Results for 'Syncope'

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  1.  16
    Syncopation as Probabilistic Expectation: Conceptual, Computational, and Experimental Evidence.Noah R. Fram & Jonathan Berger - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13390.
    Definitions of syncopation share two characteristics: the presence of a meter or analogous hierarchical rhythmic structure and a displacement or contradiction of that structure. These attributes are translated in terms of a Bayesian theory of syncopation, where the syncopation of a rhythm is inferred based on a hierarchical structure that is, in turn, learned from the ongoing musical stimulus. Several experiments tested its simplest possible implementation, with equally weighted priors associated with different meters and independence of auditory events, which can (...)
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    Syncope: The Philosophy of Rapture.Catherine Clément - 1994 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    A comparison of Western and Indian philosophies using syncope, to describe the escape from self and the rapture of uncertainty in human endeavour.
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    Le Discours de la syncope: Logodaedalus.Jean-Luc Nancy - 1976 - Aubier-Flammarion.
    Le discours philosophique s’articule sur une syncope ou par une syncope. Il est « tenu » par un indécidable moment de syncope. Ce moment, ce mode de production, ce régime d’inscription sont ceux de Kant ; ce qui veut dire : sont ceux de « Kant » aujourd’hui encore. La fonction kantienne dans la philosophie est celle qui en exhibe la syncope, malgré tout, malgré toute la volonté du discours. Il n’y a aucun intérêt à faire (...)
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    Syncopation creates the sensation of groove in synthesized music examples.George Sioros, Marius Miron, Matthew Davies, Fabien Gouyon & Guy Madison - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Linguistic syncopation: Meter-syntax alignment affects sentence comprehension and sensorimotor synchronization.Courtney B. Hilton & Micah B. Goldwater - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104880.
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  6. The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus.Saul Anton (ed.) - 2007 - Stanford University Press.
    Why is it that the modern conception of literature begins with one of the worst writers of the philosophical tradition? Such is the paradoxical question that lies at the heart of Jean-Luc Nancy's highly original and now-classic study of the role of language in the critical philosophy of Kant. While Kant did not turn his attention very often to the philosophy of language, Nancy demonstrates to what extent he was anything but oblivious to it. He shows, in fact, that the (...)
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    The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2008 - Stanford.
    Why is it that the modern conception of literature begins with one of the worst writers of the philosophical tradition? Such is the paradoxical question that lies at the heart of Jean-Luc Nancy’s highly original and now-classic study of the role of language in the critical philosophy of Kant. While Kant did not turn his attention very often to the philosophy of language, Nancy demonstrates to what extent he was anything but oblivious to it. He shows, in fact, that the (...)
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    Syncope in Greek and Indo-European and the Nature of Indo-European Accent. [REVIEW]J. Gonda - 1967 - Mnemosyne 20 (4):449-453.
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    Natal Finitude: Syncopated Temporality and the Endurance of the New.Peg Birmingham - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (1):141-148.
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    Philosophy in a ‘Syncopated Cadence’: Living race, living philosophy.Linda Furgerson Selzer - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (1):22-25.
  11.  10
    Les trois phases successives du retour a la conscience apres une syncope.A. Herzen - 1886 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 21:671 - 672.
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  12. When time begins to riot : rhythm and syncopation in the work of Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion.Jonas Rutgeerts - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici (eds.), Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    Accent and Syncope Oswald Szemerényi: Syncope in Greek and Indo-European and the Nature of Indo-European Accent. (Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Quaderni della Sezione Linguistica, iii.) Pp. xviii+430. Naples: Istituto Orientale, 1964. Paper, L. 7,500. [REVIEW]D. M. Jones - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (02):169-171.
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    Review of Stefanie Heine: Poetics of Breathing: Modern Literature’s Syncope[REVIEW]Cory Stockwell - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):198-199.
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    Jean-Luc Nancy, The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus. [REVIEW]Katie Terezakis - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (10).
