Results for 'Transdisciplinarity'

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  1. Transdisciplinarity as a model of post/disciplinarity Bruce B. Janz.Bruce Janz - manuscript
    One of the more sustained efforts to think beyond current academic structures has been launched by CIRET, the International Centre for Transdisciplinary Research, in Paris. This centre was involved in the First World Congress of Transdisciplinarity, in Portugal, 1994, and another international congress in Locarno, Switzerland, in early May 1997. They have a project with UNESCO on transdisciplinarity, and are involved in the World Conference on Higher Education, to be held in Paris at the end of September 1998.
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  2. Transdisciplinarity as a Nonimperial Encounter: for an Open Sociology.Steinmetz George - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 91 (1):48-65.
    In this article I argue for a transdisciplinary approach to the human or social sciences. There is little ontological or epistemological justification for a division among these disciplines. I recommend that sociology stop worrying about policing its disciplinary boundaries and begin to encourage various forms of intellectual transculturation. I then analyze barriers to transdisciplinarity by comparing disciplines to states and comparing the relations among disciplines to different sorts of imperial practice, or interstate relations. The most common interdisciplinary strategies are (...)
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    Transdisciplinarity, neuro‐techno‐philosophy, and the future of philosophy.Nayef Al-Rodhan - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 54 (1):73-86.
    Philosophy and science have always striven to make sense of the world, continuously influencing each other in the process. Their interplay paved the way for neurophilosophy, which harnesses neuroscientific insights to address traditionally philosophical questions. Given the rapid neuroscientific and technological advances in recent years, this paper argues that philosophers who wish to tackle intractable philosophical problems and influence public discourse and policies should engage in neuro-techno-philosophy. This novel type of inquiry describes the transdisciplinary endeavor of philosophers, (neuro)scientists, and others (...)
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    Extra-academic transdisciplinarity and scientific pluralism: what might they learn from one another?Inkeri Koskinen & Uskali Mäki - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 6 (3):419-444.
    The paper looks at challenges related to the ideas of integration and knowledge systems in extra-academic transdisciplinarity. Philosophers of science are only starting to pay attention to the increasingly common practice of introducing extra-academic perspectives or engaging extra-academic parties in academic knowledge production. So far the rather scant philosophical discussion on the subject has mainly concentrated on the question whether such engagement is beneficial in science or not. Meanwhile, there is quite a large and growing literature on extra-academic TD, (...)
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    Transdisciplinarity Must Become Transversality.Félix Guattari - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):131-137.
  6. Complexity and Transdisciplinarity: Reflections on Theory and Practice.Alfonso Montuori - 2013 - World Futures 69 (4-6):200 - 230.
    (2013). Complexity and Transdisciplinarity: Reflections on Theory and Practice. World Futures: Vol. 69, The Complexity of Life and Lives of Complexity, pp. 200-230.
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    Transdisciplinarity: The New Challenge for Biomedical Research.Joske F. G. Bunders, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Rebecca Teclemariam-Mesbah & J. Francisca Flinterman - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (4):253-266.
    During the past decade, patient participation became an important issue in the medical field, and patient participation in biomedical research processes is increasingly called for. One of the arguments for this refers to the specific kind of knowledge, called experiential knowledge, patients could contribute. Until now, participation of patients in biomedical research has been rare, and integration of patients’ experiential knowledge with scientific knowledge—in the few cases it takes place—occurs implicitly and on an ad hoc basis. This is illustrated by (...)
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    Beauvoir's transdisciplinarity: from philosophy to gender theory.Stella Sandford - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer (eds.), A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 15-27.
    This paper begins with a brief survey of recent attempts to identify the nature of Beauvoir’s contested relation to philosophy. It then discusses the transition from her early, more conventionally philosophical essays to her much more unconventional great work The Second Sex. It argues that the philosophical innovations of The Second Sex were dependent on Beauvoir’s relations to other disciplines and intellectual fields, such that Beauvoir’s philosophical originality has interdisciplinary conditions of possibility. The paper then argues that The Second Sex, (...)
