Results for 'Thorsten Greiner'

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  1. Taxonomizing Non-at-Issue Contents.Thorsten Sander - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (1):50-77.
    The author argues that there is no such thing as a unique and general taxonomy of non-at-issue contents. Accordingly, we ought to shun large categories such as “conventional implicature”, “F-implicature”, “CI”, “Class B” or the like. As an alternative, we may, first, describe the “semantic profile” of linguistic devices as accurately as possible. Second, we may explicitly tailor our categories to particular theoretical purposes.
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    A correction to the algorithm in reiter's theory of diagnosis.Russell Greiner, Barbara A. Smith & Ralph W. Wilkerson - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 41 (1):79-88.
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    Game description language and dynamic epistemic logic compared.Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel & Michael Thielscher - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 292 (C):103433.
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    Individual differences in metacontrast masking are enhanced by perceptual learning.Thorsten Albrecht, Susan Klapötke & Uwe Mattler - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):656-666.
    In vision research metacontrast masking is a widely used technique to reduce the visibility of a stimulus. Typically, studies attempt to reveal general principles that apply to a large majority of participants and tend to omit possible individual differences. The neural plasticity of the visual system, however, entails the potential capability for individual differences in the way observers perform perceptual tasks. We report a case of perceptual learning in a metacontrast masking task that leads to the enhancement of two types (...)
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    Cyborg Bodies—Self-Reflections on Sensory Augmentations.Stefan Greiner - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):299-302.
    Sensory augmentation challenges current societal norms and views of what is conceived as a “normal” human being. Beginning with self reflections of a bodyhacker, the author proposes an extended view onto the human or respectively cyborg body. Based on cognitive theories, it is argumented that we are already mental cyborgs. Our brains plastically restructure themselves in order to meet new requirements of the technological extended human.
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    A polarizing multiverse? Assessing Habermas’ digital update of his public sphere theory.Thorsten Thiel - 2023 - Constellations 30 (1):69-76.
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    The Silicon Valley paradox: A qualitative interview study on the social, cultural, and ideological foundations of a global innovation center.Thorsten Quandt & Johanna Klapproth - forthcoming - Communications.
    Silicon Valley is both object of intense fascination and stark criticism. Academic observers have described it as a unique amalgamation of hippie culture, libertarian thinking, wild experimentation, but also scientific rigor, high-tech precision, and turbo-capitalism – a seemingly improbable, even paradoxical combination. Nevertheless, Silicon Valley continues to be an economic powerhouse and a global innovation hub. The current study explores its socio-cultural and ideological foundations through the lens of an insider perspective to find explanations for its stability and sustained success (...)
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    Die normative Kraft der Kontingenz: nichtessentialistische Gesellschaftskritik nach Weber und Adorno.Thorsten Bonacker - 2000 - New York: Campus Verlag.
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    Individually different weighting of multiple processes underlies effects of metacontrast masking.Thorsten Albrecht & Uwe Mattler - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:162-180.
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    Individual differences in metacontrast masking regarding sensitivity and response bias.Thorsten Albrecht & Uwe Mattler - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1222-1231.
    In metacontrast masking target visibility is modulated by the time until a masking stimulus appears. The effect of this temporal delay differs across participants in such a way that individual human observers’ performance shows distinguishable types of masking functions which remain largely unchanged for months. Here we examined whether individual differences in masking functions depend on different response criteria in addition to differences in discrimination sensitivity. To this end we reanalyzed previously published data and conducted a new experiment for further (...)
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    Moralisches Unbehagen: Die theologische Debatte um Flucht und Migration und das Verhältnis von Politik und Moral.Thorsten Moos - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 62 (4):248-262.
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    Hopkins' "The Windhover" Viewed as a Nature Poem.Greiner - 1963 - Renascence 15 (2):68-75.
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    Pliny the Elder’s Animals: Some Remarks on the Narrative Structure of Nat. Hist. 8–11.Thorsten Fögen - 2007 - Hermes 135 (2):184-198.
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  14. Die Schwierigkeit,” ich” zu sagen: Christa Wolfs psychologische Orientierung des Erzählens.Bernhard Greiner - 1981 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 55 (1):323-342.
