Results for 'Rafał Michalczak'

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  1.  67
    Rafał Urbaniak. Leśniewski’s Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.Rafał Urbaniak & Peter Simons - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica:nkw031.
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    Yet Another Ideal Version of the Bounding Number.Rafał Filipów & Adam Kwela - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1065-1092.
    Let $\mathcal {I}$ be an ideal on $\omega $. For $f,\,g\in \omega ^{\omega }$ we write $f \leq _{\mathcal {I}} g$ if $f(n) \leq g(n)$ for all $n\in \omega \setminus A$ with some $A\in \mathcal {I}$. Moreover, we denote $\mathcal {D}_{\mathcal {I}}=\{f\in \omega ^{\omega }: f^{-1}[\{n\}]\in \mathcal {I} \text { for every } n\in \omega \}$ (in particular, $\mathcal {D}_{\mathrm {Fin}}$ denotes the family of all finite-to-one functions).We examine cardinal numbers $\mathfrak {b}(\geq _{\mathcal {I}}\cap (\mathcal {D}_{\mathcal {I}} \times \mathcal {D}_{\mathcal (...)
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    The physics of optimal decision making: A formal analysis of models of performance in two-alternative forced-choice tasks.Rafal Bogacz, Eric Brown, Jeff Moehlis, Philip Holmes & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (4):700-765.
  4. Dao as You? Dropping Proper Parthood in a Mereological Reconstruction of Daoist Metaphysics.Rafal Banka - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (1):97-105.
    In this article, I discuss parthood status in mereologi- cally interpreted Daoist metaphysics, based on the Daodejing. I depart from the dao and you interrela- tion, which mereologically overlap by sharing parts. I consider the case of a complete overlap, which (a) challenges proper parthood, according to which a part cannot be identical with the whole that it com- poses, and (b) entails the question of identity that, while complying with classical mereology, cannot be consis- tent with Daoist metaphysics. The (...)
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  5. Psychological Argumentation in Confucian Ethics as a Methodological Issue in Cross-Cultural Philosophy.Rafal Banka - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (4):591-606.
    Graham Priest claims that Asian philosophy is going to constitute one of the most important aspects in 21st-century philosophical research. Assuming that this statement is true, it leads to a methodological question whether the dominant comparative and contrastive approaches will be supplanted by a more unifying methodology that works across different philosophical traditions. In this article, I concentrate on the use of empirical evidence from nonphilosophical disciplines, which enjoys popularity among many Western philosophers, and examine the application of this approach (...)
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  6. Dao as a Unified Composition or Plurality: A Nihilism Perspective.Rafal Banka - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):1-15.
    This article departs from a mereological conceptualization of the Daoist metaphysi- cal system in the Daodejing 道德經. I discuss what parthood status applies to dao 道. Whereas it is quite intuitive that you 有—the region of concrete objects—has parthood relationships and compositions (entities made from parts), the other, undif- ferentiated region, dao, poses a considerable problem. This problem can be charac- terized in the following way: (a) dao cannot be characterized as a particular com- position, which entails that it does (...)
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  7. Legal Probabilism.Rafal Urbaniak & Marcello Di Bello - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Mathematical Methods in Region-Based Theories of Space: The Case of Whitehead Points.Rafał Gruszczyński - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (1):63-104.
    Regions-based theories of space aim—among others—to define points in a geometrically appealing way. The most famous definition of this kind is probably due to Whitehead. However, to conclude that the objects defined are points indeed, one should show that they are points of a geometrical or a topological space constructed in a specific way. This paper intends to show how the development of mathematical tools allows showing that Whitehead’s method of extensive abstraction provides a construction of objects that are fundamental (...)
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    A Study in Grzegorczyk Point-Free Topology Part II: Spaces of Points.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):809-843.
