Results for 'Stefanie Zaun'

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  1.  13
    (1 other version)Helmut Kettenmann;, Jörg Zaun;, Stefanie Korthals . Unsichtbar—Sichtbar—Durchschaut: Das Mikroskop als Werkzeug des Lebenswissenschaftlers. 93 pp., frontis., illus., bibl. Berlin: Museumpädagogischer Dienst, 2001. [REVIEW]Marian Fournier - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):741-742.
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    The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Invention of Art.Stefanie Buchenau - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    When, in 1735, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten added a new discipline to the philosophical system, he not only founded modern aesthetics but also contributed to shaping the modern concept of art or 'fine art'. In The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment, Stefanie Buchenau offers a rich analysis and reconstruction of the origins of this new discipline in its wider context of German Enlightenment philosophy. Present-day scholars commonly regard Baumgarten's views as an imperfect prefiguration of Kantian and post-Kantian aesthetics, (...)
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    Blinde Anschauung: Die Rolle von Begriffen in Kants Theorie sinnlicher Synthesis.Stefanie Grüne - 2009 - Klostermann.
  4.  14
    A Modern Diotima: Johanna Charlotte Unzer between Wolffianism, Aesthetics and Popular Philosophy.Stefanie Buchenau - unknown
    Johanna Charlotte Unzer (1725–1782), born Ziegler, is the author of the first metaphysical treatise intended specifically for women. In the preface of this treatise, published in 1751, she justifies her ‘unhabitual’ enterprise, emphasizing that her intention is not to instruct but only to please her female readership. A closer glance, however, reveals a genuine philosophical intention and an active participation in the debate on popular philosophy and aesthetics in Halle. Challenging an all-too narrow and all-too mathematical conception of practical philosophy, (...)
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    The Effects of Meaning and Emotional Content of a Sentence on the Kinematics of a Successive Motor Sequence Mimiking the Feeding of a Conspecific.Elisa De Stefani, Doriana De Marco & Maurizio Gentilucci - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Précis of Imagined Causes.Stefanie Rocknak - 2019 - Hume Studies 45 (1):47-50.
    By Hume's own account, his most ambitious project, the Treatise on Human Nature, was a notoriously immature undertaking, choked with immutable difficulties.1 Perhaps as a result of this immaturity, and perhaps because, as Kant suggests above, Hume is perpetually misread, his view on objects remains obscured. What are they? Are they ideas? Impressions? Mindindependent objects? All three? None of the above? To date, scholars have not provided a unified, much less exhaustive, answer to these questions. Rather, four somewhat fragmented interpretations (...)
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    Non-invasive Mapping of Face Processing by Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Stefanie Maurer, Katrin Giglhuber, Nico Sollmann, Anna Kelm, Sebastian Ille, Theresa Hauck, Noriko Tanigawa, Florian Ringel, Tobias Boeckh-Behrens, Bernhard Meyer & Sandro M. Krieg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  8. Wilfrid Sellars on truth: between immanence and transcendence.Stefanie Dach - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers an innovative defense of Wilfrid Sellar's notion of ideal truth. Sellars adopts two attractive ideas about truth: the pragmatist idea that the concept of truth cannot be understood independently from the norms and practices we find ourselves with and the realist idea that there is one ultimate truth about how the world is. Sellars is thus committed both to an immanent notion of truth and an ideal notion of truth. This book discusses these countervailing tendencies and tries (...)
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    Kein Selbst ohne Geschichten: Wilhelm Schapps Geschichtenphilosophie und Paul Ricœurs Überlegungen zur narrativen Identität.Stefanie Haas - 2002 - New York: Georg Olms.
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    Paul Erman: Experimentelle Elektrizitätsforschung zwischen romantischer Naturphilosophie und aufgeklärtem Rationalismus.Jörg Zaun - 2005 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 13 (1):33-43.
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    How Native Prosody Affects Pitch Processing during Word Learning in Limburgian and Dutch Toddlers and Adults.Stefanie Ramachers, Susanne Brouwer & Paula Fikkert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:290015.