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  15. Formale gesetzes-ethik und materiale wert-ethik.Josef Gottfried Greiner - 1932 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Heimatlos: Bekenntnisse eines Konservativen.Ulrich Greiner - 2017 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
  17.  18
    Organ distribution systems for transplantation – an economic perspective.Wolfgang Greiner - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (2):64-73.
    Definition of the problem: Even after the new German legislation about organ donors and transplantation (“information solution”), the question of criteria for distributing the organs is still not solved. The various alternatives to solve this problem face different social acceptance and economic efficiency.Arguments: Medical criteria (e.g. HLA compatibility) and non-medical criteria (e.g. willingness to pay of the patients) are valued on the basis of generally accepted objectives (e.g. equal access to health services or low costs). As an innovative form of (...)
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  18. » Philister Über Dir, Simson!«: Die Geschichte Simsons als Jüdische Urszene Interkulturellen Konflikts: Die Erzählung der Bibel und deren Aneignung durch Elias Canetti.Bernhard Greiner - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 44 (1):123-139.
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    “… that until now, the inner world of man has been given … such unimaginative treatment” Constructions of Interiority around 1800.Bernhard Greiner - 2014 - In Julia Weber & Rüdiger Campe (eds.), Rethinking Emotion: Interiority and Exteriority in Premodern, Modern, and Contemporary Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 137-171.
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    Different kinds of interchangeable methods in multitrait-multimethod analysis: a note on the multilevel CFA-MTMM model by Koch et al.Thorsten Meiser & Merle A. Steinwascher - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Gerhard Schweppenhäuser: Adorno und die Folgen.Thorsten Paprotny - 2022 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 75 (3):232-235.
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    The Cost of Safety During a Pandemic.Rachel M. B. Greiner - 2021 - HEC Forum 33 (1-2):61-72.
    A first-person account of some victims of the virus, the author puts faces and circumstances to the tragedy of the Covid-19 pandemic. Told from a chaplain’s point of view, these narratives will take the reader beyond the numbers and ask questions like: What is the cost of keeping families separated at the end of life, and, if patient/family centered care is so central to healthcare these days, why was it immediately discarded? Is potentially saving human lives worth the risk of (...)
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    Doxastic Conditions for Backward Induction.Thorsten Clausing - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (4):315-336.
    The problem of finding sufficient doxastic conditions for backward induction in games of perfect information is analyzed in a syntactic framework with subjunctive conditionals. This allows to describe the structure of the game by a logical formula and consequently to treat beliefs about this structure in the same way as beliefs about rationality. A backward induction and a non-Nash equilibrium result based on higher level belief in rationality and the structure of the game are derived.
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  24. Meaning without content: on the metasemantics of register.Thorsten Sander - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    What, exactly, is the difference between words such as ‘dead’ and ‘deceased’? In this paper, I argue that such differences in register, or style, ought to be construed as genuine differences in non-truth-conditional meaning. I also show that register cannot plausibly accounted for in terms of either presupposition or conventional implicature. Register is, rather, an instance of what I call pure use-conditional meaning. In the case of register, a difference in meaning does not correspond to a difference in the contents (...)
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    Egocentrism in sub-clinical depression.Thorsten M. Erle, Niklas Barth & Sascha Topolinski - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1239-1248.
    ABSTRACTDepression is marked by rigid thinking and the inability to generate different and more positive views on the self. The current study conceptualises this a perspective-taking deficit, which is defined as a deficit in the ability to overcome one’s egocentrism. Previous research has demonstrated that individuals with depression are impaired in Theory of Mind reasoning and empathy – two social cognitions that involve cognitive and affective perspective-taking. Here, it was investigated whether these deficits generalise to visuo-spatial perspective-taking. To test this, (...)
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  26. Towards a Fregean psycholinguistics.Thorsten Sander - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    This paper is partly exegetical, partly systematic. I argue that Frege's account of what he called “colouring” contains some important insights on how communication is related to mental states such as mental images or emotions. I also show that the Fregean perspective is supported by current research in psycholinguistics and that a full understanding of some linguistic phenomena that scholars have accounted for in terms of either semantics or pragmatics need involve psycholinguistic elements.
