Results for 'Sonderweg'

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  1.  22
    The ‘Sonderweg’ of German Eugenics: Nationalism and Scientific Internationalism.Paul Weindling - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (3):321-333.
    The history of eugenics has become a classic arena for examining how the interplay of culture, social interests and social structures affects the advancement of science. At the same time eugenics demonstrates how in the first half of the twentieth century, the expectation arose that science could offer the solution of social problems; for biology intruded into many areas of social policy during the 1920s and 30s. Historians of science have been struck by the coincidence between the rise of genetics (...)
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    The Sonderweg of Social Theory. [REVIEW]Chad Kautzer - 2005 - Radical Philosophy Review 8 (1):97-101.
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    Discourse on a Russian “Sonderweg”: European models in Russian disguise.Rozaliya Cherepanova - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (3-4):315-329.
    This article examines the development of the concept of a “special path” in societies that have experienced problems with their self-identity. Western European intellectuals who needed an “other” in the construction and definition of their own cultural and geographical space in the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries played an important role in shaping the understanding of a Russian “special path.” The “Russian chaos” they postulated was contrasted to “Western” rationalism and order and Eastern “slavery” was seen as a (...)
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    The German Sonderweg De-Mystified: A Sociological Biography of a Nation.Stephen Kalberg - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (3):111-124.
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    Säkularisierung als Sonderweg. Wiederholte Spiegelungen zwischen Religions- und Kulturkritik.Ralf Konersmann - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2007 (1):162-165.
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  6. Asymmetrical historical comparison: The case of the German sonderweg.Jürgen Kocka - 1999 - History and Theory 38 (1):40–50.
    Frequently, historical comparisons are asymmetrical in the sense that they investigate one case carefully while limiting themselves to a mere sketch of the other case which serve as comparative reference point. The debate on the German Sonderweg and the rich historical literature originating from this debate can serve as examples. This article reconstructs the pros and cons within this controversial debate, reports its results and puts it into a broader historical context. It analyzes the comparative logic implied by the (...)
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    Britain versus France: How Many Sonderwegs?Ellen Meiksins Wood - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (1):11-29.
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    Introduction to ‘Britain versus France: How Many Sonderwegs?’.Maïa Pal - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (1):3-10.
    In memoriamof the late Ellen Meiksins Wood, this piece firstly remembers the main achievements of her forty years of work. Secondly, it introduces one of her contributions, ‘Britain versus France: How ManySonderwegs?’, until now unavailable in an anglophone publication and reprinted in the present issue. This contribution is a useful reformulation of her arguments concerning radical historicity, the concept of ‘bourgeois revolution’, and the specificity of French and British state formation and their political revolutions – in contrast to arguments for (...)
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    Barbaren im Garten „Eden“: der Sonderweg der Vandalen in Nordafrika.Helmut Castritius - 2010 - História 59 (3):371-380.
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    Der »Dritte Weg« ein status confessionis?: Zur Legitimationsproblematik eines Sonderweges.Christian Geyer - 2014 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 58 (4):294-302.
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  11. Von Eridug über Hellas nach Padua oder Europas politischer Sonderweg.Andreas Kamp - 2018 - In Burkhard Mojsisch, Tengiz Iremadze & Udo Reinhold Jeck (eds.), Veritas et subtilitas: truth and subtlety in the history of philosophy: essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944-2015). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  12. Politikdidaktik in Deutschland–auf einem deutschen Sonderweg.Klaus Koopmann - 2002 - Polis 4.
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    Technik als Faktor des Europäischen Sonderwegs in die Industrialisierung: Neuere Publikationen zu einer offenen Frage.Marcus Popplow - 2012 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 20 (2):91-105.
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    Moderner Staat in Deutschland – eine Defizitgeschichte. Hugo Preuß’ radikale Kritik eines deutschen Sonderwegs in die Moderne.Th A. J. Toonen & Florian Grotz - 2007 - In Th A. J. Toonen & Florian Grotz (eds.), Crossing Borders: Constitutional Development and Internationalisation: Essays in Honour of Joachim Jens Hesse. De Gruyter Recht.
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    The soil and roots of Nazism: Two approaches.Milan Subotic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):187-205.
    The paper discusses two different approaches to Nazism and the Holocaust. The first approach is different versions of the Sonderweg thesis arguing that the explanation of the "German catastrophe" should be sought in the particular features of German history. The second approach rests on searching for external, exogenous factors that played a formative role in the emergence of National Socialism. The examples illustrating these two approaches are recently published books by Aleksandar Molnar and Michael Kellogg, reviewed in detail in (...)
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    Die Rechte zukünftiger Kinder im Kontext pränataler Diagnostik.Dagmar Schmitz & Marcus Düwell - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):49-63.