    In this study, Limburgian and Dutch 2.5- to 4-year-olds and adults took part in a word learning experiment. Following the procedure employed by Quam and Swingley (2010) and Singh et al. (2014), participants learned two novel word-object mappings. After training, word recognition was tested in correct pronunciation (CP) trials and mispronunciation (MP) trials featuring a pitch change. Since Limburgian is considered a restricted tone language, we expected that the pitch change would hinder word recognition in Limburgian, but not in non-tonal (...)
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  12.  14
    The microbial state: global thriving and the body politic.Stefanie R. Fishel - 2017 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    For three centuries, concepts of the state have been animated by one of the most powerful metaphors in politics: the body politic, a claustrophobic and bounded image of sovereignty. Climate change, neoliberalism, mass migration, and other aspects of the late Anthropocene have increasingly revealed the limitations of this metaphor. Just as the human body is not whole and separate from other bodies--comprising microbes, bacteria, water, and radioactive isotopes--Stefanie R. Fishel argues that the body politic of the state exists in (...)
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  13. Imagined Causes: Hume’s Conception of Objects.Stefanie Rocknak - 2012 - Springer.
    This book provides the first comprehensive account of Hume’s conception of objects in Book I of the Treatise. What, according to Hume, are objects? Ideas? Impressions? Mind-independent objects? All three? None of the above? Through a close textual analysis, I show that Hume thought that objects are imagined ideas. However, I argue that he struggled with two accounts of how and when we imagine such ideas. On the one hand, Hume believed that we always and universally imagine that objects are (...)
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    The Relationship between Intragenerational and Intergenerational Ecological Justice.Stefanie Glotzbach & Stefan BaumgÄRtner - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):331-355.
    The principle of sustainability contains two objectives of justice regarding the conservation and use of ecosystems and their services : global justice between different people of the present generation ; justice between people of different generations. Three hypotheses about their relationship — independency, facilitation and rivalry — are held in the political and scientific sustainability discourse. Applying the method of qualitative content analysis to important political documents and the scientific literature, we reveal six determinants underlying the different hypotheses: quantity and (...)
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  15.  63
    Color priming in pop-out search depends on the relative color of the target.Stefanie I. Becker, Christian Valuch & Ulrich Ansorge - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Sellars's Two Images as a Philosopher's Tool.Stefanie Dach - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (4):568-588.
    The distinction between the manifest and the scientific image of man- in-the-world is widely seen as crucial to Wilfrid Sellars's philosophical work. The present essay agrees with this view. It contends, however, that precisely because the distinction is important, we should not hurry to a quick and superficial understanding of it. The essay identifies several oversimplifications that can be found in the literature on the topic and argues that they are at least partly rooted in too rigid a view of (...)
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    The infamous among us: Enhanced reputational memory for uncooperative ingroup members.Stefanie Hechler, Franz J. Neyer & Thomas Kessler - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):1-13.
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  18. Sellars, we-intentions and ought-statements.Stefanie Dach - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4415-4439.
    My paper is concerned with the relation between ought-statements and intentions in Wilfrid Sellars’s philosophy. According to an entrenched view in Sellars scholarship, Sellars considers ought-statements as expressions of we-intentions. The aim of my paper is to question this reading and to propose an alternative. According to this alternative reading of Sellars, ought-statements are metalinguistic statements about the implication relations between intentions. I show that the entrenched understanding faces many unacknowledged problems and generates incompatibilities with Sellars’s commitments about intentions. I (...)
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  19.  3
    “The Finest in Any Museum in the World”: Collecting Pre-Conquest Antiquities in the Southern Andes, ca. 1850–1911.Stefanie Gänger - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):541-551.
    Centered on the collection of pre-conquest antiquities formed by Miguel Garcés, a Puno landowner and antiquary, this article studies the creole antiquarian landscape of the Southern Andes over the late 1800s and early 1900s. Historians have commonly taken the fact that many of the area's private collections were later sold to museums abroad as a testament to this antiquarian landscape's fragility and precariousness. This article argues that the collections' very volatility, dissolution, and mobility also, somewhat paradoxically, contributed to their centrality. (...)
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    « L’oeil ne se voit pas voir » : Sulzer sur la contemplation et le sentiment de soi.Stefanie Buchenau - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):73-88.
