Results for 'Theological anthropology History of doctrines'

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  1.  7
    The Anthropological Character of Theology: Conditioning Theological Understanding by David A. Pailin.Ralph Del Colle - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):694-698.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:694 BOOK REVIEWS Exercises in the Work of HUvB," Antonio Sicari writes on "Theology and Holiness," and Georges Chantraine writes on the relationship of "Exegesis and Contemplation." Missing from Henrici's account of Balthasar's philosophical presup· positions, as well as from the other contributions, are further sugges· tions for exploring possible relationships with some of the current con· cerns in North America like the hermeneutical debates or those surrounding other (...)
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    Memory in Augustine's theological anthropology.Paige E. Hochschild - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Memory is the least studied dimension of Augustine's psychological trinity of memory-intellect-will. This book explores the theme of 'memory' in Augustine's works, tracing its philosophical and theological significance. The first part explores the philosophical history of memory in Plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus. The second part shows how Augustine inherits this theme and treats it in his early writings. The third and final part seeks to show how Augustine's theological understanding of Christ draws on and resolves tensions in (...)
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    Echoes of Aquinas in Cusanus's Vision of Man.Markus Lorenz Führer - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book examines the influence of Saint Thomas Aquinas upon Nicholas of Cusa’s doctrine of human nature. It explores this influence against the background of other authors associated with Cusanus’ own generation of philosophers in order to demonstrate the uniqueness of Cusanus’ use of Aquinas.
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    Explorations in Augustine's anthropology.Fabio Dalpra & Anders-Christian Jacobsen (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    What is a human being according to Augustine of Hippo? The question has occupied a group of researchers from Brazil and Europe and has been explored at two workshops during which the contributors to this volume have discussed anthropological themes in Augustine's vast corpus. In this volume, the reader will find articles on a wide spectrum of Augustine's anthropological ideas. Some contributions focus on specific texts, while others focus on specific theological or philosophical aspects of Augustine's anthropology. The (...)
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    Kierkegaard og menneskelighed.Birgit Bertung - 2002 - København: C.A. Reitzels forlag.
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    L'uomo nel pensiero di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio.I. G. Zavattero (ed.) - 2019 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Gott - Mensch - Natur: der Personenbegriff in der philosophischen Anthropologie Heinrichs von Gent.Julian Joachim - 2020 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist der anthropologische Personenbegriff Heinrichs von Gent (vor 1240-1293). Die zentrale These lautet, Heinrich entwickele zwar keine geschlossene Theorie der menschlichen Person, verbinde aber ganz verschiedene philosophische Kontroversen seiner Zeit inhaltlich durch eine bestimmte Perspektive auf den Menschen in seinem Verhältnis zu Gott auf der einen Seite und der Natur auf der anderen Seite miteinander. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich der Autor Heinrichs Beitrag zu den Fragen nach dem Prinzip der Individuation, der Ewigkeit der Welt sowie dem (...)
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    Modern philosophies of human nature: their emergence from Christian thought.Peter Langford - 1986 - Hingham MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic.
    Chapter 1 : Introduction General Argument My aim is to survey some of the most influential philosophical writers on human nature from the time that ...
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    Christian Theology and Racist Ideology: A Case Study of Nazi Theology and Apartheid Theology.Nico Vorster - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):144-161.
    This article focuses on the role that distorted Christian theology played in the construction of the racial ideologies of Nazism and Apartheid. The central theoretical argument is that these theologies were instrumental in sacralising the history of a specific group by creating origin myths, by idolising the ingroup, defining the outgroup, by providing racist ideologies with rituals and symbols and by creating final utopian solutions. The theological doctrines that were used are characterised by certain common features, such (...)
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  10. Milost za choveka: novata antropodit︠s︡ei︠a︡ na papa Ĭoan Pavel II.Ivan Petrov Kalchev - 2002 - Sofii︠a︡: Filvest.
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    Robert Boyle and the limits of reason.Jan W. Wojcik - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this study of Robert Boyle's epistemology, Jan W. Wojcik reveals the theological context within which Boyle developed his views on reason's limits. After arguing that a correct interpretation of his views on 'things above reason' depends upon reading his works in the context of theological controversies in seventeenth-century England, Professor Wojcik details exactly how Boyle's three specific categories of things which transcend reason - the incomprehensible, the inexplicable, and the unsociable - affected his conception of what a (...)
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    Ontological aspects of early Jewish anthropology: the malleable self and the presence of God.Tyson L. Putthoff - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    In Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology, Tyson L. Putthoff combines contemporary theory and sound exegesis to understand early Jewish beliefs about how the human self reacts ontologically in God s presence.".