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    Introduction to Serres on Transdisciplinarity.Lucie Mercier - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):37-40.
    Excerpted from an article on Leibniz first published in 1974 in Hermès III, la Traduction, Michel Serres’s ‘Transdisciplinarity as Relative Exteriority’ offers a synoptic view of Serres’s vision of the relationship between philosophy and the sciences. Serres charts four historical strategies by which philosophy has secured its theoretical control over the sciences, four versions of philosophical exteriority towards the scientific field. He contrasts this topography or philosophical ‘theatre’ of representation to Leibniz’s immanent relation to scientific discourse. A systematic whole (...)
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    Logic, art and transdisciplinarity: A new logic for the new reality.Joseph E. Brenner - 2003 - Technoetic Arts 1 (3):169-180.
    The philosophical logic of Stéphane Lupasco, based on the principles of dynamic opposition and a law of the included middle, offers a needed alternative to the still quasi-exclusive application of classical, binary logic to post-classical natural and social sciences, art theory and political and social action. The system of Lupasco, extended by Basarab Nicolescu by the principle of levels of reality, is grounded in the major discoveries in quantum physics, biology, mathematics and systems science of the twentieth century. It leads (...)
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  11. Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, Transdisciplinarity, and the Sciences.David Alvargonzález - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):387-403.
    The ideas of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity have been widely applied to the relationship between sciences. This article is an attempt to discuss the reasons why scientific interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity pose specific problems. First of all, certain questions about terminology are taken into account in order to clarify the meaning of the word ?discipline? and its cognates. Secondly, we argue that the specificity of sciences does not lie in becoming disciplines. Then, we focus on the relationship between sciences, and (...)
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  12.  22
    Temporal Drag: Transdisciplinarity and the ‘Case’ of Psychosocial Studies.Lisa Baraitser - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):207-231.
    Psychosocial studies is a putatively ‘new’ or emerging field concerned with the irreducible relation between psychic and social life. Genealogically, it attempts to re-suture a tentative relation between mind and social world, individual and mass, internality and externality, norm and subject, and the human and non-human, through gathering up and re-animating largely forgotten debates that have played out across a range of other disciplinary spaces. If, as I argue, the central tenets, concepts and questions for psychosocial studies emerge out of (...)
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    6. Transdisciplinarity.Jürgen Mittelstraß - 2018 - In Theoria: Chapters in the Philosophy of Science. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 57-67.
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    Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity: The Tower of Babel in the Age of Two Cultures.Marcin J. Schroeder - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):26.
    Despite the continuous emphasis on globalization, we witness increasing divisions and divisiveness in all domains of human activities. One of the reasons, if not the main one, is the intellectual fragmentation of humanity, compared in the title to the failed attempt at building the Biblical Tower of Babel. The attempts to reintegrate worldview, fragmented by the specialization of education (C.P. Snow’s The Two Cultures) and expected to be achieved through reforms in curricula at all levels of education, were based on (...)
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    Contradiction of Terms: Feminist Theory, Philosophy and Transdisciplinarity.Stella Sandford - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):159-182.
    What happens when well-defined disciplines meet or are confronted with transdisciplinary discourses and concepts, where transdisciplinary concepts are analytical tools rather than specifications of a field of objects or a class of entities? Or, if disciplines reject transdisciplinary discourses and concepts as having no part to play in their practice, why do they so reject them? This essay addresses these questions through a discussion of the relationship between philosophy – the most tightly policed discipline in the humanities – and what (...)
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  16. Making transdisciplinarity work: An epistemology of inclusive development and innovation.David Ludwig & Birgit Boogaard - 2021 - In David Ludwig, Birgit Boogaard, Phil Macnaghten & Cees Leeuwis (eds.), The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation. Routledge.
