Results for 'Sergio Cechetto'

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  1. Armenian text].Sergio La Porta - 2008 - In Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy. Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
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  2. ¿Qué es la epistemología y para qué le sirve al científico?Sergio Morales - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):187-194.
    Definiciones de epistemología hay muchas, al igual que clases y estilos. Sin embargo, más allá de esta diversidad, es necesario contar con una definición básica que guíe nuestra comprensión del tema. Dos serán las preguntas que nos ayuden a ello en este artículo: a) ¿qué es la epistemología? y b) ¿para qué le sirve al científico?
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    Modular Many-Valued Semantics for Combined Logics.Carlos Caleiro & Sérgio Marcelino - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):583-636.
    We obtain, for the first time, a modular many-valued semantics for combined logics, which is built directly from many-valued semantics for the logics being combined, by means of suitable universal operations over partial non-deterministic logical matrices. Our constructions preserve finite-valuedness in the context of multiple-conclusion logics, whereas, unsurprisingly, it may be lost in the context of single-conclusion logics. Besides illustrating our constructions over a wide range of examples, we also develop concrete applications of our semantic characterizations, namely regarding the semantics (...)
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  4.  21
    Performance Sensitivity of a Wind Farm Power Curve Model to Different Signals of the Input Layer of ANNs: Case Studies in the Canary Islands.Sergio Velázquez Medina, José A. Carta & Ulises Portero Ajenjo - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    República y poema.Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott - 2022 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 25 (1):97-108.
    El materialismo salvaje desarrollado por Jacques Lezra no solo se opone a las cosmologías y ontologías modernas, articuladas en torno a un principio de organización de lo que hay, sino que también se expresa políticamente bajo la forma de un republicanismo salvaje que difiere no solo del republicanismo liberal sino también del llamado republicanismo normativo ilustrado. ¿De qué trata este republicanismo salvaje, abierto a la diferencia entre terror y terrorismo?, ¿qué consecuencias tiene su desmontaje de los presupuestos normativos y soberanos (...)
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  6. Legitimacy: a Mirage?Jeanne Ferguson & Sergio Cotta - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (134):96-105.
    The word “legitimacy” and its derivations (legitimate, legitimation, etc.) are widely employed in scientific language as they also are in current usage. In fact, we find them in several areas, from that of reasoning (“this conclusion is legitimate”) to that of law (“judgment of legitimacy”, “legitimate family”) and politics (“legitimate sovereign”). It is particularly in this latter domain, however, that they have their normal use as qualifications for power, and it is this particular aspect that I shall consider in this (...)
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    Epistemic Groundings of Abstraction and Their Cognitive Dimension.Sergio F. Martínez & Xiang Huang - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):490-511.
    In the philosophy of science, abstraction has usually been analyzed in terms of the interface between our experience and the design of our concepts. The often implicit assumption here is that such interface has a definite identifiable and universalizable structure, determining the epistemic correctness of any abstraction. Our claim is that, on the contrary, the epistemic grounding of abstraction should not be reduced to the structural norms of such interface but is also related to the constraints on the cognitive processes (...)
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  8.  19
    Acto de homenaje y mesa redonda sobre Fernando Montero Moliner : presentación.Sergio Sevilla Segura - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:23.
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  9. hacia una filosofía de la ciencia centrada en prácticas.Sergio F. Martinez - 2015 - Mexico: UNAM-Bonilla Artigas.
    La filosofía de la ciencia se desarrolló durante la primera mitad del siglo xx bajo el supuesto de que la ciencia podía caracterizarse por la estructura lógica tanto del conocimiento articulado en las teorías más exitosas como de sus explicaciones. En la segunda mitad del siglo xx se cuestiona fuertemente esa idea, pero se sigue asumiendo que la filosofía de la ciencia debe hacerse siguiendo los cánones de una epistemología fundamentalista que considera que el avance de la ciencia pasa por (...)
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  10.  18
    What is innovation?Sergio F. Martínez - 2019 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 34 (3):343-355.
    During the 19th century, evolutionary models of innovation followed a famous thesis of continuity, according to which methods and explanatory patterns of biology should have an important say in the social sciences. In the 20th century, this thesis was considered unacceptable as part of the sharp separation of biology from the social sciences. Recent advances in the biological sciences suggest a way in which a version of the thesis of continuity can be reinstated, to suggest new ways of explaining innovation (...)
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  11.  16
    Special theory of relativity, conceptual change and history of science.Alberto Villani & Sergio M. Arruda - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (1):85-100.
