Results for 'Turath'

  1.  36
    Turāth al-`arab al-`ilmī fīl-riyāḍiyyāt wal-falak [The Scientific Heritage of the Arabs in Mathematics and Astronomy]. K. H. Tukan. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1946 - Isis 36 (2):140-142.
  2.  13
    La pensée arabe actuelle: entre tradition et modernité.Mohamed Ourya - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur analyse les contributions de quatre penseurs arabes ayant travaillé sur le rapport au Turâth (tradition) et à la modernité : Abdallah Laroui, Mohamed Abed Al Jabri, Georges Tarabishi et Taha Abderrahmane. L'analyse tente de montrer que les apports divergents de ces quatre penseurs, quant à la manière d'assimiler le Turâth et la modernité occidentale afin d'échapper à leur emprise dans le but de façonner sa propre modernité, pourraient constituer le point de départ pour un nouveau rapport à la tradition (...)
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  3.  18
    Renewal of ‘Ilm Al-Kalām in the Contemporary Era.Wilda Rochman Hakim & Shofiyullah Muzammil - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):353-370.
    Many assumptions believe that classical Islamic theology is no longer relevant in the contemporary era, either because its discussion tends to be theocentric and far from the progress of humanism or because it is considered no longer relevant to answer contemporary issues such as secularism, pluralism, globalization, or neo-atheism. Departing from these problems, efforts have emerged for new readings of classical theology by paying more attention to the context and needs of the times. Among these efforts is the renewal of (...)
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