    Stefanie Buchenau | : Johann Georg Sulzer participe d’une tradition allemande et wolffienne qui conjugue réflexion épistémologique et esthétique. L’originalité de Sulzer au sein de cette tradition consiste à développer un nouveau modèle de la connaissance comme contemplation. Selon ce modèle spéculatif qui emprunte des éléments à l’esthétique de Du Bos, la distance et l’extériorité du spectateur par rapport à son objet est loin d’être le réquisit d’une bonne vision. Celle-ci dépend tout au contraire de l’appartenance du spectateur au (...)
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  21. Notions directrices et architectonique de la métaphysique. La critique kantienne de Wolff en 1763.Stefanie Buchenau - 2011 - Astérion 9 (9).
    Cet article cherche à reconstituer la thèse de Christian Wolff sur l’évidence (Deutlichkeit) des principes métaphysiques, dans un article de 1729 sur les « Notions directrices et le véritable usage de la première science », qui offre une référence centrale (et méconnue aujourd’hui) aux répondants du concours de 1762-1763, dont Kant. Wolff affirme en effet que la métaphysique est susceptible d’une certitude égale voire supérieure à celle des mathématiques et qu’elle diffuse cette certitude à travers toutes les autres disciplines ; (...)
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  22. ‘Human Enhancement’? It’s all About ‘Body Modification’! Why We Should Replace the Term ‘Human Enhancement’ with ‘Body Modification’.Stefanie Rembold - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):307-315.
    The current use of the term ‘Human Enhancement’ implies that it is a modern, new phenomenon in which, for the first time in history, humans are able to break through their god or nature-given bodily limits thanks to the application of new technologies. The debate about the legitimation of ‘HE’, the selection of methods permitted, and the scope and purpose of these modern enhancement technologies has been dominated by ethical considerations, and has highlighted problems with the definition of the relevant (...)
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  23. Why Hume's Notion of Demonstration Must Reduce to Probability.Stefanie Rocknak - 2024 - In Scott Stapleford & Verena Wagner (eds.), Hume and contemporary epistemology. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This paper shows that Hume was ultimately forced to conclude in The Treatise that all demonstrative and intuited claims can in fact, be imagined as otherwise. As a result, he was forced to conclude that all knowledge claims must, ultimately, reduce to probable claims, or in Hume’s own, and indisputably clear words: “all knowledge degenerates into probability." As a further result, it is suggested (briefly) that this anticipates Quine’s well-known attack on the analytic / synthetic distinction (Quine 1953).
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  24. Givenness, Objective Reality, and A Priori Intuitions.Stefanie Grüne - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):113-130.
    in kant’s account of cognition, Eric Watkins and Marcus Willaschek distinguish between a ‘broad’ and ‘narrow’ sense of Kant’s use of the term ‘cognition.’ Every “conscious representation that represents an object” counts as a cognition, taken in the broad sense.1 Every “conscious representation of a given object and of its general features” counts as a cognition in the narrow sense.2 In the case of finite beings, they argue, cognition in the narrow sense must fulfill two conditions: First, the object must (...)
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    Quarantining online hate speech: technical and ethical perspectives.Stefanie Ullmann & Marcus Tomalin - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (1):69-80.
    In this paper we explore quarantining as a more ethical method for delimiting the spread of Hate Speech via online social media platforms. Currently, companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google generally respondreactivelyto such material: offensive messages that have already been posted are reviewed by human moderators if complaints from users are received. The offensive posts are onlysubsequentlyremoved if the complaints are upheld; therefore, they still cause the recipients psychological harm. In addition, this approach has frequently been criticised for delimiting freedom (...)
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    Which processes dominate visual search: Bottom-up feature contrast, top-down tuning or trial history?Stefanie I. Becker, Anna Grubert, Gernot Horstmann & Ulrich Ansorge - 2023 - Cognition 236 (C):105420.
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    Kant’s Wolffianism: Comments on Karin de Boer’s Kant’s Reform of Metaphysics.Stefanie Buchenau - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (1):113-117.
    In her new book, Karin de Boer attempts to read Kant’s first Critique as a reform of a Wolffian project. My contribution contains several comments and questions that aim to further develop this stimulating approach to Kant. They concern (1) the affinities and disagreements between Kant and Wolff, regarding metaphysics, epistemology and method; (2) the place of Wolff’s students (in particular Mendelssohn) in De Boer’s narrative; and (3) the development of the dialogue between Wolff and Kant in the latter’s later (...)
