 - Colorado Springs, Colo.: Waterbrook Press.
    Meet the God Who Is Greater Than Your Biggest Questions. The Bible never shies away from seeming contradictions. We are told both to resist our enemies and to love them, and that our all-knowing God can sometimes forget. Unable to reconcile such biblical paradoxes, some people abandon Christianity, while others pretend that the seeming contradictions don’t exist–preferring to believe in an uncomplicated, easy-to-comprehend God. Yet countless others are hungry for new insight into the God behind the Bible’s mysterious paradoxes. Responding (...)
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  44. Unknowableness and Informational Privacy.David Matheson - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32:251-267.
    Despite their differences, the three most prominent accounts of informational privacy on the contemporary scene—the Control Theory, the Limited Access Theory, and the Narrow Ignorance Theory—all hold that an individual’s informational privacy is at least partly a function of a kind of inability of others to know personal facts about her. This common commitment, I argue, renders the accounts vulnerable to compelling counterexamples. I articulate a new account of informational privacy—the Broad Ignorance Theory—that avoids the commitment by rendering an individual’s (...)
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  45. ``On Knowledge of the Unknowable".Timothy Williamson - 1987 - Analysis 47 (3):154-158.
    If it is an unknown truth that p, it is an unknowable truth that it is an unknown truth that p. It follows, by classical logic, that if all truths are knowable then all truths are known. This hardish fact makes life difficult for the verificationist who wishes to assert that all truths are knowable, but to deny that all truths are known. He might try rejecting classical logic. Dorothy Edgington has recently suggested a different way out. She admits that (...)
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    Portrait of an Unknowingly Ordinary Man: Endō Shūsaku, Christianity, and Japanese Historical Consciousness.Richard E. Durfee - 1989 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 16 (1):41-62.
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    Known, Unknown, and Unknowable Uncertainties.Clare Chua Chow & Rakesh Sarin - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (2):127-138.
    In normative decision theory, the weight of an uncertain event in a decision is governed solely by the probability of the event. A large body of empirical research suggests that a single notion of probability does not accurately capture peoples' reactions to uncertainty. As early as the 1920s, Knight made the distinction between cases where probabilities are known and where probabilities are unknown. We distinguish another case –- the unknowable uncertainty –- where the missing information is unavailable to all. We (...)
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  48. Environmental Justice, Unknowability and Unqualified Affectability.Kristie Dotson & Kyle Whyte - 2013 - Ethics and the Environment 18 (2):55-79.
    Environmental justice seeks fairness in how environmental burdens and risks are visited on poor people, women, communities of color, Indigenous peoples, minorities, and citizens of developing countries. It also concerns whether members of these same groups have fair access to environmental goods such as urban green spaces, forested areas, and clean water. Environmental goods extend, also, to opportunities to benefit from enterprises such as tourism and green infrastructure (Shrader-Frechette 2002; Bullard 2000; Taylor 2000; Whyte 2010). The moral wrongs characteristic of (...)
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    Known unknowables.Mahdi Ranaee - 2023 - Aeon.
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    The Unknowable. An Ontological Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. [REVIEW]Kent R. Hill - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):763-765.
    It has long been recognized that the insights of Russian thought are more often to be found in literature and literary criticism, than in technical philosophy. Simon Frank, however, is a twentieth-century Russian emigre who demonstrates considerable agility in the labyrinths of philosophical inquiry. In The Unknowable, first published in 1939, his basic thesis is that philosophy achieves its ultimate when it recognizes the limits of the rational. It is precisely the transrational, the "unknowable" in rational terms, which is most (...)
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