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Richard C. Hoffmann [9]Richard Hoffmann [3]Richard M. Hoffmann [1]
  1.  27
    Fishing for Sport in Medieval Europe: New Evidence.Richard C. Hoffmann - 1985 - Speculum 60 (4):877-902.
    None would doubt that medieval Europeans ate fish and that they fished for food. But did they also fish for fun? as a pastime? as sport? Not in the generally accepted view of the supposed evidence. But newly discovered, recently rediscovered, and simply reread manuscript and printed sources from several areas of Europe show that medieval Europeans did on occasion think of fishing as a leisure activity, pursued for pleasure and not just as a means of subsistence.
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  2. Jürgen Sarnowsky, Die Wirtschaftsführung des Deutschen Ordens in Preuβen (1382–1454).(Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 34.) Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: Böhlau, 1993. Pp. xx, 918; many tables. DM 118. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 1997 - Speculum 72 (1):216-217.
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    David Nicholas, The Northern Lands: Germanic Europe, c. 1270–c. 1500. Malden, Mass.; Oxford; and Chichester, Eng.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Paper. Pp. xiii, 410; black-and-white figures. $40. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 2010 - Speculum 85 (3):715-717.
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  4. Harry Kühnel, ed., with Helmut Hundsbichler, Gerhard Jaritz, and Elisabeth Vavra, Alltag im Spätmittelalter. Graz, Vienna, and Cologne: Styria (Edition Kaleidoskop), 1984. Pp. 384; 430 illustrations, 48 in color. DM 78. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):949-952.
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  5. Petrus De Crescentiis, Ruralia commoda: Das Wissen des vollkommenen Landwirts urm 1300, 3: Buch VII–XII, ed. Will Richter. Prepared for publication by Reinhilt Richter-Bergmeier.(Editiones Heidelbergenses, 27.) Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1998. Paper. Pp. iv, 261; black-and-white frontispiece facsimile. DM 148. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 2001 - Speculum 76 (1):222-223.
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    Paul M. Hohenberg and Lynn Hollen Lees, The Making of Urban Europe, 1000–1950. (Harvard Studies in Urban History.) Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 1985. Pp. xvi, 398; illustrated. $30. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1024-1024.
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    Peter von Dusburg, Chronik des Preussenlandes, ed. and trans, (into German) Klaus Scholz and Dieter Wojtecki. (Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters, 25.) Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984. Pp. 588. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 1986 - Speculum 61 (2):505-506.
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    Robin S. Oggins, The Kings and Their Hawks: Falconry in Medieval England. New Haven, Conn., and London: Yale University Press, 2004. Pp. xvi, 251 plus color plates; 15 black-and-white figures and tables. $40. [REVIEW]Richard C. Hoffmann - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):248-250.