    In the second installment to Gruszczyński and Pietruszczak we carry out an analysis of spaces of points of Grzegorczyk structures. At the outset we introduce notions of a concentric and \-concentric topological space and we recollect some facts proven in the first part which are important for the sequel. Theorem 2.9 is a strengthening of Theorem 5.13, as we obtain stronger conclusion weakening Tychonoff separation axiom to mere regularity. This leads to a stronger version of Theorem 6.10. Further, we show (...)
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  10.  29
    A Unified Approach to Hindman, Ramsey and Van der Waerden Spaces.Rafał Filipów, Krzysztof Kowitz & Adam Kwela - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-48.
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    Characterizing existence of certain ultrafilters.Rafał Filipów, Krzysztof Kowitz & Adam Kwela - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (9):103157.
  12.  60
    Cognition and Practice: Li Zehou's Philosophical Aesthetics.Rafal Banka - 2022 - Albany, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    This is the first book on the role of cognition in the aesthetic theory of Li Zehou (1930–2021), one of China's most important and influential contemporary philosophers. The cognitive dimension and its integration with practice is discussed by examining one of Li's pivotal concepts: "subjectality," a human subject shaped by the world in which they live, including beauty and aesthetic experience. Li's theory is also contextualized in the threefold inspiration coming from Confucian, Kantian, and Marxist philosophies, which differently conceptualize the (...)
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    Zur Gegenwart und Geschichte der Forschungen zu deutschen lexikalischen Entlehnungen im Polnischen.Marek Rafał - 2013 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 9.
    The article presents research into borrowings from German to the Polish language. That research was initiated in the 19th century. German lexical borrowings were linked to other linguistic issues, such as morphology, syntax, phonology or semantic field theory. The most important researcher of German borrowings in Polish were Aleksander Bruckner, Leszek Moszyński, Ludwik Zabrocki, Wilhelm Kästner, Alicja Karszniewicz-Mazur etc. The article is a critical analysis of the most significant publications on this subject.
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  14. Kontrastywizm epistemiczny.Rafał Palczewski - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    According to contrastivism in epistemology - advocated chiefly by Jonathan Schaffer - the knowledge relation is not binary (s knows that p) but ternary (s knows that p rather than q). Thus knowledge ascriptions are contrast-sensitive. The aim of this paper is to portray, investigate and assess the details of this view. In the first three sections I focus mainly on arguments for contrastivism. Section fourth is devoted to the contrastivist solution to the skeptical puzzle. In the last three sections (...)
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    Sprawiedliwość polityczna a neutralność. Kilka uwag o rozumnej naturze liberalizmu politycznego Johna Rawlsa i Charlesa Larmore’a.Rafał Prostak - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 18:188-219.
    Two fundamental features of a liberal political community are usually identified in contemporary deliberations: there is an inevitable pluralism of visions of good and worthy life, blended into a wide range of religious, philosophical and ethical positions; those who are in power are under an obligation to set public matters in such a way as to avoid discrimination of any class of the ruled. In respect of and, it is presumed that the process of enacting, implementing and executing public law (...)
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  16. Trzeci międzynarodowy zjazd psychologiczny.Rafał Radziwiłłowicz - 1897 - Przegląd Filozoficzny 1.
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    Narration in judiciary fact-finding: a probabilistic explication.Rafal Urbaniak - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (4):345-376.
    Legal probabilism is the view that juridical fact-finding should be modeled using Bayesian methods. One of the alternatives to it is the narration view, according to which instead we should conceptualize the process in terms of competing narrations of what happened. The goal of this paper is to develop a reconciliatory account, on which the narration view is construed from the Bayesian perspective within the framework of formal Bayesian epistemology.
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    Mereology then and now.Rafał Gruszczyński & Achille C. Varzi - 2015 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (4):409–427.
    This paper offers a critical reconstruction of the motivations that led to the development of mereology as we know it today, along with a brief description of some problems that define current research in the field.
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  19. Neologicist Nominalism.Rafal Urbaniak - 2010 - Studia Logica 96 (2):149-173.