  12. Comentários à Lei nº 13.329/2016, que institui O regime especial de incentivos para O saneamento básico - reisb.Carlos Sérgio Gurgel da Silva - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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    Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy.Sergio La Porta (ed.) - 2008 - Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
    These two volumes consist of a critical edition and English translation of the two earliest known Armenian sets of scholia on the Heavenly Hierarchy of Dionysius the Areopagite. Composed in the monastic schools of Erznka in the late thirteenth century, these scholia provide significant insight into how the Heavenly Hierarchy in particular, and Armenian translations of Greek texts in general, were understood by Armenian scholars in the Middle Ages. This editio princeps of the scholia represents a rare critical edition of (...)
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    Remembrance Subjectivities, Narrative Marks and Cultural Trauma in the Construction of Memory of FARC-EP Demobilized Combatants in the AETCR Pondores.Sergio Daniel Rojas-Sierra & Tito Hernando Pérez Pérez - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:179-200.
    In recent decades, memory studies in Colombia in relation to the internal armed conflict have become a point of reference for multidisciplinary work with collectives and communities, and are also an important topic on the state agenda. This article explores the remembering subjectivities, narrative marks and cultural trauma that emerge from the experiences and perspectives in a memory work Antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación (AETCR) de Pondores. In addition, the tensions involved in thinking about cultural trauma from subjects (...)
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  15.  32
    Orienting Scientific Progress.Sergio F. Martínez - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (9-10):1249-1251.
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  16.  13
    Marcuse e os limites da sua utopia.Sergio Augusto Franco Fernandes - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):287.
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  17. Finite axiomatizability of logics of distributive lattices with negation.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper focuses on order-preserving logics defined from varieties of distributive lattices with negation, and in particular on the problem of whether these can be axiomatized by means Hilbert-style calculi that are finite. On the negative side, we provide a syntactic condition on the equational presentation of a variety that entails failure of finite axiomatizability for the corresponding logic. An application of this result is that the logic of all distributive lattices with negation is not finitely axiomatizable; we likewise establish (...)
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  18.  27
    Who did it? Moral wrongness for us and them in the UK, US, and Brazil.Paulo Sérgio Boggio, Gabriel Gaudêncio Rêgo, Jim A. C. Everett, Graziela Bonato Vieira, Rose Graves & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Morality has traditionally been described in terms of an impartial and objective “moral law”, and moral psychological research has largely followed in this vein, focusing on abstract moral judgments. But might our moral judgments be shaped not just by what the action is, but who is doing it? We looked at ratings of moral wrongness, manipulating whether the person doing the action was a friend, a refugee, or a stranger. We looked at these ratings across various moral foundations, and conducted (...)
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    Locally Tabular $$ne $$ Locally Finite.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):383-400.
    We show that for an arbitrary logic being locally tabular is a strictly weaker property than being locally finite. We describe our hunt for a logic that allows us to separate the two properties, revealing weaker and weaker conditions under which they must coincide, and showing how they are intertwined. We single out several classes of logics where the two notions coincide, including logics that are determined by a finite set of finite matrices, selfextensional logics, algebraizable and equivalential logics. Furthermore, (...)
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  20.  17
    How to Price and to Reimburse Publicly Funded Medicines in Latin America? Lessons Learned from Europe.Christine Leopold, Sergio Poblete & Sabine Vogler - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):76-91.
    This paper reviews the main pricing policies in Latin American countries, discussing their shortcomings. It also gives an overview of the most common pricing and reimbursement policies in Europe and describes in detail three well-established approaches — international price referencing, value-based pricing, including setting up of health technology assessment, and generic and biosimilar policies — building on country examples.
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    Dos fotografías de María Egües Ortiz (1917-2008): una mirada periscópica en tiempos de brumoso silencio.Sergio Barbero Briones - 2023 - Arbor 199 (808):e708.
    María Egües (1917-2008) fue una investigadora y tecnóloga en el ámbito de los instrumentos ópticos; figura esencial para entender el desarrollo de la ingeniería óptica en las primeras décadas del franquismo. Partiendo de dos fotografías, hasta hace poco inéditas, que reflejan dos momentos cruciales de su vida profesional, este ensayo ofrece una reflexión sobre como una mujer como Egües se vio a sí misma en un tiempo en el que la mera presencia de una mujer en el sistema tecno-científico era, (...)
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  22. Part III-Extended Abstracts for Posters and Demos-Data, Information, and Knowledge Management-Continuous Authentication by Keystroke Dynamics Using Committee Machines.Sergio Roberto de Litna-E.-Silva Filho & Mauro Roisenberg - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 686-687.
