Results for 'S. Fantini'

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  1.  6
    Histoire de la pensée médicalecontemporaine: évolutions, découvertes,controverses.Bernardino Fantini, Louise L. Lambrichs & Rachel A. Ankeny (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Cet ouvrage s'inscrit dans le fil du travail collectif entrepris en 1995, l'Histoire de la pensée médicale en Occident (trois volumes sous la direction de Mirko D Grmek, Seuil, 1995, 1997, 1999). Il rend compte du déploiement des recherches pluridisciplinaires et transdisciplinaires de la pensée médicale et aborde les discussions et controverses actuelles sur les politiques de santé. Du fait du développement des connaissances théoriques et des innovations techniques, la notion même de soin, sous ses aspects sociaux, économiques, mais aussi (...)
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    Music and biology at the Naples Zoological Station.Bernardino Fantini - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (3):346-356.
    Anton Dohrn projected the Stazione Zoologica as composed of two complementary halves: nature and culture. This attitude was not only expression of the general cultural background of the nineteenth century cultural elite, for Dohrn both formed a coherent and organized whole. In my essay I will analyse the different levels of the relationship between music and biology. In particular, I will demonstrate that both share similar “styles of thought”. In the last part I will show that Dohrn’s most important scientific (...)
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    Les mots secrets des prostituées (Modène, 1580-1620).Maria Pia Fantini - 2000 - Clio 11.
    Après le Concile de Trente on assiste, dans les cités italiennes et dans les états du pape, à une marginalisation croissante des prostituées qui sont à le fois cantonnées et taxées, écartées et intégrées. Pourtant ce ne sont pas des conduites sexuelles scandaleuses qui en font, de plus en plus, un gibier d’inquisition. En fait le Saint Office s’intéresse aux incantations, conjurations et oraisons « pour l’amour » qui semblent être un savoir spécifiquement lié au métier. L’article, fondé principalement sur (...)
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    Il valore metodico del carattere di además.Luca Fantini - 2008 - Studia Poliana 10:71-105.
    One of the most important theme of Polo’s thinking is his proposal of an “transcendental ampliation”, which in his books is strictly relted with what he calls “carácter de además”. This paper deepens in the meaning of this expression, especially considered as the methof for philosophical anthropology, also called by Polo “habit of wisdom”.
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    Marco Solinas, from Aristotle’s teleology to Darwin’s genealogy: the stamp of inutility, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke, 2015, 200 pp., $95,00. [REVIEW]Bernardino Fantini - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (3):14.
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    (1 other version)Innovation in Education.James L. Wattenbarger, Marvin S. Alkin, Jean Dredsen Gramrs, Paul L. Dressel, Rita S. Saslaw, T. Barr Greenfield, Russell Thornton, Donald M. Scott, William Duffy, Mario D. Fantini, Alan H. Jones & Ruth Brownlee Johnson - 1972 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 3 (3):174-183.
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    Nota sobre "El conocimiento de sí en Leonardo Polo: un estudio del hábito de sabiduría".Miriam Dolly Arancibia de Camels - 2009 - Studia Poliana 11:201-209.
    In Luca Fantini’s doctoral dissertation, a central question is introduced in reference to actual theories of identity. Many modern and posmodern philosophers introduce a division between objectivity and subjectivity conceiving the human subject in a partial way. Modern subjective philosophy fails because it is made in symmetry with metaphysics. Fantini asks if it is possible to understand the modern subject in another way. He asks is Aquinas is a valid answer today, after modernity. He proposes Polo as a (...)
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  8.  63
    From unit to unity: Protozoology, cell theory, and the new concept of life.Natasha X. Jacobs - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (2):215-242.
    In a review of the cell biology and heredity studies of 1900–1910, Bernardino Fantini argues that the choice of an experimental subject or organism was crucial in opening up new discoveries and new theories for specific fields of research.69 Thinking on a broader level, Bütschli expressed a similar view when he stated that an understanding of the true nature and structure of the “elementary organism” was crucial to the whole of biology. In this article we have traced the impact (...)
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  9. Ideals as Interests in Hobbes's Leviathan: The Power of Mind Over Matter.S. A. Lloyd - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    S. A. Lloyd proposes a radically new interpretation of Hobbes's Leviathan that shows transcendent interests - interests that override the fear of death - to be crucial to both Hobbes's analysis of social disorder and his proposed remedy to it. Most previous commentators in the analytic philosophical tradition have argued that Hobbes thought that credible threats of physical force could be sufficient to deter people from political insurrection. Professor Lloyd convincingly shows that because Hobbes took the transcendence of religious and (...)
