Results for 'S. Miyamoto'

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  1.  46
    Four Epistemological Gaps in Alloanimal Episodic Memory Studies.Oscar S. Miyamoto Gómez - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-19.
    Experimental studies show that some corvids, apes, and rodents possess a common long-term memory system that allows them to take goal-directed actions on the basis of absent spatiotemporal contexts. In other words, evidence supports the hypothesis that Episodic Memory —far from being uniquely human— has evolved as a cross-species meaning making system. However, within this zoosemiotic breakthrough, neurocognitive studies now struggle characterizing the relations between teleological factors and phenomenological factors that would account for the episodic behavior displayed by these living (...)
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    Imagining the future self through thought experiments.K. Miyamoto, M. F. S. Rushworth & Nicholas Shea - 2023 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
    The ability of the mind to conceptualize what is not present is essential. It allows us to reason counterfactually about what might have happened had events unfolded differently or had another course of action been taken. It allows us to think about what might happen – to perform 'Gedankenexperimente' (thought experiments) – before we act. However, the cognitive and neural mechanisms mediating this ability are poorly understood. We suggest that the frontopolar cortex (FPC) keeps track of and evaluates alternative choices (...)
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    Regarding Doubt and Certainty in al-Ghazālī's Deliverance from Error and Descartes' Meditations.O. Ruddle-Miyamoto Akira - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):160-176.
    Man is the measure of all things: of things that are, that they are; of things that are not, that they are not. In “The Age of the World Picture” Heidegger writes that the “essence of the modern age can be seen in the fact that man frees himself from the bonds of the Middle Ages in freeing himself to himself.”1 He goes on to explain that “What is decisive is not that man frees himself to himself from previous obligations, (...)
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    Feature and Configuration in Face Processing: Japanese Are More Configural Than Americans.Yuri Miyamoto, Sakiko Yoshikawa & Shinobu Kitayama - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):563-574.
    Previous work suggests that Asians allocate more attention to configuration information than Caucasian Americans do. Yet this cultural variation has been found only with stimuli such as natural scenes and objects that require both feature- and configuration-based processing. Here, we show that the cultural variation also exists in face perception—a domain that is typically viewed as configural in nature. When asked to identify a prototypic face for a set of disparate exemplars, Japanese were more likely than Caucasian Americans to use (...)
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    Influence of Social Distance Expressed by Driving Support Agent’s Utterance on Psychological Acceptability.Tomoki Miyamoto, Daisuke Katagami, Yuka Shigemitsu, Mayumi Usami, Takahiro Tanaka, Hitoshi Kanamori, Yuki Yoshihara & Kazuhiro Fujikake - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study, we discuss the psychological acceptability of an utterance strategy used by the Driving Support Agent. Previous literature regarding DSA suggests that the adoption of a small robot as a form will increase acceptability. However, the agent’s utterance has been reported as a problem faced by the user. Therefore, in this study, we designed the agent’s utterance using politeness strategy as described by Brown and Levinson’s famous sociolinguistics and pragmatics theory and analyzed its acceptability through a participant-based experiment. (...)
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  6.  15
    Codings and strongly inaccessible cardinals.Tadatoshi Miyamoto - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):1037-1044.
    We show that a coding principle introduced by J. Moore with respect to all ladder systems is equiconsistent with the existence of a strongly inaccessible cardinal. We also show that a coding principle introduced by S. Todorcevic has consistency strength at least of a strongly inaccessible cardinal.
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    Herbrand complexity and the epsilon calculus with equality.Kenji Miyamoto & Georg Moser - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (1):89-118.
    The $$\varepsilon $$ -elimination method of Hilbert’s $$\varepsilon $$ -calculus yields the up-to-date most direct algorithm for computing the Herbrand disjunction of an extensional formula. A central advantage is that the upper bound on the Herbrand complexity obtained is independent of the propositional structure of the proof. Prior (modern) work on Hilbert’s $$\varepsilon $$ -calculus focused mainly on the pure calculus, without equality. We clarify that this independence also holds for first-order logic with equality. Further, we provide upper bounds analyses (...)
