Results for 'Taijitu '

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  1.  33
    Reading Taijitu Shuo Synchronously: The Human Sense of Wuji er Taiji.Galia Patt-Shamir - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (3):427-442.
    This article suggests that reading Zhou Dunyi’s 周敦頤 Explanation to the Diagram of Supreme Polarity synchronously instead of diachronically yields a new understanding on the relatedness between infinitude and finitude, or on the One and many. Zhou’s attitude is introduced as a living riddle, in which “Non-Polar and Supreme Polarity” is understood as a new conceptual construct, and one which is issued as a call for action at the end of the text: it is a call to investigate the beginnings (...)
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    Influence of Interaction: A Study of Zhu Xi’s Reading of the Taijitu Shuo and the Tongshu.Lizhu Li - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (4):369-377.
    Zhu Xi, as a great leader of Neo-Confucianism, established the succession of the Way and raised Zhou Dunyi to the position of successor of Mencius. Zhu Xi drew attention to Zhou’s thought and wrote a commentary on his Taijitu Shuo 太極圖說 and Tongshu 通書. During the process of annotating these two works, Zhu discussed the texts with scholars such as Li Tong, Lü Zuqian, Zhang Shi, and Lu Jiuyuan to improve his annotation. The suggestions from other scholars affected Zhu’s (...)
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  3. Zhou Dunyi's Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate Explained (Taijitu shuo) : A Construction of the Confucian Metaphysics.Robin Wang - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):307-323.
  4.  18
    Differentiated non-differentiation: A diagrammatical approach to the trialectics of difference – from mono-dialectics to mono-trialectics.Thierry Mortier - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):113-131.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  5. Zhu Xi and Daoism.James Sellmann - 2019 - In Kai-Chiu Ng & Yong Huang (eds.), Dao Companion to Zhu Xi.
    This chapter argues that ZHU Xi was influenced by Daoism. His philosophy begins with the Diagram of the Great Polarity or Taijitu 太極圖 which has Daoist origins. Later in life he studied two Daoist texts, namely, The Seal of the Unity of the Three in the Zhou Book of Changes or the Zhouyi Cantongqi 周易參同契, and The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of the Secret Talisman or the Huangdi Yinfujing 黃帝陰符經. The chapter begins with a discussion about the nature of Daoism (...)
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    T’oegye and the Nonverbal Tradition of Neo-Confucianism.Maja Milcinski - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:53-61.
    The Buddhist and Daoist influences on the origins of the Taijitu and their influences on T’oegye’s philosophy are discussed. The notion of ji (tranquillity) is taken as an example on which the Neo-Confucianism debate and the limits of verbal representations are shown. T'oegye adherence to Zhu Xi in relying to the doctrine of mindfulness is taken into consideration as one of the central ones in the Ten diagrams, in contrast to Zhou Dunyi's emphasis on tranquillity. He followed the Zhu (...)
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    A Study about Establishment of Gānzhī (干支) in the Theorization of Zǐpíng (子平) Mìnglǐxué (命理學). 신정원 - 2023 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 168:85-105.
    命理學이란 중국 고대로부터 시원하여 음양오행에서 발현된 천간과 지지로 사람의 命式을 세우고 다양한 논법으로 길흉을 해석하는 학문이다. 논법의 이론화는 命에 대한 체계적 연구가 시작된 漢대에 첫 번째 분기점을 맞이하였고, 宋대 초기에 그 논리가 정교해지고 법칙이 규격화되었다. 음양오행, 천간 지지, 운명과 길흉 등에 관한 학술적 의미는 꾸준히 연구되어 왔지만 명리학이라는 명칭을 덧씌우면서 학술의 전당에서 제대로 안착하지 못하는 현실도 경험하였다.BR 子平명리학은 송대 이후 전개된 명리학의 今法이론을 칭한다. 이 논문은 명리학의 금법이 정립된 과정에 관심을 가지고, 「계사전」의 ‘易有太極’에서 시원하여 『太極圖說』과 『易學啓蒙』에 이어진 태극・양의・사상・팔괘의 생성 사유가 (...)
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