Results for 'Severin Müller'

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    Vernunft und Technik: d. Dialektik d. Erscheinung bei Edmund Husserl.Severin Müller - 1976 - München: Alber.
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    The end of labour and »labour of thought«: Towards definition of human labour in the contemporary philosophy.Severin Müller - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (2):425-441.
    The starting-point of this article is an phenomenological analysis in relation to forms of labour in the present world of media and information realities. The priority is given to analysis in view of modern consciousness of labour in so far as it is important for the modern understanding of human praxis. In a retrospective view on Kant and Locke the philosophical definitions and reasons of labour are reconstructed, which characterize the philosophy of modern times in the whole and on its (...)
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    La fin du travail et «le travail de la pensée«.Severin Müller - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (2):425-441.
    Le point de départ de cet article est une analyse phénoménologique des formes de travail dans le monde moderne des médias et des réalités informatiques. La priorité y est donnée à une analyse de la conscience moderne du travail dans la mesure où elle est importante pour la compréhension moderne de la praxis humaine. Un coup d’œil rétrospectif sur Kant et Locke permet de reconstituer les définitions philosophiques et les raisons du travail qui caractérisent la philosophie moderne dans son ensemble (...)
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    Verwandelte Ferne: phänomenologische Analysen zu realen und imaginären Mobilitäten.Severin Müller - 2016 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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  5. Severin Müller, Vernunft und Technik. Die Dialektik der Erscheinung bei Edmund Husserl. [REVIEW]Reinhart Maurer - 1981 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 88 (1):190.
  6.  6
    Fremderfahrung und eigenerfahrung.Carl Werner Müller - 1997 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 141 (2):200-214.
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    Formal Methods in the Philosophy of Natural Science.Thomas Müller - 2010 - In Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Dennis Dieks & Friedrich Stadler, The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 111--123.
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  8. Elementos sartreanos para una política multicultural.Alfredo Gómez-Muller - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9:75-85.
    The text focus is to identify some of the fields where the Sartre’s thought offers theoretical resources for the contemporaneous debate about the cultural justice. To reach this goal, it is established which the Sartrean critics are to the abstract universality, beginning from the “Reflexiones sobre la cuestión judía” text.
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    II. Die Entwicklungslinie des Neuhochdeutschen.Horst M. Müller - 1990 - In Sprache Und Evolution: Grundlagen der Evolution Und Ansätze Einer Evolutionstheoretischen Sprachwissenschaft. De Gruyter. pp. 97-174.
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    8. Literatur.Ralph-Axel Müller - 1991 - In Der (Un)Teilbare Geist: Modularismus Und Holismus in der Kognitionsforschung. De Gruyter. pp. 409-433.
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    Ordinary Situations and Artworld Declarations.Otto Muller - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1).
    Socially engaged art presents social situations to be understood, experienced, and evaluated as works of art while they simultaneously retain everyday non-art functionality. This article begins with an account of the definitional and evaluative concerns that socially engaged art engenders, outlining the debates around the relative importance of ethical and aesthetic values that result from this unsettled relationship between art and non-art. Based on this account, I argue that all socially engaged art requires successful performative bids that declare the work (...)
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    A Neoescolástica e o pensamento conservador católico do século XIX: uma leitura histórico-teológica.Victor Clemente Muller - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):118-129.
    O objeto da discussão se propõe a buscar na origem do pensamento conservador do XIX e na sua relação com a teologia neoescolástica à chave interpretativa da renovação eclesial e teológica proporcionada pelo Concilio Vaticano II. A vinculação entre teologia e dogmática católica e sua relação com o pensamento conservador pretendem assegurar o retorno a um ideal da cristandade através de uma oposição cerrada com uma filosofia combativa e uma teologia dogmática “antimodernista”. Por um lado, o pensamento conservador alcança seu (...)
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    Correspondance Frédéric Ozanam et Amélie Soulacroix. Poèmes, prières et notes intimes, textes réunis par Léonard de Corbiac, avec la contribution de Magdeleine.Caroline Muller - 2019 - Clio 50.
