Results for 'Stanisław of Skarbimierz'

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  1.  7
    Religious Tolerance and Just War in the Writings of Stanisław of Skarbimierz and Paweł Włodkowic.Juliusz Domański & Joanna Frydrych - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):343-360.
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    The Medieval Polish Doctrine of the Law of Nations: Ius Gentium.Stanisław Wielgus - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (4):27-60.
    This is a reprint of chapters 4–5 of The Medieval Polish Doctrine of the Laws of Nations: Ius Gentium by Stanisław Wielgus (Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998), 55–101. The original chapter and section numbering has been retained, but footnote numbers have been adapted. Reprinted with the Author’s permission. In attempting to summarize in a few sentences the achievements of the medieval scholars of the Polish school of ius gentium, we must emphasize that by employing the inherited legal (...)
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk. Wolność naturą i prawem człowieka, Indywidualny i społeczny wymiar wolności [Freedom - A Human's Nature and One's Right. The Individual and Social Aspects of Freedom].Stanisław A. Wargacki - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 7 (1):260-262.
    The book by professor Stanisław Kowalczyk, renowned scholar in the field of social philosophy, is, without doubt, one of the most important studies on the idea of freedom. The concept of freedom is as old as mankind. It has many meanings and has been interpreted in many different ways. For instance, we also have the word „liberty," which means „freedom or right" and is synonymous with the word freedom, which means „the condition of being free." The author indicates that (...)
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk. Elementy filozofii i teologii sportu [The elements of philosophy and theology of sport].Stanisław Kowalczyk & Jan Kłos - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1):293-294.
    Sport plays today an eminent role in man's life and in societies. Various sciences have made it the subject-matter of their reflection, i.e. psychology, sociology, the natural and humanistic sciences, art, philosophy, and theology. The present work seeks to answer some fundamental questions connected with the phenomenon of sport: what is it for man? whether and when does it serve the social integration of a community? what are the premises and principles of the ethics of sportive activity? what is the (...)
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  5. Leon Petrazycki and Czesław Znamierowski–Founders of the Polish Theory of Law.Stanislaw Czepita - 1987 - In Zygmunt Ziembiński (ed.), Polish contributions to the theory and philosophy of law. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 1--14.
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    Democracy-- the power of illusion.Stanisław Filipowicz - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Democracy - hope or illusion? Blooming, failing or declining? Our doubts and hesitation make part of unbending efforts to endorse and explain democracy. Who is right - the custodians of promise or the prophets of decline? The book concentrates on doubts. The author tries to explore «the other side of the moon», emphasizing the role of critical thinking, opposing a main-current optimism. Defending democracy we want to generate hope, but hoping may be a dangerous craft. Protecting our hope we are (...)
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  7. Music of Dialogue.Stanisław Obirek - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (6-7):93-96.
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  8. t. 3. Dialogue with the data : the archaeology of complex societies and its context in the '90s.Stanisław TabaczyńSki Editor - 1986 - In Witold Hensel (ed.), Teoria i praktyka badań archeologicznych. Wrocław: Zakad Nar Nauk.
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  9. I dea of culture: An attempt of a new definition.Stanisław Wiśniewski - 1995 - In Eugeniusz Kulwicki (ed.), Selected Problems of Economics, Sociology and Philosophy. Politechnika Krakowska. pp. 7--131.
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  10. Logic and the Concept of God.Stanisław Krajewski & Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2019 - Journal of Applied Logics 6 (6):999-1005.
    This paper introduces the special issue on the Concept of God of the Journal of Applied Logics (College Publications). The issue contains the following articles: Logic and the Concept of God, by Stanisław Krajewski and Ricardo Silvestre; Mathematical Models in Theology. A Buber-inspired Model of God and its Application to “Shema Israel”, by Stanisław Krajewski; Gödel’s God-like Essence, by Talia Leven; A Logical Solution to the Paradox of the Stone, by Héctor Hernández Ortiz and Victor Cantero; No New (...)
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    Stanislaw Kaminski-a philosopher and historian of science.I. Stanislaw Kaminski - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski (ed.), Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 3--141.
