Results for 'Quinn Vandenberg'

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  1. Morality and Action.Warren Quinn - 1993 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Philippa Foot.
    Warren Quinn was widely regarded as a moral philosopher of remarkable talent. This collection of his most important contributions to moral philosophy and the philosophy of action has been edited for publication by Philippa Foot. Quinn laid out the foundations for an anti-utilitarian moral philosophy that was critical of much contemporary work in ethics, such as the anti-realism of Gilbert Harman and the neo-subjectivism of Bernard Williams. Quinn's own distinctive moral theory is developed in the discussion of (...)
  2.  41
    The Backlash Against Neoliberal Globalization from Above: Elite Origins of the Crisis of the New Constitutionalism.Quinn Slobodian - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (6):51-69.
    This article recounts the backlash against the neoliberal constitutionalism that locked in free trade and capital rights through the multilateral treaty organizations of the 1990s. It argues that we can find important forces in the disruption of the status quo among the elite losers of the 1990s settlement. Undercut by competition from China, the US steel industry, in particular, became a vocal opponent of unconditional free trade and a red thread linking all of Trump’s primary advisers on matters of trade. (...)
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  3. Chapter Seven Postmodern Conservatism and Reactionary Recognition Andrew Vandenberg, Matthew Sharpe and Geoff Boucher.Andrew Vandenberg - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 116.
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    Dermot Quinn on the Financial Crisis.Dermot Quinn - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1-2):295-300.
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    Culture theorizing past and present: trends and challenges.Helen E. R. Vandenberg - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (4):238-249.
    Over the past several decades, nurses have been increasingly theorizing about the relationships between culture, health, and nursing practice. This culture theorizing has changed over time and has recently been subject to much critical examination. The purpose of this paper is to identify the challenges impeding nurses' ability to build theory about the relationships between culture and health. Through a historical overview, I argue that continued support for the essentialist view of culture can maintain a limited view of complex race (...)
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    Being and education.Donald Vandenberg - 1971 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  7. Nature, life and spirit: a Hegelian reading of Quinn's vanitas art.Alexis Papazoglou & Hegel'S. Happy end Ged Quinn - 2014 - In Damien Freeman & Derek Matravers, Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings. New York: Acumen Publishing.
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  8. Scarcity, abundance, and money at Muslim saint shrines in north India.Quinn Clark - 2023 - In Tulasi Srinivas, Wonder in South Asia: histories, aesthetics, ethics. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Context Sensitivity and Chance.Quinn Harr - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (4):562-581.
    ‘Chance’ is arguably a context‐sensitive expression, a fact that some have thought bears upon the debate about the compatibility of determinism with objective, non‐trivial chances (chances with values other than 0 or 1). In this paper, I argue that this attempted move from context sensitivity to compatibilism is misguided, for a number of reasons. First, it relies on a theory of context sensitivity that we have independent reason to reject. Second, the resulting compatibilist position leaves unanswered precisely the sorts of (...)
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    John E. Hare, The Moral Gap: Kantian Ethics, Human Limits, and God's Assistance:The Moral Cap: Kantian Ethics, Human Limits, and God's Assistance.Philip L. Quinn - 1998 - Ethics 108 (2):421-424.
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    A response to my critics.Donald Vandenberg - 1987 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 19 (2):62–63.
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    Civility in politics and education.Phyllis Vandenberg - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (4):512-514.
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    Reader Welcoming the.James J. Vandenberg - 1981 - The Chesterton Review 7 (3):277-277.
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    Professer Quinn Replies.Dermot Quinn - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1/2):280-280.
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    "Piaget and the death of God": Erratum.Brian Vandenberg - 1991 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):150-150.
    Reports an error in "Piaget and the death of God" by Brian Vandenberg. 1. On page 39, of the Spring 1991 issue, the paragraph, "It has been..." should have been part of the previous paragraph, as should the paragraph, "The relation between morality...". 2. Child Developments was underlined in the original but not the printed text. 3. The Rutter and Garmezy reference was printed continuously with the Rank reference. 4. Also, include in the publication date of the Taylor reference. (...)
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  16.  58
    Interventionism and Intelligibility: Why Depression is not (Always) a Brain Disease.Quinn Hiroshi Gibson - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (2):160-177.
    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a serious condition with a large disease burden. It is often claimed that MDD is a “brain disease.” What would it mean for MDD to be a brain disease? I argue that the best interpretation of this claim is as offering a substantive empirical hypothesis about the causes of the syndrome of depression. This syndrome-causal conception of disease, combined with the idea that MDD is a disease of the brain, commits the brain disease conception of (...)
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  17.  27
    Democratic rioting: From Tocqueville's tyranny of the majority to the Baltimore uprising.Quinn Lester - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):625-639.
