Results for 'Sean Leahy'

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  1. Virtuous Persons and Social Roles.Sean Cordell - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (3):254-272.
    The article discusses the characteristics of virtuous persons in relation to their social role(s). It explores the key features of the neo-Aristotelian account of right action and some problems for this account in the context of a certain social role. The problem can be characterized as a dilemma. When evaluating an action in some role, one view is that the obligations and requirements of roles could be taken as something already given by social or professional role descriptions, such that the (...)
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    Note on Implying.Sean Cody - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):211-217.
    A short core model induction proof of $\mathsf {AD}^{L(\mathbb {R})}$ from $\mathsf {TD} + \mathsf {DC}_{\mathbb {R}}$.
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    Generalisation of fear and avoidance along a semantic continuum.Sean Boyle, Bryan Roche, Simon Dymond & Dirk Hermans - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):340-352.
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    Normativity and Expressive Agency in Hegel, Nietzsche, and Deleuze.Sean Bowden - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (2):236-259.
    ABSTRACT This article synthesizes several different studies of Hegel's and Nietzsche's expressive conceptions of action and agency and identifies a related account in Deleuze's Logic of Sense. It argues that such conceptions not only challenge familiar voluntarist accounts of action and agency; they also demand a reassessment of standard approaches to the relation between norms and action. For the voluntarist, an agent's action is caused by the separate, prior intention of the agent. For expressivists, an agent's intention is inseparable from (...)
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    Four slogans for cultural change: an evolving place-based, imaginative and ecological learning experience.Sean Blenkinsop - 2012 - Journal of Moral Education 41 (3):353-368.
    This article focuses primarily on our research group’s year of preparation before the opening of a new K-7 publicly funded ecological ‘school’ for students aged 5–12. The article begins with a discussion of the reasons for seeking ways to change the values of a culture which fails to confront the consequences of its destructive practices, and for looking for a new approach to ecological education which sees the more-than-human world as an integral part of the learning situation. Five principles are (...)
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    Transcendent drinking: The symposium at sea reconsidered.Sean Corner - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60 (2):352-380.
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    The World Underfoot: Mosaics and Metaphor in the Greek Symposium by Hallie M. Franks.Sean Corner - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (3):366-367.
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    Holographic Visions: A History of New Science.Sean F. Johnston - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Holography exploded on the scientific world in 1964, but its slow fuse had been burning much longer. Over the next four decades, the echoes of that explosion reached scientists, engineers, artists and popular culture. Emerging from classified military research, holography evolved to represent the power of post-war physics, an aesthetic union of art and science, the countercultural meanderings of holism, a cottage industry for waves of would-be entrepreneurs and a fertile plot device for science fiction. New working cultures sprang up (...)
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  9. The impact of end‐of‐course testing in chemistry on curriculum and instruction.P. Sean Smith, Paul B. Hounshell, Cynthia Copolo & Sheila Wilkerson - 1992 - Science Education 76 (5):523-530.
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    Martin Buber: Educating for relationship.Sean Blenkinsop - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (3):285 – 307.
    This paper proposes that contained within Martin Buber's works one can find useful support for, and insights into, an educational philosophy that stretches across, and incorporates, both the human and non-human worlds. Through a re-examination of his seminal essay Education2, and with reference to specific incidents in his autobiography (e.g. the horse, his family, the theatre and the tree) and to central tenets of his theology (e.g. the shekina, the Eternal Thou and teshuvah) we shall present a more coherent understanding (...)
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  11. Battlefish Contention.Sean Allen-Hermanson - 2017 - Animal Sentience 2 (13):3.
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    Land, Language and Listening: The Transformations That Can Flow from Acknowledging Indigenous Land.Sean Blenkinsop & Mark Fettes - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (4):1033-1046.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Celtic Metaphysics and Consciousness.Sean O. Nuallain - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):6-25.
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    Introduction.Sean O. Nuallain - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):1-14.
    This is the introduction to the special edition on Foundations of Mind: Cognition and Consciousness and the introduction to the conference at UC University at Berkeley on which the edition is based.