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  12. The heresy of Vilem, Klatovy soap maker.Stanislaw Bylina - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:127-138.
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  13. Studies in the history of mathematical logic.Stanisław J. Surma (ed.) - 1973 - Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich.
  14. This, Too, is True: Reflections on the Visits of Rabbis Irving Greenberg and David Nowak in Poland.Stanisław Obirek - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (5-6):139-142.
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    Stanisław Obirek. Wizja państwa w nauczaniu jezuitów polskich w latach 1564-1668 [The Vision of the State in the Teaching of the Polish Jesuits in 1564-1668]. [REVIEW]Stanisław Pyszka - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):290-291.
    There have been many papers on the Jesuit relationship with the State and with the civil powers in the Western Countries. But there are no such elaborations concerning Poland. However, it was not a central aim, the Jesuits had to engage in the political situation of the country where they did His apostolic work though they did not commit themselves personally in the policy. The Jesuits had their own concept of the State and the state policy. And they showed great (...)
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    Variability of Practice, Information Processing, and Decision Making—How Much Do We Know?Stanisław H. Czyż - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Decision-making is a complex action requiring efficient information processing. Specifically, in movement in which performance efficiency depends on reaction time, e.g., open-loop controlled movements, these processes may play a crucial role. Information processing includes three distinct stages, stimulus identification, response selection, and response programming. Mainly, response selection may play a substantial contribution to the reaction time and appropriate decision making. The duration of this stage depends on the number of possible choices an individual has to “screen” to make a proper (...)
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  17. \"Tis 60 years since\" (The Capture of the \"Gęsiówka\" Concentration Camp during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944).Stanisław Sieradzki - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (7-9):99-104.
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  18. Polish legislative procedure and the role of the Polish constitutional tribunal from the perspective of the theory of conventional acts and formal acts in law.Stanisław Czepita - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak (eds.), Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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  19. Four Motives of Kant\'s Idealism and their Criticism.Stanisław Judycki - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (1):123-140.
    The paper presents some principal motives that made I. Kant take the position of transcendental idealism. They are the following: the question of a priori synthetic judgements, the question of the cognitive and ontic status of space and time, the problem of the constitution of the phenomenal world, and the problem of the objectivity of empirical judgments (the so-called transcendental deduction). In relation to Kant’s solutions some objections have been formulated and a thesis that neither separately nor in combination can (...)
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    Filozofia Kazimierza Hoffmana? Refleksje na marginesie książki \"Poznawanie Kazimierza Hoffmana\".Stanisław Czerniak - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (15 (2011/4)):1038-1046.
    Author: Czerniak Stanisław Title: CAN WE RIGHTLY SPEAK ABOUT “KAZIMIERZ HOFFMAN’S PHILOSOPHY”? (SOME REMARKS CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION POZNAWANIE KAZIMIERZA HOFFMANA) (Filozofia Kazimierza Hoffmana? Refleksje na marginesie książki Poznawanie Kazimierza Hoffmana) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.15, number: 2011/4, pages: 1038-1046 Keywords: KAZIMIERZ HOFFMAN, IDEA OF DIVINE, EXISTENCE, POETRY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The article shows the philosophical background of Kazimierz Hoffman’s poetry. The author points to Hoffman’s idea of the (...)
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    The Logical Work of Mordchaj Wajsberg.Stanisław J. Surma - 1987 - In Jan T. J. Srzednicki (ed.), Initiatives in logic. Boston: M. Nijhoff. pp. 101--115.
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  22. The so-called chronicle of Monemvasia a historical analysis.Stanislaw Turlej - 1998 - Byzantion 68 (2):446-468.
    La chronique dite de Monemvasie se divise en deux parties : la première présente le peuple slave qui a envahi le Péloponnèse et qui y est resté pendant 218 ans de la fin du 6e siècle jusqu'au début du 9e siècle, la seconde relate le contrôle du Pélopponèse par Byzance. Elle décrit notamment la construction de l'église de Patras.
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  23. Grace Contra Nature: The Etiology of Christian Religious Beliefs from the Perspective of Theology and the Cognitive Science of Religion.Stanisław Ruczaj - 2022 - Theology and Science 20 (4):428-444.