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    God and man in the thought of Hamann.Walter Leibrecht - 1966 - Philadelphia,: Fortress Press.
  14.  37
    Humanity and divinity in Renaissance and Reformation: essays in honor of Charles Trinkaus.Charles Edward Trinkaus, John William O'Malley, Thomas M. Izbicki & Gerald Christianson (eds.) - 1993 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    The volume contains studies by eleven distinguished scholars, concerning changes in ethical and religious consciousness during this important era of Western ...
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    Der Mensch als Mittelpunkt der Welt: zu den geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen des anthropozentrischen Denkens.Dieter Lau - 2000 - Aachen: Shaker.
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    Die Seele im Islam: zwischen Theologie und Philosophie.Magdy Elleisy - 2013 - Hamburg: Disserta.
    Abdallah Ibn Mas?ud, ein Gef„hrte des Propheten Mu?ammad (s.a.s.), berichtete: W„hrend ich mit dem Propheten in einem Palmenhain war, und er sich auf einen blattlosen Palmenzweig st_tzte, kamen einige Juden vorbei.
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  17. Humanitas christiana.Josef Sellmair - 1950 - München,: F. Ehrenwirth.
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    Imago foedata--imago purgata: die Erlösung durch Jesus Christus als Wiederherstellung des Bildes Gottes im Menschen in der Sicht des Nikolaus von Kues.Albert Dahm - 2002 - Trier: Paulinus-Verlag.
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    Who are we?: theories of human nature.Louis P. Pojman - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is our nature? What is this enigma that we call human? Who are we? Since the dawn of human history, people have exhibited wildly contradictory qualities: good and evil, love and hate, strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, aggressiveness and pacifism, generosity and greed, courage and cowardice. Experiencing a sense of eternity in our hearts--but at the same time confined to temporal and spatial constraints--we seek to understand ourselves, both individually and as a species. In Who Are We? (...)
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    Aequalitas: erkenntnistheoretische und soziale Implikationen eines christologischen Begriffs bei Nikolaus von Kues: eine Studie zu seiner Schrift De aequalitate.Harald Schwaetzer - 2000 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Sven Lidman om människan och Gud: en innehållsanalytisk undersökning.Hans Sundberg - 1986 - Stockholm, Sweden: Distributed by, Almqvist & Wiksell International.
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    The Doctrine of God after Vatican II.William J. Hill - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):395-418.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DOCTRINE OF GOD AFTER VATICAN II INTRODUCTION IT HAS BECOME commonplace to observe that the doctrine of God is in crisis, an acknowledgement that is softened somewhat in discerning that this is less a crisis of faith itself than of the cultural mediation of faith. For some this is theological disaster, marking the loss of the traditional concept of God to the forces of atheism and secularism. (...)
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    The origins of Christian philosophy.Claude Tresmontant - 1963 - New York,: Hawthorn Books.
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    Dios clemente y misericordioso: enfoques antropológicos: homenaje a Barbara Andrade.Barbara Andrade & Javier Quezada del Río (eds.) - 2012 - México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    A history of Catholic moral theology in the twentieth century: from confessing sins to liberating consciences.James F. Keenan - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Background -- The moral manualists -- Initiating reform : Odon Lottin -- Retrieving Scripture and charity : Fritz Tillman and Gérard Gilleman -- Synthesis : Bernard Häring -- The neo-manualists -- New foundations for moral reasoning, 1970-89 -- New foundations for a theological anthropology, 1980-2000 -- Toward a global discourse on suffering and solidarity -- Afterword: The encyclicals of Pope Benedict XVI.
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    God of Abraham.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1996 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
    This cogently argued and richly illustrated book rejects the dichotomy between the God of Abraham and the God of the philosophers to argue that the two are one. In God of Abraham, one of our leading philosophers of religion shows how human values can illuminate our idea of God and how the monotheistic idea of God in turn illuminates our moral, social, cultural, aesthetic, and even ritual understanding. Throughout Goodman draws on a wealth of traditional, philosophical, historical, and anthropological materials, (...)
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    Metafísica de Dios y del hombre en las Sumas de Santo Tomás.Homero Julio - 1990 - Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    Die Relationsontologie bei Meister Eckhart.Hiroki Matsuzawa - 2018 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Was ist das Sein? Meister Eckhart versteht das Sein nicht als etwas, was man an sich selber haben kann, sondern etwas, was man allein durch die Selbstvernichtung in einem anderen geben oder empfangen kann. Dies stellt das Seinsverständnis der Relationsontologie dar. Der Entwurf der neuen Ontologie bei Eckhart lässt sich als einen grossen Wendepunkt in der Geschichte der Philosophie verstehen. Denn die zwei grössten Philosophen im Mittelalter, Augustinus und Thomas von Aquin, nahmen hingegen immer noch die Substanzontologie auf, die sich (...)