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  8.  49
    To Accept One’s Fate or Be Its Master: Culture, Control, and Workplace Choice.Charis Eisen, Keiko Ishii, Yuri Miyamoto, Xiaoming Ma & Hidefumi Hitokoto - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  9.  19
    Socio-Ecological Hypothesis of Reconciliation: Cultural, Individual, and Situational Variations in Willingness to Accept Apology or Compensation.Asuka Komiya, Hiroki Ozono, Motoki Watabe, Yuri Miyamoto, Yohsuke Ohtsubo & Shigehiro Oishi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:496603.
    The main goal of the present research is to examine socio-ecological hypothesis on apology and compensation. Specifically, we conducted four studies to test the idea that an apology is an effective means to induce reconciliation in a residentially stable community, whereas compensation is an effective means in a residentially mobile community. In Studies 1, 2a, and 2b, American and Japanese participants (national difference in mobility; Study 1) or non-movers and movers (within-nation difference in mobility; Studies 2a and 2b) imagined the (...)
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  10.  20
    Intraoperative Brain Mapping by Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potential.Yukihiro Yamao, Riki Matsumoto, Takayuki Kikuchi, Kazumichi Yoshida, Takeharu Kunieda & Susumu Miyamoto - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    To preserve postoperative brain function, it is important for neurosurgeons to fully understand the brain's structure, vasculature, and function. Intraoperative high-frequency electrical stimulation during awake craniotomy is the gold standard for mapping the function of the cortices and white matter; however, this method can only map the “focal” functions and cannot monitor large-scale cortical networks in real-time. Recently, an in vivo electrophysiological method using cortico-cortical evoked potentials induced by single-pulse electrical cortical stimulation has been developed in an extraoperative setting. By (...)
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  11.  15
    Making the Best of Things: Character Skepticism and Cross-Cultural Philosophy.John M. Doris - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):571-594.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Making the Best of Things: Character Skepticism and Cross-Cultural PhilosophyJohn M. Doris (bio)With your spirit settled, accumulate practice day by day, and hour by hour.—Miyamoto MusashiLike many of my colleagues in moral psychology, I’ve focused almost exclusively on Western philosophy, so I was pleasantly surprised when practitioners of cross-cultural and comparative philosophy responded to character skepticism with resources drawn from Eastern traditions.1 [End Page 571]As a reminder: the (...)
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  12.  11
    The pocket samurai.William Scott Wilson & Tsunetomo Yamamoto (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Selected writings from the most influential texts of the samurai era—in a pocket-size edition. The samurai of Japan, who were the country's military elite from medieval times to the end of the nineteenth century, were synonmous with valor, honor, and martial arts prowess. Their strict adherence to the code of bushido ("the way of the warrior"), chivalry, and honor in fighting to the death continues to capture the imagination of people today, inspiring authors, filmmakers, and artists. The Pocket Samurai contains (...)
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  13.  12
    The Japanese ethos: a study of national character.Masahiro Yasuoka - 2013 - Honolulu: Honolulu Foundation.
    The consciousness of the Japanese Volk -- Foundational attitudes in world consciousness -- A heart that loves the eternal now -- Faith in national polity -- Cultivating character: on Yamaga Sokō -- The way of the patriot (1): on Yoshida Shōin -- The way of the patriot (2): on Takasugi Tōkō -- The way of the patriot (3): on Takahashi Deishū -- Faith and the ultimate act of loyalty: on Kusunoki Masashige -- Bushido as viewed by the Japanese Volk: on (...)
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    The logical foundations of Bradley's metaphysics: Judgment, inference, and truth (review).Thomas S. Weston - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 490-491.
    As the subtitle suggests, the book is organized around the themes of judgment, inference and truth. Material for the first two topics is largely taken from the second edition of Bradley's Principles of Logic. The discussion of his conception of truth relies on essays written in reply to various authors. In general, the book is to be welcomed by students of Bradley for its remarkably clear and unpretentious exposition of central themes in these difficult topics.Much of the book is taken (...)
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  15. Frane Petrić, Franciscus Patricius: od škole mišljenja do slobode mišljenja.Ljerka Šifler-Premec - 1997 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju.
  16.  8
    Damaskios, to philosophiko tou systēma: hē teleutaia analampē tēs archaias Hellēnikēs philosophias.Chrēstos Ath Terezēs - 1993 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Grēgorē.
