Results for 'Theophanies'

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  1. Theophanis the Monk and Monoimus the Arab in a Phenomenological-Cognitive Perspective.Olga Louchakova-Schwartz - 2016 - Open Theology 2 (1):53-78.
    Two brief Late Antique religious texts, respectively by the monk Theophanis and by Monoimus the Arab, present an interesting problem of whether they embody the authors’ experience, or whether they are merely literary constructs. Rather than approaching this issue through the lens of theory, the article shows how phenomenological analysis and studies of living subjectivity can be engaged with the text in order to clarify the contents of introspective experience and the genesis of its religious connotations. The analysis uncovers a (...)
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    Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite.Eric D. Perl - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Situates Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite as a Neoplatonic philosopher in the tradition of Plotinus and Proclus.
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    (1 other version)Spinoza’s Theophany - The Expression of God’s Nature by Particular Things.Alexander Douglas - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (2):49-69.
    What does Spinoza mean when he claims, as he does several times in the Ethics, that particular things are expressions of God’s nature or attributes? This article interprets these claims as a version of what is called theophany in the Neoplatonist tradition. Theophany is the process by which particular things come to exist as determinate manifestations of a divine nature that is in itself not determinate. Spinoza’s understanding of theophany diverges significantly from that of the Neoplatonist John Scottus Eriugena, largely (...)
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  4. Theophany, Anthropomorphism, and the Imago Dei: Some Observations about the Incarnation in the Light of the Old Testament.J. Andrew Dearman - 2002 - In Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall & Gerald O'Collins (eds.), The Incarnation. Oxford Up. pp. 31--46.
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  5. Theophanie und Schöpfungsgrund. Der Beitrag des Johannes Scotus Eriugena zum Verständnis der «creatio ex nihilo».R. Hoeps - 1992 - Theologie Und Philosophie 67 (2):161-191.
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    Theophany: The neoplatonic philosophy of dionysius the areopagite (review).Daniel P. O'Connell - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):pp. 96-97.
    The late Michael Frede once drew a distinction between the study of the history of philosophy in its own right and “a philosophically oriented study of the history of philosophy.” The key difference was that the study of the history of philosophy in its own right had to be aware of the historical context of the views it studied, both in a narrower and in a broader context, which broader context might very well have little to do with philosophy as (...)
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    A Theophany in Theocritus.Frederick Williams - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (1):137-145.
    In a masterly study of the language and motifs of Theocritus’ Thalysia, Dr. G. Giangrande has demonstrated that what the poem relates is the mock-investiture of Simichidas, the naïve young townsman and littérateur, performed with almost malicious irony by the goatherd Lycidas, who sees through, and ridicules, Simichidas’ rustic and poetic pretensions.1 My object in this paper is to examine, in the light of Giangrande's findings, some aspects of the presentation of Lycidas; this examination will, I believe, enable us to (...)
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    Theophany and indication: Reconciling Augustinian and palamite aesthetics1.John Panteleimon Manoussakis - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (1):76-89.
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    The World as a Theophany and Causality: Ibn ʿArabī, Causes and Freedom.Ozgur Koca - 2017 - Sophia 59 (4):713-731.
    This article offers a way of approaching the question of causality in Ibn ʿ Arabī’s relational and processual metaphysical system. Ibn ʿ Arabī’s metaphysics is relational in the sense that entities are perceived as the totality of their relationships to God. The Divine Names are theological categories denoting these relations. It is processual in that it perceives the world as the multiplicity of the incessant and ever-changing process of the manifestations of the divine qualities. The world is recreated anew at (...)
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    Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius The Areopagite. By Eric Perl.Barry David - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (2):227-234.
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  11. Theophany and the invisible God in early Christian theology and art.Robin M. Jensen - 2009 - In L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.), God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson. Boston: Brill.
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  12. Theophany and freedom-Late-idealistic perspectives on a key concept in current theological thinking.T. Trappe - 1997 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 104 (1).
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  13. The Problem of Theophany in Paradiso 33.Jason Aleksander - 2011 - Essays in Medieval Studies 27:61-78.