    L’histoire du couple formé par Amélie et Frédéric Ozanam n’est pas une page blanche : Frédéric Ozanam est l’un des fondateurs des sociétés de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, associations de patronage qui ont contribué à façonner le paysage charitable de Paris au xixe siècle. Cette notoriété a contribué, ces dernières années, à porter l’attention sur la place et l’influence d’Amélie Ozanam, sa femme, dans les activités charitables et intellectuelles de cette figure du catholicisme « romantique », pour...
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    Capsules on nationalism in an interdependent world.Robert Muller - 1979 - World Futures 16 (1):1-8.
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    De Descartes à Marcel Proust.Maurice Muller - 1943 - Neuchâtel,: Editions de la Baconnière.
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  16. Die hinwendung der rechtswissenschaft zum leben, und was sie hemmt.Rudolf Müller-Erzbach - 1939 - Tübingen,: J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck).
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    Indeterminism and persistence.Thomas Müller - 2011 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (1):113-136.
    This paper aims at bringing together two debates in metaphysics that so far have been kept separate: the debate about determinism vs. indeterminism as de re modality on the one hand, and the debate about persistence on the other hand. Both debates significantly involve talk of things. We will show that working out a proper semantics for singular terms and an accompanying theory of things, motivated by considerations of quantified modal logic, can significantly further the persistence debate. We will use (...)
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    Inventaris van het archief van Prof. Dr. H.A. Lorentz (1853-1928): 1866-1930.J. M. Muller (ed.) - 1982 - Den Haag: Algemeen Rijksarchief, Tweede Afdeling.
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    Les offrandes de l’Artémision de la colline de Dautë.Arthur Muller & Fatos Tartari - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:1067-1069.
    La campagne 2012 – qui a vu pratiquement l’achèvement des travaux de sélection et le catalogage des terres cuites figurées, des monnaies et des autres objets recueillis en 1970‑1971 dans le sanctuaire de la colline de Dautë – était la dernière réunissant toute l’équipe au musée de Durrës. Les 11e et 12e campagnes d’étude étaient donc d’importance bien réduite par rapport aux années précédentes : seuls les céramologues, lesquels n’ont commencé leurs travaux qu’en 2006 sur un mobilier surabonda...
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    Newman's Poetics and the Inspiration of the Bible in Arians of the Fourth Century.Matthew Muller - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (2):5-24.
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    On the position of Romance clitics.Claude Muller - 1998 - Hermes 20:115-138.
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  22. Streit um Gott, ISBN 3-7917-1993-9.K. Muller & O. J. Wiertz - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (1):117.
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    Unearthly Beauty: The Aesthetic of St John Henry Newman by Guy Nicholls.Matthew Muller - 2020 - Newman Studies Journal 17 (2):118-120.
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    Medizinische Expertise - zionistische Visionen: Ärztinnen und Ärzte als Immigranten in Palästina / Israel.Thomas Müller - 2005 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 28 (4):321-336.
    In National Socialist Germany Jewish academicians and professional staff were initially deprived of their rights and marginalised, later they were chased down and murdered. With regard to those, who were able to escape the National Socialist realm of power, one can speak of a forced migration of academicians that reached a dimension which until now was unknown. A greater number of different academic as well as non-academic occupational groups have been examined in the past few years in connection with their (...)
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    Every zero-dimensional homogeneous space is strongly homogeneous under determinacy.Raphaël Carroy, Andrea Medini & Sandra Müller - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (3):2050015.
    All spaces are assumed to be separable and metrizable. We show that, assuming the Axiom of Determinacy, every zero-dimensional homogeneous space is strongly homogeneous (i.e. all its non-empty clopen subspaces are homeomorphic), with the trivial exception of locally compact spaces. In fact, we obtain a more general result on the uniqueness of zero-dimensional homogeneous spaces which generate a given Wadge class. This extends work of van Engelen (who obtained the corresponding results for Borel spaces), complements a result of van Douwen, (...)