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    Transdisciplinarity as Relative Exteriority.Michel Serres - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):41-44.
  18. Life, chaos, and transdisciplinarity: A personal journey.Bob Hodge - 2007 - World Futures 63 (3 & 4):209 – 222.
    This article uses an autobiography as an object of research, to both illustrate some principles of chaos theory in analytic practice, and give those ideas a personal and social context, thereby producing a unique but explanation-rich history of chaos theory and recent intellectual history of transdisciplinarity and social research in the West. The ideas from Chaos Theory it uses and illustrates include: three-body analysis (Poincaré); fractals (Mandelbrot); fuzzy logic (Zadeh); and the butterfly effect (Lorenz).
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    Transdisciplinarity in objects.Anti Randviir - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2-4):88-121.
    Contemporary sociosemiotics is a way to transcend borderlines between trends inside semiotics, and also other disciplines. Whereas semiotics has been considered as an interdisciplinary field of research par excellence, sociosemiotics can point directions at transdisciplinary research. The present article will try toconjoin the structural and the processual views on culture and society, binding them together with the notion of signification. The signification of space willillustrate the dynamic between both cultures and metacultures, and cultural mainstreams and subcultures. This paper pays attention (...)
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  20. Transdisciplinarity, theory-zapping, and the growth of knowledge. [REVIEW]Claus Emmeche - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (3-4):217-228.
    The dense prose in _Signs Grow_ by the distinguished semiotician Floyd Merrell draws on and connects multiform sources and repeatedly demands extremely careful reflection and interpretation by the reader, and so it illustrates a point often taken to be a hermeneutic truism, that the incipient meaning created by the reader is most probably very different from the meaning intended by the author. Fortunately not totally different, however. Shared meanings may increase by expanded access to common background knowledge, which is always (...)
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    Identity and Intervention: Disciplinarity as Transdisciplinarity in Gender Studies.Tuija Pulkkinen - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):183-205.
    Within the past 40 years, feminist studies/women’s studies/gender studies/studies in gender and sexuality has effectively grown into a globally practised academic discipline while simultaneously resisting the notion of disciplinarity and strongly advocating multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity. In this article, I argue that gaining identity through refusing an identity can be viewed as being a constitutive paradox of gender studies. Through exploring gender studies as a transdisciplinary intellectual discipline, which came into existence in very particular multidisciplinary historical conditions of the (...)
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    Polycontextural Transdisciplinarity.Miguel Ángel Briceño Gil - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:15-33.
    A couple of decades ago natural phenomena began to be approached from a comprehensive and transdisciplinary point of view, as it was understood that living beings and their environments are not linear but complex. There is no doubt that this perspective of visualizing complexity and working inter-and transdisciplinarily has to be applied. The reflection on the theoretical observation (i.e. meta-observation) involved in the concept of poly-contexturality is the framework in which a theory of complex systems is possible, which in turn (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity, Transdisciplinarity, and Beyond: The Brain, Story Sharing, and Social Organization.Paul Grobstein - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (2):Article M21.
    An apparent conflict between preferences for hierarchical as opposed to distributed organizations is evident in arguments about disciplinary and interdisciplinary organization. It characterizes as well a wide array of other arenas ranging from the biological to the political. In this article, parallels between biological, neurobiological, and social observations are explored in an effort to outline a general approach that may be useful in thinking about interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary activities as well as forms of social organization in general. A key element (...)
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    Filosofía Cosmoderna: Reflexiones Transdisciplinares sobre Naturaleza, Ciencia y Religión.Javier Collado Ruano - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:57-80.
    Las reflexiones transdisciplinares de este artículo estudian la relación entre naturaleza, ciencia y religión. Se dirigen a fenómenos complejos de nuestra realidad ontológica desde una perspectiva donde ciencia y religión se funden para dar paso a la filosofía cosmoderna. Como resultado, surge una ética global para reinventar lo sagrado como producto de la integración entre cosmovisiones religiosas y científicas. También se describe un diálogo interreligioso e intra-religioso donde la naturaleza y el cosmos constituyen el encuentro entre conocimiento científico y religioso. (...)