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  10. Mīmāṃsāparibhāṣā: Hindī anuvāda-Āśutoṣiṇīvyākhyāsaṃvalitā. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1997 - Ilāhābāda: Indirā Prakāśana. Edited by Gāyatrī Śuklā.
    Work on Mimamsa philosophy; includes Āśutoṣiṇī commentary and Hindi translation.
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    al-Iʻtidāl al-fikrī wa-atharuhu fī ḥimāyat al-basharīyah: dirāsah taʼṣīlīyah fī ḍawʼ al-nuṣūṣ al-sharʻīyah.Bū ʻAṣṣāb & Saʻīd ibn Aḥmad - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Salām lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Tarjamah.
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    Rossiĭskoe filosofskoe soobshchestvo i transli︠a︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ filosofskogo znanii︠a︡ na rubezhe XIX-XX vekov.N. G. Baranet︠s︡ - 2007 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: Ulʹi︠a︡novskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet im. I.N. Ulʹi︠a︡nova.
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    Analiticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡: osnovnye kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii.S. V. Nikonenko - 2007 - Moskva: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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    Eisagōgika stē philosophia tēs paideias.Nikos Orphanidēs - 2012 - Leukōsia: Aktē.
  15. (1 other version)Mīmāṃsā-paribhāṣā. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1971 - Edited by Haridatta Śāstrī.
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  16. (1 other version)Mīmāṁsā-paribhāṣā of Kr̥ṣṇa Yajvan. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1987 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Madhavananda.
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    Philosophy's Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy.David S. Clarke - 1997 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Clarke proposes a conception of philosophy that provides an alternative to the reductions of materialism and the search for normative principles. Philosophy's proper role is to describe similarities and differences among differing levels of language, specifically the familiar level of discourse within an ordinary language shared by all and the specialized discourses of social institutions such as science, law, and the arts. By constructing a logical framework in which these comparisons and contrasts can be made, philosophy performs the indispensable role (...)
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  18. Makers and heirs of the Enlightenment. The Cambridge Platonists mirrored by Joseph de Maistre / Philippe Barthelet ; Maistre's Rousseaus / Carolina Armenteros ; Two great enemies of the Enlightenment : Joseph de Maistre and Schopenhauer.Yannis Constantinidès - 2011 - In Carolina Armenteros & Richard Lebrun (eds.), Joseph de Maistre and the legacy of Enlightenment. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
  19. A New View of Sri Sankara's Refutations of the Vaisesika, Bauddha and Sarikhya Schools and Its Implications.S. Sankaranarayanan - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam (ed.), Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 24.
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  20.  48
    Damayantī's SvayaṁvaraDamayanti's Svayamvara.S. Insler - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):577.
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  21. Christianity and Pragmatism in the Educational Philosophy of Age: Earl S. Johnson (1894-).S. Samuel Shermis - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (3):83-107.
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  22. Poni︠a︡tie gumanizma: frant︠s︡uzskiĭ i russkiĭ opyt = La notion d'humanisme: expérience russe et française.S. Zenkin (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: RGGU.
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  23. Eva Lundgren-Oothlin, Sex and Existence: Simone de Beauvoir's' The Second Sex'.S. G. Horton - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  24. Hē syneidētopoiēsē tou Hellēnismou hōs "Nitseïsmos", ta periodika "Technē" kai "Dionysos": meletē.Dēmētrēs N. Lamprellēs - 1993 - [Greece]: Ekdoseis Neas Poreias.
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    Apo to atomo sto prosōpo: mia nea theōrēsē tou anthrōpou, tēs koinōnias kai tēs paideias.Michalakēs I. Maratheutēs - 2011 - Leukōsia: Ekdosē Homilou Pneumatikēs Ananeōseōs.
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  26. Frane Petrić, Franciscus Patricius: od škole mišljenja do slobode mišljenja.Ljerka Šifler-Premec - 1997 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju.
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    The Cratylus: Plato's Critique of Naming.Timothy M. S. Baxter (ed.) - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book aims to give a coherent interpretation of the whole dialogue, paying particular attention to these etymologies.The book discusses the rival theories ...
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  28. Geniĭ krivomyslii︠a︡: Rene Dekart i frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ slovesnostʹ Velikogo Veka.S. L. Fokin - 2023 - Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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  29. Kretzmann's theism vs. Aquinas's theism: Interpreting the Summa contra gentiles.Thomas S. Hibbs - 1998 - The Thomist 62 (4):603-622.
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    Blaga’s Legacy in America - Giving Blaga a Legacy in America.Michael S. Jones - unknown
  31. Śiwa Khāṭaniẏāra āmāra aitihya āru bhaṇḍāmi.Śiwa Khāṭaniẏā - 2008 - Guwāhāṭi: Pūrbāñcala Prakāśa. Edited by Nagena Śaikīẏā.
