Results for 'Sheila Stowell'

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  1. States of knowledge: the co-production of science and social order.Sheila Jasanoff (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    In the past twenty years, the field of science and technology studies (S&TS) has made considerable progress toward illuminating the relationship between scientific knowledge and political power. These insights have not yet been synthesized or presented in a form that systematically highlights the connections between S&TS and other social sciences. This timely collection of essays by some of the leading scholars in the field attempts to fill that gap. The book develops the theme of "co-production", showing how scientific knowledge both (...)
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    Capture numbers in thin film nucleation theories.M. J. Stowell - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (2):349-360.
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    Walden.Sheila A. Laffey, Henry David Thoreau, Fred Cardin, Douglas S. Clapp & John D. Ogden - 1981 - First Run/Icarus Films (Distributor).
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  4. Estilos de vida de adolescentes escolares no sul do Brasil.Sheila Gonçalves Câmara, Gehysa Guimarães Alves & Denise Rangel Ganzo de Castro Aerts - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 37:133-148.
    Este estudo enfoca os estilos de vida de adolescentes escolares a fim de identificar tanto as práticas protetivas quanto as arriscadas entre grupos de adolescentes. O estudo transversal contou com uma amostra de 1210 adolescentes escolares de nono ano do ensino fundamental de 66 escolas públicas est.
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    The Foretelling.Sheila Crow - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (1):6-8.
    This narrative symposium examines the relationship of bioethics practice to personal experiences of illness. A call for stories was developed by Tod Chambers, the symposium editor, and editorial staff and was sent to several commonly used bioethics listservs and posted on the Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics website. The call asked authors to relate a personal story of being ill or caring for a person who is ill, and to describe how this affected how they think about bioethical questions and the (...)
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  6. Análisis de las estrategias utilizadas por las televisoras regionales frente al proceso de globalización: Casos NCTV Zulia y Televiza.Sheila Rincón - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):43-52.
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  7. Phenomenology and Literary Impressionism: The Prismatic Sensibility in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Peter Stowell - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:535-544.
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    Thin film nucleation kinetics.M. J. Stowell - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (2):361-374.
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    The ethics of work: doing well by doing right.Sheila Stokes White - 2014 - Oxford: Management Books 2000.
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    Open economics. Economics in relation to other disciplines. Richard Arena; Sheila Dow & Matthias Klaes (eds).Richard Arena, Sheila Dow, Matthias Klaes, Brian J. Loasby, Bruna Ingrao, Pier Luigi Porta, Sergio Volodia Cremaschi, Mark Harrison, Alain Clément, Ludovic Desmedt, Nicola Giocoli, Giovanna Garrone, Roberto Marchionatti, Maurice Lagueux, Michele Alacevich, Andrea Costa, Giovanna Vertova, Hugh Goodacre, Joachim Zweynert & Isabelle This Saint-Jean - 2009 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    Economics has developed into one of the most specialised social sciences. Yet at the same time, it shares its subject matter with other social sciences and humanities and its method of analysis has developed in close correspondence with the natural and life sciences. This book offers an up to date assessment of economics in relation to other disciplines. -/- This edited collection explores fields as diverse as mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, sociology, architecture, and literature, drawing from selected contributions to the (...)
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    Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism.Sheila Jeffreys - 2014 - Abingdon and New York.
    'Gender Hurts' examines the wider social and political context and implications of the phenomenon of transgenderism. Jeffreys and Gottschalk propose that gender in western culture is socially constructed as the basis of male domination and that the concept of gender has the potential to hurt many.
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    Reasons to be Faithless.Sheila A. M. McLean - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 165–167.
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    The ethics of invention: technology and the human future.Sheila Jasanoff - 2016 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    The power of technology? -- Risk and responsibility? -- The ethical anatomy of disasters? -- Remaking nature? -- Tinkering with humans? -- Information's wild frontiers? -- Whose knowledge, whose property? -- Reclaiming the future? -- The ethics of invention?
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  14. Technologies of humility: citizen participation in governing science.Sheila Jasanoff - 2003 - Minerva 41 (3):223--244.
    Building on recent theories ofscience in society, such as that provided bythe `Mode 2' framework, this paper argues thatgovernments should reconsider existingrelations among decision-makers, experts, andcitizens in the management of technology.Policy-makers need a set of ` technologies ofhumility' for systematically assessing theunknown and the uncertain. Appropriate focalpoints for such modest assessments are framing,vulnerability, distribution, and learning.
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  15. Distributivity and negation: The syntax of each and every.Filippo Beghelli & Tim Stowell - 1997 - In Anna Szabolcsi, Ways of Scope Taking. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 71--107.
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    Science and public reason.Sheila Jasanoff - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of essays by Sheila Jasanoff explores how democratic governments construct public reason, that is, the forms of evidence and argument used in making state decisions accountable to citizens.
