Results for 'Science Mathematics'

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  1. Debunking, supervenience, and Hume’s Particular Science & in Metaethics Realism/Anti-Realism Debates She is Currently Working on Analogies Between Debates Over Realism/Anti-Realism in the Philosophy of Mathematics - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (8):1083-1103.
    Debunking arguments against both moral and mathematical realism have been pressed, based on the claim that our moral and mathematical beliefs are insensitive to the moral/mathematical facts. In the mathematical case, I argue that the role of Hume’s Principle as a conceptual truth speaks against the debunkers’ claim that it is intelligible to imagine the facts about numbers being otherwise while our evolved responses remain the same. Analogously, I argue, the conceptual supervenience of the moral on the natural speaks presents (...)
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  2. Philosophy, Sciences, Mathematics: Interview with Alain Badiou.Alain Badiou - 2006 - Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development 1:11-26.
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    Science, Mathematics, and Spanish Language Education for 5th-9th Grade Inservize Teachers in Bilingual Inner City Schools, Temple Univer sity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [REVIEW]Frank X. Sutman - 1981 - Science, Technology and Human Values 6 (4):33-33.
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    Nelson algebras, residuated lattices and rough sets: A survey.Lut School of Engineering Science Jouni Järvinen Sándor Radeleczki Umberto Rivieccio A. SOftware Engineering, Finlandb Institute Of Mathematics Lahti, Uned Hungaryc Departamento de Lógica E. Historia Y. Filosofía de la Ciencia & Spain Madrid - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):368-428.
    Over the past 50 years, Nelson algebras have been extensively studied by distinguished scholars as the algebraic counterpart of Nelson's constructive logic with strong negation. Despite these studies, a comprehensive survey of the topic is currently lacking, and the theory of Nelson algebras remains largely unknown to most logicians. This paper aims to fill this gap by focussing on the essential developments in the field over the past two decades. Additionally, we explore generalisations of Nelson algebras, such as N4-lattices which (...)
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  5. Extreme Science: Mathematics as the Science of Relations as such.R. S. D. Thomas - 2008 - In Bonnie Gold & Roger A. Simons, Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy. Mathematical Association of America. pp. 245.
    This paper sets mathematics among the sciences, despite not being empirical, because it studies relations of various sorts, like the sciences. Each empirical science studies the relations among objects, which relations determining which science. The mathematical science studies relations as such, regardless of what those relations may be or be among, how relations themselves are related. This places it at the extreme among the sciences with no objects of its own (A Subject with no Object, by (...)
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    The Role of Science/Mathematics Laboratories in Philosophy.Helen S. Lang - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (4):327-337.
    This paper presents the idea, structure, history, goals, and accomplishments of mathematics and science laboratories as they have been organized and taught at Trinity College. The laboratories are designed to develop specific science and mathematics problem-solving skills, presenting them within the context of humanities-related inquiry (e.g. neural network theory within the context of philosophy of mind). These laboratories are especially valuable in providing humanities students with literacy in advanced science and mathematics materials that, since (...)
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    An Integrated Science, Mathematics and Sts Program for Pre-Service Middle School Science and Mathematics Teachers.Robert Snow & William J. Doody - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):239-242.
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  8. Professor, Water Science and Civil Engineering University of California Davis, California.A. Mathematical Model - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 31.
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    Advances in Contemporary Logic and Computer Science: Proceedings of the Eleventh Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic, May 6-10, 1996, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.Walter A. Carnielli, Itala M. L. D'ottaviano & Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic - 1999 - American Mathematical Soc..
    This volume presents the proceedings from the Eleventh Brazilian Logic Conference on Mathematical Logic held by the Brazilian Logic Society in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The conference and the volume are dedicated to the memory of professor Mario Tourasse Teixeira, an educator and researcher who contributed to the formation of several generations of Brazilian logicians. Contributions were made from leading Brazilian logicians and their Latin-American and European colleagues. All papers were selected by a careful refereeing processs and were revised and updated (...)