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    The New Posidippus: A Hellenistic Poetry Book.Claudio De Stefani - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (3):316-318.
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  29. Erastianism and natural law in Hugo Grotius's De imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra.Stefanie Ertz - 2022 - In Hans Willem Blom (ed.), Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries. Boston: BRILL.
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    Umgekehrte Vorzeichen: Motive des , Theologisch-politischen Traktats' in Hegels ,Geist des Christentums.Stefanie Ertz - 2009 - In Andreas Arndt, Christian Iber & Günter Kruck (eds.), Staat und Religion in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 83-92.
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    Ingo Resch: Islam und Christentum. Ein Vergleich.Stefanie Rother - 2012 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 65 (3):272-283.
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    Der Krieg der Bibeln.Stefanie Rüther - 2016 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 49 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 49 Heft: 1 Seiten: 347-362.
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    Die Subjekte der radikalen Demokratie: Institutionalisierte Differenzen und Barrieren gegenhegemonialer Artikulationen.Stefanie Wöhl - 2007 - In Martin Nonhoff (ed.), Diskurs - Radikale Demokratie - Hegemonie: Zum Politischen Denken von Ernesto Laclau Und Chantal Mouffe. Transcript Verlag. pp. 139-158.
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  34. Response to My Critics (The Sydney Sessions).Stefanie Rocknak - 2022 - Hume Studies 45 (1):77-93.
    Response to Don Baxter, Don Garrett and Jennifer Marusic regarding my book Imagined Causes: Hume's Conception of Objects; initially delivered at the 2016 Hume Conference in Sydney, Australia as part of the Author Meets Critics session.
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    The choreography of violence: A discussion between Harri Pälviranta and Stefanie Baumann.Harri Pälviranta, Stefanie Baumann & Alexandra Athanasiadou - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (1):95-108.
    How is violence conventionally portrayed and where does violence lie in representation? How does photography mediate the relationships between different forms and ideas, moments and experiences of violence? These were some of the questions addressed in a conversation between artist Harri Pälviranta and philosopher Stefanie Baumann organized by Alexandra Athanasiadou, founder and director of the online platform Philosophy & Photography Lab (PHLSPH), during the international Photography Festival, Imago Lisboa, in Lisbon during October 2022. The discussion presented here is edited (...)
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    Human & animal cognition in early modern philosophy & medicine.Stefanie Buchenau (ed.) - 2017 - Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, new anatomical investigations of the brain and the nervous system, together with a renewed interest in comparative anatomy, allowed doctors and philosophers to ground their theories on sense perception, the emergence of human intelligence, and the soul/body relationship in modern science. They investigated the anatomical structures and the physiological processes underlying the rise, differentiation, and articulation of human cognitive activities, and looked for the “anatomical roots” of the specificity of human intelligence when compared (...)
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    The subtle body: the story of yoga in America.Stefanie Syman - 2010 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    In "The Subtle Body," Stefanie Syman tells the surprising story of yoga's transformation from a centuries-old spiritual discipline to a multibillion-dollar American industry.
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    Sexual division and the new mythology: Goethe and Schelling.Stefani Engelstein - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (3):1-24.
    The new mythology for which the German Romantic period called was not envisioned as antithetical to empiricism or experiential/experimental knowledge, but rather as emerging in dialogue with it to form a cultural foundation for such inquiry. Central to the mytho-scientific project were problematic theories of sexual division and generativity that established cultural baselines. This article examines the mythological investments of two influential thinkers of the period—Goethe and Schelling. It then analyzes Goethe’s unique merger of mythological approaches to sex and generation (...)
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    Project DECIDE, part 1: increasing the amount of valid advance directives in people with Alzheimer’s disease by offering advance care planning—a prospective double-arm intervention study.Stefanie Baisch, Christina Abele, Anna Theile-Schürholz, Irene Schmidtmann, Frank Oswald, Tarik Karakaya, Tanja Müller, Janina Florack, Daniel Garmann, Jonas Karneboge, Gregor Lindl, Nathalie Pfeiffer, Aoife Poth, Bogdan Alin Caba, Martin Grond, Ingmar Hornke, David Prvulovic, Andreas Reif, Heiko Ullrich & Julia Haberstroh - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundEverybody has the right to decide whether to receive specific medical treatment or not and to provide their free, prior and informed consent to do so. As dementia progresses, people with Alzheimer’s dementia (PwAD) can lose their capacity to provide informed consent to complex medical treatment. When the capacity to consent is lost, the autonomy of the affected person can only be guaranteed when an interpretable and valid advance directive exists. Advance directives are not yet common in Germany, and their (...)