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    Infinite types of ambiguity.Sheila Dawson - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (3):289-295.
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    Carl Gustav Jung.Sheila Grant & William Christian - 1998 - In Sheila Grant & William Christian, The George Grant Reader. University of Toronto Press. pp. 344-354.
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    Poverty or Prosperity?: What Tax is Best for a Flourishing Economy.Sheila Lawlor (ed.) - 2010 - Imprint Academic.
    A collection of essays by leading economists on how different tax regimes affect the overall prosperity of a country. The UK faces shrinking tax revenues and additional public spending demands, while taxpayers, jobs and investment can move to lower cost economies. The authors in this book argue these problems can be surmounted, if the tax system reflects supply and demand, as well as responding to social, cultural and political pressures. Taxes that penalise incentive and hold back economic growth should be (...)
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  20. Yuriko Saito, Everyday Aesthetics.Sheila Lintott - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (5):371.
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    Impairment and disability: law and ethics at the beginning and end of life.Sheila McLean - 2007 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish. Edited by Laura Williamson.
    pt. 1. Background you need. -- What is brain-compatible teaching -- The old and new of it -- When brain research is applied to the classroom everything will change -- Change can be easy -- We're not in Kansas anymore -- Where's the proof -- Tools for exploring the brain -- Ten reasons to care about brain research -- The evolution of brain models -- Be a brain-smart consumer: recognizing good research -- Action or theory: who wants to read all (...)
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    Antigone 904-920 and the Institution of Marriage.Sheila Murnaghan - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107 (2).
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    Classics for Cool Kids: Popular and Unpopular Versions of Antiquity for Children.Sheila Murnaghan - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (3):339-353.
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    Commentary on “six domains of research ethics”.Sheila Slaughter - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (2):219-222.
    This commentary on K.D. Pimple’s “Six Domains of Research Ethics”, focuses on the area of institutional integrity and looks at “relationships between researchers, their sponsoring institutions, funding agencies, and the government,” considering the implications of institutional demands and support for research, and, in turn, demands and support on research priorities and public education.
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  25. Containing the Atom: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Nuclear Power in the United States and South Korea.Sheila Jasanoff & Sang-Hyun Kim - 2009 - Minerva 47 (2):119-146.
    STS research has devoted relatively little attention to the promotion and reception of science and technology by non-scientific actors and institutions. One consequence is that the relationship of science and technology to political power has tended to remain undertheorized. This article aims to fill that gap by introducing the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries. Through a comparative examination of the development and regulation of nuclear power in the US and South Korea, the article demonstrates the analytic potential of the imaginaries concept. (...)
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  26. Sex Objects and Sexy Subjects: A Feminist Reclamation of Sexiness.Sheila Lintott & Sherri Irvin - 2016 - In Sherri Irvin, Body Aesthetics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 299-317.
    Though feminists are correct to note that conventional standards of sexiness are oppressive, we argue that feminism should reclaim sexiness rather than reject it. We argue for an aesthetic and ethical practice of working to shift from conventional attributions of sexiness to respectful attributions, in which embodied sexual subjects are appreciated in their full individual magnificence. We argue that undertaking this practice is an ethical obligation, since it contributes to the full recognition of others’ humanity. We discuss the relationship of (...)
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    Chapter 2 Dualisms, Distinctions and Unity.Sheila Webb - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (6):1522-1533.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Dreamscapes of modernity: sociotechnical imaginaries and the fabrication of power.Sheila Jasanoff & Sang-Hyun Kim (eds.) - 2015 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Dreamscapes of Modernity offers the first book-length treatment of sociotechnical imaginaries, a concept originated by Sheila Jasanoff and developed in close collaboration with Sang-Hyun Kim to describe how visions of scientific and technological progress carry with them implicit ideas about public purposes, collective futures, and the common good. The book presents a mix of case studies—including nuclear power in Austria, Chinese rice biotechnology, Korean stem cell research, the Indonesian Internet, US bioethics, global health, and more—to illustrate how the concept (...)
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  29. A Serious Look at Consciousness-Raising.Sheila Ruth - 1973 - Social Theory and Practice 2 (3):289-300.
  30. Tense and Modals.Tim Stowell - unknown
    The class of true modal verbs in English is usually understood to include auxiliary verbs conveying possibility and necessity (including predictive future) that lack non-finite morphological forms; from a syntactic perspective, these verbs occur only in finite clauses (as opposed to infinitives or gerunds). Nevertheless the true modals do not inflect for third-person singular agreement, unlike normal present-tense verbs. When they are negated, true modals always precede the negative particle not, regardless of their understood scope relative to negation, and never (...)
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    Memento … Life Imitates Art: The Request for an Ethics Consultation.Sheila Otto - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (3):247-251.
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    Law as literature: Deconstructing the legal text.Sheila Duncan - 1994 - Law and Critique 5 (1):3-29.