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    Science, SETI and mathematics.Carl L. DeVito - 2014 - New York: Berghahn.
    Mathematics is as much a part of our humanity as music and art. And it is our mathematics that might be understandable, even familiar, to a distant race and might provide the basis for mutual communication. This book discusses, in a conversational way, the role of mathematics in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The author explores the science behind that search, its history, and the many questions associated with it, including those regarding the nature of language (...)
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    Weaving the World: Simone Weil on Science, Mathematics, and Love.Vance G. Morgan - 2005 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "_Weaving the World_ is a well-written and lucid overview of Simone Weil's writings on science and mathematics. This book will be of great benefit for anyone who wishes to pursue Weil's thought in depth." —_Eric O. Springsted, President of the American Weil Society_ "_Weaving the World_ is a detailed account of the philosophy of science and knowledge of Simone Weil. It is a very useful contribution to our understanding of one of the deepest and most incandescent thinkers (...)
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    Multi-model ensembles in climate science: Mathematical structures and expert judgements.Julie Jebeile & Michel Crucifix - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 83 (C):44-52.
    Projections of future climate change cannot rely on a single model. It has become common to rely on multiple simulations generated by Multi-Model Ensembles (MMEs), especially to quantify the uncertainty about what would constitute an adequate model structure. But, as Parker points out (2018), one of the remaining philosophically interesting questions is: “How can ensemble studies be designed so that they probe uncertainty in desired ways?” This paper offers two interpretations of what General Circulation Models (GCMs) are and how MMEs (...)
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  13. Editorial. Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, Mathematics and Phenomenological Philosophy.Plamen L. Simeonov, Arran Gare, Seven M. Rosen & Denis Noble - 2015 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 119 (3):208-218.
    The is the Editorial of the 2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, Mathematics and Phenomenological Philosophy.
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  14. Phenomenology, Logic, and the Philosophy of Mathematics.Richard L. Tieszen - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Offering a collection of fifteen essays that deal with issues at the intersection of phenomenology, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics, this 2005 book is divided into three parts. Part I contains a general essay on Husserl's conception of science and logic, an essay of mathematics and transcendental phenomenology, and an essay on phenomenology and modern pure geometry. Part II is focused on Kurt Godel's interest in phenomenology. It explores Godel's ideas and also some work of Quine, (...)
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  15.  15
    The outer limits of reason: what science, mathematics, and logic cannot tell us.Noson S. Yanofsky - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Many books explain what is known about the universe. This book investigates what cannot be known. Rather than exploring the amazing facts that science, mathematics, and reason have revealed to us, this work studies what science, mathematics, and reason tell us cannot be revealed. In The Outer Limits of Reason, Noson Yanofsky considers what cannot be predicted, described, or known, and what will never be understood. He discusses the limitations of computers, physics, logic, and our own (...)
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    A Structural Account of Mathematics.Charles S. Chihara - 2003 - Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Charles Chihara's new book develops and defends a structural view of the nature of mathematics, and uses it to explain a number of striking features of mathematics that have puzzled philosophers for centuries. The view is used to show that, in order to understand how mathematical systems are applied in science and everyday life, it is not necessary to assume that its theorems either presuppose mathematical objects or are even true. Chihara builds upon his previous work, in (...)
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  17. Science and Necessity.John Bigelow & Robert Pargetter - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Robert Pargetter.
    This book espouses a theory of scientific realism in which due weight is given to mathematics and logic. The authors argue that mathematics can be understood realistically if it is seen to be the study of universals, of properties and relations, of patterns and structures, the kinds of things which can be in several places at once. Taking this kind of scientific platonism as their point of departure, they show how the theory of universals can account for probability, (...)
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  18. Tracking the processes of change in US undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology.Elaine Seymour - 2002 - Science Education 86 (1):79-105.
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  19. Mathematics, explanation, and scientific knowledge.Mark Steiner - 1978 - Noûs 12 (1):17-28.