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  16. Dance, Music, Meter and Groove: A Forgotten Partnership.W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:150796.
    I argue that core aspects of musical rhythm, especially "groove" and syncopation, can only be fully understood in the context of their origins in the participatory social experience of dance. Musical meter is first considered in the context of bodily movement. I then offer an interpretation of the pervasive but somewhat puzzling phenomenon of syncopation in terms of acoustic emphasis on certain offbeat components of the accompanying dance style. The reasons for the historical tendency of many musical styles to divorce (...)
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  17. (1 other version)The Architecture of Lincoln Cathedral and the Cosmologies of Bishop Grosseteste.John Hendrix - 2014 - In Nicholas Temple, John Hendrix & Christia Frost (eds.), Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: tracing relationships between medieval concepts of order and built form. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    The geometrical elements in the architecture of Lincoln Cathedral, in the vaulting and elevations, can be compared to the geometries described by Robert Grosseteste in his cosmologies. The architecture can be read as a catechism of the cosmologies. The geometries appear in the cathedral for the first time in the history of architecture to explain the generation, emanation, reflection, refraction and rarefaction of light as it forms the material world. The proposition is that the geometries of the architecture of Lincoln (...)
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    The Time of his Life.Michael Holland - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (3):46-66.
    Throughout his life, contemporaries of Blanchot either sought to relegate his writing to the past, or else espoused it uncritically in a gesture akin to what Jean-Luc Nancy once called syncope. Blanchot thus divided his epoch in a way that was less a polarization than a struggle for the present in which thought takes place. Consequently, readers today in search of what makes Blanchot continue to be a contemporary find that the time of his writing is shrouded in a (...)
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  19.  15
    Interpreting Rhythm as Parsing: Syntactic‐Processing Operations Predict the Migration of Visual Flashes as Perceived During Listening to Musical Rhythms.Gabriele Cecchetti, Cédric A. Tomasini, Steffen A. Herff & Martin A. Rohrmeier - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13389.
    Music can be interpreted by attributing syntactic relationships to sequential musical events, and, computationally, such musical interpretation represents an analogous combinatorial task to syntactic processing in language. While this perspective has been primarily addressed in the domain of harmony, we focus here on rhythm in the Western tonal idiom, and we propose for the first time a framework for modeling the moment‐by‐moment execution of processing operations involved in the interpretation of music. Our approach is based on (1) a music‐theoretically motivated (...)
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  20.  13
    Dehors-dedans. Structure d’un débat sur l’'me dans le Phèdre.Anca Vasiliu - 2023 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 147 (4):115-143.
    Un renversement topique et plusieurs retournements et contrepoints mythologiques définissent la structure du Phèdre. Régenté par Socrate, ce rythme syncopé de secousse et d’apaisement, propre à une initiation, traverse tout le dialogue. En cartographiant les redressements mythologiques et rhétoriques, les rétractations signifiées par le mouvement palinodique, les retournements de fond (vie/mort, virginité/fécondité) et les traversées de limites indiquées par des détails topographiques et des rituels, on arrive à saisir le tableau dynamique de l’âme que Platon ne définit pas mais met (...)
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  21.  33
    Propertius on the Banks of the Eurotas.Barbara Weiden Boyd - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):527-.
    Further proof of Professor Kenney's assertion that in the case of prodelided est the syncopated form was written by Ovid as well as spoken is provided by Metamorphoses 15.426ff.
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    Compearance.Daniela Calabrò - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (1):61-82.
    The analyses at the core of this essay focus attention on the concepts of “Compearance” and “Exposition” in Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophical reflection. Starting from the analyses carried out by Sartre, Lévinas and Derrida, this paper aims to define and highlight one of the fundamental concepts in Nancy’s philosophical work, which is touching. A “corpus of touch” that is a syncopated corpus, interrupted and mixed with other bodies; here the whole sense of compearance and exposition is at stake.