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    Self-Deception in the Classroom: Educational manifestations of Sartre’s concept of bad faith.Sean Blenkinsop & Tim Waddington - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (14):1511-1521.
    This article explores an important section of Jean-Paul Sartre’s famous early work, Being and Nothingness. In that section Sartre proposes that part of the human condition is to actively engage in a particular kind of self-deception he calls bad faith. Bad faith is recognized by the obvious inconsistency between the purported self-knowledge of an individual and ways of acting and being in the world that are demonstrably in defiance of that stated position. This article begins by exploring examples of this (...)
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    Chapter 9 Gilles Deleuze, a Reader of Gilbert Simondon.Sean Bowden - 2012 - In AshleyVE Woodward, Alex Murray & Jon Roffe (eds.), Gilbert Simondon: Being and Technology. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 135-153.
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  17. The Pragmatist’s Troubles with Bivalence and Counterfactuals.Sean Allen-Hermanson - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (4):669-690.
    RÉSUMÉ: Je me demande ici si les conceptions pragmatiques de la vérité peuvent être réconciliées avec les intuitions ordinaires quant à la portée de la bivalence. Je soutiens que les pragmatistes sont conduits à accepter une distinction du genre «type/occurrence» entre les formes d’une investigation et ses instanciations particulières, sous peine de banaliser leur vérificationnisme. Néanmoins, même la conception révisée que j’examine échoue à sauver les approches épistémiques de la vérité de certaines conséquences peu plausibles.
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    An anti-positivist conception of problems: Deleuze, Bergson and the French epistemological tradition.Sean Bowden - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (2):45-63.
    This paper critically examines the relation between problems and the formation and development of concepts in Bergson’s work, as well as in Bachelard, Canguilhem and Deleuze. Building on work by Elie During, I argue that it is not only Bergson but also Deleuze who shares with the French epistemological tradition an “anti-positivist” conception of concept formation, founded upon the posing and solving of novel problems as opposed to the acquisition and verification of empirical facts. Contrary to During, however, I argue (...)
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    In defense of obscure academic writing.Sean Braune - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):102-121.
    There has been a backlash against academic writing in the humanities that can be found in popular culture at least since the 1990s. By considering a selection of arguments from critics of academic writing in the humanities, I then defend a certain kind of ‘obscurity’ or ‘difficulty’ in scholarly prose by developing a concise genealogy of obscure academic writing. This paper develops the notion that an ‘uncommon sense’ should be situated against ‘common sense’ to unveil an assumed ‘world’ or ‘reality’ (...)
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    Scaling Up: The Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Rise of a New Profession.Colin Divall & Sean F. Johnston - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
    Chemical engineering - as a recognised skill in the workplace, as an academic discipline, and as an acknowledged profession - is scarcely a century old. Yet from a contested existence before the First World War, chemical engineering had become one of the 'big four' engineering professions in Britain, and a major contributor to Western economies, by the end of the twentieth century. The subject had distinct national trajectories. In Britain - too long seen as shaped by American experiences - the (...)
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  21. The Kingdom of Matthias.Paul E. Johnson & Sean Wilentz - 1995 - Utopian Studies 6 (2):196-197.
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    Alison Kesby , The Right to Have Rights: Citizenship, Humanity, and International Law . Reviewed by.P. Sean Morris - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (1):26-28.
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    God's Unlikely Comeback: Evolution, Emanation, and Ecology.Sean O. Nuallain - 2012 - Cosmos and History 8 (1):339-382.
    Abstract -/- This paper has three contrasting sections. The first starts with a description of the academic context that has led researchers like Stewart Kauffmann to introduce "God" into respectable discourse. It then goes on to juxtapose his schema with similar others that his work does not reference. It is proposed that, since humanity is the cutting edge-for good and evil-of emanation/revolution, it is human development that we must focus on. This, in turn cannot properly be discussed without reference to (...)
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  24. Aesthetics and History: A Study of Lessing, Rousseau, Kant, and Schiller.Timothy Sean Quinn - 1985 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    This dissertation treats two themes crucial for the emergence of modern aesthetics. First, it considers the "aesthetic consciousness," which results from a rejection of the Aristotelian mimesis doctrine, and which seeks to establish art as independent from either morality or nature. Second, it treats the "historical consciousness," required to bring about the aesthetic consciousness, and eventually to raise it to the level of a moral ideal. Thus, the dissertation begins by considering that version of the mimetic argument rejected by the (...)