  20. Spinoza and the Philosophy of Science: Mathematics, Motion, and Being.Eric Schliesser - 1986, 2002
    This chapter argues that the standard conception of Spinoza as a fellow-travelling mechanical philosopher and proto-scientific naturalist is misleading. It argues, first, that Spinoza’s account of the proper method for the study of nature presented in the Theological-Political Treatise (TTP) points away from the one commonly associated with the mechanical philosophy. Moreover, throughout his works Spinoza’s views on the very possibility of knowledge of nature are decidedly sceptical (as specified below). Third, in the seventeenth-century debates over proper methods in the (...)
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  21. How applied mathematics became pure.Penelope Maddy - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):16-41.
    My goal here is to explore the relationship between pure and applied mathematics and then, eventually, to draw a few morals for both. In particular, I hope to show that this relationship has not been static, that the historical rise of pure mathematics has coincided with a gradual shift in our understanding of how mathematics works in application to the world. In some circles today, it is held that historical developments of this sort simply represent changes in (...)
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  22. Mathematics and indispensability.Elliott Sober - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (1):35-57.
    Realists persuaded by indispensability arguments af- firm the existence of numbers, genes, and quarks. Van Fraassen's empiricism remains agnostic with respect to all three. The point of agreement is that the posits of mathematics and the posits of biology and physics stand orfall together. The mathematical Platonist can take heart from this consensus; even if the existence of num- bers is still problematic, it seems no more problematic than the existence of genes or quarks. If the two positions just (...)
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  23. Science as practice and culture.Andrew Pickering (ed.) - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Science as Practice and Culture explores one of the newest and most controversial developments within the rapidly changing field of science studies: the move toward studying scientific practice--the work of doing science--and the associated move toward studying scientific culture, understood as the field of resources that practice operates in and on. Andrew Pickering has invited leading historians, philosophers, sociologists, and anthropologists of science to prepare original essays for this volume. The essays range over the physical and (...)
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  24. From Mathematics to Philosophy.Hao Wang - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):170-174.
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  25. Philosophy of mathematics and mathematical practice in the seventeenth century.Paolo Mancosu (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The seventeenth century saw dramatic advances in mathematical theory and practice. With the recovery of many of the classical Greek mathematical texts, new techniques were introduced, and within 100 years, the rules of analytic geometry, geometry of indivisibles, arithmatic of infinites, and calculus were developed. Although many technical studies have been devoted to these innovations, Mancosu provides the first comprehensive account of the relationship between mathematical advances of the seventeenth century and the philosophy of mathematics of the period. Starting (...)
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  26. Applied Mathematics without Numbers.Jack Himelright - 2023 - Philosophia Mathematica 31 (2):147-175.
    In this paper, I develop a "safety result" for applied mathematics. I show that whenever a theory in natural science entails some non-mathematical conclusion via an application of mathematics, there is a counterpart theory that carries no commitment to mathematical objects, entails the same conclusion, and the claims of which are true if the claims of the original theory are "correct": roughly, true given the assumption that mathematical objects exist. The framework used for proving the safety result (...)
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  27. What is Mathematics, Really?Reuben Hersh - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Platonism is the most pervasive philosophy of mathematics. Indeed, it can be argued that an inarticulate, half-conscious Platonism is nearly universal among mathematicians. The basic idea is that mathematical entities exist outside space and time, outside thought and matter, in an abstract realm. In the more eloquent words of Edward Everett, a distinguished nineteenth-century American scholar, "in pure mathematics we contemplate absolute truths which existed in the divine mind before the morning stars sang together, and which will continue (...)
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  28. Philosophical Papers: Volume 1, Mathematics, Matter and Method.Hilary Putnam (ed.) - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Professor Hilary Putnam has been one of the most influential and sharply original of recent American philosophers in a whole range of fields. His most important published work is collected here, together with several new and substantial studies, in two volumes. The first deals with the philosophy of mathematics and of science and the nature of philosophical and scientific enquiry; the second deals with the philosophy of language and mind. Volume one is now issued in a new edition, (...)
