Results for 'Sun Hsi-Chung'

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  1. F16. Korean Consciousness on the Handicapped Person and Hereditary Defects.Yung Sun Kang & Chung Choo Lee - 1998 - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi 403:403.
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    Studie zur Idee des Gesamtkunstwerks in der Frühromantik: zur Utopie einer Musikanschauung von Wackenroder bis Schopenhauer.Chung-Sun Kwon - 2003 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Die Idee des «Gesamtkunstwerks» war schon längst vor Wagner gegenwärtig. In zahlreichen Schriften der deutschen Frühromantiker wird das Auseinandergehen der einzelnen Künste betrachtet, aber ihr Zusammenwirken als Utopie ersehnt. Die Verfasserin versucht, ausgehend von der Stellung der Musik in der Frühromantik, die Möglichkeit im Blick zu behalten, die Sehnsucht nach der Einheit der Künste, die zunächst im literarischen sowie im philosophischen Bereich rein theoretisch, daneben jedoch auch praktisch in der Poesie und Malerei ihren Ausdruck fand, in die musikalische Romantik zu (...)
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    Teacher Efficacy, Collective Self-Esteem, and Organizational Commitment of Childcare Teachers: A Moderated Mediation Model of Social Support.Myung-Sun Chung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. A Voltage Translinear Principle Based Current-Mode Analog Multiplier/Divider.Chin Hsi Ling Sun Jing - unknown
    A novel current-mode analog multiplier/divider based on voltage translinear principle is proposed, featuring favorable precision and wide dynamic range. It is suitable for VLSI implementation and can be successfully applied in a wide range of analog systems such as analog neural network and RMS-to-DC converter.
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  5. Teng Hsi-tzu wu chung ho chih.Hsi Teng - 1975
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    ‘Screening audit’ as a quality assurance tool in good clinical practice compliant research environments.Sinyoung Park, Chung Mo Nam, Sejung Park, Yang Hee Noh, Cho Rong Ahn, Wan Sun Yu, Bo Kyung Kim, Seung Min Kim, Jin Seok Kim & Sun Young Rha - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):30.
    With the growing amount of clinical research, regulations and research ethics are becoming more stringent. This trend introduces a need for quality assurance measures for ensuring adherence to research ethics and human research protection beyond Institutional Review Board approval. Audits, one of the most effective tools for assessing quality assurance, are measures used to evaluate Good Clinical Practice and protocol compliance in clinical research. However, they are laborious, time consuming, and require expertise. Therefore, we developed a simple auditing process and (...)
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    Cultural Orientation of Self-Bias in Perceptual Matching.Mengyin Jiang, Shirley K. M. Wong, Harry K. S. Chung, Yang Sun, Janet H. Hsiao, Jie Sui & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Less Energy, a Better Economy, and a Sustainable South Korea: An Energy Efficiency Scenario Analysis.Takuo Yamaguchi, Yongkyeong Soh, Chung-Kyung Kim, Yu Mi Mun, Sun-Jin Yun, Kyung-Jin Boo, Jong Dall Kim, Jung wk Kim, John Byrne & Young-Doo Wang - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (2):110-122.
    An energy efficiency scenario (Joint Institute for a Sustainable Energy and Environmental Future) demonstrates that an energy future built on the use of cost-effective, high-efficiency technologies is clearly within the grasp of South Korea and would justify a nuclear power moratorium with significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions. This is a promising result, especially because applications of other sustainable energy options, such as renewables, decentralized technologies, material recycling/reuse, ecologically based land use planning, forest conservation, sustainable agriculture, and redirection of economic development (...)
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  9. Chung-kuo hsüeh shu ssu hsiang lun tsʻung.Hsi-tse Wu - 1967
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    Kung-sun lung: White horse and other issues.Chung-Ying Cheng - 1983 - Philosophy East and West 33 (4):341-354.
    This is an up-To-Date analysis of kung-Sun lung's thesis "white horse is not horse" and the underlying class logic. Critique is made of the wrong-Headedness of the mass-Term interpretation (hansen) and a shallow understanding of classical chinese grammar in light of modern logic. Neo-Ruohist canons on identity, Difference, Separableness and inseparableness are also analyzed for comparison and contrast.
