Results for 'Rosengren Mats'

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  1.  42
    On Creation, Cave Art and Perception: a Doxological Approach.Mats Rosengren - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 90 (1):79-96.
    The discovery of Palaeolithic cave art in the late 19th century entails many problems, some of which are perceptual. Presenting doxology as a post-phenomenological way of approaching epistemic and perceptual questions, this article draws on the problematics of cave art and contemporary cognitive science to discuss the process of perception — what it takes to see what one sees — in caves (and elsewhere). The article concludes that in order to see and perceive anything at all, both our physical and (...)
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    Making sense – Cassirer, Castoriadis and the embodied production of meaning.Mats Rosengren - 2012 - In Marion Lauschke, Bodies in action and symbolic forms: Zwei seiten der verkörperungstheorie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 29-36.
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    Gunnar Foss and Eivind Kasa (eds.), Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences, Høyskoleforlaget AS – Norwegian Academic Press, 2002, pp. 223.Mats Rosengren - 2005 - SATS 6 (2):211-218.
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    Destins d'exilés: Trois philosophes grecs à Paris: Kostas Axelos, Cornelius Castoriadis, Kostas Papaïoannou.Servanne Jollivet, Christophe Premat & Mats Rosengren (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: Éditions Le Manuscrit.
    Cet ouvrage revient sur les trajectoires intellectuelles de trois penseurs grecs ayant fui la Grece a bord du Mataroa a la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale: Kostas Axelos, Cornelius Castoriadis et Kostas Papaioannou. Transfert culturel a double titre, qui fut rendu possible grace au soutien de l'Institut francais d'Athenes qui souhaitait attirer ces intellectuels dissidents en France, et en raison du role de premier plan qu'ils ont ensuite joue au sein du paysage intellectuel francais, cette migration eclaire de maniere (...)
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    Hälsans grund kan bara hjärtat förstå: ett sökande efter kunskap om hälsa i ljuset av Blaise Pascals tänkande.Anna-Lisa Rosengren - 2009 - Åbo: Åbo akademis förlag.
    The foundation of health can be understood by the heart only : in pursuit of knowledge about health in the light of Blaise Pascal's thinking.
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  6. The Structure of Scientific Theory Change: Models versus Privileged Formulations.James Mattingly - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (2):365-389.
    Two views of scientific theories dominated the philosophy of science during the twentieth century, the syntactic view of the logical empiricists and the semantic view of their successors. I show that neither view is adequate to provide a proper understanding of the connections that exist between theories at different times. I outline a new approach, a hybrid of the two, that provides the right structural connection between earlier and later theories, and that takes due account of the importance of the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Reflexive methodology: new vistas for qualitative research.Mats Alvesson - 2000 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. Edited by Kaj Sköldberg.
    Reflexive Methodology established itself as a groundbreaking success, providing researchers with an invaluable guide to a central problem in research methodology – how to put field research and interpretations in perspective, paying attention to the interpretive, political, and rhetorical nature of empirical research. Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition includes a new chapter on positivism, social constructionism, and critical realism, and offers new conclusions on the applications of methodology. It provides further illustrations and updates that build on the acclaimed and (...)
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    Was evolution the only possible way for God to make autonomous creatures? Examination of an argument in evolutionary theodicy.Mats Wahlberg - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (1):37-51.
    Evolutionary theodicies are attempts to explain how the enormous amounts of suffering, premature death and extinction inherent in the evolutionary process can be reconciled with belief in a loving and almighty God. A common strategy in this area is to argue that certain very valuable creaturely attributes could only be exemplified by creatures that are produced by a partly random and uncontrolled process of evolution. Evolution, in other words, was the only possible way for God to create these kinds of (...)
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    Sagt och menat : 17 uppsatser tillägnade Mats Furberg på hans 50-årsdag. 2 (1983).Mats Furberg - 1983 - Institutionen För Filosofi, Göteborgs Universitet.
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  10. A theory of focus interpretation.Mats Rooth - 1992 - Natural Language Semantics 1 (1):75-116.
    According to the alternative semantics for focus, the semantic reflec of intonational focus is a second semantic value, which in the case of a sentence is a set of propositions. We examine a range of semantic and pragmatic applications of the theory, and extract a unitary principle specifying how the focus semantic value interacts with semantic and pragmatic processes. A strong version of the theory has the effect of making lexical or construction-specific stipulation of a focus-related effect in association-with-focus constructions (...)
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  11. Tankar om döden.Mats Furburg - 1970 - Stockholm,: Aldus/Bonnier.
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  12. Topic accents on quantifiers.Mats Rooth - 2005 - In Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect. CSLI Publications.
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  13.  16
    Evolutionary innovation in the vertebrate jaw: A derived morphology in anuran tadpoles and its possible developmental origin.Mats E. Svensson & Alexander Haas - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):526-532.