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    En busca de un marco efectivo para los biobancos.Heather Widdows & Sean Cordell - 2010 - Dilemata 4.
    This paper is about the actual and potential development of an ethics that is appropriate to the practices and institutions of biobanking, the question being how best to develop a framework within which the relevant ethical questions are first identified and then addressed in the right ways. It begins with ways in which a standard approach in bioethics – namely upholding a principle of indivi-dual autonomy via the practice of gaining donors’ informed consent – is an inadequate ethical framework for (...)
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    Martin Buber’s “Education”: Imitating God, the Developmental Relationalist.Sean Blenkinsop - 2004 - Philosophy of Education 60:79-87.
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    Encounters and the Differential Genesis of Thought in The Logic of Sense.Sean Bowden - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (1):24-50.
    Several themes treated in chapter 3 of Difference and Repetition are addressed at greater length in The Logic of Sense, published one year later. In particular, Deleuze's critique of ‘the privilege of designation’ and ‘the modality of solutions’, along with his positive claims about the relation between sense and problems, arguably summarise a number of analyses found in The Logic of Sense. However, despite the convergence between Difference and Repetition and The Logic of Sense as regards the sense–problem relation, The (...)
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  28. Deleuze's Neo-Leibnizianism, Events and The Logic of Sense's ‘Static Ontological Genesis’.Sean Bowden - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (3):301-328.
    In The Logic of Sense, Deleuze effectively argues that two types of relation between events govern their ‘evental’ or ‘ideal play’, and ultimately underlie determined substances, that is, worldly individuals and persons. Leibniz calls these relations ‘compossibility’ and ‘incompossibility’. Deleuze calls them ‘convergence’ and ‘divergence’. This paper explores how Deleuze appropriates and extends a number of Leibnizian concepts in order to ground the idea that events have ontological priority over substances ‘all the way down’.
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    The Ecological Danger of Compromise.Sean Blenkinsop - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:219-221.
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    Becoming Teacher/Tree and Bringing the Natural World to Students: An Educational Examination of the Influence of the Other‐than‐Human World and the Great Actor on Martin Buber's Concept of the I/Thou.Sean Blenkinsop & Charles Scott - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (4):453-469.
    This essay is written in two sections. The first, following a short introduction, is made up of three scenarios drawn from the life and work of Martin Buber. As well as demonstrating his obvious interest in human relationships with the other-than-human, each scenario describes an encounter between either Buber himself or a stand-in character and a member of the other-than-human world. Together, these scenes not only suggest that I/Thou encounters are possible with the other-than-human, and that they are important for (...)
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    Experiencing Complexity and Retooling Understanding for Sustainability.Sean Blenkinsop - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:153-155.
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    Erratum to: Shut-Up and Listen: Implications and Possibilities of Albert Memmi’s Characteristics of Colonization Upon the “Natural World”.Sean Blenkinsop, Ramsey Affifi, Laura Piersol & Michael De Danann Sitka-Sage - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):367-367.
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    Freedome & Flourishing in a Posthumanist Age.Sean Blenkinsop, Marcus Morse & Michael De Danann Datura - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:585.
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    Loosening Psychoanalysis and Being Present Towards an Unknown Future.Sean Blenkinsop - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:239-241.
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    The Experienced Idea: Using Experiential Approaches to Teach Philosophical Concepts.Sean Blenkinsop & Chris Beeman - 2018 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 4:61-77.
    The central focus of this article is to share several experiential activities we have designed in our teaching careers that we use to help education students, primarily undergraduates and teacher candidates, access philosophical ideas and enter philosophical discussions. The examples shared below come from our attempts to help students reach key concepts and abstract ideas in some well-known educational philosophical discussions, through engaging in experiences relating to them. They are based on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, John Dewey’s scientific method, (...)
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    Teacher Presence: Extreme Dissonance and Subtle Tuning.Sean Blenkinsop - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:432-435.