    Cognitive science of religion is sometimes portrayed as having no bearing on the theological doctrines of particular religious traditions, such as Christianity. In this paper, I argue that the naturalistic account of the etiology of religious beliefs offered by the cognitive science of religion undermines the important Christian doctrine of the grace of faith, which teaches that the special gift of divine grace is a necessary precondition for coming to faith. This has some far-reaching ramifications for Christian theology. -/- .
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    Financial Factors Influencing the Development of Product Innovations in Polish Small and Medium Enterprises.Stanisław Ślusarczyk - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (3):42-52.
    The development of product innovations in small and medium enterprises is determined mainly by their financial capabilities. These enterprises usually encounter financial problems when it comes to the introduction of product innovations. Therefore, managers should manage the company’s finances in the way that will enable them using all available means to solve these problems. This means that they ought to use external financial resources to a greater extent (not only in the form of loans). The article focuses on the financial (...)
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  25. Nic nadzwyczajnego. Wielki fakt wiary i jego naturalistyczne wyjaśnienie.Stanisław Ruczaj - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):131-147.
    In his book Między ukryciem a jawnością [Between Hiddenness and Openness] (2023), Professor Jacek Wojtysiak argues that on the assumption of atheistic naturalism, no convincing explanation can be given for the ‘great fact of faith,’ that is, the phenomenon of the historical persistence and universality of the belief in the existence of God. The purpose of this paper is to challenge this thesis. Drawing on selected theories from the field of the Cognitive Science of Religion, I sketch a naturalistic explanation (...)
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    Polish Axiology of the 20th Century: Polish Philosophical Studies, Iv.Stanisław Jedynak (ed.) - 2001 - Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
    INTRODUCTION This work follows the recent publication of the landmark study edited by Leon Dyczewski of the Catholic University of Lublin entitled, ...
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  27. Spelling Identity: Ch or Sz? (translation).Stanisław Niewiadomski, Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska & Brian Harlen - 2000 - In Maja Trochimczyk (ed.), After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music. Pendragon Press.
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  28. Mathematics and metaphysics. A short comment on the hypothesis of the matematicallity of the world (matematyka I metafizyka. Krotki komentarz na temat hipotezy matematycznosci swiata).Wszolek Stanislaw - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (1).
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    Wybrane koncepcje wiedzy i nauki we współczesnej filozofii niemieckiej.Stanislaw Czerniak - 2017 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
    Contemporary philosophy is characterized by the diverse and extensive presence of science in it. Science is its object, variously understood - as a field of cognition, as a cultural, social or anthropic phenomenon, as a scientific knowledge, including knowledge co-shaping philosophical concepts. The project's monographs explore the essential aspects of this presence - in various currents, schools and areas of contemporary philosophy.--Publisher's website.
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    Acceptance of euthanasia by students of selected study disciplines at universities in Lublin, Poland.Stanisław Lachowski, Bogusława Lachowska & Magdalena Florek-Łuszczki - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background In the context of discussions between supporters and opponents of euthanasia, and legal regulations regarding this type of practices, the attitude of young people with respect to this phenomenon is a very interesting issue. According to Polish law, euthanasia is prohibited. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of acceptance of euthanasia among students from Polish universities across three different fields of study: psychology, medicine, and economic-technical disciplines, and to identify the factors associated with the acceptance (...)
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  31. "Skok" jako zmiana schematów pojęciowych /Kierkegaardian "leap" as a change of conceptual schemes.Stanisław Ruczaj - 2014 - In Antoni Szwed (ed.), W kręgu Kierkegaarda. Marek Derewiecki.
    The aim of my paper is to interpret S. Kierkegaard's concept of a leap as a metaphor for the process of moving from one conceptual scheme to another. The basis for this reading of the concept is provided by the growing recognition of Kierkegaard's philosophy as dealing with conceptual schemes, equipements or paradigms through which reality is interpreted. I use Kierkegaard's metaphor as a point of departure for the analysis of the conditions of possibility and the very process of changing (...)
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  32. The distribution of properly Σ20 e-degrees.Stanislaw Bereznyuk, Richard Coles & Andrea Sorbi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):19-32.