    The mouthparts of anuran tadpoles are highly derived compared to those of caecilians or salamanders. The suprarostral cartilages support the tadpole's upper beak; the infrarostral cartilages support the lower beak. Both supra‐ and infrarostral cartilages are absent in other vertebrates. These differences reflect the evolutionary origin of a derived feeding mode in anuran tadpoles. We suggest that these unique cartilages stem from the evolution of new articulations within preexisting cartilages, rather than novel cartilage condensations. We propose testing this hypothesis through (...)
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  14.  47
    Peirce's Philosophy of Communication: The Rhetorical Underpinnings of the Theory of Signs.Mats Bergman - 2009 - Continuum.
    A social conception of science -- The pursuit of forms -- Beyond the doctrine of signs -- Structures of mediation -- Signs in action -- Prospects of communication -- From a rhetorical point of view.
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    Reflections on the Role of the Communicative Sign in Semeiotic.Mats Bergman - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (2):225 - 254.
  16. Measurement of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly & Shawn L. Berman - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (1):20-46.
    The contribution of this work is a classification of corporate social action underlying the Social Ratings Data compiled by Kinder Lydenburg Domini Analytics, Inc. We compare extant typologies of corporate social action to the results of our exploratory factor analysis. Our findings indicate four distinct latent constructs that bear resemblance to concepts discussed in prior literature. Akey finding of our research is that positive and negative social action are both empirically and conceptually distinct constructs and should not be combined in (...)
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  17.  49
    Introduction: Peirce’s rhetoric and methodeutic.Mats Bergman & Gabriele Gava - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (220):217-219.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 220 Seiten: 217-219.
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    Vision och skepsis.Mats Furberg - 1969 - Stockholm,: Aldus/Bonnier.
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  19. Genomic and Biological Risk Profiling : From Medicalization to Empowerment.Mats G. Hansson, Marie Falahee & Karim Raza - 2021 - In Ulrik Kihlbom, Mats G. Hansson & Silke Schicktanz, Ethical, social and psychological impacts of genomic risk communication. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Understanding an act of God: an essay in philosophical theology.Mats J. Hansson - 1991 - Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
    , Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1991; 158 pp., price not indicated, ISBN 91-554-2807-X.
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    Does peer benefit justify research on incompetent individuals? The same-population condition in codes of research ethics.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (3):287-294.
    Research on incompetent humans raises ethical challenges, especially when there is no direct benefit to these research subjects. Contemporary codes of research ethics typically require that such research must specifically serve to benefit the population to which the research subjects belong. The article critically examines this “same-population condition”, raising issues of both interpretation and moral justification. Of particular concern is the risk that the way in which the condition is articulated and rationalized in effect disguises or downplays the instrumentalization of (...)
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    Kan det liberale demokratiet overleveidentitetsbaserte krav om anerkjennelse?Mats Lillehagen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (3-4):262-271.
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    Digambaravē divyāmbara: beṅkiyalli baiciṭṭa kōlina kathe.Rājaśēkhara Maṭhapati - 2017 - Beṅgaḷūru: Kaṇva Prakāśana.
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    The Lex repetundarum of the tabula bembina.Harold Mattingly - 2013 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 157 (1):87-93.
    Ever since Mommsen’s magisterial 1863 edition, the extortion law of the Tabula Bembina has been seen as a law of Gaius Gracchus. Since Mommsen’s intervention, only Carcopino and myself have seriously challenged the consensus. However, the sources imply that Gaius proposed a lex iudiciaria, not an extortion law, and, further, the role of the iudices editicii and the probability that chapters from the Lex Repetundarum on the reward for successful prosecutors were repeated in the Lex Tarentina of 104/3 BC together (...)
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  25.  39
    What Ekman really said.Mats Olsson, Kathleen Harder & John C. Baird - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):157-158.
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    Förnuftskampen: Vitalis Norström och idealismens kris.Mats Persson - 1994 - Stockholm/Stehag: Symposion.
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    Notions of Focus Anaphoricity.Mats Rooth - 2008 - Acta Linguistica Hungarica 55 (3-4):277--285.
    This article reviews some of the theoretical notions and empirical phenomena which figure in current formal-semantic theories of focus. It also develops the connection between “alternative semantics” and “givenness” accounts of focus interpretation.
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    Faith, Realism, and Universal Reason: MacIntyrean Reflections on Fides et Ratio.Mats Wahlberg - 2018 - Nova et Vetera 16 (4):1313-1336.
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    (1 other version)Promising Paths and Dead Ends in Evolutionary Theodicy.Mats Wahlberg - 2023 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 65 (1):44-54.
    In this article, I first reflect on the background of the debate between myself and Eikrem and Søvik and make some clarificatory remarks about the term “Only Way argument”, which figured in the article that started the exchange. I then map areas of agreement and disagreement between us, with an eye to discerning promising and less promising paths forward in the field of evolutionary theodicy. Finally, I respond to Eikrem’s and Søvik’s criticism of my previous arguments about token-goods.
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  30.  55
    Surrogate consent to non-beneficial research: erring on the right side when substituted judgments may be inaccurate.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (2):149-160.