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  29. Sobre la personalidad divina: persona y esencia en E. Brunner.García Lescún & Eliseo[From Old Catalog] - 1973 - Burgos : Facultad de Teología del Norte de España,:
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    Mensch und freier Wille.Gerhard Maier - 1971 - Tübingen,: Mohr .
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    Het Gods- en mensbegrip in de theologie van Wolfhart Pannenberg: een schets van de ontwikkeling van zijn theologie vanaf 1953 tot 1979.M. E. Brinkman - 1979 - Kampen: Kok.
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    Waste not: a Jewish environmental ethic.Tanhum S. Yoreh - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York Press.
    Classical rabbinic texts -- Bible and biblical commentaries -- Codes and their cognates -- Responsa.
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    (1 other version)La métaphysique du christianisme et la naissance de la philosophie chrétienne.Claude Tresmontant - 1961 - Paris,: Éditions du Seuil.
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    Self, Christ and God in Schleiermacher’s Dogmatics: A Theology Reconceived for Modernity.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    Since its first appearance in 1821/22, The Christian Faith has had a fractious history of reception. It implements decisive departures for theology, founding the possibility to speak about God on human freedom. It recognises the role of historical consciousness, and the need to relate to advances in the natural sciences. The study investigates the early critiques of Schleiermacher’s analysis of the feeling of utter dependence, of his conception of Christ as the archetype of the God-consciousness, and of his doctrine (...)
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  35. The wars of truth.Herschel Baker - 1952 - Gloucester, Mass.,: P. Smith.
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    Tadataka Maruyama, Calvin’s Ecclesiology: A Study in the History of Doctrine.Arnold Huijgen - 2023 - Philosophia Reformata 88 (1):64-68.
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    Freedom in Community: The Importance of Anthropology in Maintaining and Developing our Narratives of Common Life.Nicola Hoggard Creegan - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (4):879-893.
    In this article I am assuming that freedom and flourishing are linked concepts. Freedom of will, liberty and freedom are all slightly different, but freedom is a deep-seated human value, as is equality. Here I hope to examine the communal aspects of freedom and flourishing in light of our deep history. I argue that what individuals need in order to flourish is to be a part of a community which recognises and supports equality and freedom. And I argue further (...)
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  38. God and Greek philosophy: studies in the early history of natural theology.Lloyd P. Gerson - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    THE PRE-SOCRATIC ORIGINS OF NATURAL THEOLOGY § INTRODUCTION St Augustine informs us that pagan philosophers divided theology into three parts: () civic ...
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  39.  10
    Bonaventure, the Body, and the Aesthetics of Salvation.Rachel Davies - 2019 - New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this work of historical theology, Rachel Davies considers the relationship between aesthetics and anthropology in Bonaventure's thought, and shows how bodily diminishment can become a sign and source of the self's renewal. Drawing from texts like the Collations on the Six Days, and the Major Life of Francis, Davies reconfigures traditional accounts of the fallen body's rebellion against the soul and emphasizes instead the soul's original abandonment of the body. Her interpretation draws attention to the crucial but undervalued (...)
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    Theology and the Cartesian doctrine of freedom.Etienne Gilson - 2015 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Theology and the Cartesian Doctrine of Freedom, now for the first time available in English,was Étienne Gilson's doctoral thesis and part of a larger project to show the medieval roots of Descartes at a time when the very existence of medieval philosophy was often ignored. Young Descartes was sent to La Flèche, one of the Jesuits schools that offered a complete philosophical program, and Descartes would have had the same philosophical training as a Jesuit. There is some controversy about the (...)
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    Theology and history in the methodology of Herman Bavinck: revelation, confession, and Christian consciousness.Cameron Clausing - 2024 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the theological methodology of Dutch theologian, Herman Bavinck (1854-1921). The focus of the book is on the influence of the German historicist movement on his theological method and uses Bavinck's doctrine of the Trinity as a way to test the argument that while not embracing all of the relativising implications of the movement, the role of history as a force that both shapes the present and allows for development into the future has a demonstrable (...)
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    The status of the spirit in al-mustamlī al-buḫārī’s šarḥ al-ta‘arruf: Case study of the interrelationships of ḥanafite sufism, sunnī kalām and avicennism in the fifth / eleventh century transoxiana.Salimeh Maghsoudlou - 2018 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 28 (2):225-255.