  17.  11
    A kommunikációs tér filozófiája.Ferenc András - 2010 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    Apo ton viōmatiko ston epistēmoniko kosmo: zētēmata koinōnikēs anaparagōgēs tēs gnōsēs.Gerasimos Kouzelēs - 1992 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Kritikē.
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    Fenomen vremeni i ego interpretat︠s︡ii︠a︡.S. N. Kovalev - 2004 - Kharʹkov: Kollegium. Edited by A. V. Gizha.
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  20. Are instantaneous velocities real and really instantaneous?: An argument for the affirmative.R. S. - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (2):261-280.
    Frank Arntzenius has recently suggested that we should reject the standard view that the instantaneous state in classical mechanics consists of both the position and the velocity. In his view, the velocity as ordinarily defined-as the derivative of position with respect to time-cannot be genuinely instantaneous, and, thus, it should be excluded from the instantaneous state. After reviewing Bertrand Russell's traditional objections to the notion of an instantaneous velocity and suggesting that Russell's concerns can be effectively answered, I argue that (...)
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  21.  10
    Felix Kaufmann’s Theory and Method in the Social Sciences.Robert S. Cohen & Ingeborg K. Helling (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume contains the English translation of Felix Kaufmann's (1895-1945) main work Methodenlehre der Sozialwissenschaften (1936). In this book, Kaufmann develops a general theory of knowledge of the social sciences in his role as a cross-border commuter between Husserl's phenomenology, Kelsen's pure theory of law and the logical positivism of the Vienna Circle. This multilayered inquiry connects the value-oriented reflections of a general philosophy of science with the specificity of the methods and theories of the social sciences, as opposed to (...)
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  22.  9
    Mājarā-yi falsafah dar Īrān-i muʻāṣir =.Ṣadīq Yazdchī & Muḥammad Ḥusayn - 2013 - Köln, Germany: Intishārāt-i Furūgh.
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  23. Einstein’s “Zur Elektrodynamik...” Revisited, With Some Consequences.S. D. Agashe - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (7):955-1011.
    Einstein, in his “Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper”, gave a physical (operational) meaning to “time” of a remote event in describing “motion” by introducing the concept of “synchronous stationary clocks located at different places”. But with regard to “place” in describing motion, he assumed without analysis the concept of a system of co-ordinates.In the present paper, we propose a way of giving physical (operational) meaning to the concepts of “place” and “co-ordinate system”, and show how the observer can define both the (...)
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  24. Tensione escatologica e valori terreni in S. Bernardino da Siena.S. Nicolosi - 1982 - Aquinas 25 (1):118-146.
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  25. A Three-Pronged Approach to Women's Studies.S. Sandman, Laura Purdy & Etty Hurley - 1983 - In Marianne Triplette, Towards Equitable Education for Women and Men:Models From the Past Decade. Skidmore College.
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  26. Odhalování, harmonizace a rytmus bezprostřednosti ve Whiteheadových a Bergsonových úvahách o roli uměleckého díla a povaze estetické zkušenosti = The revealing, harmonization, and rhythm of immediacy in Whitehead's and Bergson's writings about the role of the work of art and about the nature of aesthetic experience.Miloš Ševčík - 2018 - In Ondřej Dadejík & Vlastimil Zuska, Studia aesthetica. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
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  27. Review. Oxford Readings in the Greek Novel. S Swain(ed)\ Oxford Readings in the Roman Novel. SJ Harrison(ed).S. Stephenson - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):472-474.
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  28. I︠A︡ nashel smysl zhizni: avtoreferat mirovozzrenii︠a︡ s ėpizodami avtobiografii.Vladimir T︠S︡aĭ - 2010 - Moskva: Vremi︠a︡.
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  29.  16
    (1 other version)Plato's Timaeus: Mass Terms, Sortal Terms, and Identity through Time in the Phenomenal World.Jane S. Zembaty - 1983 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 9:101-122.
    Several recent papers dealing with Plato's position on the imperfection of the phenomenal world draw heavily on the differences between two kinds of predicates in order to show the following: In the middle dialogues, Plato posits Forms only as referents of what the writers call incomplete predicates. He does not posit Forms as referents for complete predicates. When interpreters ignore the differences between these kinds of predicates, they ascribe too radical a view regarding the imperfection of the phenomenal world to (...)