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  11. Tsʻung Chung-kuo wen hua ti chi pen ching shen tʻan hsiao ti lun li chia chih.Hsi-yüan Wang - 1977
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    An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature: Taiwan, 1949-1974. 1, Poems and Essays; Vol. 2, Short Stories.James M. Hargett, Chi Pang-Yuan, John J. Deeney, Ho Hsin, Wu Hsi-Chen, Yü-Kwang-Chung & Yu-Kwang-Chung - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):338.
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    Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Principle of Livelihood and American Progressivism.Chang Chung-Tung - 1982 - Chinese Studies in History 15 (3-4):4-19.
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  14. Chung-kuo tao tʻung ssu hsiang yü Chi-tu chen li.Tsai-Sheng Sun - 1975
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  15. (1 other version)Chung-hua hsüeh shu ssŭ hsiang wên hsüan.Liang-Kung Sun - 1933 - Edited by Sun, Nu-chʻao & [From Old Catalog].
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  16. Logic and ontology in the Chih wu Lun of Kung-sun Lung Tzu.Chung-ying Cheng & Richard H. Swain - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (2):137-154.
  17. Practical Learning in Yen Yuan, Chu Hsi and Wang Yang-ming.Chung-Ying Cheng - 1979 - In William Theodore De Bary & Irene Bloom (eds.), Principle and practicality: essays in Neo-Confucianism and practical learning. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 39--45.
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    Mortality of Parkinson's disease by Hoehn–Yahr stage from community‐based and clinic series [Keelung Community‐based Integrated Screening (KCIS) no. 17)].Horng-Huei Liou, Chia-Yun Wu, Yueh-Hsia Chiu, Amy Ming-Fang Yen, Rong-Chi Chen, Ta-Fu Chen, Chih-Chuan Chen, Yuarn-Chung Hwang, Ying-Rong Wen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):587-591.
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    Natural history and effectiveness of early detection of Parkinson’s disease: results from two community-based programmes in Taiwan.Horng-Huei Liou, Chia-Yun Wu, Yueh-Hsia Chiu, Amy Ming-Fang Yen, Rong-Chi Chen, Ta-Fu Chen, Chih-Chuan Chen, Yuarn-Chung Hwang, Ying-Rong Wen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):198-202.
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    The Doctrine of the “Li” in the Philosophy of Chu Hsi.Stanislaus Sun - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (2):155-188.
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    Method, knowledge and truth in Chu hsi.Chung-Ying Cheng - 1987 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 14 (2):129-160.
  22. The Nature-Being Principle: A Consideration from Chu Hsi.Chung-Ying Cheng - 1986 - Analecta Husserliana 21:159.
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    Ts'ao Yin and the K'ang-hsi Emperor, Bondservant and Master.E.-tu Zen Sun & Jonathan D. Spence - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):381.
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  24. Ko ming chê ko jên shêng huo yü chêng chih ti kuan hsi.Chung-Ying Li - 1956
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  25. Wei wu pien cheng fa shih kuan yü shih wu ti lien hsi ho fa chan ti hsüeh shuo.Chung-pʻing Chʻen - 1957
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  26. Chê hsüeh hsüeh hsi chung ti chi ko wên tʻi.Lang-ma Chu (ed.) - 1957
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  27. Chung hsi liang pai wei che hsüeh chia.Kʻun-ju Wu - 1978 - Edited by Li- Chien-chʻiu & [From Old Catalog].
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    Chung-kuo hsi chʻü yü Chung-kuo tsung chiao.Youde Zhou - 1990 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian zong dian Beijing fa xing suo jing xiao.
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    Chu Hsi’s criticism towards to Lü Pen-chung’s theory of gewu focusing on the Lü shi daxuexie in the Critique of Adulterated Learning. 성광동 - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 38 (38):275-302.