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  29. Mathematics and reality.Stewart Shapiro - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (4):523-548.
    The subject of this paper is the philosophical problem of accounting for the relationship between mathematics and non-mathematical reality. The first section, devoted to the importance of the problem, suggests that many of the reasons for engaging in philosophy at all make an account of the relationship between mathematics and reality a priority, not only in philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science, but also in general epistemology/metaphysics. This is followed by a (rather brief) survey of (...)
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    Essays in the philosophy and history of logic and mathematics.Roman Murawski - 2010 - New York, NY: Rodopi. Edited by Thomas Bedürftig, Izabela Bondecka-Krzykowska & Jan Woleński.
    The book is a collection of the author’s selected works in the philosophy and history of logic and mathematics. Papers in Part I include both general surveys of contemporary philosophy of mathematics as well as studies devoted to specialized topics, like Cantor's philosophy of set theory, the Church thesis and its epistemological status, the history of the philosophical background of the concept of number, the structuralist epistemology of mathematics and the phenomenological philosophy of mathematics. Part II (...)
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    Ludic Proof: Greek Mathematics and the Alexandrian Aesthetic.Reviel Netz - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book represents a new departure in science studies: an analysis of a scientific style of writing, situating it within the context of the contemporary style of literature. Its philosophical significance is that it provides a novel way of making sense of the notion of a scientific style. For the first time, the Hellenistic mathematical corpus - one of the most substantial extant for the period - is placed centre-stage in the discussion of Hellenistic culture as a whole. Professor (...)
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  32. Alternative Logics and Applied Mathematics.Timothy Williamson - 2018 - Philosophical Issues 28 (1):399-424.
    Many advocates of non-classical logic for reasons external to mathematics claim that their proposed revisions are consistent with the use of classical logic within pure mathematics. Doubts are raised about such claims, concerning the applicability of pure mathematics to natural and social science. -/- .
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    Is Mathematics Problem Solving or Theorem Proving?Carlo Cellucci - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (1):183-199.
    The question that is the subject of this article is not intended to be a sociological or statistical question about the practice of today’s mathematicians, but a philosophical question about the nature of mathematics, and specifically the method of mathematics. Since antiquity, saying that mathematics is problem solving has been an expression of the view that the method of mathematics is the analytic method, while saying that mathematics is theorem proving has been an expression of (...)
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  34. Knowledge of Mathematics without Proof.Alexander Paseau - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (4):775-799.
    Mathematicians do not claim to know a proposition unless they think they possess a proof of it. For all their confidence in the truth of a proposition with weighty non-deductive support, they maintain that, strictly speaking, the proposition remains unknown until such time as someone has proved it. This article challenges this conception of knowledge, which is quasi-universal within mathematics. We present four arguments to the effect that non-deductive evidence can yield knowledge of a mathematical proposition. We also show (...)
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    Science and an African Logic.Helen Verran - 2001 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    In this captivating book, Helen Verran addresses precisely that question by looking at how science, mathematics, and logic come to life in Yoruba primary schools.
  36. Revolutions in mathematics.Donald Gillies (ed.) - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Social revolutions--that is critical periods of decisive, qualitative change--are a commonly acknowledged historical fact. But can the idea of revolutionary upheaval be extended to the world of ideas and theoretical debate? The publication of Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in 1962 led to an exciting discussion of revolutions in the natural sciences. A fascinating, but little known, off-shoot of this was a debate which began in the United States in the mid-1970's as to whether the concept of revolution could (...)
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    Intentional mathematics.Stewart Shapiro (ed.) - 1985 - New YorK, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
    Among the aims of this book are: - The discussion of some important philosophical issues using the precision of mathematics. - The development of formal systems that contain both classical and constructive components. This allows the study of constructivity in otherwise classical contexts and represents the formalization of important intensional aspects of mathematical practice. - The direct formalization of intensional concepts (such as computability) in a mixed constructive/classical context.