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    Against Anthropocene: Transdisciplinarity and Dionysus in Jungian Ecocriticism.Susan Rowland - 2018 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 282 (4):401-414.
    The Anthropocene is neither the only, nor an entirely satisfactory, model for a twenty-first century ecocriticism. My paper tests the Anthropocene from within Anglophone theory that seeks to recuperate what has been historically marginalized: the feminine, the body, the nonhuman and the unconscious. It is possible to evade the heroic masculinist overtones of the Anthropocene by dis-membering him. Using two apparently discrete modes of fracturing—the psychoanalysis of C. G. Jung and the transdisciplinarity of Basarab Nicolescu—, I suggest a dismembered (...)
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    The Evolutionary Stages of Plant Physiology and a Plea for Transdisciplinarity.Jorge Marques da Silva & Elena Casetta - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (2):205-215.
    In this paper, the need of increasing transdisciplinarity research is advocated. After having set out some peculiarity of transdisciplinarity compared with related concepts such as multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, four evolutionary stages of scientific disciplines, based on a model recently proposed are presented. This model is then applied to the case of Plant Physiology in order to attempt an evaluation of the potential for transdisciplinary engagement of the discipline, and each of the four stages of the discipline is evaluated. (...)
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  27. Collaborative and Transdisciplinar Practices in Cyberart: from Multimedia to Software Art Installations.Diana Domingues & Eliseo Reategui - 2006 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 8:113-144.
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    Epistemología axiológica y conocimiento transdisciplinar: estrategias cognoscitivas para el reconocimiento y cultivo de la cualidad humana profunda y la dimensión sagrada de la existencia.Sergio Néstor Osorio García - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (37).
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  29. Transdisciplinarity: the hidden third, between the subject and the object.Basarab Nicolescu - 2012 - Human and Social Studies 1 (1):13-28.
    In the introduction we explain why the relation between the Object and the Subject is a crucial problem of philosophy. The key point in understanding the Object-Subject relation is the vision on Reality that humans shared in different periods of the historical time. We next describe some historical aspects concerning the transdisciplinary concept of “level of Reality”, namely in relation with the work of John of the Ladder, Nicolai Hartmann and especially Werner Heisenberg. We finally analyze a unified theory of (...)
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    Introduction to Special Issue on Transdisciplinarity.Sue L. T. McGregor - 2014 - Introduction to Special Issue on Transdisciplinarity 70 (3):161-163.
    This special issue focuses on transdisciplinarity, understood as iteratively crossing back and forth and moving among and beyond disciplinary and sectoral boundaries to solve the complex, wicked pr...
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  31. Science: The invisible transdisciplinarity of French culture: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought.Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 165:31.
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    Towards Diffractive Transdisciplinarity: Integrating Gender Knowledge into the Practice of Neuroscientific Research.Katrin Nikoleyczik - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (3):231-245.
    The current neurosciences contribute to the construction of gender/sex to a high degree. Moreover, the subject of gender/sex differences in cognitive abilities attracts an immense public interest. At the same time, the entanglement of gender and science has been shown in many theoretical and empirical analyses. Although the body of literature is very extensive and differentiated with regards to the dimensions of ‘neuroscience of gender’ and ‘gender in neuroscience’, the feeding back of these findings into the field of neuroscience remains (...)
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    Reflexiones epistemológicas derivadas de la praxis investigativa transdisciplinar.María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado - 2023 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 34:265-289.
    El propósito del trabajo es exponer las reflexiones epistemológicas hechas por investigadores que integran un grupo interdisciplinario y que elaboran un diagnóstico durante la primera fase de una Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP). El proyecto se centra en la atención a la salud integral de cuatro comunidades en estado de alta y muy alta marginación, ubicadas en la Meseta Comiteca-Tojolabal, Chiapas, México, durante el periodo 2021-2022. Este artículo, de corte cualitativo, descriptivo y crítico reflexivo, permite repensar la investigación fundada en las (...)