    We show that for every enumeration degree $a there exists an e-degree c such that $a \leq c , and all degrees b, with $c \leq b , are properly Σ 0 2.
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    Mental and cultural changes of enterprise management in accordance with the paradigm of unity.Stanislaw Grochmal - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 20 (1-2):105-134.
    The phenomenon of the social, economic, political, cultural, and spiritual activities of the Focolare Movement, implemented in the economy of communion businesses on the global scale for more than 20 years, inspired Biela to formulate the paradigm of unity concept to show its importance in the social sciences field. The author of this research paper has expanded Biela’s concept on the basis of the new paradigm theoretical analysis in the social sciences field, particularly in management sciences, and has conducted an (...)
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    W obronie argumentu ,,God of the gaps''.Stanisław Wszołek - 1998 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 23.
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  35. The "Annales" school, "la nouvelle histoire" and Polish archaeology.Stanislaw Tabaczynski - 2015 - In Kristian Kristiansen, Ladislav Šmejda, Jan Turek & Evžen Neustupný (eds.), Paradigm found: archaeological theory present, past and future: essays in honour of Evžen Neustupný. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
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  36. Christians and Marxist Theory of Human Liberation.Stanisław Kowalczyk - 1989 - Dialectics and Humanism 16 (3-4).
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    Archaeology of Logic.Stanisław Domoradzki - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-3.
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    Seeing(-as) is Not Believing ‐ a Critique of the Aspect‐Seeing theory of Religious Belief.Stanisław Ruczaj - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (5):794-803.
    Aspect-perception is a phenomenon described in detail by L. Wittgenstein in part XI of Philosophical Investigations. The most famous example is the duck-rabbit figure, which can be viewed either as a duck or a rabbit, but the phenomenon extends well beyond visual Gestalt pictures and permeates various fields of human life, including aesthetic, moral and linguistic experience. Recently there have been attempts to apply the notion of aspect-perception to religious faith. It has often been observed that religious faith involves a (...)
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    Max Scheler—Bernhard Waldenfels.Stanisław Czerniak - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (4):53-73.
    This comparative study of Max Scheler’s and Bernhard Waldenfels’ conceptions shows how they differ in their philosophical assumptions. Whereas Scheler’s strove to define the essence of suffering, which he saw in the objective situation of being a victim, Waldenfels emphasized the intentional aspect of suffering and its connections to activity. In this context Waldenfels introduced the distinction between suffering as a) that what happens to us, and b) that what we subjectively feel as “brutally” imposed upon us, ignoring all eidetic (...)
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    Has the Conception of the Quantum Origin of the Universe an Absolute Character?Stanisław Butryn - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (11-12):171-180.
    The subject of the article is the conception of the Universe quantum origin. According to this conception, the Universe was formed as an effect of the quantum fluctuation of physical vacuum and can just be considered as such fluctuation. The first suggestion of such an origin of the Universe was made by M.G. Albrow. The views of A. Vilenkin, S.W. Hawking and J.B. Hartle, who combined this conception with the inflationary Universe theory, made the basis for the analysis of the (...)
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    The Symbolic Meaning of Copernicus' Seal.Stanislaw Mossakowski - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (3):451.
    The aim of the paper is to determine why copernicus made a personal seal of the ancient intaglio with the image of apollo playing a lyre, A representation illustrating the myth of phoebus the sun-God and his music as the source of the harmony of the universe. The reasons seem to be: a remarkable role played by the ancient opinions concerned with the harmony of the world in the creative process of copernicus' cosmological theory (his acceptance of "plato's axiom"), The (...)
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    History of Philosophy as a Memory.Stanisław Buda - 2019 - Philosophical Discourses 1:129-142.
    In the first part I focus on the issue of progress, in particular progress in philosophy. Philosophical progress has a special property that it shares with the process of becoming a better person. It is constantly finding yourself “on the way”. This path is not only anchored in the Absolutely Perfect but it conditions and stimulates the reflection towards the truth about the relationship between Him and us. We can assume that the core of this reflection is philosophy. The second (...)