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    Assembling Agency: Expression, Action, and Ethics in Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus.Sean Bowden - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (3):383-400.
    The Southern Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    1. Badiou’s Philosophical Heritage.Sean Bowden & Simon Duffy - 2012 - In Sean Bowden & Simon Duffy (eds.), Badiou and Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1--15.
    In the wake of the numerous translations of Badiou’s works that have appeared in recent years, including the translation of the second volume of his major work, Logic of Worlds: Being and Event II, there has been a marked increase in interest in the philo- sophical underpinnings of his oeuvre. The papers brought together in this volume provide a range of incisive and critical engagements with Badiou’s philosophical heritage and the philosophical prob- lems his work engages, both directly and indirectly. (...)
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  39. Deleuze, Leibniz and the Jurisprudence of Being.Sean Bowden - 2006 - Pli 17.
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    9 Jean Wahl.Sean Bowden - 2019 - In Graham Jones & Jon Roffe (eds.), Deleluze's Philosophical Lineage II. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 183-206.
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    SoTL and National Difference: Musings from three historians from three countries.Sean Brawley, T. Mills Kelly & Geoff Timmins - 2009 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 8 (1):8-25.
    What role does/should national difference play in our understanding of the scholarship of teaching and learning as a concept and a practice? Three historians from Australia, the UK and the USA muse on this important issue. Informed by their engagement with the literature and the field, they argue that national difference is an observable phenomenon within SoTL but that each national response has been shaped by the broader transnational/international engagements of recent years.
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    The Irish Cultural Crisis.Sean Brady - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (3-4):742-743.
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    Molecular approaches to the study of mesoderm formation in amphibians.Sean Brennan - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (2):52-57.
    The mesoderm is the region of the embryo that gives rise to muscle, blood and connective tissues; it becomes segregated from the ectoderm and endoderm at gastrulation. Embryological studies have revealed, however, that the potential for certain embryonic cells to become part of the mesoderm is established well before gastrulation, most likely through an extracellular signalling process termed ‘induction’. The recent characterization of mesoderm‐specific mRNAs and proteins now permits an analysis of the very earliest events involved in the specification of (...)
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    Archaeology and the State.Sean Brown - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (1).
    Archaeology is a powerful tool for the provision of a cultural identity to a population. This same power often makes it also the target of manipulation by a state in the process of nation-building. This paper will study the darker political nature of archaeology by examining the effects of state-control over archaeological resources and research, in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The aim of this paper is to highlight the dangers posed to the public world- view of a nation in (...)
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    A preliminary investigation of patient and carer expectations of their general practitioner in longer‐term stroke care.Sean Brotheridge, John Young, George Dowswell, John Lawler & Anne Forster - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (3):237-241.
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    Methodology in the Interpretation of Roman Mithraic Imagery.Sean Brown - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (1).
    The nature of a semiotic system is inherently complex. In the course of this paper, we will examine that nature through the application of linguistic anthropological theory. In so-doing, an interpretive methodology will be elucidated with particular attention given to the religious iconography of the Mithraic Mysteries found in imperial Rome. This multi-disciplinary approach to interpretation seeks to combine classical learning with the applied scientific approach of anthropology in the interest of providing a fresh perspective to an old question: “What (...)
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    Deleuze and the Unconscious. [REVIEW]Sean Bowden - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl):148-153.
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    Foucault and Philosophy. [REVIEW]Sean Bowden - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (1):203 - 203.
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 90, Issue 1, Page 203, March 2012.
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    Review of Lin ma, Heidegger on East-West Dialogue: Anticipating the Event[REVIEW]Eric Sean Nelson - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (3).
  50. Against Liberation: Putting Animals in Perspective.Michael P. T. Leahy - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The Western world is currently gripped by an obsessive concern for the rights of animals - their uses and abuses. In this book, Leahy argues that this is a movement based upon a series of fundamental misconceptions about the basic nature of animals. This is a radical philosophical questioning of prevailing views on animal rights, which credit animals with a self-consciousness like ours. Leahy's conclusions have implications for issues such as bloodsports, meat eating and fur trading.
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