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    O sonho transdisciplinar: e as razões da filosofia.Hilton Japiassu - 2006 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Imago.
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    Los investigadores educativos, transdisciplinares, ecosóficos y antropoéticos: retos venezolanos.Milagros Elena Rodriguez - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (28):161-184.
    Se usa la hermenéutica comprensiva, diatópica y ecosófica como transmétodo de construcción teórica para sustentar la con-formación de los investigadores educativos venezolanos desde la tríada transdisciplinariedad-ecosofía-antropoética, como retos urgentes en Venezuela. Existen problemáticas profundas en el accionar del ciudadano que se conforma en la educación universitaria, ya que el ser humano, en su parcelación del conocimiento, ha olvidado que somos seres biológicos, psíquicos, espirituales, sociales, ambientales, etéreos, culturales, y que cada aspecto no se puede estudiar por separado ya que es (...)
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    El sujeto de la complejidad. La construcción de un Modelo Teórico Transdisciplinar (eco-psico-socio-histórico-educativo).María Teresa Pozzoli - 2006 - Polis 15.
    Suelen hallarse diversas argumentaciones respecto del Pensamiento Complejo; pero la oferta se restringe cuando queremos imaginar cuáles son las características que tiene el sujeto que sirve de soporte a esa epistemología. El artículo se refiere a las características del sujeto de la Complejidad considerándolo como un emergente de un modelo teórico transdisciplinar -que también se presenta en esta publicación-. En esta propuesta, el ejercicio de la reflexividad favorece el acceso a metacogniciones que van disponiendo al sujeto a un tipo de (...)
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    About Turtles, Pickpockets, and Transdisciplinarity: Some Reflections on the Epistemological Implications of Flânerie.Laura Peters - 2012 - World Futures 68 (3):212 - 219.
    Lately the concept of flânerie has raised an intense academic debate: The flâneur can be found much more frequently, not only in literary texts and in literary studies, but also in cultural and historical sciences, postcolonial studies, anthropology, and philosophy as well as in the field of popular science. Starting with a review of literary and philosophical traditions and the further developments of the concept of flâneur, this article aims to explore the epistemological implications of flânerie and to read them (...)
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    Linking transculturality and transdisciplinarity.Patrick Imbert - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 571-588.
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    Globality, Globalization and Transdisciplinarity.Roland Robertson - 1996 - Theory, Culture and Society 13 (4):127-132.
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    O ensino de filosofia nas perspectivas inter e transdisciplinar: a problemática do conhecimento.Gilson Malta da Silva - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):398-422.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo divulgar parte dos resultados de uma investigação sobre a organização de um ensino de filosofia proposto nas perspectivas inter e transdisciplinar. Tratou-se de averiguar como esse ensino estava sendo organizado numa determinada unidade educacional. Sendo assim, para investigar esse problema, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza qualitativa. O percurso metodológico foi composto por investigação teórica e incursão a campo. A primeira etapa constituiu-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. A segunda consistiu em observar a organização (...)
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    Business Schools and the Development of Responsible Leaders: A Proposition of Edgar Morin’s Transdisciplinarity.Patricia Gabaldon & Stefan Gröschl - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):185-195.
    We propose Edgar Morin’s notion of transdisciplinarity as a complementary educational perspective for preparing business school students in addressing the complex global socio-economic and environmental challenges that our planet has been facing for some time. Morin’s notion of transdisciplinarity spans various disciplines, both within disciplines and beyond individual disciplines. Morin’s transdisciplinary approach is inquiry driven and presents a systemic/humanistic vision and form of awareness that challenges habitually dualistic and simplistic thinking. Morin’s transdisciplinarity is based on a dialogical (...)