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    Imagining Human Reproduction. Introduction: Imagining Human Reproduction.Simona Corso, Florian Mussgnug & Virginia Sanchini - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 19 (19):12.
    Questions about human reproduction and parental responsibility run through our lives. They shape our experience as natal and mortal beings and orient our thinking about generation: the process by which we come to be; the activity in which we engage or choose not to engage as procreative beings; our syncopated sense of time; our responsibility for the continuity of human life on a finite and vulnerable planet. Like all living species, humans tend to reproduce. For this reason, assumptions abou...
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  24. (1 other version)Letter from the Editors.The Editors - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):1.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 1. A year has passed and continent. has sedimented an annual strata into the geological record of the Internet. During the winter months we gratefully received donations from our readership and we've applied these funds to offset some of the costs of maintaining our tidy corner of the Web. Specifically, we've used these funds to renew our accounts at Flickr, Soundcloud, and Vimeo. We also bought a snippet of code. We continue to accept donations at our WePay (...)
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    Prodelided est: a note on orthography.E. J. Kenney - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (2):542-542.
    Of recent editors only Ehwald, I think, prints formosast rather than formosa est. This orthography is supported by that of the capital MSS of Virgil ; the inscriptions offer no consistent guidance. Here, however, the intentions of the writer himself are evident: Ovid must have written formosast to give three words to each season. He can be seen, as so often, improving on his model, here the Virgilian ‘mini-catalogues’ of the Eclogues, exploiting the couplet form to produce a completely symmetrical (...)
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  26.  16
    Beckett Ongoing: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics.Michael Krimper & Gabriel Quigley (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    “You must go on. I can’t go on. I’ll go on.” These are some of the most quoted lines written by Samuel Beckett, which speak to the impulse of persevering in times of crisis and impossibility. Yet few readers of Beckett agree about what this paradoxical formula could mean, let alone what mode of engagement it would seem to indicate, be it committed, autonomous, or something else entirely. This volume of essays explores what that mode of engagement could be, all (...)
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    Adolph Meyer's psychobiology in historical context, and its relationship to George Engel's biopsychosocial model.I. V. Wallace - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):pp. 347-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Adolph Meyer’s Psychobiology in Historical Context, and Its Relationship to George Engel’s Biopsychosocial ModelEdwin R. Wallace IV (bio)Keywordspsychobiology, integrative models of psychiatry, biopsychosocial modelBefore addressing the importance of Adolf Meyer and the question of his impact on the biopsychosocial model of the psychoanalytical internist George Engel, let us tersely sketch the history of functionalism in medicine/psychiatry, and of the nineteenth/early twentieth century’s progressive abandonment of it in favor of (...)
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  28. REVIEW OF MUSIC AND ITS THERAPEUTICS W.S.R. AYURVEDIC CLASSICS (BRIHATRAYEE.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2016 - Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences 2 (1):114-118.
    Ayurveda is the science of living being. With the aim of health and procurement of disease it almost covers all facets of life. It includes health of an individual at physical, mental, spiritual, social level. Ayurvedic classics includes brihatrayee samhita like Charak, Sushruta and Ashtanga Hridaya. A review based study of music (geet, sangeet) was done in these classics to explore whether these classics includes any form of music as therapy or not. Based on review of these classics it was (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Russell, Wittgenstein, and the project for "Analytic Philosophy".Nikolay Milkov - 2007 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 15:153-155.
    The paper investigates the history of the introduction of what was later called “analytic philosophy” in October 1911–May 1912. Despite the fact that Russell and Wittgenstein were in full agreement in their antipathy towards the old-style philosophy, for example, that of Bergson, each had his own conception of the New Philosophy. For Russell, it meant “examined philosophy”, or philosophy advanced through “scientific restraint and balance” of our theoretical conjectures, and resulted in a series of logically correctly constructed theories. For Wittgenstein, (...)
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  30.  30
    Notes on Greek tragedy, II.T. C. W. Stinton - 1977 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 97:127-154.
