Results for 'Theology Forecasting'

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  1.  8
    Dharma of the twenty-first century: theological-ethical paradigm shift.Somen Das - 1996 - Calcutta: Punthi Pustak.
    The Book In Inter-Disciplinary In Character But Basically He Has Viewed The Concept Of Dharma From A Theological-Ethical Perspective. It Is An Attempt To Do Indian/Asian Theology And Ethics.
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    Signs and Wonders: Theology After Modernity.Ellen T. Armour - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    We are told modernity's end will destabilize familiar ways of knowing, doing, and being, but are these changes we should dread--or celebrate? Four significant events catalyze this question: the consecration of openly gay Episcopalian Bishop Gene Robinson, the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, the politicization of the death of Terri Schiavo, and the disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina. Framed by an original appropriation of Michel Foucault, and drawing on resources in visual culture theory and the history of photography, (...)
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    The Triumph of Theological Economics.Adrian Johnston - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):3-50.
    Both Marx and Freud are children of the Enlightenment in certain manners. As such, they each display a qualified but firm optimism about history inevitably making progress in specific desirable directions. Freud predicts that continuing scientific and technological advances eventually will drive religiosity from human societies once and for all. Marx likewise forecasts the withering away of religions. Moreover, he treats this predicted process as symptomatic of even more fundamental socioeconomic developments, namely, his famous anticipations of subsequent transitions to socialism (...)
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  4. Religion and the Human Future: An Essay on Theological Humanism.David E. Klemm - 2008 - Blackwell. Edited by William Schweiker.
    The shape of theological humanism -- Ideas and challenges -- The humanist imagination -- Thinking of God -- The logic of Christian humanism -- On the integrity of life -- The task of theological humanism -- Our endangered garden -- A school of conscience -- Masks of mind -- Religion and spiritual integrity -- Living theological humanism.
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    Sacred Modes of Being in a Postsecular World.Andrew Hass (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    How do we talk meaningfully about the sacred in contexts where conventional religious expression has so often lost its power? Inspired by the influential work of David Jasper, this important volume builds on his thinking to identify sacrality in a world where the old religious and secular debates have exhausted themselves and theology struggles for a new language in their wake. Distinguished writers explore here the idea of the sacred as one that exists, paradoxically, in a space that is (...)
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    The new world: the future of humanity.Marshall Vian Summers - 2019 - Boulder, CO: New Knowledge Library, the publishing imprint of the Society for the New Message.
    The New World reveals a warning of the great change coming to our world and a prophetic vision of a future world for which we must prepare. It is a warning from God about humanity's rapid depletion and degradation of the Earth and the urgent action we must take, individually and collectively, to both restore our planet and prepare for the future.
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    Teaching Confucianism.Jeffrey L. Richey (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Even the most casual observer of Chinese society is aware of the tremendous significance of Confucianism as a linchpin of both ancient and modern Chinese identity. Furthermore, the Confucian tradition has exercised enormous influence over the values and institutions of the other cultures of East Asia, an influence that continues to be important in the global Asian diaspora. If forecasters are correct in labeling the 21st century 'the Chinese century,' teachers and scholars of religious studies and theology will be (...)
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    The priorities of the Catholic social doctrine in the definitions of the Second Vatican Council.Valentyna Bodak & Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:69-76.
    The Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church has had a fatal significance in its history. In addition to the important documents that were adopted by the Council, and then creatively developed by the theorists and practitioners of the Church, Catholicism was enriched with a new awareness of significant changes in the world. The Church acknowledged that there have been radical transformations in the outlook and behavior of people, in particular Catholics, in their attitude to issues of faith, to God, (...)
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    Hope Seeks Understanding: Spes Quaerens Intellectum.Wacław Hryniewicz - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (1-2):67-76.
    The paper attempts to show that Christian hope is not a product of religious fantasy. It finds today an ally in the dialogue with the natural sciences which started in recent years on the topic of the ultimate destiny of the world. The natural sciences have confirmed that the universe is doomed to physical annihilation. Humanity with its cultural riches, scientists say, is only an episode in universal history and doomed to perish. Hence, if the Earth is nothing more than (...)
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    Hope for Man and the Universe. On Some Forgotten Aspects of Christian Universalism.Władysław Stróżewski - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10-12):9-23.
    The paper attempts to show that Christian hope is not a product of religious fantasy. It finds today an ally in the dialogue with the natural sciences which started in recent years on the topic of the ultimate destiny of the world. The natural sciences have confirmed that the universe is doomed to physical annihilation. Humanity with its cultural riches, scientists say, is only an episode in universal history and doomed to perish. Hence, if the Earth is nothing more than (...)
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    Hope for Man and the Universe. On Some Forgotten Aspects of Christian Universalism.Wacław Hryniewicz - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10):9-23.
    The paper attempts to show that Christian hope is not a product of religious fantasy. It finds today an ally in the dialogue with the natural sciences which started in recent years on the topic of the ultimate destiny of the world. The natural sciences have confirmed that the universe is doomed to physical annihilation. Humanity with its cultural riches, scientists say, is only an episode in universal history and doomed to perish. Hence, if the Earth is nothing more than (...)