    Articles chiefly on tradition and philosophy; includes articles on the cultural history of India from philosophical perspectives.
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  32. Author's Response: Evaluating CALM.F. S. Perotto - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):65-72.
    Upshot: In this response, I address the points raised in the commentaries, in particular those related to the scalability and robustness of the mechanism CALM, to its relation with the CAES architecture, and to the transition from sensorimotor to symbolic.
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  33. Le seretada wişeke nebû: lêkolîneweyek sebaret felsefey Arser Şopinhawer.Diłşad Ḧamîd Derwêş - 2019 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Nawendî Roşinbîrîy R̄ehend.
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    Locke's copy of the extract (abreg ) of his essay (1688)?Jean S. Yolton - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4 (1):149 – 151.
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    Print︠s︡ip svobody v postroenii nachalʹnogo obrazovanii︠a︡: metodologicheskie osnovy, istoricheskiĭ opyt i sovremennye tendent︠s︡ii: monografii︠a︡.V. V. Zaĭt︠s︡ev - 1998 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
  36.  49
    Hume's Scepticism: Pyrrhonian and Academic.Peter S. Fosl - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Peter S. Fosl offers a radical interpretation of Hume as a thoroughgoing sceptic on epistemological, metaphysical and doxastic grounds. He first contextualises Hume's thought in the sceptical tradition and goes on to interpret the conceptual apparatus of his work - including the Treatise, Enquiries, Essays, History, Dialogues and letters.
  37. Kant's Arguments Against Material Principles.M. S. Gram - 1974 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 55 (1):30.
  38. To klima ēthikēs kachexias: aitia kai drastikē antimetōpisis.Orestēs Athanasiou Louridēs - 1981 - Athēnai: Hetaireia tōn Philōn tou Laou.
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  39. 'What’s a Woman Worth? What’s Life Worth? Without Self-Respect?’: On the Value of Evaluative Self-Respect.Robin S. Dillon - 2004 - In Margaret Walker and Peggy DesAutels (ed.), Minds, Hearts, and Morality: Feminist Essays in Moral Psychology. pp. 47-68.
    In recent years philosophers have done impressive work explicating the nature and moral importance of a kind of self-respect Darwall calls “recognition self-respect,” which involves valuing oneself as the moral equal of every other person, regarding oneself as having basic moral rights and a legitimate claim to respectful treatment from other people just in virtue of being a person, and being unwilling to stand for having one’s rights violated or being treated as something less than a person. It is generally (...)
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    Brandom's making it explicit: A first encounter.Review author[S.]: Jay F. Rosenberg - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (1):179-187.
  41. Śivasvarodaya: svarodaya-śāstra: "Rāghavīya-Gītā" bhāṣānuvāda sahita.Rāghavendra Śarmā Rāghava (ed.) - 2008 - Vārāṇasī: Anya prāptisthāna Caukhambā Vidyābhavana.
    Metrical work with Hindi translation on divination.
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    Moisés ben Maimón, el sefardí.Judit Targarona Borrás - 2009 - Córdoba: Ediciones El Almendro.
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  43. Speculations on the problem of man's coming to the ground.S. L. Washburn - 1968 - In Ben Rothblatt (ed.), Changing perspectives on man. Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. pp. 191--206.
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    Diatomikotēta: keimena gia mia ontologia tēs schesēs.Michalēs Bartsidēs (ed.) - 2014 - Athēna: Ekdoseis nēsos.
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    That Raw and Ancient Cold: On Graham Harman’s Recasting of Archaeology.Tim Flohr Sørensen - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):1-19.
    This is a comment to Graham Harman’s 2019 response to an article by Þóra Pétursdóttir and Bjørnar Olsen (2018) in which they propose that a materially grounded, archaeological perspective might complement Harman’s historical approach in Immaterialism (2016). Harman responds that his book is indeed already more archaeological than historical, stipulating that history is the study of media with a high density of information, whereas archaeology studies media with a low density of information. History, Harman holds, ends up in too much (...)
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  46. Constantine George Caffentzis: Exciting the Industry of Mankind: George Berkeley's Philosophy of Money.S. Buckle - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (3):551-553.
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  47. Ingarden's Aesthetics and Dance.Sybil S. Cohen - 1984 - In Maxine Sheets-Johnstone (ed.), Illuminating Dance: Philosophical Explorations. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 157--58.
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    Neville's "naturalism" and the location of God.Robert S. Corrington - 1997 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 18 (3):257 - 280.
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    Medialitás, eseményontológia, gyakorlat: hermeneutikai útkeresések.Miklós Nyírő - 2020 - Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó.
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    Rudyard Kipling's India.D. M. S., K. Bhaskara Rao & Rudyard Kipling - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):382.
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