    So Pearson. The strange series of hypodochmiacs here and atO.T.1207 ff., with brevis in longo without pause atAj.421 andO.T.1208, seems metrically self-contained, despite their syntactical interdependence (esp.Aj.421–2οὐκέτ' ἄνδρα μὴ | τόνδ' ἴδητ', so that the word-overlap ofοἷονinto iambics in Pearson's text is unlikely.ἑξερῶ μέγαshould therefore be writtenplena scriptura. Thenοἷον οὔτιν' ἁ Τροί|α στρατοῦ…is possible, but the ithyphallic with word-overlap, sometimes found in the syncopated iambics of Aeschylus, is foreign to Sophocles. Divideἐξερῶ μέγα, | οἷον οὔτινα | Τροία…Thenϕίλοι τοῖσδ' ὁμοῦ = (...)
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    Being-Moved: Rhetoric as the Art of Listening.Nathaniel A. Rivers - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (2):190-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Being-Moved: Rhetoric as the Art of Listening by Daniel M. GrossNathaniel A. RiversBeing-Moved: Rhetoric as the Art of Listening. By Daniel M. Gross. Oakland: University of California Press, 2020. 260 pp. Paper $34.95. ISBN: 9780520340466.September 29, 2008. Radiohead front man Thom Yorke sits frustrated at his piano. Live on stage. He is trying to start a song, but something is tripping him up. The song is “Videotape,” and (...)
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  32.  33
    The germanic weak preterite.Paul Kiparsky - manuscript
    The dental preterite of weak verbs remains one of the most troublesome chapters of Germanic historical-comparative grammar. The morphological provenience of its dental formative -d- has been debated for nearly two centuries, and there is still no consensus on whether it is a reflex of one or more of the Indo-European dental suffixes, a grammaticalized form of the light verb d¯o ‘do’, or some mix of these. The category’s phonological development within early Germanic presents a whole series of other mysteries. (...)
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  33.  45
    Creative implications of deconstruction: the case of jazz music, photography, and architecture.Francesco Paradiso - 2014 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales
    The thesis investigates the connection between deconstruction and creativity with regard to three aesthetic fields, namely jazz music, photography, and architecture. The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on deconstruction and jazz music. First, the analysis draws a comparison between the linguistic sign and the musical sign in the light of Derrida's analysis of signifier and signified. This supports an investigation of the supplementary character of writing in the specific case of jazz music. Second, the analysis draws an (...)
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  34.  8
    Aesthetics of Freedom.Boško Pešić - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):57-64.
    After Kant the meaning of freedom is considered not so much as inner experience, but rather as a requisite to understand the world. In this regard an act of freedom is not one among many human acts, but their precondition and cause. In its highest reaches freedom thus provides existence with a final possibility in which it presents itself as an aesthetic monolith. Aesthetics of freedom considers its sublimity, one that confronts the misery of suffering its deprivation. The syncope (...)
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    Modernism as a Misnomer: Godard's Archeology of the Image.Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 18 (2):107-130.
    "The standard historical image of Jean-Luc Godard is that of a resolute iconoclast breaking with the representational norms and codes of classical cinema in the name of liberating film from the deadening weight of its past. His numerous formal innovations—syncopated montage, unconventional framing, unique experiments with dialogue, etc.—along with his abandonment of traditional narrative and character development, his playful pastiche of genres, his debunking of the representational illusions of cinematic realism, his reflexive preoccupation with film itself and the general dissolution (...)
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    Shattering biopolitics: militant listening and the sound of life.Naomi Waltham-Smith - 2021 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    A missed phone call. A misheard word. An inaudible noise. All these can make the difference between life and death. Failures to listen are frequently at the root of the marginalization and exclusion of certain forms of life. Audibility decides livability. Shattering Biopolitics elaborates for the first time the intimate and complex relation between life and sound in recent European philosophy, as well as the political stakes of this entanglement. Nowhere is aurality more pivotal than in the dialogue between biopolitical (...)