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  12. The Kochen - Specker theorem in quantum mechanics: a philosophical comment (part 1).Vasil Penchev - 2013 - Philosophical Alternatives 22 (1):67-77.
    Non-commuting quantities and hidden parameters – Wave-corpuscular dualism and hidden parameters – Local or nonlocal hidden parameters – Phase space in quantum mechanics – Weyl, Wigner, and Moyal – Von Neumann’s theorem about the absence of hidden parameters in quantum mechanics and Hermann – Bell’s objection – Quantum-mechanical and mathematical incommeasurability – Kochen – Specker’s idea about their equivalence – The notion of partial algebra – Embeddability of a qubit into a bit – Quantum computer is not Turing machine – (...)
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    The Department of Religious Studies is the leading institution of Ukraine for research on religious phenomena.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 8:65-70.
    The Department of Religious Studies is formed on an autonomous basis in the structure of the Institute of Philosophy by the decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in June 1991 with the prospect of its transformation into an independent academic institution. The first director of the Department was Dr. Philos. Mr., O.S. Onischenko, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Department includes departments of the philosophy of religion, sociology of religion, (...)
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    “Hume’s Guillotine” in the Interdisciplinary Context.G. G. Malinetsky & A. A. Skurlyagin - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 12:7-25.
    The authors deal with the classic paradox of ethical theories, “Hume’s guillotine,” based on the contradiction in morality between what is and what should be. At the same time, the theological justification of moral principles is beyond this criticism, because the sacred commandments “by definition” combine what is and what should be, overcoming the “secular” gap between being and duty, and thus “the problem of transition from description to evaluation is removed.” Modern ways of removing this contradiction, revealed by Hume, (...)
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    A perspective on natural theology from continental philosophy.Avoidance of Natural Theology - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning, The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up.
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    Postmodernism and natural theology.of Natural Theology - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning, The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up.
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  17. What the Emerging Protestant Theology was about. The Reformation Concept of Theological Studies as Enunciated by Philip Melanchthon in his Prolegomena to All Latin and German Versions of Loci.Seminary Matthew OsekaConcordia Theological & Scholar Hong Kongemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (3).
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  18. the Scientific Revolution in the 17th Century.Theology Scepticism - 1968 - In Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave, Problems in the philosophy of science. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 1--39.
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  19. Explaining design.Natural Theology - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen, Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 144--83.
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  20. Moral Faith, and Religion.".Rational Theology - 1992 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 394--416.
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  21. Myth and Incarnation,'.Negative Theology - 1981 - In Dominic J. O'Meara, Neoplatonism and Christian thought. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press [distributor]. pp. 213.
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    Reditus into self-inflicted immaturity: Agamben’s perversions.Agata Bielik-Robson Theology - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (3):234-250.
    In my essay, I offer an interpretation of Giorgio Agamben’s political thought as a case of philosophical perversion. According to Lacan, perverse practice is based on a structural non-personal enjoyment, in which a pervert assumes the role of an executioner, meticulously executing his task. My analysis will focus on Agamben’s perverse use of the messianic discourse, the aim of which is to explode it from within: while applying all elements of the messianic idiom, Agamben assumes a mission the goal of (...)
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  23. Formal Theology.Johan Gamper - manuscript
    Ontology and theology cannot be combined if ontology excludes non physical causes. This paper examines some possibilities for ontology to be combined with theology in so far as non physical causes are permitted. The paper builds on metaphysical findings that shows that separate ontological domains can interact causally indirectly via interfaces. As interfaces are not universes a first universe is allowed to be caused by an interface without violating the principle of causal closure of any universe. Formal (...) can therefore be based on the assumption that the (first) universe is caused by God if God is defined as the first cause. Given this, formal theology and science can have the same ontological base. (shrink)
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  24. A Theology of Grace in Six Controversies.[author unknown] - 2016
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  25. Ahistoricity in Analytic Theology.Beau Branson - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (1):195-224.
    Analytic theology has sometimes been criticized as ahistorical. But what this means, and why it is problematic, have often been left unclear. This essay explicates and supports one way of making that charge while simultaneously showing this ahistoricity, although widespread within analytic theology, is not essential to it. Specifically, some analytic theologians treat problematic doctrines as metaphysical puzzles, constructing speculative accounts of phenomena such as the Trinity or Incarnation and taking the theoretical virtues of such accounts to be (...)
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  26.  9
    Beyond Liberation Theology?Edward A. Lynch - 1994 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 6 (1-2):147-164.
    Liberation theology is in retreat. Once orthodox Catholics, starting with Pope John Paul II, recognized liberation theology's cultural challenge, they effectively countered it. They insisted on a traditional Catholic hierarchy of values. They undercut liberation theology's appeal by taking back key words and precepts that liberationists tried to appropriate. The Magisterium's sensus fidei included practical steps to demonstrate the weakness of liberation theology's hold, especially on poor people. Orthodox Catholics thus used the theological and practical weapons (...)
