  1.  34
    Review. Studies in Heliodorus. R Hunter [ed].Tomas Hägg - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):380-381.
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    Bentley, Philostratus, and the German printers.Tomas Hägg - 1982 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 102:214-216.
  3.  53
    "callirhoe" And "parthenope": The Beginnings Of The Historical Novel.Tomas Hägg - 1987 - Classical Antiquity 6 (2):184-204.
  4.  22
    J. Trumpf, Anonymi Byzantini Vita Alexandri regis Macedonum.Tomas Hägg - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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  5.  19
    R. Merkelbach, Die Quellen des griechischen Alexanderromans.Tomas Hägg - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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  6.  27
    Siegfried G. RICHTER, Studien zur Christianisierung Nubiens. Sprachen und Kulturen des christlichen Orients 11.Tomas Hägg - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):142-144.
    The three Nubian kingdoms that eventually emerged after the disintegration of Meroe, Noubadia, Makuria and Alodia (Alwa), first enter Byzantine historiography with the dramatic story of their conversion into Christianity told by John of Ephesus in the third part of his Church History, composed about AD 578–588 in Syriac. To be more exact, what John tells us is that, through the initiative of Empress Theodora, the Noubades and Alodians were converted into the Monophysite or (more specifically) Miaphysite creed, while the (...)
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