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    Improvisation: The Astonishing Bridge to Our Inner Music.Mauro Maldonato - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):158-174.
    Musical improvisation is the expressive capacity of a performer fostered by access to their own “productive” or “reproductive” tonal imagery: a field of consciousness that includes experiences, images that are internal, combined, distorted, associated, or in competition between themselves. In the highly original form of life that is jazz, narrating means directing time: a time of epiphanies and introversions, of intuitions and revelations, of syncopated rhythms and aesthetic insights, which appear and disappear on the edges of interference between consciousness and (...)
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  38.  50
    The Latin Imperative in - mino.J. Fraser - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (02):123-.
    In Plautus and elsewhere in old Latin there is an imperative suffix -mino of medio-deponential meaning: opperimino, PL True. 188 , progredimino, id. Pseud. 859, arbitramino, id. Epid. 695, praefamino, Cato, RR. 141, 2, famino Paul. Fest. 62, 10, Th., all 2 sg.; in legal documents, antestamino , in the XII Tables, fruimino , CIL. 1, 199, profitemino in Lex Iulia Municipalis, all 3 sg. The generally accepted explanation of the form is that it arose from a contamination of the (...)
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  39.  63
    (1 other version)Über Jazz.Hektor Rottweiler - 1936 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 5 (2):235-259.
    The social function of jazz in its theoretical aspects is the subject of the present article. The author opens his discussion with a technical analysis of jazz music, on the basis of which the social significance of jazz phenomena is elucidated.The peculiar effects of jazz music are by no means limited to the upper layers of society ; they permeate the whole of society. The music has a pseudo-democratic quality, characteristic of the monopolistic phase of capitalism.Jazz music is usually trite, (...)
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  40.  14
    The sweet spot between predictability and surprise: musical groove in brain, body, and social interactions.Jan Stupacher, Tomas Edward Matthews, Victor Pando-Naude, Olivia Foster Vander Elst & Peter Vuust - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Groove—defined as the pleasurable urge to move to a rhythm—depends on a fine-tuned interplay between predictability arising from repetitive rhythmic patterns, and surprise arising from rhythmic deviations, for example in the form of syncopation. The perfect balance between predictability and surprise is commonly found in rhythmic patterns with a moderate level of rhythmic complexity and represents the sweet spot of the groove experience. In contrast, rhythms with low or high complexity are usually associated with a weaker experience of groove because (...)
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    Loose Coordinations: Theater and Thinking in Gertrude Stein.Adam Frank - 2012 - Science in Context 25 (3):447-467.
    ArgumentThis essay offers a reading of Gertrude Stein's lecture “Plays” (1934) alongside the work of several thinkers on emotion, William James, Silvan Tomkins, and Wilfred Bion. The problem of what Stein calls “emotional syncopation” at the theater is understood in the context of James’ theory of emotion. The essay proceeds to unfold Stein's emphasis on varieties of excitement by way of Silvan Tomkins’ writing. It then turns to Wilfred Bion's theory of thinking to argue that the main problem with theater, (...)
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  42.  13
    Sophie Jacotot, Danser à Paris dans l’entre-deux-guerres. Lieux, pratiques et imaginaires des danses de société des Amériques (1919-1939). [REVIEW]Marie Glon - 2017 - Clio 46:273-275.
    Danser poitrine contre poitrine, bassin contre bassin, joue contre joue, baigné-e dans l’odeur, la texture, la transpiration de la peau de l’autre. Se fondre dans les syncopes du jazz. Expérimenter des mobilités nouvelles (le buste, les hanches), des sensations inédites. Inventer un couple autonome, improvisant l’agencement des différents pas de sa danse. Rêver des Amériques... Sophie Jacotot lève le voile sur la façon dont les danses des Amériques (tango du Rio de la Plata, samba ou maxixe d...
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