Stefano Vicari [13]Stefania Vicari [1]
  1. Time and Narrative: An Investigation of Storytelling Abilities in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Francesco Ferretti, Ines Adornetti, Alessandra Chiera, Serena Nicchiarelli, Giovanni Valeri, Rita Magni, Stefano Vicari & Andrea Marini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This study analyzed the relation between mental time travel (MTT) and the ability to produce a storytelling focusing on global coherence, which is one of the most notable characteristics of narrative discourse. As global coherence is strictly tied to the temporal sequence of the events narrated in a story, we hypothesized that the construction of coherent narratives would rely on the ability to mentally navigate in time. To test such a hypothesis, we investigated the relation between one component of MTT—namely, (...)
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    Peripersonal Visuospatial Abilities in Williams Syndrome Analyzed by a Table Radial Arm Maze Task.Francesca Foti, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Deny Menghini, Simone Montuori, Matteo Pesoli, Patrizia Turriziani, Stefano Vicari, Laura Petrosini & Laura Mandolesi - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  3. Episodic future thinking and narrative discourse generation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Andrea Marini, Francesco Ferretti, Alessandra Chiera, Rita Magni, Ines Adornetti, Serena Nicchiarelli, Stefano Vicari & Giovanni Valeri - 2019 - Journal of Neurolinguistics 49:178-188.
    Individuals with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have difficulties in the recollection of past experiences (Episodic Memory). Accumulating evidence suggests that they might have also difficulties in the ability to imagine potential future scenarios (Episodic Future Thinking, EFT) and in narrative generation skills. This investigation aimed to determine 1) whether impairments of EFT can be identified in a large cohort of children with high functioning ASD using a task with minimal narrative demands; and 2) if such impairments are related to the (...)
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    Low-Resolution Place and Response Learning Capacities in Down Syndrome.Mathilde Bostelmann, Floriana Costanzo, Lorelay Martorana, Deny Menghini, Stefano Vicari, Pamela Banta Lavenex & Pierre Lavenex - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Down syndrome (DS), the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability, results from the partial or complete triplication of chromosome 21. Individuals with DS are impaired at using a high-resolution, allocentric spatial representation to learn and remember discrete locations in a controlled environment. Here, we assessed the capacity of individuals with DS to perform low-resolution spatial learning, depending on two competing memory systems: (1) the place learning system, which depends on the hippocampus and creates flexible relational representations of the environment; (...)
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    The Role of Visual-Spatial Abilities in Dyslexia: Age Differences in Children’s Reading?Giulia Giovagnoli, Stefano Vicari, Serena Tomassetti & Deny Menghini - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Are the deficits in navigational abilities present in the Williams syndrome related to deficits in the backward inhibition?Francesca Foti, Stefano Sdoia, Deny Menghini, Laura Mandolesi, Stefano Vicari, Fabio Ferlazzo & Laura Petrosini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Do Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Understand Pantomimic Events?Ines Adornetti, Francesco Ferretti, Alessandra Chiera, Slawomir Wacewicz, Przemysław Żywiczyński, Valentina Deriu, Andrea Marini, Rita Magni, Laura Casula, Stefano Vicari & Giovanni Valeri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Effects of a short and intensive transcranial direct current stimulation treatment in children and adolescents with developmental dyslexia: A crossover clinical trial.Andrea Battisti, Giulia Lazzaro, Floriana Costanzo, Cristiana Varuzza, Serena Rossi, Stefano Vicari & Deny Menghini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Developmental Dyslexia significantly interferes with children’s academic, personal, social, and emotional functioning. Nevertheless, therapeutic options need to be further validated and tested in randomized controlled clinical trials. The use of transcranial direct current stimulation has been gaining ground in recent years as a new intervention option for DD. However, there are still open questions regarding the most suitable tDCS protocol for young people with DD. The current crossover study tested the effectiveness of a short and intensive tDCS protocol, including the (...)
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    Path Integration and Cognitive Mapping Capacities in Down and Williams Syndromes.Mathilde Bostelmann, Paolo Ruggeri, Antonella Rita Circelli, Floriana Costanzo, Deny Menghini, Stefano Vicari, Pierre Lavenex & Pamela Banta Lavenex - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Williams (WS) and Down (DS) syndromes are neurodevelopmental disorders with distinct genetic origins and different spatial memory profiles. In real-world spatial memory tasks, where spatial information derived from all sensory modalities is available, individuals with DS demonstrate low-resolution spatial learning capacities consistent with their mental age, whereas individuals with WS are severely impaired. However, because WS is associated with severe visuo-constructive processing deficits, it is unclear whether their impairment is due to abnormal visual processing or whether it reflects an inability (...)
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    Characterization of Clinical Manifestations in the Co-occurring Phenotype of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder.Alessandra Carta, Elisa Fucà, Silvia Guerrera, Eleonora Napoli, Giovanni Valeri & Stefano Vicari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Observational Learning in Low-Functioning Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Behavioral and Neuroimaging Study.Francesca Foti, Fabrizio Piras, Stefano Vicari, Laura Mandolesi, Laura Petrosini & Deny Menghini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Sleep and behavioral problems in preschool-age children with Down syndrome.Elisa Fucà, Floriana Costanzo, Luciana Ursumando, Laura Celestini, Vittorio Scoppola, Silvia Mancini, Diletta Valentini, Alberto Villani & Stefano Vicari - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sleep is a major concern, especially in people with Down Syndrome. Beyond Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a number of other sleep difficulties have been reported in children with DS, such as delayed sleep onset, night-time awakenings, and early morning awakenings. The detrimental effect of sleep difficulties seems to contribute to and exacerbate the cognitive and behavioral outcomes of DS. Although the screening for sleep disorders is recommended early in age in DS, only a few studies have evaluated the sleep profile in (...)
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    Coping With Adolescents Affected by Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of Parental Personality Traits.Alessio Maria Monteleone, Alberta Mereu, Giammarco Cascino, Maria Chiara Castiglioni, Chiara Marchetto, Melissa Grasso, Maria Pontillo, Tiziana Pisano, Stefano Vicari & Valeria Zanna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionAnorexia nervosa promotes psychological distress in caregivers who adopt different coping strategies. Dysfunctional caregiving styles exacerbate further distress in the patient promoting the maintenance of the illness. We aimed to assess the possible contribution of personality traits of caregivers to the adoption of different coping strategies to deal with the affected relative.MethodsAbout 87 adolescents with AN were recruited. Their parents completed the Family Coping Questionnaire for Eating Disorders and the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised. Differences between mothers and fathers were assessed (...)
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    Relazioni locali, nodi digitali e reti transnazionali di protesta.Stefania Vicari - 2006 - Polis 20 (1):5-30.
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