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    Mathematical foundations of information sciences.Esfandiar Haghverdi - 2024 - New Jersey: World Scientific. Edited by Liugen Zhu.
    This is a concise book that introduces students to the basics of logical thinking and important mathematical structures that are critical for a solid understanding of logical formalisms themselves as well as for building the necessary background to tackle other fields that are based on these logical principles. Despite its compact and small size, it includes many solved problems and quite a few end-of-section exercises that will help readers consolidate their understanding of the material. This textbook is essential reading for (...)
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    Concerning Mathematics.D. J. Struik - 1936 - Science and Society 1 (1):81 - 101.
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  40. Mathematics and Logic-Mathematics of the 19th Century.A. N. Kolmogorov, A. P. Yushkevich & I. Grattanguinness - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (3):323.
  41. Constructive mathematics and models of enturnonistic theories.Ag Dragalin - 1973 - In Patrick Suppes, Logic, methodology and philosophy of science. New York,: American Elsevier Pub. Co.. pp. 111.
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    Does Mathematics Need Something other than Logic?Katuzi Ono - 1968 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (3):93-104.
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  43. Mathematics at work.Mary Hesse - forthcoming - History of Science.
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    Kant's Theory of Science.Gordon G. Brittan - 2015 - Princeton University Press.
    While interest in Kant's philosophy has increased in recent years, very little of it has focused on his theory of science. This book gives a general account of that theory, of its motives and implications, and of the way it brought forth a new conception of the nature of philosophical thought. To reconstruct Kant's theory of science, the author identifies unifying themes of his philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of physics, both undergirded by his distinctive logical doctrines, (...)
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    Logic as a Science and Logic as a Theory: Remarks on Frege, Russell and the Logocentric Predicament.Anssi Korhonen - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3):597-613.
    Since its publication in 1967, van Heijenoort’s paper, “Logic as Calculus and Logic as Language” has become a classic in the historiography of modern logic. According to van Heijenoort, the contrast between the two conceptions of logic provides the key to many philosophical issues underlying the entire classical period of modern logic, the period from Frege’s Begriffsschrift (1879) to the work of Herbrand, Gödel and Tarski in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The present paper is a critical reflection on (...)
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  46. Mathematics-the language of physics?Michael Heller - 2001 - In Aleksander Koj & Piotr Sztompka, Images of the world: science, humanities, art. Kraków: Jagiellonian University. pp. 75.
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  47. Discussion. Applied constructive mathematics: on Hellman's 'mathematical constructivism in spacetime'.H. Billinge - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (2):299-318.
    claims that constructive mathematics is inadequate for spacetime physics and hence that constructive mathematics cannot be considered as an alternative to classical mathematics. He also argues that the contructivist must be guilty of a form of a priorism unless she adopts a strong form of anti-realism for science. Here I want to dispute both claims. First, even if there are non-constructive results in physics this does not show that adequate constructive alternatives could not be formulated. Secondly, (...)
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    Axiomatic Method in Contemporary Science and Technology.Sergei Kovalyov & Andrei Rodin - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):153-169.
    In 1900 David Hilbert announced his famous list of then-opened mathematical problems; the problem number 6 in this list is axiomatization of physical theories. Since then a lot of systematic efforts have been invested into solving this problem. However the results of these efforts turned to be less successful than the early enthusiasts of axiomatic method expected. The existing axiomatizations of physical and biological theories provide a valuable logical analysis of these theories but they do not constitute anything like their (...)
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    Philosophy in an Age of Science: Physics, Mathematics, and Skepticism.Hilary Putnam - 2012 - Harvard University Press. Edited by Mario De Caro & David Macarthur.
    Selection of thirty six articles by Putnam, mostly written after 2000.
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    Yanofsky, Noson S. The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics and Logic Cannot Tell Us. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2016 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 28 (1-2):198-200.
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