    Das Gendiagnostikgesetz verbietet seit 2010 die pränatale Diagnostik spätmanifestierender Erkrankungen GenDG). In seiner Begründung bezog sich der Gesetzgeber in Analogie zu internationalen Empfehlungen für den pädiatrischen Bereich vor allem auf das Recht des heranwachsenden Kindes bzw. des späteren Erwachsenen auf Nichtwissen. Mit diesem gesetzlichen Verbot hat Deutschland einen viel diskutierten Sonderweg in der Regulierung genetischer Pränataldiagnostik eingeschlagen. Seither jedoch hat sich nicht nur die Perspektive auf prädiktive Testungen im Kindesalter verändert. In zunehmendem Maße generieren auf das gesamte Genom abzielende (...)
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  17.  63
    The Origin of the Concept of “Allgemeinbildung” in 18th Century Germany.Jürgen Oelkers - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (1):25-41.
    The German theory of education refers mainly to what is called Bildung. The historical sense of Bildung is not cultivaion , but cultivation for inwardness. This concept has two sources, the neo-platonic inner soul on one hand, pietistic piety on the other hand. The article shows that these sources had been part of European discussions before the development of national cultures after 1750. So the German concept of Bildung, famous for the German Sonderweg in culture and politics, had been (...)
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  18.  42
    Nordic Modernity: Origins, Trajectories and Prospects.Bo Stråth - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 77 (1):5-23.
    Nordic modernity is often understood in terms of enlightened and progressive welfare politics and social equality. There is a more or less implicit connotation to images of a social democratic model. The aim of this article is twofold: to discuss the historical preconditions and construction of that model of progressive politics, and to discuss its relevance today and its future prospects. Concerning the first aim, the argument is that there is nothing historically predetermined of a progressive development path. Nordic modernity (...)
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  19.  22
    Cold war liberalism in West Germany: Richard Löwenthal and ‘Western civilization’.Riccardo Bavaj - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (3):607-624.
    Richard Löwenthal’s response to the challenges of ‘1968’ was more complex than that of most of his liberal colleagues. He did not simply remain beholden to the interpretative patterns of a German ‘special path’ (Sonderweg). He also, and increasingly so, drew on the conceptual framework of ‘Western civilization’ to make sense of and cope with the socio-cultural transformations of his times. What many like-minded intellectuals perceived solely as a ‘deviation from the West’, he also viewed as a ‘crisis of (...)
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  20.  17
    “Little History”: The Crisis in U.S. Academic History.Joseph W. Bendersky - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (200):184-194.
    ExcerptA keynote speaker at the German Studies Association Conference in October 2013 was the renowned historian David Blackbourn, who—together with Geoff Eley—had originally made his reputation by challenging the well-entrenched Sonderweg interpretation of the course of modern German historical development. His keynote address, however, had the far less intellectually lofty, and certainly more humorous, title “Honey, I Shrunk German History.”1.
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    A plea for detached involvement: Norbert Elias on intellectuals and political imagination in inter-war Germany.Micael BjÖrk - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (2):43-61.
    Elias’s view of democracy and German Sonderweg is discussed by looking at his analysis of intellectuals. How should the figuration of culture and politics be conceived at a time when the civilizing process could trigger both democracy and autarchy? It is argued that Elias’s answer was that democracy is always accompanied by discontinuity in existence, and that the Weimar Republic therefore needed intellectual spokespersons promoting tolerance of political uncertainty. Such democratic culture demanded a fair balance between involvement and detachment. (...)
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    The Politics of German History.Stephen Brockmann - 1990 - History and Theory 29 (2):179-189.
    What is startling about the debate that emerged between Ernst Nolte and Jiirgen Habermas with the Historikerstreit of West Germany in the summer of 1986 is not just the two scholars' sometimes fervent opposition to each other, but the similarity of their arguments. While Nolte argues for a new sobriety and matter-of-factness in dealing with history and Habermas for an engaged, critical history leading to a "postconventional," postnational identity, both are in agreement in their implicit assumption about the necessary role (...)
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  23.  14
    Deliberative diplomacy: the Nordic approach to global governance and societal representation at the United Nations.Norbert Götz - 2011 - Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publishing.
    The ascendency of executive power in the presence of weak parliamentary and societal control has given rise to a need for deliberative forms of diplomacy in international relations. As Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden regularly include members of parliament, party representatives, and representatives of civil society in their delegations to the General Assembly of the United Nations, does this imply that a Nordic model exists? This book reviews the practice of these countries and finds that the role of societal (...)
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  24.  58
    Judicial Review, Administrative Review, and Constitutional Review in the Weimar Republic.Michael Stolleis - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (2):266-280.
    Judicial review (richterliches Prüfungsrecht), administrative review (Verwaltungsgerichtbarkeit), and constitutional review (Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit) are three different ways in which the judiciary has sought to control the executive and legislative powers of the state. Historically and functionally they are closely linked. I intend to discuss them in their German context, focussing, in particular, on the Weimar Republic, that is to say, on the period between 1919 and 1932. Although I shall not be addressing the highly interesting parallels with the U.S. Supreme Court, or (...)