    One widely discussed feature of Paradiso 33 is Dante’s emphasis on his failure to represent in words and memory his pilgrim’s exalted vision of the Trinity. Against other interpretations of this canto, I will discuss why, despite the fact that the language of failure seeks to reinforce the poetic illusion that revelation’s authority is grounded in an unmediated access to divine truth, the theophantic moment “represented” in Paradiso 33 instead shows that revelatory experience is nothing but a product of the (...)
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    Theophany. [REVIEW]Lloyd P. Gerson - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (3):539-542.
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    Theology and Theophany in Homer and Minoan Crete.Bernard C. Dietrich - 1994 - Kernos 7:59-74.
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    Jean Scot Érigène : la théophanie comme mode de la phénoménalité.Emmanuel Falque - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:387-421.
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    "Where is Your God?" Theophany and The Angel of History.Gary Grieve-Carlson - 2006 - Renascence 58 (4):289-303.
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    Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite. By Eric D. Perl The Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite: An Introduction to the Structure and the Content of the Treatise on the Divine Names. By Christian Schäfer. [REVIEW]Michael Ewbank - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):332–334.
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    Theophany. [REVIEW]Robert M. Berchman - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (2):490-495.
  20. L'ange et les théophanies dans l'Êcriture Sainte d'aprés la doctrine des Pères.G. Legeay - 1902 - Revue Thomiste 10 (1):138-158.
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    World and Word In Theophany.Kenneth L. Schmitz - 1984 - Faith and Philosophy 1 (1):50-70.
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    Manifestation et Existence – Théophanie et dévoilement de l’ousia chez Jean Scot Érigène.Kristell Trego - 2008 - In Holger Gutschmidt, Antonella Lang-Balestra & Gianluigi Segalerba (eds.), Substantia - Sic Et Non: Eine Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike Bis Zu Gegenwart in Einzelbeitrã¤Gen. Ontos Verlag. pp. 105-132.
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    The Unknown God and His Theophanies: Exodus and Gregory of Nyssa.Maciej Manikowski - 2010 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 15 (1):161-174.
    The analysis, which aims at the interpretation of the three theophanies from Exodus presents—from the metaphysical and epistemological points of view—three fundamental ideas. First, the idea of the absolute unknowability of the essence of God; second, the idea of the real difference between essence and energies in God’s Being; and third, the idea of the real difference between the one essence, three persons and many uncreated divine energies of God. One must say that the absolute unknowability of the essence (...)
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    Review of Eric D. Perl, Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite: Albany: SUNY, 2008, ISBN: 978-0791471128, pb, 163 pp. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Fisher - 2009 - Sophia 48 (2):217-219.
    Theophany is an excellent introduction to Dionysius, and to the principles of Neoplatonic thought as developed by Plotinus and Proclus. Graduate students and even advanced undergraduates might profit from it, and those of us who have been working on Dionysius for years certainly will.
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  25. Bernard RENAUD, "La théophanie du Sinaï Ex 19-24. Exégèse et théologie". [REVIEW]M. Rose - 1995 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 127:413.
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  26. Echoes of Eriugena in Renaissance philosophy : negation, theophany, anthropology.David Albertson - 2020 - In Adrian Guiu (ed.), A companion to John Scottus Eriugena. Boston: Brill.
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    Emmanuel Levinas and the question of theophany.Kevin Love - 2007 - Angelaki 12 (3):65 – 79.
    [T]here is a coring out [dénucléation], of the imperfect happiness which is the murmur [battement] of sensibility. There is a non-coinciding of the ego with itself, restlessness, insomnia, beyond w...
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    Un inédit d'henry Corbin "théophanies et miroirs idoles ou icônes?".Henry Corbin - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  29. Eriugena reads Maximus Confessor : christology as cosmic theophany.Adrian Guiu - 2020 - In A companion to John Scottus Eriugena. Boston: Brill.
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    Beauty as natural order. The legacy of antiquity to Bonaventure's symbolical theology and Nicholas of Cusa's spiritual theophany.Isabelle Moulin - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 81:32-38.
