Results for 'Sociophysiology'

5 found
  1. (1 other version)Sociophysiology as the basic science of psychiatry.Russell Gardner - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (4).
    The medical specialty of psychiatry should possess a basic science in which pathologies are considered deviations from normal brain physiology. Historically, psychoanalytic pathogenesis was considered separately from brain physiology. It was not scientific because observations could not be refuted. Countering this, Eli Robins's legacy stemmed partly from his having been damaged by a psychoanalyst. It eschewed pathogenesis. Attempting to integrate psychiatry with medicine more generally, Robins and colleagues refocused on empiricism, although they acknowledged the brain's centrality. Here I hold that (...)
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  2. Sociophysiology and evolutionary aspects of psychiatry.Russell Gardner Jr & Daniel R. Wilson - 2004 - In Jaak Panksepp (ed.), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley-Liss.
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    Etymological Injustice: Youth, Incarceration, and Societal Reintegration.Woodger Faugas - 2023 - Citadel Press Academic Publishing.
    In this work, peer-reviewed by a diverse and international team of practicing and licensed attorneys, I deal with the community reentry of young people of African-American origin who have experienced incarceration and are navigating sociophysiological challenges. In particular, I address some of the challenges that these youth have faced —by investigating an array of issues relating to their transitioning from youth correctional facilities back to general society. As a first step, I provide background information. As a second step, I accentuate (...)
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    (1 other version)Grounding Psychiatry in the Body and the Social World.Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):315-319.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Grounding Psychiatry in the Body and the Social WorldLaurence J. Kirmayer, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS, FRSC (bio)The sensing body is like an open circuit that completes itself only in things, in others, in the surrounding earth.—David Abram (2012)Giulio Ongaro has written an interesting set of papers that aim to advance our thinking about ‘externalist’ (i.e., social) approaches to psychiatry by rehearsing an enactivist account of mental disorder and elaborating an (...)
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    Une injustice étymologique : jeunesse, incarcération et réinsertion sociale.Woodger Faugas - 2023 - Citadel Press Academic Publishing.
    Dans ce livre, examiné par un comité diversifié et international d’avocat.e.s en exercice et agréés, j’aborde la réinsertion dans la société des jeunes afro-américains ayant vécu l’incarcération et confrontés à des défis sociophysiologiques. En particulier, je traite des défis auxquels ces jeunes individus ont été confrontés, en explorant une gamme de problématiques liées à la transition des établissements correctionnels pour jeunes vers la société en général. Tout d’abord, je présente les informations contextuelles pertinentes. Ensuite, je mets en lumière les obstacles (...)
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