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    Reseña del libro: Ojo. Una mirada transdisciplinar.Pedro José Sarmiento Medina - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 25 (2):2525-2525.
    El trabajo titulado "Ojo. Una mirada transdisciplinar", realizado por profesor Wilson Andrés Parra, impreso por la Universidad de La Sabana y su Facultad de Medicina, recoge un arsenal de aproximaciones epistemológicas complejas. Sin duda alguna es un esfuerzo de altísimo interés por acercarse a las distintas perspectivas que, sobre el ojo y la visión, la representación y los efectos que sobre la mente y el conocimiento ha permitido este maravilloso y casi perfecto órgano, como portador, y al mismo tiempo receptor, (...)
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    The paths and the ways: an insight into transdisciplinarity.Paul Gibbs - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (69):1295-1322.
    The paths and the ways: an insight into transdisciplinarity: This is a short study of how the notion of thinking that Heidegger developed in his writing, in the Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking, can be read through a consideration of a Chinese Taoist text Tao Te Ching and the Confucian, though a Taoist inspired text, by Zisi, the Zhongyong, to illuminate the essential nature of openness in transdisciplinarity and the restrictions of disciplinarity of knowing taken as (...)
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    In Search of Transdisciplinarity: A Review of Two Workshops Supported by Situating Science. [REVIEW]Michael Cournoyea - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):238.
    Disciplines have a way of imprisoning their creations. Entrenched in an incommensurable discourse, ideas grow stagnant. Whether ideas transcend this imprisonment is a matter of adapting, flexing, and mobilizing knowledge. This is the aim of Situating Science: Cluster for the Humanistic and Social Studies of Science. Promoting transdisciplinarity among researchers, stakeholders, and the public, the Cluster brings diverse groups of scholars to sit around a common table and discuss a common theme. My aim in this short review is to (...)
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  45. O Diálogo Na Formação Transdisciplinar Do Educador-filósofo.Dante Augusto Galeffi - 2008 - Childhood and Philosophy 4 (7):103-114.
    Considering dialogue as a fundamental philosophical experience, this paper aims to understand the possibility of a radical and emphatic dialogic practice in the formation of the educator-philosopher. “Educator-philosopher” is the term used to detach the importance of a dialogic specialization in philosophy so that the teacher’s teaching practice becomes a philosophical activity, and he finds himself as a philosopher in the ways of philosophy. The transdisciplinary perspective announced is configured as an epistemologic field of a dialogue methodology practiced at all (...)
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  46. DOSSIER-From Structure to Rhizome: Transdisciplinarity in French Thought (2)-Subject (Re-/decentred).Alain de Libera - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 167:15.
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    Religion, International Relations and Transdisciplinarity.Roland Robertson - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:7-20.
    Recently there has been an upsurge in interest concerning the relationship between religion and international relations. Much of this has been expressed as if the relationship between these was entirely new. In contrast, this paper involves the argument that it is not so much a question of religion returning but rather why it is that students of international relations have neglected the connection since the Peace of Westphalia. This neglect has largely occurred because of the primacy given to changes and (...)
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    Problem and Structure: Bachelard, Deleuze and Transdisciplinarity.Patrice Maniglier - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):25-45.
    The concept of ‘problem’ has been recently promoted by the official academic institutions and put at the centre of a new field of research, self-styled ‘transdisciplinary studies’, in order to provide a foundation to a resolutely transdisciplinary approach to research and thought in general. The paper notes that the same move (i.e. connecting a problem-centred approach to thought with transdisciplinary method) can be found in Deleuze’s philosophy, which provides us with what the technocratic image of thought advocated by transdisciplinary studies (...)
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    A crise dos paradigmas: 1. Seminário Transdisciplinar: anais.Cremilda Medina (ed.) - 1991 - [São Paulo]: Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Comunicações e Artes.
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  50. Structure: method or subversion of the social sciences?: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought.Étienne Balibar - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 165:17.
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