    The first part of this article presents al-Mustamlī al-Buḫārī and his work, a voluminous commentary on al-Kalābāḏī’s compendium of Sufi doctrines, al-Ta‘rruf limaḏhab al-taṣawwuf. Both al-Kalābāḏī and al-Mustamlī had strong tendencies to the discussions of kalām, and of the two al-Mustamlī wrote extensively on theological issues in his commentary, Šarḥ al-Ta‘arruf. In light of the presence of topics of kalām in al-Mustamlī’s book, this article will demonstrate that despite his geographical proximity to Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī’s theological school, (...)
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    Divine Simplicity and Creation of Man.Miguel Brugarolas - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (1):29-51.
    The immense distance between God and creatures is a core statement of Gregory of Nyssa’s thought, which makes it distinctive not only in theology, but also in cosmology, anthropology, and spiritual doctrine. For him, the main distinction between beings that articulates all reality is not that of intelligible and sensible, but the one between infinite God and creatures. This paper, dealing with some selected texts regarding the creation of man, points out the main roots of Gregory’s theism: a high (...)
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    Transhumanism and Theological Anthropology: A Theological Examination of Transhumanism.Daekyung Jung - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (2):172-194.
    SummaryHumans are now entering a post-human era. Through technological advancements and their applications for humans themselves, humans as homo sapiens might change into a different species. Depending on individual decisions about whether to embrace certain technologies, the co-existence of humans and post-humans is also possible. Christians and theologians must ponder this trajectory for the technology will affect all domains, including religions, in society at large. In this regard, this article introduces and examines transhumanism. Transhumanism is a movement based on the (...)
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    Joanna Leidenhag. Minding Creation: Theological Panpsychism and the Doctrine of Creation.Mariusz Tabaczek - 2023 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 10 (1):139.
    The shape of the Christian doctrine of creation throughout the history of theology has usually been an outcome of the encounter between the revealed Truth and particular philosophical systems. Following this pattern, Joanna Leidenhag strives to convince the reader to join her in embracing the recent resurgence of philosophical panpsychism as a framework that “might benefit the doctrine of creation” ...
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    Dieu, l'homme et la croix: Stanislas Breton et Eberhard Jüngel.Claude Royon - 1998 - Paris: Cerf.
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    Judaic man: toward a reconstruction of Western civilization.Paul Eidelberg - 1996 - Middletown, NJ: Caslon Co..
    With crime, drug addiction, nihilism, and pornography chipping away at the moral fiber of Western society, many people have turned to classical Greek philosophy and Christianity to restore both private and publilc morality. In Judaic Man, Professor Eidelberg argues tht the Greco-Christian tradition contains certain dichotomies that have resulted in the contemporary malaise, dichotomies that are foreign to Judaism. The author employs a Torah understanding of human nature and history to provide a model of man and community thta transcends (...)
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    Theology in search of foundations.Randal Rauser - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the history of Western thought, Christian theology was once considered to be 'the Queen of Sciences'. Today it has been marginalised by a prevailing scepticism. Randal Rauser confronts the problem of developing a public voice for the theologian as engaged in true theological science while not compromising the commitment to the Christian community of faith. This book posits a viable account of theological rationality, justification, and knowledge that avoids the twin pitfalls of modern rationalism and postmodern (...)
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    Anthropologization of Descartes’ basic project in contemporary history of philosophy.Anatolii Malivskyi - 2013 - Sententiae 28 (1):51-62.
    The author of the paper believes that the unfinished character of Descartes’ philosophical doctrine makes possible underestimation and distorted reception of the basic intention of his meditation concentrated on the problem of human being. This results in spreading the position of technomorphism regarding the doctrine in general and, particularly, the reduction of Des-cartes’ anthropological project to physiology and medicine. Today’s research literature de-monstrates significant shifts in the methodology of the history of philosophy. This makes possible deeper understanding of Descartes’ (...)
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  50.  28
    Relationality in Theology: A Study in the Context of Jürgen Moltmann’s Theological Anthropology.Sevcan ÖZTÜRK - 2023 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (1):701-729.
    This study deals with the concept of relationality, which has become one of the central themes of contemporary theological literature. The value of the concept in terms of philosophy of religion and related disciplines such as ecotheology and comparative theology is questioned within the framework of Jürgen Moltmann’s ecotheological anthropology. This study claims that the applications of relationality in theology have the potential to make significant contributions to the enrichment and deepening of the perspectives of the philosophy of (...)
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