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    Helmuth Plessner.Stanisław Czerniak - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (4):9-28.
    The author goes out from Helmuth Plessner’s book Die Grenzen der Gemeinschaft to show how the basic categories of Plessner’s philosophical anthropology, especially the eccentric position conception, apply to his critique of community-oriented societies like communism and fascism. Plessner saw the alternative to a community-based society in a model where social bonds took place by association, and in which the anthropological a priori enjoyed the optimum conditions for self-expression. This social model also allows the full establishment of social roles in (...)
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  44.  13
    The Development of Generalized Motor Program in Constant and Variable Practice Conditions.Stanisław H. Czyż, Martin Zvonař & Elric Pretorius - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    L'état et la nation.Stanislaw Ehrlich - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (1):93-102.
    In its formative period the state welds together groups of kindred language, religion and customs. A nation bereft of a state structure has a small prospect of survival, since it is weaker than nations which possess their own apparatus of force. The former is constantly endangered and is often helpless before the latter. The struggle for statehood is hence the most conscious expression of the effort to maintain national distinctness. Moreover, a nation deprived of statehood enjoys small prestige among its (...)
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    Memory in the Views of the Greek Pre-Philosophical Tradition and Philosophers of Antiquity (Plato, Aristotle).Stanisław Ciupka - 2019 - Philosophical Discourses 1:143-155.
    Memory as a constantly fascinating researcher is a mystery and a mystery, which is so completely, not easy to penetrate, despite the passage of so many thousands of years of human reflection. Traces of attempts to penetrate this mystery are already noticeable in pre-philosophical Greek philosophical thought. Many great and admired to this day, philosophers, this measure, what, Plato and Aristotle, struggled with her. The article would like to reveal something about these extraordinary struggles of antiquity regarding the issue of (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Is Christian Belief Supernatural? Grace, Nature and the Cognitive Science of Religion.Stanisław Ruczaj - 2023 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (1).
    The Cognitive Science of Religion represents a contemporary attempt at a naturalistic explanation of religion. There is debate as to whether its account of how religious beliefs arise is reconcilable with the religious account, which holds that religious beliefs are caused by God. In my paper, I argue that these two accounts cannot be reconciled when it comes to the specific question of how Christian religious beliefs arise if one accepts an important theological doctrine of the supernaturality of Christian belief. (...)
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    Dynamical Variety of Shapes in Financial Multifractality.Stanisław Drożdż, Rafał Kowalski, Paweł Oświȩcimka, Rafał Rak & Robert Gȩbarowski - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Karl Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge versus the Problem of Relativism and the Objectivity of Cognition.Stanisław Czerniak - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (3):81-96.
    Below I ask whether the theoretical assumptions of the sociology of knowledge imply a subjectivistic and relativistic approach to cognition theory—a matter that has already been discussed in Polish subject literature (among others by Adam Schaff). Does the “social conditioning of cognition” conception propounded by the sociology of knowledge deny the existence of objective truth and adequate knowledge? Karl Mannheim himself called the sociology of knowledge an anti-relativist position. The critics of his anti-relativist argumentation say it is full of ambiguities (...)
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    Chrześcijaństwo i problem ukrytości. Krytyka obrony z Wcielenia / Christianity and the problem of divine hiddenness: A critique of the defence from the Incarnation.Stanisław Ruczaj - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (2):71-85.
    Argument z ukrytości Johna L. Schellenberga jest współcześnie jednym z najżywiej dyskutowanych argumentów za ateizmem. Rozumowanie kanadyjskiego filozofa wskazuje na problematyczność zjawiska niezawinionej niewiary w istnienie Boga przy założeniu, że doskonale kochający Bóg istnieje. W książce Ukrytość i wcielenie. Teistyczna odpowiedź na argument Johna L. Schellenberga za nieistnieniem Boga, Marek Dobrzeniecki zaproponował nowatorską obronę przed tym argumentem, wykorzystującą chrześcijańską doktrynę o wcieleniu Syna Bożego. W artykule wykazuję, że obrona z Wcielenia nie odnosi sukcesu. Błędna jest bowiem jej kluczowa teza, iż (...)
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