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    One app fits all? Ethical reflection of digital health applications in obesity care.Anouk Wellmann, Regina Müller & Solveig Lena Hansen - 2025 - Ethik in der Medizin 37 (1):49-68.
    Definition of the problem In Germany, there is currently a significant gap in the care of persons affected by obesity due to the absence of a standardized therapy path, regional variations in health services, and case-by-case decisions for approval. This situation prompts the discussion of integrating digital obesity applications into the existing care framework. Arguments The analysis presents an ethical reflection on the use of digital health applications for obesity treatment, examining their suitability for this complex chronic condition, which has (...)
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    Les abords Nord de l’Artémision (Thanar).Stavroula Dadaki, Arthur Muller, Platon Pétridis & Giorgos Sanidas - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:701-709.
    Comme les rapports précédents, celui‑ci rend compte en une fois de deux campagnes, d’étude et de restauration uniquement désormais : en effet, l’équipe est engagée maintenant dans la préparation de la publication de la demeure protobyzantine DOM5 (architecture et trouvailles mobilières) sous la forme d’une monographie destinée à la collection des Études thasiennes. Les campagnes se sont déroulées les deux années de la mi‑juillet à la fin août, avec des effectifs sensiblement équivalents : une...
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    Participation in Practice: A Case Study of a Collaborative Project on Sexual Offences in South Africa.Alex Müller, Hayley Galgut, Talia Meer & Lillian Artz - 2017 - Feminist Review 115 (1):79-96.
    In this article we critically reflect on ‘feminist research methods’ and ‘methodology’, from the perspective of a feminist research unit at a South African university, that explicitly aims to improve gender-based violence service provision and policy through evidence-based advocacy. Despite working within a complex and inequitable developing country context, where our feminist praxis is frequently pitted against seemingly intractable structural realities, it is a praxis that remains grounded in documenting the stories of vulnerable individuals and within a broader political project (...)
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  29. Irrationalismus. Abris einer Erkenntnislehre, Leipzig 1923.Richard Muller Freienfels - 1924 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 2 (2):252-258.
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  30. PhiMSAMP. Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice.Benedikt L.öwe & Thomas Müller (eds.) - 2010 - College Publications.
  31.  15
    Haben naturwissenschaftliche Begriffe eine Geschichte? Anmerkungen zum Zusammenhang von Metaphorologie und Begriffsgeschichte bei Hans Blumenberg.Falko Schmieder & Ernst Müller - 2008 - In Falko Schmieder & Ernst Müller, Begriffsgeschichte der Naturwissenschaftenconceptual History of the Natural Sciences: Zur Historischen Und Kulturellen Dimension Naturwissenschaftlicher Konzepte. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Book Forum.Staffan Müller-Wille - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):120-122.
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  33. Con tenido pág. Presentación 7 estudios.Raúl Fornet Betancourt, Alfredo Gómez Muller, Mauricio Beuchot, Alicia G. Pochelú, Enrique Ignacio Aguayo Cruz, Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle, Angel María Garibay Kintana, Benjamín Franklin No, Col Hipódromo Condesa & Delegación Cuauhtémoc - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 20 (58).
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  34. La Lettre clandestine, n° 1, n° 2, n° 3, n° 4.Olivier Bloch, Antony Mckenna, Johann Joachim Müller & Winfried Schröder - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (1):123-125.
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  35. Foundations of the Formal Sciences VII, Studies in Logic.Karen François, Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller & Bart van Kerkhove (eds.) - 2011 - College Publications.
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  36. Brill Online Books and Journals.Hans Peter Hasenfratz, Johann Baptist Müller, Jörg K. Hoensch, Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach, Hans-Joachim Barkenings & Axel Helmstädter - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 42 (3).
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    Neural networks and networks of neurons.Gary Lynch, John Larson, Dominique Muller & Richard Granger - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch, Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
  38.  11
    The British Museum Nuzi TabletsLondoner Nuzi-Texte.M. P. Maidman & Gerfrid G. W. Muller - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):305.
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    Einführung in das Handbuch Richard Rorty.Martin Müller - 2023 - In Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 9-41.