    The goal is to sketch a nominalist approach to mathematics which just like neologicism employs abstraction principles, but unlike neologicism is not committed to the idea that mathematical objects exist and does not insist that abstraction principles establish the reference of abstract terms. It is well-known that neologicism runs into certain philosophical problems and faces the technical difficulty of finding appropriate acceptability criteria for abstraction principles. I will argue that a modal and iterative nominalist approach to abstraction principles circumvents those (...)
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  20.  34
    From Contact Relations to Modal Operators, and Back.Rafał Gruszczyński & Paula Menchón - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):717-748.
    One of the standard axioms for Boolean contact algebras says that if a region __x__ is in contact with the join of __y__ and __z__, then __x__ is in contact with at least one of the two regions. Our intention is to examine a stronger version of this axiom according to which if __x__ is in contact with the supremum of some family __S__ of regions, then there is a __y__ in __S__ that is in contact with __x__. We study (...)
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  21.  28
    A Study in Grzegorczyk Point-Free Topology Part I: Separation and Grzegorczyk Structures.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1197-1238.
    This is the first, out of two papers, devoted to Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s point-free system of topology from Grzegorczyk :228–235, 1960. His system was one of the very first fully fledged axiomatizations of topology based on the notions of region, parthood and separation. Its peculiar and interesting feature is the definition of point, whose intention is to grasp our geometrical intuitions of points as systems of shrinking regions of space. In this part we analyze separation structures and Grzegorczyk structures, and (...)
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  22.  30
    A comparison of two systems of point-free topology.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (3):187.
    This is a spin-off paper to [3, 4] in which we carried out an extensive analysis of Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s point-free topology from [5]. In [1] Loredana Biacino and Giangiacomo Gerla presented an axiomatization which was inspired by the Grzegorczyk’s system, and which is its variation. Our aim is to compare the two approaches and show that they are slightly different. Except for pointing to dissimilarities, we also demonstrate that the theories coincide in presence of axiom stipulating non-existence of atoms.
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    What Does Eye-Blink Rate Variability Dynamics Tell Us About Cognitive Performance?Rafal Paprocki & Artem Lenskiy - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  24.  16
    Katětov order between Hindman, Ramsey and summable ideals.Rafał Filipów, Krzysztof Kowitz & Adam Kwela - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (7):859-876.
    A family $$\mathcal {I}$$ I of subsets of a set X is an ideal on X if it is closed under taking subsets and finite unions of its elements. An ideal $$\mathcal {I}$$ I on X is below an ideal $$\mathcal {J}$$ J on Y in the Katětov order if there is a function $$f{: }Y\rightarrow X$$ f : Y → X such that $$f^{-1}[A]\in \mathcal {J}$$ f - 1 [ A ] ∈ J for every $$A\in \mathcal {I}$$ A (...)
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    Aksjornatyczna metoda odrzucania w systemie T.Rafał Dutkiewicz - 1985 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 33 (1):181-189.
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    Correction to: Exploring the Methodological Foundation of a Systemic Approach in Grey Systems Theory.Rafał Mierzwiak - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-3.
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  27. Li Zehou's aesthetics as a form of cognition.Rafal Banka (ed.) - 2018
  28.  12
    Metoda tablic semantycznych a metoda założeniowa w klasycznym rachunku zdań.Rafał Dutkiewicz - 1984 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 32 (1):57-68.
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  29. Fenomenologia techniki.Rafał Ilnicki - 2011 - Fenomenologia 9:95-114.
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    Mysł polityczno-prawna Franciszka Ksawerego Szaniawskiego (1768-1830) =.Rafał Kania - 2012 - Płock: Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Wyższej im. Pawła Włodkowica w Płocku.
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    Antropologia filozoficzna w Trzeciej Rzeszy.Rafał Michalski - 2009 - Filo-Sofija 9 (9):155-172.
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    Estetyczne wątki w antropologii filozoficznej Arnolda Gehlena.Rafał Michalski - 2013 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (1):163-186.