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    The missing construct: Impathy.Stefanie Neubrand & Jens Gaab - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:726029.
    This article is about impathy (introversive empathy), understood as the ability to share in and understand one’s own feelings, which is considered a critical psychological construct relevant for the recovery and maintenance of mental health. However, while the ability to empathize with oneself has received considerable attention from the clinical community, this has not been paralleled by the same scientific scrutiny, which was subject to the ability to empathize with others. Impathy has not yet been operationally defined and thus has (...)
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  41. Is there a Gap in Kant’s B Deduction?Stefanie Grüne - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (3):465 - 490.
    In "Beyond the Myth of the Myth: A Kantian Theory of Non-Conceptual Content", Robert Hanna argues for a very strong kind of non-conceptualism, and claims that this kind of non-conceptualism originally has been developed by Kant. But according to "Kant's Non-Conceptualism, Rogue Objects and the Gap in the B Deduction", Kant's non-conceptualism poses a serious problem for his argument for the objective validity of the categories, namely the problem that there is a gap in the B Deduction. This gap is (...)
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  42. Begriffe als Regeln der Wahrnehmung.Stefanie Grüne - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. vol. 2, pp. 267-277.
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    Allais on Intuitions and the Objective Reality of the Categories.Stefanie Grüne - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):241-252.
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    Developmental Foreign Accent Syndrome: Report of a New Case.Stefanie Keulen, Peter Mariën, Peggy Wackenier, Roel Jonkers, Roelien Bastiaanse & Jo Verhoeven - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:156334.
    This paper presents the case of a 17-year-old right-handed Belgian boy with developmental FAS and comorbid developmental apraxia of speech (DAS). Extensive neuropsychological and neurolinguistic investigations demonstrated a normal IQ but impaired planning (visuo-constructional dyspraxia). A Tc-99m-ECD SPECT revealed a significant hypoperfusion in the prefrontal and medial frontal regions, as well as in the lateral temporal regions. Hypoperfusion in the right cerebellum almost reached significance. It is hypothesized that these clinical findings support the view that FAS and DAS are related (...)
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    Materie statt Mater: Weiche Ersatzbefriedigungen für die fehlenden Selbstobjekte der frühen Kindheit.Stefanie Mettlach - 2023 - Psyche 77 (7):594-623.
    Nach einigen Überlegungen zur psychischen Bedeutung materieller Dinge wird die Psychodynamik kompensatorischen Kaufens am Beispiel des »süchtigen« Verlangens nach Kleidung näher erläutert. Im Zentrum steht die Suche nach einem idealen Objekt, das den frühen Mangel an Selbstobjekten, die idealisiert und idealisierend zur Verfügung stehen, ausgleichen soll. Die Wünsche nach dem Glanz im Auge des primären Objekts verschränken sich dabei nach Auffassung der Autorin mit frühen Wünschen nach Berührung, die im Kaufen/Tragen von Kleidung erfüllt werden. Am Beispiel der Behandlung eines Patienten (...)
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    Sibling action: the genealogical structure of modernity.Stefani Engelstein - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Recuperating the sibling -- Sibling logic -- Fraternity and revolution -- The shadows of fraternity -- Economizing desire : the sibling (in) law -- Genealogical sciences -- Living languages : comparative philology and evolution -- The east comes home : race and religion.
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    Das Geschlecht in der Philosophie.Stefanie Brander - 1990 - Die Philosophin 1 (2):94-97.
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    Alex Rosenberg The Atheist’s Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life without Illusions.Stefanie Dach & Tomáš Marvan - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (3):695-706.
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    The Dramatic End. The Last Things and the End of the World in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar.Stefanie Schwarzl - 2012 - Disputatio Philosophica 14 (1):25-32.
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    (1 other version)A relativization mechanism in recursion categories.Stefano Stefani - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1251-1267.
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