    Richard Rorty wird einleitend als zugleich bekanntester und umstrittenster Neopragmatist vorgestellt. Diese Einführung bietet dann den NutzerInnen des Handbuchs eine erste Übersicht über Rortys Version des Pragmatismus. Sie betont dabei seinen demokratischen Antiautoritarismus, dessen transformativer Anspruch ernst genommen werden muss. Anschließend werden die wichtigsten Themen der Rorty-Forschung übersichtlich strukturiert: Die Debatten kreisen um diesen Anspruch und um die (zu rigiden) Schlüsselunterscheidungen seines Denkens: Argumentation/Neubeschreibung, Kausalität/Rechtfertigung, privat/öffentlich. Das Hauptziel des Handbuchs besteht darin, einen systematischen und umfassenden Überblick über Rortys Denken zu (...)
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    Einleitung zum Teil Person und Stil.Martin Müller - 2023 - In Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 75-78.
    Der erste Teil des Handbuchs ist der Person Richard Rorty gewidmet. Er behandelt auch Rortys Stil und „Methode“.
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    Liberdade e eticidade: o diagnóstico crítico da modernidade política em Hegel.Marcos Lutz Müller - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (69):1255-1294.
    Liberdade e eticidade: o diagnóstico crítico da modernidade política em Hegel Resumo: Após uma sucinta caracterização do processo de diferenciação e separação histórico-conceitual entre sociedade civil e Estado, respectivamente, entre o indivíduo burguês e o cidadão como traço principal da modernidade política, empreende-se uma análise concisa dos três registros da “apresentação” do conceito de liberdade, que, no âmbito do espírito objetivo, culmina no desenvolvimento do conceito de eticidade. Em seguida, explicita-se os três momentos lógicos, isto é, os três elementos constitutivos (...)
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    Dritter Abschnitt Zeitlichkeit und Modalität des Existenzials der Rede.Wolfgang Müller-Lauter - 1960 - In Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Möglichkeit Und Wirklichkeit Bei Martin Heidegger. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 54-66.
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    Dostoevskijs Ideendialektik.Wolfgang Müller-Lauter - 1974 - De Gruyter.
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    Des Juden Philo Buch von der Weltschöpfung.J. G. Müller - 1841 - De Gruyter.
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    6 Die Konzeption der Tugend in Ciceros De officiis: das Beispiel der Hochgesinntheit.Jörn Müller - 2023 - In Jörn Müller & Philipp Brüllmann, Cicero: De officiis. De Gruyter. pp. 89-106.
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  46. Der Siebente Internationale Kongress für Philosophie in Oxford.R. Müller-Freienfels - 1930 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35:572.
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  47. Die theologische Gesamtsynthese des Duns Scotus.Marianus Müller - 1934 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 1:110.
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  48.  19
    Designing the model European—Liberal and republican concepts of citizenship in Europe in the 1860s: The Association Internationale pour le Progrès des Sciences Sociales.Christian Müller - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (2):223-231.
    The formation of citizenship as a concept to define the rights of participation in the formation processes of modern territorial states is well known. But the transnational dimensions of defining citizenship and how to combine national legislations with enlightened universal and natural law rules in the mid-19th century is not very well known. The article aims to explore the transnational discourses on the political, economic and moral rights and duties of the citizen in the pan—European liberal Association Internationale pour le (...)
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    Die Theodizee und das Buch Hiob.Hans-Peter Müller - 1997 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 39 (2):140-156.
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    Estética Como Mecanismo Base de la Tríada Estructural Del Sentido de la Existencia.Miguel Angel Faustor Müller - 2021 - Metanoia 6:37-54.
    El presente ensayo busca desarrollar la estética de Nietzsche como la conexión fnal y necesaria de la tríada estructural que ofrece sentido de la vida, es decir, la voluntad de poder, la transvaloración de valores y el eterno retorno. Por este motivo, se empezará explicando el contexto de la estética que siente Nietzsche, para proceder a tratar los temas de la voluntad de poder, la transvaloración de valores y el eterno retorno como parte necesaria para el sentido de la vida, (...)
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