  23.  6
    Soberania, vontade geral e revolução: entre Jean Jacques Rousseau e Hannah Arendt.Mário Sérgio Vaz - 2019 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 35 (1).
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    The emergence of reciprocally beneficial cooperation.Sergio Beraldo & Robert Sugden - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):501-521.
    We offer a new and robust model of the emergence and persistence of cooperation when interactions are anonymous, the population is well mixed, and evolution selects strategies according to material payoffs. The model has a Prisoner’s Dilemma structure, but with an outside option of non-participation. The payoff to mutual cooperation is stochastic; with positive probability, it exceeds that from cheating against a cooperator. Under mild conditions, mutually beneficial cooperation occurs in equilibrium. This is possible because the non-participation option holds down (...)
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    Dying as a king: The Seleucids in the Fragments of Porphyry Transmitted by Eusebius' Chronicon Morire da re: I Seleucidi nei frammenti di Porfirio trasmessi dal Chronicon di Eusebio.Sergio Brillante - 2020 - História 69 (3):310-331.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze a fragment by Porphyry concerning Seleucid history and transmitted by Eusebius of Caesarea's Chronicon. A short introduction on this work will be followed by a defense of the authorship of the fragment as Porphyrian, and by a cautious suggestion to assign it to the Contra Christianos. In the last section, the fragment will be examined at length and its ideological background will be highlighted. In particular, the account of Seleucid kings' deaths shows (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Minimal Disturbance in Quantum Logic.Sergio Martinez - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:83 - 88.
    I construct a quantum-logical model of the type of situation that seems to be at the root of the problem of interpreting the projection postulate (Luders' rule) as a criterion of minimal disturbance. It is shown that the most natural way of characterizing minimal disturbance leads to contradictory conclusions concerning the final state.
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    Jogos de linguagem e neodocumentalismo.Sergio de Castro Martins - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):e-6935.
    O presente artigo visa estabelecer relações entre a teoria do Neodocumentalismo da Ciência da Informação e alguns aspectos expostos nos sistemas filosóficos da Filosofia de Ludwig Wittgenstein, sobretudo da sua segunda fase, tal como exposto em sua obra Investigações Filosóficas. Neste sentido, pretende-se estabelecer relações convergentes entre o conceito de jogos de linguagem e os aspectos relativos ao documento como instrumento de veiculação de informação, ordenação e prática social. Após uma introdução do tema, serão apresentados os conceitos e configurações do (...)
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    Paradox escaped?Sérgio Meira - 2001 - Cognitive Linguistics 12 (1).
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    Sobre as Relações Entre a Teoria e a Experiência.Sergio Hugo Menna - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 42.
    Neste trabalho analiso os principais modelos meta-teóricos sobre a relação teoria/ experiência. Com esse objetivo, destaco as diversas relações inferenciais existentes entre as teorias e a experiência nos processos de descoberta e nos processos de justificação, tendo como marco de análise a distinção entre teorias fenomenológicas e teorias explicativas.
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    Eco-democrazia: per una fondazione ecologica del diritto e della politica.Sergio Messina - 2019 - Napoli-Salerno: Orthotes.
  31.  3
    Uma Avaliação da Resposta Cética ao Desacordo Religioso.Sérgio Ricardo Neves Miranda & Luiz Helvécio Marques Segundo - 2019 - Dissertatio 49:356-375.
    Consideramos no artigo a afirmação cética de que devemos suspender o juízo nos casos de desacordo. Discutimos brevemente o argumento para a suspensão de juízo nos casos de desacordo apresentados por Sexto Empírico e propomos um argumento com base nas considerações de Feldman sobre o desacordo entre pares epistêmicos. Desenvolvemos então três objeções a esse argumento.
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  32. Mente, comportamento, intelligenza artificiale alcune osservazioni teoriche.Sergio Moravia - 1988 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 6 (1/2):124-130.
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    Nothing left in store . . . But how do we measure attentional capacity?Sergio Morra - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):132-133.
    I compare the concepts of “activation” and “storage” as foundations of short-term memory, and suggest that an attention-based view of STM does not need to posit specialized short-term stores. In particular, no compelling evidence supports the hypothesis of time-limited stores. Identifying sources of activation, examining the role of activated procedural knowledge, and studying working memory development are central issues in modelling capacity-limited focal attention.
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    On the information-processing demands of spatial reasoning.Sergio Morra - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (4):347 – 365.
    This article describes a study on capacity limitations that affect the construction of spatial mental models. A process model is presented, according to which the construction of a mental model in Ehrlich and Johnson-Laird's (1982) spatial descriptions task places a workload of six information chunks for continuous and semi-continuous descriptions, and seven chunks for discontinuous descriptions. Participants (48 undergraduate students) performed the spatial descriptions task and the figural intersections test (FIT), which yields a capacity score. The pattern of errors and (...)