    The author of the article reconstructs the aesthetic motives in Arnold Gehlen’s project of philosophical anthropology. The first part of the essay presents the process of emerging of artistic creativity from ritual-presenting actions. In the second part author elaborates the conception of abstract art, which Gehlen treats as a specific laboratory in which artists explore the possibilities of deep, previously undiscovered layers of human perception.
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    An Aspect of Philosophy of Law in Wittgenstein’s Theory of the Meaning.Rafał Patryn - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):115-119.
    Wittgenstein’s philosophy endeavored to define the role of language as communicative. Language became an original “code” of multifarious meanings and designations but it is also a code which entails emotions and different sorts of internal and external reactions of an individual. The mechanism of penalty and the notion of penalty have invariably raised emotions and meaningful reactions. The analysis focuses on a short derivation of the notion of penalty. It considers its functions, basic tasks and external impact—a short word revealing (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Polityka i konstytucja. Refleksje nad prawem do prywatności w kontekście orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego Stanów Zjednoczonych.Rafał Prostak - 2007 - Civitas 10 (10).
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  35. Applied Formal Philosophy: Some Reflections on the Program.Rafal Urbaniak & Gillman Payette - 2017 - In Gillman Payette & Rafał Urbaniak, Applications of Formal Philosophy: The Road Less Travelled. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG.
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    Słupecki's Generalized Mereology and Its Flaws.Rafal Urbaniak - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (3):289-300.
    One of the streams in the early development of set theory was an attempt to use mereology, a formal theory of parthood, as a foundational tool. The first such attempt is due to a Polish logician, Stanisław Leśniewski . The attempt failed, but there is another, prima facie more promising attempt by Jerzy Słupecki , who employed his generalized mereology to build mereological foundations for type theory. In this paper I situate Leśniewski's attempt in the development of set theory, describe (...)
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  37. The post-truth condition and social distribution of knowledge: on some dilemmas with post-truth uses.Rafał Paweł Wierzchosławski - 2021 - In Marius Gudonis & Benjamin T. Jones, History in a post-truth world: theory and praxis. New York: Routledge.
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  38. O niszczeniu transcendencji według Emanuela Levinasa.Rafał Włodarczyk - 2007 - Principia 49.
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  39. (1 other version)Tolerancja a uniwersalna gościnność - krótki szkic porównawczy.Rafał Wonicki - 2012 - Civitas 14:165-178.
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    Prolegomena to a Buddhist philosophy of religion.Rafal K. Stepien - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 94 (1):63-89.
    This article investigates the structures of an identifiably Buddhist philosophy of religion, understood as the philosophical exposition and exploration of Buddhist religiosity. I thus theorize what forms a philosophy of religion structured according to Buddhist principles and paradigms might take, address various theoretical and methodological considerations, and survey a range of candidate schemas, which latter are arranged under textual, sectarian, and doctrinal rubrics. Overall, this project is undertaken on the understanding that the study of Buddhism, among other global traditions, need (...)
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  41. Space, points and mereology. On foundations of point-free Euclidean geometry.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (2):145-188.
    This article is devoted to the problem of ontological foundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometry. Starting from Bertrand Russell’s intuitions concerning the sensual world we try to show that it is possible to build a foundation for pure geometry by means of the so called regions of space. It is not our intention to present mathematically developed theory, but rather demonstrate basic assumptions, tools and techniques that are used in construction of systems of point-free geometry and topology by means of mereology (...)
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  42.  12
    Legal Survivals and the Resilience of Juridical Form.Rafał Mańko - forthcoming - Law and Critique:1-23.
    Legal institutions are created at a certain point in time, intended to be applied to ‘life’ as it is perceived at the specific moment when they are elaborated and cast into legal form. As a result, legal institutions always already refer, in their original design, to a certain normality, but between the moment of creation of a legal institution and its application to future situations there is always a certain time lag. Some legal institutions—referred to in the paper as “legal (...)