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  25.  23
    Mensch und Gesellschaft aus der Sicht des kritischen Rationalismus.Hans Albert & Kurt Salamun (eds.) - 1993 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: I. AUSEINANDERSETZUNG MIT GRUNDPOSITIONEN DER KRITISCHEN GESELLSCHAFTSTHEORIE DER FRANKFURTER SCHULE. Hans ALBERT: Dialektische Denkwege. Jürgen Habermas und der Kritische Rationalismus. William D. FUSFIELD: Some Pseudoscientific Features of Transcendental-Pragmatic Grounding Projects. Evelyn GRÖBL-STEINBACH: Reflektierte versus naive Aufklärung? Kritische Theorie und Kritischer Rationalismus - Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme. Kurt SALAMUN: Befriedetes Dasein und offene Gesellschaft. Gesellschaftliche Zielvorstellungen in Kritischer Theorie und Kritischem Rationalismus. II. DAS LEIB-SEELE-PROBLEM UND DIE KONZEPTION DER OFFENEN GESELLSCHAFT. Volker GADENNE: Ist der Leib-Seele-Dualismus widerlegt? Arpad SÖLTER: Der europäische (...) zur offenen Gesellschaft. Miroslav PROKOPIJEVIC: Justice in the "Open Society". Wojciech DOMALEWSKI: Zwei Toleranzbegriffe. III. VON DER TOTALITÄREN DER OFFENEN GESELLSCHAFT IN DER EHEMALIGEN SOZIALISTISCHEN LÄNDERN. Dieter WITTRICH: Alltagserfahrung als Politikum. Dariusz ALEKSANDROWICZ: Die sich öffnende Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde. Andreas PICKEL: Schocktherapie als rationale Reformstrategie? Eine Kritik der theoretischen Grundlagen radikaler Marktkonzepte und ein Plädoyer für Reformgradualismus. IV. METHODISCHE PROBLEME DER GESELLSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN. Herbert KEUTH: Sozialwissenschaften, Werturteile und Verantwortung. Michael SCHMID: Die Logik institutioneller Analyse aus der Sicht des Kritischen Rationalismus. Peter V. ZIMA: Framework ist kein Mythos. Zu Karl R. Poppers Thesen über wissenschaftliche Kommunikation. (shrink)
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    Three Appreciations of Zygmunt Bauman.Richard Kilminster & Ian Varcoe - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (1):23-28.
    This article provides background material to help readers appreciate three speeches printed in this issue, given by Stefan Morawski, Dennis Smith and Hans Joas on the occasion of the presentation to Zygmunt Bauman of a Festschrift in March 1996 in Leeds. The article describes: (1) relevant details of Polish history concerning cultural patriotism, anti-state attitudes, the role of Jews in the communist state apparatus and anti-Semitism, focusing on post-1945; (2) the peculiarities of the indigenous British sociology tradition and the part (...)
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    Kurt Sontheimers Republik.Bedrich Loewenstein - 2013 - Göttingen: V & R Unipress.
    This text-based biography of the famous German political scientist Kurt Sontheimer (1928-2005), written by his lifelong friend Bedrich Loewenstein in critical empathy, investigates the most important issues and controversies of Sontheimer's lifetime. In this spectrum, much of the political intellectual history of the Federal Republic is reviving - polemics around the German Sonderweg, Thomas MAnn's political essays, the student revolt of the sixties, the German political culture, the political phiosophy of Hannah Arendt etc. Kurt Sontheimer was considered the political (...)
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  28.  7
    Religiöser Universalismus im Zeitalter der Nation. Friedrich von Hügel und die deutsche Geisteswelt.Christian Stoll - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):246-298.
    The article analyzes the influence of German thought on Baron Friedrich von Hügel’s philosophy of religion. The activities of the British scholar in the networks of Catholic modernism are placed within the broader framework of the international discussion on religion around 1900. His religious universalism was shaped to a great extent by the encounter of German intellectuals from a liberal Protestant background, most notably by Rudolf Eucken, Ernst Troeltsch and Friedrich Naumann. This encounter, started during the 1890s, focussed on the (...)
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    Bauman in Germany.Hans Joas - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (1):47-55.
    This text of a lecture describes the importance of Zygmunt Bauman's work for sociological theory and intellectual debate in Germany. The main points are: (1) the tension between the German Sonderweg thesis and Bauman's analysis of the Holocaust; (2) the relationship between Bauman's theory of modernity/postmodernity and the writings of Elias, Horkheimer/Adorno and Beck; (3) a critique of Bauman's neglect of democratic alternatives within modernity, particularly American intellectual and political traditions; and (4) a discussion of Bauman's emphasis on pre-societal (...)
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  30.  24
    Identity and the Limits of Comparison.Ian Varcoe - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (1):57-72.
    The reception of Zygmunt Bauman in Germany can be understood against the background of the two great public debates that have dominated post-war West German cultural, political and intellectual life, that over the Sonderweg thesis, and the Historikerstreit. This reception is analysed. It was in terms of the questions those debates had raised and the positions taken by the participants in them that Bauman's writings on modernity and postmodernity, and the Holocaust in particular, were received. A universal theme was (...)
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