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  30. Fakt nauki i ego determinat︠s︡ii︠a︡: (filosofsko-metodologicheskiĭ aspekt).S. F. Martynovich - 1983 - Saratov: Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  31. (1 other version)Locke’s Philosophy of Science and Knowledge.R. S. Woolhouse - 1971 - Philosophy 47 (181):276-278.
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  32. Who's writing? Aristotelian ethos and the author position in digital poetics.K. S. Fleckenstein - 2007 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 11 (3).
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  33. Śabdalakṣaṇaprāmāṇyavimarśaḥ.Ramanuja Tatacharya & S. N. - 1995 - Naī Dillī: Rāṣṭriya-Saṃskr̥ta-Saṃsthānam.
    On semantics and the process of word-generated knowledge in Hindu philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Scripture's Practical Authority and the Response of Faith from a Speech‐Act Theoretic Perspective.Ray S. Yeo - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4).
    This paper brings together the work of Nicholas Wolterstorff and William Alston in speech-act theory with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of the nature of divine speaking through the medium of Scripture. Despite the fecundity of Wolterstorff's seminal work on the philosophical theology of Scripture, aspects of his speech-act centric account are underdeveloped and would benefit from the contributions of William Alston. In particular, his account of divine speech-acts could be fruitfully expanded by incorporating the concept of ‘taking (...)
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  35. Ai athemitoi nomikai dichognōmiai. Dokimion genikēs theōrias tou dikaiou.Nikolaos K. Androulakēs - 1957
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  36. Dialektika formirovanii︠a︡ nauchnykh abstrakt︠s︡iĭ.M. I. Blet︠s︡kan - 1989 - Lʹvov: Izd-vo pri Lʹvovskom gos. universitete izdatelʹskogo obʺedinenii︠a︡ "Vyshcha shkola".
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  37. Vaiyākaraṇānāmanyeṣāṃ ca matena śabdasvarūpatacchaktivicāraḥ.Kāl̲ik̲āprasāda Śukla - 1979 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālaye.
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  38.  22
    Aristotle's categories today.Review author[S.]: A. C. Lloyd - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (64):258-267.
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  39. Fechner's paradox predicts visual adaptation to induced interocular brightness differences.E. S. MacMillan, L. S. Gray & G. Heron - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 118-118.
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  40. Kulʹturologii︠a︡ XX vek: antologii︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ i sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ kulʹtury.L. V. Skvort︠s︡ov & S. I︠A︡ Levit (eds.) - 1994 - Moskva: Inion Ran.
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  41. Subʺekt istorii i sot︠s︡ialʹnoe samosoznanie.L. V. Skvort︠s︡ov - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  42. T︠S︡ennostnye aspekty razvitii︠a︡ nauki.N. S. Zlobin & V. Zh Kelle (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  43.  8
    Adès chez Bergson: reliques inconnues d'une amitié.Albert Adès - 1949 - Paris,: [S.N.].
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    Metaphysikēs prolegomena.Panagiōtēs Kanellopoulos - 1956
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  45. (1 other version)Shakespeare's Secular Bible: A Modern Commentary.S. J. Peter Milward - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (3).
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    Print︠s︡ipy zakonodatelʹstva Bentama protiv mirazha pravovogo gosudarstva.S. B. Poli︠a︡kov - 1993 - Permʹ: S.B. Poli︠a︡kov.
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  47.  13
    Hegel's science of absolute spirit.G. S. Hall - 1873 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 7 (3):44 - 59.
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  48. Hegel's Intellectual Development to 1807.Henry S. Harris - 1993 - In Frederick C. Beiser, The Cambridge Companion to Hegel. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 25--51.
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  49. Nisi credidero non intelligam. The neo-Anselmian theory of categories in S. Korner and the later Collingwood.S. Holmes - 1973 - Rivista Di Studi Crociani 10:28-42.
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  50. To dikaiōma tou anthrōpou epi tēs gnōseōs kai hē pneumatikē kai politikē eleutheria.Agapētos G. Tsopanakēs - 1955 - Thessalonikē: Aristoteleion Panepistēmion Thessalonikēs.
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