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    ¿Qué es un algoritmo? Una respuesta desde la obra de Wittgenstein.Sergio Mota - 2015 - Endoxa 36:317.
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  36. El reconocimiento de la pluralidad de valores en la ciencia: la propuesta de Javier Echeverría.Sergio F. Martínez Muñoz - 1999 - Critica 31 (91):41-74.
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  37.  14
    A Filosofia e a máquina de fazer índices.Sérgio Lima dos Santos Nastasi - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):37.
    O presente texto visa a problematização do ensino de Filosofia na Educação Básica em um contexto de maior enquadramento do trabalho docente nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo. Argumenta-se que o poder educacional vem transformando as escolas em máquinas de fazer índices, em detrimento das experiências mínimas ou dos disparadores de pensamentos e afetos no cotidiano dos encontros aprendentes. Para tanto, mobilizam-se conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari e Georges Didi-Huberman a fim de pensar as (...)
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    Is safety in the eye of the beholder? Discrepancies between self-reported and proxied data on road safety behaviors—A systematic review.Sergio A. Useche, Mireia Faus & Francisco Alonso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies have problematized on the lack of agreement between self-reported and proxied data in the field of road safety-related behaviors. Overall, and although these studies are still scarce, most of them suggest that the way we perceive our own road behavior is systematically different from the perspective from which we perceive others' behavior, and vice versa. The aim of this review paper was to target the number and type of studies that have researched the behavioral perceptions of different groups (...)
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    La cura dell'altro: studi in onore di Sergio Bastianel sj.Donatella Abignente, G. Parnofiello & Sergio Bastianel (eds.) - 2014 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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    La exigencia ética. Sobre la doctrina Del Amor de Kierkegaard.Sergio Muñoz Fonnegra - 2005 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 32:41-59.
    La exigencia ética es uno de los conceptos centrales del pensamiento de Kierkegaard. Él lo introduce como correctivo contra las tendencias nihilistas de su época. En este artículo se presentan los aspectos más importantes del desarrollo del concepto, partiendo del diagnóstico crítico de la modernidad que hace Kierkegaard y de su dialéctica de la comunicación ética y de su dialéctica de la comunicación ético-religiosa. La tesis central es que el amor, entendido como la exigencia radical hecha al individuo de superar (...)
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    (1 other version)Ciencia, Tecnología y Democracia.Sergio F. Martínez - 2007 - Tópicos 32:53-76.
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    Etica e religione nel "primo Wittgenstein".Sergio Marini - 1989 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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    Hartmann, Hoefer & Bovens, eds. 2008. Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science.Sergio F. Martínez - 2011 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 26 (1):90-93.
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    Historia, prácticas y estilos en la filosofía de la ciencia. Hacia una epistemología plural.Sergio Martínez, Xiang Huang & Godfrey Guillaumin (eds.) - 2011 - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
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    Política Cotidiana y Tolerancia en las obras de John Locke y Robert Nozick.Sergio Morresi - 2010 - Dois Pontos 7 (4).
    En 1974, Robert Nozick publicó *Anarquía, Estado y Utopía*, una obra que, porprimera vez, otorgaba estatus teórico a una de las corrientes del pensamiento neoliberal:el libertarianismo. En buena medida, el texto de Nozick se reclama como una relectura enclave de filosofía analítica de la teoría política de John Locke. En este artículo se ofrecenalgunos argumentos para mostrar que, aunque la perspectiva de Nozick presenta ciertassimilitudes retóricas con la obra del filósofo inglés, en cada uno de los puntos fundamentales(como por ejemplo (...)
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  46. RETHINKING COLONIAL TOPOI IN A SOCIAL HISTORY OF AFRICA IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE - (D.J.) Mattingly Between Sahara and Sea. Africa in the Roman Empire. Pp. xxvi + 717, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2023. Cased, US$44.95. ISBN: 978-0-472-13345-1. [REVIEW]Sergio España-Chamorro - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):577-580.
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    Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]Sergio F. Martínez - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (1):90-93.
  48. Sergio Pérez Cortés, El pensamiento libre y la razón en la Fenomenología del espíritu de Hegel.Sergio Pérez Cortés - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 40 (121):125-152.
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    Philosophy of Biology.Sergio Sismondo - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):164.
  50.  8
    Lettres à Sergio Solmi sur la philosophie de Kant.Sergio Alain & Solmi - 1946 - Paris,: P. Hartmann. Edited by Sergio Solmi.
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