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  33. Yours or mine? Ownership and memory.Sheila J. Cunningham, David J. Turk, Lynda M. Macdonald & C. Neil Macrae - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):312-318.
    An important function of the self is to identify external objects that are potentially personally relevant. We suggest that such objects may be identified through mere ownership. Extant research suggests that encoding information in a self-relevant context enhances memory , thus an experiment was designed to test the impact of ownership on memory performance. Participants either moved or observed the movement of picture cards into two baskets; one of which belonged to self and one which belonged to another participant. A (...)
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    What is true Education?Sheila Astringer - 1990 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):9-9.
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    Estilos de coping na predição de bem-estar psicológico de adolescentes.Sheila Gonçalves Câmara & Jorge Castellá Sarriera - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:83-93.
    Este estudo avalia diferentes estratégias de coping como preditoras dos níveis de bem-estar psicológico. O bem-estar psicológico é medido através da escala General Health Questionnaire - GHQ-12, de Goldberg e as estratégias de coping através da Escala de Afrontamento para Adolescentes -ACS. Ambas as..
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    Classical liberalism.Sheila Grant & William Christian - 1998 - In Sheila Grant & William Christian, The George Grant Reader. University of Toronto Press. pp. 128-133.
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    Equality and the ndp.Sheila Grant & William Christian - 1998 - In Sheila Grant & William Christian, The George Grant Reader. University of Toronto Press. pp. 58-75.
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    Bodies in Transition: Ethics in Xenotransplantation Research.Sheila Jasanoff - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):67-69.
    Xenotransplantation, or the grafting of organs from one species to another, may seem at first a far cry from brain death, but there is rising hope in some quarters of the biomedical community that such transplants may reduce, even obviate, the need to harvest human organs—and hence eliminate the primary reason for needing an unambiguous definition of brain death. As with all research on the frontiers of biomedicine, xenotransplantation raises its own ethical quandaries. One concern that has long occupied ethical (...)
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    Not Proven: Truth by Exhaustion in the Baltimore CaseThe Baltimore Case: A Trial of Politics, Science, and Character. Daniel J. Kevles.Sheila Jasanoff - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):781-783.
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  40. On the Performative Interpretation of Nature: A New Model of Nature Appreciation.Sheila M. Lintott - 2002 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    Although many philosophers have attempted to explain how we do and how we ought to aesthetically appreciate nature, I argue that such appreciation has yet to be fully understood. I agree with the vast majority of aestheticians who argue that a successful model of nature appreciation will take into account the ways in which natural objects differ from art objects.Hence, the model I present illustrates that the way we appreciate art objects differs in important respects from the way we appreciate (...)
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    A Patient's Right to Know: Information Disclosure, the Doctor and the Law.Sheila McLean - unknown
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    Getting from here to there.Sheila Otto - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):19 – 21.
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    Creativity in EnglishReadings on Creativity and Imagination in Literature and Language.Sheila Schwartz, Geoffrey Summerfield & Leonard V. Kosinski - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (2):156.
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    Mothers and Daughters [review of Leslie Minturn Allison, Mildred Minturn: a Biography ].Sheila Turcon - 1996 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 16 (2).
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    Recent Acquisitions: Manuscripts and Correspondence.Sheila Turcon - 1996 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 16 (2).
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    Staff Update.Sheila Turcon - 1983 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 3 (2).
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    Effects of probability of reward and speed requirement on human performance.Sheila G. Zipf - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (1):106.
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    The Songlines of Risk.Sheila Jasanoff - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (2):135-152.
    Two decades of social and political analysis have helped to enrich the concept of risk that underlies the bulk of modern environmental regulation. Risk is no longer seen merely as the probability of harm arising from more or less determinable physical, biological or social causes. Instead, it seems more appropriate to view risk as the embodiment of deeply held cultural values and beliefs – the songlines of the paper's title – concerning such issues as agency, causation, and uncertainty. These values (...)
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    The syntactic expression of tense.Tim Stowell - unknown
    In this article I defend the view that many central aspects of the semantics of tense are determined by independently-motivated principles of syntactic theory. I begin by decomposing tenses syntactically into a temporal ordering predicate (the true tense, on this approach) and two time-denoting arguments corresponding to covert a reference time (RT) argument and an eventuality time (ET) argument containing the verb phrase. Control theory accounts for the denotation of the RT argument, deriving the distinction between main clause and subordinate (...)
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  50. Ethically evaluating land art: Is it worth it?Sheila Lintott - 2007 - Ethics, Place and Environment 10 (3):263 – 277.
    Land art requires careful evaluation when assessing its aesthetic and ethical value. Critics of land art charge that it is unethical in that it uses nature without such use being justified by some future good. Other critics charge that land art harms nature aesthetically. In this essay, the author canvasses these charges and argues that some land art is ethically and aesthetically defensible, and that some has great and rare potential in both realms.
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