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  43.  33
    Case Study of R-1234yf Refrigerant: Implications for the Framework for Responsible Innovation.Rafał Wodzisz - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1413-1433.
    Safety and care for the natural environment are two of the most important values that drive scientific enterprise in twentieth century. Researchers and innovators often develop new technologies aimed at pollution reduction, and therefore satisfy the strive for fulfilment of these values. This work is often incentivized by policy makers. According to EU directive 2006/40/EC on mobile air conditioning since 2013 all newly approved vehicles have to be filled with refrigerant with low global warming potential. Extensive and expensive research financed (...)
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    Challenging Lewis’s challenge to the best system account of lawhood.Rafal Urbaniak & Bert Leuridan - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1649-1666.
    David Lewis has formulated a well-known challenge to his Best System account of lawhood: the content of any system whatever can be formulated very simply if one allows for perverse choices of primitive vocabulary. We show that the challenge is not that dangerous, and that to account for it one need not invoke natural properties or relativized versions of the Best System account. This way, we help to move towards an even better Best System account. We discuss extensions of our (...)
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  45.  24
    O wiedzy i znajomości.Rafał Palczewski - 2022 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:255-277.
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  46. Human Person and Freedom according to Karol Wojtyła.Rafal K. Wilk - 2007 - International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (3):265-278.
    Karol Wojtyła—the future pope John Paul II—chose the human being, especially in its personalistic dimension, as the main point of his philosophical research. Inaccordance with the metaphysical rule agere sequitur esse, he investigated the dynamisms proper to a human being: the reactive dynamism of the human body, the emotive dynamism of the human psyche, and the personalistic dynamism associated with free choice of the will. These allowed him to experience and understand the human being as a complex yet integrated entity. (...)
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  47.  19
    Contest, Game, Disgrace: On Philosophy and Buddhism.Rafal K. Stepien - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (4):1066-1088.
    Abstract:This article is concerned with the role of Buddhist philosophy, and more broadly of non-Western philosophies, within the discipline of philosophy as this is professed and practiced today. I begin by deliberately engaging in a game of definitions to demonstrate that, whichever of the definitions standardly employed to deny non-Western philosophy the prestigious moniker, Buddhism nevertheless wins: it does count as philosophy. Having made that point, however, I go on to effectively undermine it by pointing out that anyone can win (...)
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  48.  14
    Criminal liability for crimes related to the illegal conduct of a medical experiment.Rafał Kubiak - 2023 - Diametros 20 (78):37-71.
    In 2021, there was a significant amendment to the legislation on medical experimentation. In particular, Chapter 4 of the Law of December 5, 1996 on the Profession of Physician and Dentist (Journal of Laws 2023, item 1516) was amended, in which the prerequisites of legally relevant consent given by the participant in the experiment or by other entities that express a position on their behalf were specified. In addition, procedures related to the opinion of the research project by the so-called (...)
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    Parts of Falling Objects: Galileo’s Thought Experiment in Mereological Setting.Rafał Gruszczyński - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1583-1604.
    This paper aims to formalize Galileo’s argument against the Aristotelian view that the weight of free-falling bodies influences their speed. I obtain this via the application of concepts of parthood and of mereological sum, and via recognition of a principle which is not explicitly formulated by the Italian thinker but seems to be natural and helpful in understanding the logical mechanism behind Galileo’s train of thought. I also compare my reconstruction to one of those put forward by Atkinson and Peijnenburg (...)
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  50. Autonomy in Stratified Structures.Rafał Dzierwa - 2025 - Studia Humana 14 (1):15-27.
    This article proposes a minimalist concept of autonomy that is consistent with determinism, but negates fatalism. Drawing on Nicolai Hartmann’s stratified ontology, it argues that autonomy is achieved not by suspending physical laws, but by introducing new, higher-level determinations unique to individual entities. The tension between general laws and individual autonomy is resolved by emphasizing the unique properties and individual laws that apply to each entity. The article also explains how this minimal autonomy makes sense of setting goals and attempting (...)
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