    Part of the standard protection of decisionally incapacitated research subjects is a prohibition against enrolling them unless surrogate decision makers authorize it. A common view is that surrogates primarily ought to make their decisions based on what the decisionally incapacitated subject would have wanted regarding research participation. However, empirical studies indicate that surrogate predictions about such preferences are not very accurate. The focus of this article is the significance of surrogate accuracy in the context of research that is not expected (...)
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  31.  99
    Counterfactual reasoning in surrogate decision making – another look.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2009 - Bioethics 25 (5):244-249.
    Incompetent patients need to have someone else make decisions on their behalf. According to the Substituted Judgment Standard the surrogate decision maker ought to make the decision that the patient would have made, had he or she been competent. Objections have been raised against this traditional construal of the standard on the grounds that it involves flawed counterfactual reasoning, and amendments have been suggested within the framework of possible worlds semantics. The paper shows that while this approach may circumvent the (...)
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  32.  46
    Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Rise of Muslim Consciousness. By Nasar Meer.Mats Andrén - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (5):685 - 685.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 5, Page 685, August 2012.
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    Fundamentos Comuns e Propósitos Compartilhados: Sobre Alguns Ingredientes Pragmáticos da Comunicação.Mats Bergman - 2007 - Cognitio 8 (1):23-44.
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    Productive Signs.Mats Bergman - 2006 - Semiotics:47-58.
  35. Violence and Economic Agendas in Civil Wars: Considerations for Policymakers.Mats Berdal & David Keen - 1997 - Millennium 26 (3).
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    Systems, experts, and computers: The systems approach in management and engineering, World War II and after.Mats Bladh - 2001 - Annals of Science 58 (4):442-443.
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    Cultural Analysis of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly, Harry T. Hall & Craig VanSandt - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (4):661-696.
    Previous studies of corporate environmental and social action identify exactly three similar patterns of activity. They provide divergent structural explanations for these patterns, as networks of institutional constraint, and networks of local inter-dependence, respectively. A theory of sociocultural viability, known in anthropology and policy science as Cultural Theory, explains that social systems consist of four patterns of social interaction, shaped by two distinct structural factors. Our own analysis of 45 items of environmental, social, and governance factors reconcile extant studies’ findings (...)
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  38. Caox Språkanalytisk Filosofi I Cambridge Och Oxford Till 1970.Mats Furberg - 1997
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    Jesu barnbarn: en väg till filosofin.Mats Furberg - 2013 - Stockholm: Thales.
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  40. Mr Halldén on essence statements.Mats Furberg - 1961 - Theoria 27 (3):165.
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  41. Amanaskayoga.Raṇajīta Siṃha Kūmaṭa & Dharmacanda Jaina (eds.) - 2022 - Jayapura: Prākr̥ta Bhāratī Akādamī. Translated by Kanhaiyālāla Loṛhā.
    Treatise on Yoga, according to the Nātha sect in Hinduism.
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  42. Reading minds, telling tales and creating dramas in a cultural borderland.C. Mattingly - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  43. The Character of the "Lex Acilia Glabrionis".Harold Mattingly - 1979 - Hermes 107 (4):478-488.
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    Virgil's fourth eclogue.Harold Mattingly - 1947 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 10 (1):14-19.
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    What Space for Female Subjectivity in the Post-Secular?Mats Nilsson & Mekonnen Tesfahuney - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):173-192.
    This article heeds previous calls for revitalized feminist accounts of gender and religion. Having identified post-secular female pilgrimages as practices that actuate a ‘third space’, we claim that it is a space that cannot be adequately theorized from within secular feminist perspectives and attendant conceptions of subjectivity, agency and autonomy. Nor do perspectives from religious studies and its conceptions of piety as expressions of subjectivity, agency and autonomy do justice to the spatialities and subjectivities of post-secular female pilgrims. The article (...)
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  46. An Uncomfortable Responsibility: Ethics and Nuclear Waste.Mats Andren - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (1):71 - 82.
    This article discusses the ethics of nuclear waste management in terms of the concept of responsibility for the harmful effects of modern technology. At present, the principle that every country and new generation should assume responsibility for the nuclear waste they produce is challenged by a globalised industry and the repositories of nuclear waste that have accumulated over the past fifty years and been left for future generations to manage. The basic premise of the article is that modern technology, particularly (...)
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  47. Representationism and Presentationism.Mats Bergman - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (1):53-89.
    1 This article examines Peirce's semiotic philosophy and its development in the light of his characterisations of "representationism" and "presentationism". In his definitions of these positions, Peirce overtly pits the representationists, who treat percepts as representatives, against the presentationists, according to whom percepts do not stand for hidden realities. The article shows that Peirce's early writings—in particular the essay "On the Doctrine of Immediate Perception" and certain key texts from the period 1868–9—advocate an inferentialist approach clearly associated with representationism. However, (...)
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  48.  42
    Athenian Finance in the Peloponnesian War.Harold B. Mattingly - 1968 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 92 (2):450-485.
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  49.  40
    Pragmatism and Communication Theory.Mats Bergman - 2016 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 7 (2):111-113.
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  50. Om filosofisk undran.Mats Furberg - 2000 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 2.
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