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  31. Du rire dans la Bible? La théophanie de Job comme parodie.Bernard Sarrazin - 1988 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 76 (1):39-56.
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    Nicholas of Cusa's Understanding of Theophany and the Retrieval of a “New” Model of God.Nancy J. Shaffer - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher (eds.), Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 381--397.
  33. Une note sur la date de la rédaction de la Vita theophanis Par le patriarche méthode.Panayotis A. Yannopoulos - 2007 - Byzantion 77:463-465.
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  34. Dionysius East and West: unities, differentiations and the exegesis of Biblical Theophanies.Bogdan Bucur - 2008 - Dionysius 26:115-138.
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    A Defense of Genesis 3:8 as a Storm Theophany.Christopher Chandler - 2016 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 1 (2).
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    Iconic Presence: A Marion Reading of Contesting Biblical Theophanies.Carey Walsh - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (1):87-98.
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    A New Translation of the Theophania of Eusebius Eusebius, Theophanie: die Griecbischen Bruchstücke und Übersetzung der Syrischen Überlieferungen herausgegeben Dr Hugo von Gressmann. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1904. Pp. xxx + 272. M. 9.50. [REVIEW]F. C. Burkitt - 1905 - The Classical Review 19 (01):62-63.
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    La question de la connaissance et le statut de la créature chez Nicolas de Cues et Leibniz.Maude Corrieras - 2016 - Noesis 26:197-217.
    À partir des deux théophanies de Nicolas de Cues et de Leibniz, qui donnent à l’homme une place privilégiée au sein du monde créé, du fait de son statut de miroir ou image vivante qui reflète ou exprime le monde dans sa totalité, et de conceptions qui pensent la présence de l’infini dans le fini, on s’interroge ici sur la conception de la connaissance comme perspective de la monade chez Leibniz et la connaissance « quo modo capere possunt » des (...)
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    Divine glory in a Darwinian world.Christopher Southgate - 2014 - Zygon 49 (4):784-807.
    Faced with the ambiguities of this world, in which ugliness and suffering co-exist with beauty, the article rejects the attribution of disvalues to a Fall-event. Instead it faces God's involvement even in violence and ugliness. It explores the concept of divine glory, understood principally as a sign of the divine reality. This includes both the great theophanies of the Hebrew Bible and Jesus’ glorification in his Passion and Crucifixion. It then considers the contemplation of the natural world, using the (...)
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    Knowledge and the sacred.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1981 - New York: Crossroad.
    Knowledge and its desacralization --What is tradition? -- The rediscovery of the sacred : the revival of tradition -- Scientia sacra -- Man, pontifical and Promethean -- The cosmos as theophany -- Eternity and the temporal order -- Traditional art as fountain of knowledge and grace -- Principal knowledge and the multiplicity of sacred forms -- Knowledge of the sacred as deliverance.
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    Inhumation as Theophanic Encounter: The Eastern Orthodox Rejection of Cremation.Alexander Earl - 2024 - Christian Bioethics 30 (3):200-212.
    This essay aims to articulate why the Orthodox have historically, and to the present, opposed cremation. Its primary line of argument is that inhumation is a site of “theophanic encounter”: a manifestation of the Glory of God. This theophanic quality is borne out in the scriptures and the Church’s liturgical experience. In particular, the connections between the funeral service and the entombed Christ on Holy Friday and Saturday properly situate the meaning of the post-mortem body. This intimate connection between the (...)
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    The Posthuman Divine: When Robots Can Be Enlightened.Francesca Ferrando - 2019 - Sophia 58 (4):645-651.
    This special issue of ‘Sophia’ aims to reflect upon future evolutions of religions and their related narratives and imaginaries from a critical and generative understanding of our ancient sources. Bodies are locations of creative power and symbolic proliferation. Cyborgian, transhuman, and posthuman embodiments are going to generate visions of the divine in tune with such an epistemic shift, by addressing questions such as: can God be represented as a cyborg? Could robots and avatars be prophets? Is internet a suitable setting (...)