    이 글은 「잡학변」의 를 분석함으로써 주희의 격물치지설을 고찰하였다. 「잡학변」은 주희가 당시 유학자들에게 유행하였던 노자와 불교의 경향을 비판하기 위해 지었다. 주희는 를 통해 格物致知 해석에 스며있는 여본중의 불교적 이해를 비판하였다. 여본중은 격물치지를 수양주체가 사물의 理를 궁구함으로써 자신의 良知를 잘 발현시키는 일련의 과정으로 보았다. 그는 격물치지에서 오랜 축적의 과정보다는 수양 주체의 마음에 더 주목하여, ‘깨달음을 준칙으로 삼으라(以悟爲則)’고 하였다. 주희는 이를 불교와 같다고 규정하였다. 이에 비해 주희는 완성된 앎에 이르기 위해서 하나하나의 앎을 수없이 쌓아가야 한다고 생각했다. 특히 그는 理를 파악할 때, 일상에서의 익숙하게 (...)
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  30. Ching hsi che hsüeh ssu hsiang chung ti tʻien tao yü shang ti.Tu Li - 1978 - Lien Ching Ch U Pan Shih Yeh Kung Ssu.
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  31. Chung Hsi Che Hsüeh Lun Wen Chi.Shu-Hsien Liu - 1987 - T Ai-Wan Hsüeh Sheng Shu Chü.
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  32. Sun Chung-shan hsien sheng ti kun chia lun.Kuei-pʻu Lin - 1942 - [Chʻung-chʻing]: : Chʻing nien chʻu pan she ; nien shu tien.
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  33. Chung-kuo lo chi ssŭ hsiang shih liao fên hsi.Tien-chi Wang - 1961
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  34. "Lu-te-wei-hsi, Fei-erh-pa-ha ho Te-kuo ku tien che hsüeh ti chung chieh" chieh shuo.Yen-pʻing Yüeh - 1978 - Edited by Karl Marx.
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  35. Li yü Chung-hua wen hua chih kuan hsi.Hsü-Chieh Kao - 1975 - Tʻai-pei : To ta yin shua shih yeh ku fen yu hsien kung ssu chʻu pan pu fa hsing,:
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  36. "T Ien" Yü "Jen" Chung-Kuo Li Shih Shang Ti T Ien Jen Kuan Hsi.Yü Feng - 1990
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  37. Hsüeh hsi "Lu-te-wei-hsi, Fei-erh-pa-ha ho Ts-kuo ku tien che hsüeh ti chung chieh".Ssu Hsin - 1978 - Edited by Meng, Ho & [From Old Catalog].
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  38. Fo chiao che li yü Chung hsi wen hua.Shih-Lung Chu - 1976 - Shih Tzu Hou Tsa Chih She.
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  39. Yü Liang Shu-ming hsien sheng lun Chung Hsi chih i tʻung.Huang Li - 1973 - Edited by Shuming Liang.
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    Incidental Findings in the Era of Whole Genome Sequencing?Erik Parens, Paul Appelbaum & Wendy Chung - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):16-19.
    The rise of technologies that can inexpensively sequence entire genomes means that researchers and clinicians have access to ever vaster stores of genomic data, some of which could be of great use to research participants or patients, and most of which, at least for today, will be of little, uncertain, or no use. Those facts are essential features of a new ethical territory we are now entering with genetics research. As we explore that territory, we should try to be as (...)
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    When utilitarianism dominates justice as fairness: an economic defence of utilitarianism from the original position.Hun Chung - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (2):308-333.
    The original position together with the veil of ignorance have served as one of the main methodological devices to justify principles of distributive justice. Most approaches to this topic have primarily focused on the single person decision-theoretic aspect of the original position. This paper, in contrast, will directly model the basic structure and the economic agents therein to project the economic consequences and social outcomes generated either by utilitarianism or Rawls’s two principles of justice. It will be shown that when (...)
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  42. Modality, expected utility, and hypothesis testing.WooJin Chung & Salvador Mascarenhas - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-40.