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  27. African theology and African Christology: Difficulty and complexity in contemporary definitions and methodological frameworks.Christopher Magezi & Jacob T. Igba - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-7.
    There is an ongoing challenge in defining African theology because of two important reasons: the quest for a definitive African theology is a fairly recent pursuit and the vastness and diversity of the African continent. Given this, this article presents the complexity of defining African theology and its methodological approaches through a background sketch of the development of African theology. Regardless of many definitions of African theology and its purposes, the article acknowledges African Christian (...) as theology that should be derived from the interplay between Scripture, Christian tradition and African cosmology. In deriving theology from the aforementioned aspects, African theology should also seek to develop contextual African theologies with global relevance. In this way, African theology can claim its space in the universal church. Although we are conscious of the values and challenges associated with the task of doing African theology, we argue for its necessity. We further argue that if the centrality of Scripture is maintained in the African theological endeavour, it will cause African theologies to have some shared reference point with other Christian theologies and hence engaging globally, while contributing unique African perspectives to global theological discourse. (shrink)
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  28. Creation Theology.Brian Griffiths - 2014 - In Samuel Gregg, Theologian & philosopher of liberty: essays of evaluation & criticism in hornor of Michael Novak. Grand Rapids, Michigan: ActonInstitute.
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  29. Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy.James E. Montgomery & Richard M. Frank - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):765-765.
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  30. From Theology to Therapy: A Genealogical Account.Frank Schalow - 2017 - In Toward a Phenomenology of Addiction: Embodiment, Technology, Transcendence. Springer Verlag.
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  31. Theology and the Secular.David Newheiser - 2016 - Political Theology 17:378-89.
    Sarah Coakley’s God, Sexuality, and the Self constitutes a major intervention in the debate over the role of religion in the modern world. Coakley criticizes Christians who reject modernity altogether, arguing that Christian thought should remain in conversation with secular sources. At the same time, she claims that only theology can solve difficulties of widespread concern - for instance, concerning gender and sexuality. Where this suggests that theology is still superior, I argue that the strict distinction Coakley draws (...)
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  32. Theology as a Way of Life: On Teaching and Learning the Christian Faith.[author unknown] - 2019
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  33. Theology and practical ethics.Sol Tanenzapf - 1990 - In Don MacNiven, Moral expertise: studies in practical and professional ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 47.
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  34. Feminist Theology as a Means of Combating Injustice toward Women in Muslim Communities and Culture.Riffat Hassan - 1997 - In William Cenkner, Evil and the response of world religion. St. Paul, Minn: Paragon House. pp. 80--95.
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    On theology as the understanding of faith.Leroy T. Howe - 1977 - Sophia 16 (1):7-15.
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    A Theology of the Living Church.D. Cairns - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (30):89.
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  37. The Theology of John Wesley, with Special Reference to the Doctrine of Justification.William Ragsdale Cannon - 1946
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  38. Imagining Theology: Encounters with God in Scripture, Interpretation, and Aesthetics.[author unknown] - 2020
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  39. Theology of Evangelism.T. A. Kantonen - 1954
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    Theology and Economics.L. J. Lebret - 1955 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 30 (4):537-554.
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    "Crisis Theology" and Its Dialectical Problems.L. P. Voronkova - 1980 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 19 (2):27-43.
    There is no paradox in the well-known historical fact that the bourgeoisie, in the period when the capitalist mode of production was coming into being, declaimed against the idea of instituting the kingdom of reason on earth, and converted from Catholicism to the Protestant religion. For Catholicism had asserted that the world was rationally organized in accordance with higher divine intent and that religious belief was in harmony with human reason, although superior thereto inasmuch as the source of faith was (...)
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    The theology of Heidegger. Henri Crétella.P. J. Walsh - 1994 - Man and World 27 (1):71.
  43. Theology and Modern Science: Quest for Coherence.James A. Wiseman - 2002
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    The theology and ethics of the Hebrews.Archibald Duff - 1902 - New York,: C. Scribner's sons.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Practical Theology and providing service: The service through love of the Mamas Africa in the South African society.Amanda L. Du Plessis - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (2):01-07.
    A fundamental principle of the Christian faith is that man is saved by the grace and by faith in the Triune God, not by deeds. Yet, James emphasises the importance of works after the Christian has been saved. Jesus said during his ministry on earth that he did not come to be served, but to serve. Faith is therefore seen in deeds, specifically deeds of love, that is, deeds that indicate that the Christian is not leading an egocentric life anymore, (...)
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    A theology of the meaning of life.J. Edward Barrett - 1968 - Zygon 3 (2):169-182.
  47. (1 other version)The Theology of the Book of Ruth.Ronald M. Hals - 1969
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  48. Empirical theology.Paul F. Schmidt - 1963 - Hibbert Journal 61 (41):66.
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  49. Ethnographic Theology: An Inquiry into the Production of Theological Knowledge.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Theology in the age of scientific reasoning.Donald J. Dietrich - 1996 - History of European Ideas 22 (1):58-59.
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