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    Pseudo‐Dionysius.Eric D. Perl - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 540–549.
    This chapter contains sections titled: God beyond being Creation as theophany Goodness, beauty, and love Evil Hierarchy Knowledge Symbolism Christological consummation.
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    Neoplatonismo e Meio Ambiente: A Natureza Como Teofania No Neoplatonismo de Erígena.Pedro Calixto & Marcus Vinicius Carnivali de Araujo - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):157-170.
    The conjecture about the relationship between man and nature goes beyond simple theoretical reflection. On the contrary, it is a theme intrinsically rooted in practice. After all, the world around us is not a mere abstraction, but an imperative reality of our existence. With this in mind, the objective of this text is to seek, based on the medieval neoplatonic philosophy of John Scotus Eriugena, ways to reflect on this relationship that allow us to conjecture about our current condition as (...)
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    Christ Our Light: The Expectation of Seeing God in Calvin’s Theology of the Christian Life.Carsten Card-Hyatt - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (1):25-40.
    The beatific vision plays a prominent role in the history of Christian ethics. Reformed ethics has an ambiguous relationship to this history, on two counts. First, it offers some qualified critiques of the role of vision in ordering ethical understanding, and second, on some accounts, Reformed ethics shares some responsibility for the loss of transcendence in the modern world, and the narrowing of the ethical field that has resulted from this loss. This essay argues that the vision of God in (...)
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    Rumi e o jardim secreto do coração.Mário Guimarães Werneck Filho & Heliane Miscali de Oliveira - 2005 - Horizonte 4 (7):95-109.
    O presente artigo pretende traçar alguns aspectos concernentes à importância do conceito de coração na mística Islâmica (sufismo), tendo como base a obra de Rumi, intitulada Masnavi. O coração, como conceito técnico no sufismo, possui uma gama vasta de significados que compõem como que um mosaico para a apreensão do conhecimento místico. Purificar o coração é torná-lo órgão de recepção dos mistérios do Amado, é purgá-lo de tudo aquilo que obscureça o conhecimento. Palavras-chave: Masnavi; Rumi; Coração; Teofania; Metaconhecimento; Mística islâmica; (...)
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    The Mediterranean Roots of Pilgrimages.Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (2):403-414.
    This paper discusses Croatian maritime pilgrimages by searching for their sources in the prehistoric Mediterranean context. From the first search for the sacred, different and the other, from the prehistoric hierophanies and human being’s attempts to explain the mysterious Cosmos through their endeavour to respond to the unknown and give an order to the Chaos – we encounter a human being who travels searching for answers. The human being, as a part of the community, through cosmogonies, and then theophanies, (...)
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    From the Divine to the Human: Survey of Metaphysics and Epistemology.Frithjof Schuon - 1982
    Schuon starts out from the conviction that Knowledge exists and that is an adequation to the Real, which is inseparable from a sense of the sacred -- the ultimate reason for human existence. With a mathematical clarity and musical profundity, these essays address not only the metaphysical foundations of belief but the miracle of human theophany.
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    The identifications of God in W. Golding’s novels.Yu A. Shanina & A. A. Fedorov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):431.
    The comparative analysis of the W. Golding’s novels demonstrates that the identification of God is the central problem in the works of the famous English writer. Golding did not consider Divinity only in connection with Christian orthodoxy, rational view of the world. In his novels, God gets different embodiments according to the wide cultural tradition. The group of heroes is trying to determine Divinity by force of the religious ritual in such fables as Lord of the Flies, The Inheritors, Rites (...)
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    Crediting God: Sovereignty and Religion in the Age of Global Capitalism.Miguel Vatter (ed.) - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    Tocqueville suggested that "the people reign in the American political world like God over the universe." This intuition anticipates the crisis in the secularization paradigm that has brought theology back as a fundamental part of sociological and political analysis. It has become more difficult to believe that humanity's progress necessarily leads to atheism, or that it is possible to translate all that is good about religion into reasonable terms acceptable in principle by all, believers as well as nonbelievers. And yet, (...)
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