    We introduce an expected-value theory of linguistic modality that makes reference to expected utility and a likelihood-based confirmation measure for deontics and epistemics, respectively. The account is a probabilistic semantics for deontics and epistemics, yet it proposes that deontics and epistemics share a common core modal semantics, as in traditional possible-worlds analysis of modality. We argue that this account is not only theoretically advantageous, but also has far-reaching empirical consequences. In particular, we predict modal versions of reasoning fallacies from the (...)
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    Farmer perspectives on farmers markets in low-income urban areas: a case study in three Michigan cities.Dru Montri, Kimberly Chung & Bridget Behe - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):1-14.
    Farmers markets in low-income, urban areas struggle to establish and sustain themselves. Accordingly, farmer recruitment and retention remain a challenge. This paper examines the perspectives of farmers who have been recruited to participate in farmers markets located in LIUA. Taking an ethnographic approach, we seek to understand why farmers join, stay, and/or leave newly-developed farmers market in LIUA. In-depth interviews revealed different motivations for joining new LIUA markets and that these motivations were closely tied to farmers’ reasons for farming. We (...)
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    The History of Logic in China: 5 Questions.Fenrong Liu & Jeremy Seligman (eds.) - 2015 - Copenhagen: Automatic Press.
    History of Logic in China: 5 Questions is a collection of short interviews based on 5 questions presented to some of the most influential and prominent scholars in the field. We hear their views on the field, the aim, the scopes, the future direction of research and how their work fits in these respects. Interviews with Rens Bod, Chung-Ying Cheng, Cui Qingtian, Dong Zhitie, Chris Fraser, Yiu-Ming Fung, Jane Geaney, Chad Hansen, Christoph Harbsmeier, Ju Zhonglin, Hsien-Chung Lee, Jer-Shiarn (...)
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  45. Time, consciousness, and mind uploading.Yoonsuck Choe, Jaerock Kwon & Ji Ryang Chung - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (01):257-274.
    The function of the brain is intricately woven into the fabric of time. Functions such as (i) storing and accessing past memories, (ii) dealing with immediate sensorimotor needs in the present, and (iii) projecting into the future for goal-directed behavior are good examples of how key brain processes are integrated into time. Moreover, it can even seem that the brain generates time (in the psychological sense, not in the physical sense) since, without the brain, a living organism cannot have the (...)
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    "See You in Your Next Life": Creativity, the Zhuangzi, and Grief.Julianne Nicole Chung - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (1):121-149.
    Drawing from cross-cultural work on creativity undertaken within philosophical psychology, as well as contemporary commentaries on the philosophy of the Zhuangzi, this article motivates a conception of creativity that emphasizes spontaneity and adaptivity—rather than novelty or originality—engendered by embracing you 遊 (“wandering”). It argues that this approach to creativity can enable us to understand certain forms of religious experiences, especially those related to grief and bereavement, as creative in a sense that is compatible with both: i) views that emphasize the (...)
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    Model Theory.Chen Chung Chang & H. Jerome Keisler - 1973 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: North Holland.
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    Locke’s state of nature and its epistemic deficit: a game-theoretic analysis.Hun Chung - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-35.
    Locke rejected anarchism. Locke defended the universal necessity of political governments on the grounds that the state of nature will occasionally generate the inconveniences of war. The standard interpretation of Locke identifies three main causes of war in the state of nature: the lack of a common judge, moral disagreement over the law of nature, and self-love. In this paper, I argue that the combination of these three factors does not guarantee that war will occur in every plausible scenarios of (...)
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    Recent Trends in Chinese Philosophy in China and the West.Chung-Ying Cheng - 2002 - In Chung-Ying Cheng & Nicholas Bunnin (eds.), Contemporary Chinese Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 347–364.
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    Examining the Effectiveness and Efficiency of an Innovative Achievement Goal Measurement for Preschoolers.Chung Chin Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A large number of studies have investigated achievement goals and their related antecedents and consequences above elementary school level. However, few studies have implemented achievement goal assessment to investigate achievement goals and their relevance for preschoolers. In particular, no valid measurement has been developed for preschoolers’ self-reporting of their achievement goals. The main purposes of this study were twofold: To develop an innovative achievement goal measurement for preschoolers, and to investigate the best theoretical model for understanding preschoolers’ achievement goal across (...)
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