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    The affected German voter: Televized debates, follow-up communication and candidate evaluations.Thorsten Faas & Jürgen Maier - 2003 - Communications 28 (4):383-404.
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    Probably approximately optimal satisficing strategies.Russell Greiner & Pekka Orponen - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 82 (1-2):21-44.
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    Individual differences in metacontrast masking: A call for caution when interpreting group data☆.Thorsten Albrecht & Uwe Mattler - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):672-673.
    In this issue of Consciousness and Cognition, Bachmann comments on our study , which revealed two groups of observers with qualitative individual differences in metacontrast masking that are enhanced by perceptual learning. We are pleased that our study receives this attention and even more about Bachmann’s extremely positive comments. In this invited reply we argue that observers seem to be similar only at the beginning of the experiment but they have no choice as to which group to join. Findings strongly (...)
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    Knowing what doesn't matter: exploiting the omission of irrelevant data.Russell Greiner, Adam J. Grove & Alexander Kogan - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 97 (1-2):345-380.
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    Learning representations and interpretations: Aesthetic education in dark times.Mary Bushnell Greiner - 2003 - Educational Studies 34 (4):424-445.
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    Feelings about Law/Justice. Rechtsgefühle: The Relevance of Affect to the Development of Law in Pluralistic Legal Cultures. Die Relevanz des Affektiven für die Rechtsentwicklung in pluralen Rechtskulturen.Thorsten Keiser, Greta Olson & Franz Reimer (eds.) - 2023 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    „Rechtsgefühl“ kann das individuelle Gerechtigkeitsempfinden, das Judiz der Richterin im Entscheidungsfindungsprozess, das emotionale Aufbäumen der unterlegenen Partei nach der Entscheidung, eine kollektive Rechtsüberzeugung bezeichnen. Verweise auf das „Rechtsgefühl“ werden oft genutzt, um Rechtssysteme oder einzelne Rechtsakte von innen oder von außen zu legitimieren oder zu delegitimieren. Als sozialer Kompass und normative Rechtfertigung versagt „Rechtsgefühl“ dagegen, wenn es mit zahlreichen gegenläufigen Rechtsgefühlen konkurriert. Dieser Frage nach dem Stellenwert divergierender Rechts- und Gerechtigkeitsempfindungen gehen die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge aus praktischer, theoretischer (...)
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    Treading the Tiger's Tail: Pearl Harbor Veteran Reunions in Hawai'i and Japan.Marie Thorsten - 2002 - Cultural Values 6 (3):317-340.
    This essay compares decade-long commemorations between American and Japanese veterans of Pearl Harbor, and the ancient kabuki legend of “Treading the Tiger's Tail”, which also concerns enemies who come to appreciate their commonalities. The “danger zones” in the joint Pearl Harbor reunions had less to do with enemies still fighting an old war, than with each nation's internally unresolved tensions and with sensitivities across a broader, more complex constellation of postures toward war memory. Hawai'i played a significant role in providing (...)
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    Long‐term effects of institutional conditions on perceived corruption – A study on organizational imprinting in post‐communist countries.Thorsten Auer, Karin Knorr & Kirsten Thommes - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):478-497.
    In this paper, we apply imprinting theory to examine how institutional transformation substantially influences perceptions of corruption that we argue to be incorporated to a varying extent in organizations founded in that period. For this purpose, we compare the effect of a sudden shock (dissolution of the Soviet Union) on the managers' present perceptions to that of a steady transition (EU accession). We consult the 5th round of the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey from 2012 to 2014 analyzing 4715 (...)
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  35. Simone de Beauvoir.Thorsten Bonacker - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--39.
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    2. Rezeption und Emanzipation: Anfänge römischer Redekunst und griechische Rhetorik.Thorsten Fögen - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 55-80.
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    Ein Philosoph namens Brandegger.Thorsten G. - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (3).
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  38. Der Begriff der Personlichkeit bei Kant.D. Greiner - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:319.
