Results for 'Repressione'

  1.  19
    La dialettica della repressione. Michel Foucault e la nascita delle istituzioni penali.Alessandro Pandolfi - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (55).
    The essay aims to highlight the role of the repression in the course taught by Michel Foucault at the Collège de France Théories et institutions pénales of 1971-1972 and in the texts in which, during the same years, Foucault elaborates the genealogy of the modern penal system. During the 1971-72 course Foucault represents repression as a political device that beside the use of violence, simultaneously brings into play new tactics, new relationships, new balance of power, and above all, anticipates the (...)
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  2.  22
    Da Ayotzinapa a Tlatelolco: Memoriale delle rimostranze contro lo Stato.Bruno Bosteels - 2018 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 30 (59).
    In Mexico, as in the case of the massacre of 1968 in Tlatelolco, there exists a long tradition of writing history in a tragic or traumatic key by starting from its founding moments of violence, as if the repetitive compulsion could be met only by the compulsion to repeat the trauma. And yet, this essay proposes that perhaps we should not forget that the compulsion to respond to the violence of repression with a sorrow song or a memorial of grievances (...)
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  3.  11
    Ordine del discorso e soggettivazioni del moderno: istituzioni disciplinari e linee di fuga in Alessandro Pandolfi.Stefania Mazzone - 2021 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 33 (64):147-163.
    The essay aims to retrace the thematic issues of Alessandro Pandolfi's research through his original reinterpretation of the work of Michel Foucault. From issues of the historiographical method of the social sciences to the problematizations of disciplinary discourses up to the postmodern outcomes of neoliberal devices, a path is outlined that marks innovative hypotheses and new research perspectives on the relationship between biopolitics and antagonisms.
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