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  39. The Quantum Theory of Fields. Volume 1: Foundations.W. Greiner - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26:1267-1270.
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    Paul Tillichs Interpretation der Naturwissenschaften im „System der Wissenschaften“ von 1923.Thorsten Moos - 2012 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 7 (1):1-32.
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    Der Mythos ‚Wille zur Macht‘. Nietzsches Gesamtwerk und der Nietzsche-Kult. Eine historische Kritik.Thorsten Paprotny - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (2):105-108.
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    Peter Stemmer: Etwas geschieht durch mich. Menschliches Handeln und die Kontingenzen der Kausalität.Thorsten Paprotny - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (1):59-62.
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  43. Neuere Literatur zur Phänomenologie der Zeit.Thorsten Streubel - 2003 - Phänomenologische Forschungen.
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  44. Wahrheit als methodisches Problem der phänomenologischen Deskription.Thorsten Streubel - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (2):105-123.
    Als Erkenntnistheorie der phänomenologischen Erkenntnis versteht sich die folgende Untersuchung als ein zentrales Stück der von Husserl geforderten Selbstkritik der phänomenologischen Erkenntnis. Ausgehend vom normalsprachlichen Wahrheitsbegriff und dessen Explikation soll die prinzipielle Möglichkeit wahrer phänomenologischer Beschreibungen durch Rückgang auf das Phänomen der Wahrheit ausgewiesen werden. Im Anschluss an Husserls Analysen der vorprädikativen Erfahrung wird die explizierende Betrachtung (in Abgrenzung zum prädikativen Urteil) als die eigentlich erkennende, nämlich die kategorialen Strukturen der Phänomene erfassende und offenlegende Leistung exponiert, die einerseits anschaulich begründete (...)
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    Belief revision in games of perfect information.Thorsten Clausing - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):89-115.
    A syntactic formalism for the modeling of belief revision in perfect information games is presented that allows to define the rationality of a player's choice of moves relative to the beliefs he holds as his respective decision nodes have been reached. In this setting, true common belief in the structure of the game and rationality held before the start of the game does not imply that backward induction will be played. To derive backward induction, a “forward belief” condition is formulated (...)
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    Engelbert Recktenwald: Wirklichkeitserschließendes Sollen.Thorsten Paprotny - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (1):72-75.
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  47. Freges Kriterien der Sinngleichheit.Thorsten Sander - 2016 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 98 (4):395-432.
    Frege's mature writings apparently contain two different criteria of sense identity. While in "Über Sinn und Bedeutung" (1892) and in "Kurze Übersicht meiner logischen Lehren" (1906?) he seems to advocate a psychological criterion, his letter to Husserl of December 12, 1906 offers a thoroughly logical criterion of sense identity. It is argued that the latter proposal is not a "momentary aberration", but rather Frege's official criterion; his psychological criteria only serve as a way of illustrating questions of sense identity by (...)
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    Staatszweck und Staatsaufgaben in den protestantischen Ethiken des 19. Jahrhunderts.Thorsten Moos - 2005 - Münster: Lit.
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    Should Type Theory Replace Set Theory as the Foundation of Mathematics?Thorsten Altenkirch - 2023 - Axiomathes 33 (1):1-13.
    Mathematicians often consider Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory with Choice (ZFC) as the only foundation of Mathematics, and frequently don’t actually want to think much about foundations. We argue here that modern Type Theory, i.e. Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT), is a preferable and should be considered as an alternative.
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    Tuning a ménage à trois: Co-evolution and co-adaptation of nuclear and organellar genomes in plants.Stephan Greiner & Ralph Bock - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):354-365.
    Plastids and mitochondria arose through endosymbiotic acquisition of formerly free-living bacteria. During more than a billion years of subsequent concerted evolution, the three genomes of plant cells have undergone dramatic structural changes to optimize the expression of the compartmentalized genetic material and to fine-tune the communication between the nucleus and the organelles. The chimeric composition of many multiprotein complexes in plastids and mitochondria (one part of the subunits being nuclear encoded and another one being encoded in the organellar genome) provides (...)
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