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    Evidence, ontology, and psychological science: The lesson of hypnosis.Brian R. Vandenberg - 2010 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 30 (1):51-65.
    Data are never free of philosophical encumbrances. Nevertheless, philosophical issues are often considered peripheral to method and evidence. Historical perspectives likewise are not considered integral to most data-driven disputes in contemporary psychological science. This paper examines the history of the investigation of hypnosis over the last 75 years to illuminate how evidence and method are entangled with epistemology and ontology, how new research directions are forged by changes in the cultural and philosophical landscape, and how unacknowledged philosophical assumptions can result (...)
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  19.  30
    Time and Eternity.Philip L. Quinn - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (182):131-133.
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    Rawlsian Contractualism and Healthcare Allocation: A response to Torbjörn Tännsjö.Quinn Hiroshi Gibson - 2021 - Diametros 18 (68):9-23.
    The consideration of the problem of healthcare allocation as a special case of distributive justice is especially alluring when we only consider consequentialist theories. I articulate here an alternative Rawlsian non-consequentialist theory which prioritizes the fairness of healthcare allocation procedures rather than directly setting distributive parameters. The theory in question stems from Rawlsian commitments that, it is argued, have a better Rawlsian pedigree than those considered as such by Tännsjö. The alternative framework is worthy of consideration on its own merits, (...)
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  21. Thinking outside the frame: Plato, Quinn and Artaud on representation and thought.M. M. McCabe & the Fall Ged Quinn - 2014 - In Damien Freeman & Derek Matravers, Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings. New York: Acumen Publishing.
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  22. Critical Thinking about Truth in Teaching: The epistemic ethos.Donald Vandenberg - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (2):155-165.
    This paper discusses the most persistent controversial issue that occurred in Western educational philosophy ever since Socrates questioned the Sophists: the role of truth in teaching. Ways of teaching these kinds of controversy issues are briefly considered to isolate their epistemic characteristics, which will enable the interpretation of Plato and Dewey as exemplars of rationalism and empiricism regarding the role of knowledge in the curriculum and thus include their partial truths in the epistemic ethos of teaching. The consideration of pedagogy (...)
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    An analysis of the concept of constructive categoricity.Charles Francis Quinn - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):511-551.
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    The Logic of Mortality.Philip L. Quinn - 1992 - Noûs 26 (1):102-104.
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    Age effects in neurometrics.Steven G. Vandenberg - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):249-249.
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    (1 other version)Nawoord.Joan Vandenberg - 1965 - Bijdragen 26 (1):100-100.
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    Naschrift Van de schrijver.Joan Vandenberg - 1965 - Bijdragen 26 (4):389-390.
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  28. Samen leren leven.Johan Vandenberg - 1970 - [Utrecht]: Desclée De Brouwer.
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    Liberal Faith: Essays in Honor of Philip Quinn.Philip L. Quinn & Paul J. Weithman (eds.) - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Philip Quinn, John A. O’Brien Professor at the University of Notre Dame from 1985 until his death in 2004, was well known for his work in the philosophy of religion, political philosophy, and core areas of analytic philosophy. Although the breadth of his interests was so great that it would be virtually impossible to identify any subset of them as representative, the contributors to this volume provide an excellent introduction to, and advance the discussion of, some of the questions (...)
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    Self-deception as omission.Quinn Hiroshi Gibson - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (5):657-678.
    In this paper I argue against three leading accounts of self-deception in the philosophical literature and propose a heretofore overlooked route to self-deception. The central problem with extant accounts of self-deception is that they are unable to balance two crucial desiderata: (1) to make the dynamics of self-deception (e.g., the formation of self-deceptive beliefs) psychologically plausible and (2) to capture self-deception as an intentional phenomenon for which the self-deceiver is responsible. I argue that the three leading views all fail on (...)
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    Broadening the Ethical Scope.Quinn Waeiss, Michael Bernstein & Margaret Levi - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):26-28.
    McCradden and colleagues' (2022) argues that machine learning in health care poses new challenges to appropriate evaluation for safe use in clinical care. It also claims that “the longstanding syst...
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    Methodological Appraisal and Heuristic Advice: Problems in the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes.Philip Quinn - 1972 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 3 (2):135.
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    Thinking about education.Donald Vandenberg - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (7):784-787.
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    Health Professionals “Make Their Choice”: Pharmaceutical Industry Leaders’ Understandings of Conflict of Interest.Quinn Grundy, Lisa Tierney, Christopher Mayes & Wendy Lipworth - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):541-553.
    Conflicts of interest, stemming from relationships between health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry, remain a highly divisive and inflammatory issue in healthcare. Given that most jurisdictions rely on industry to self-regulate with respect to its interactions with health professionals, it is surprising that little research has explored industry leaders’ understandings of conflicts of interest. Drawing from in-depth interviews with ten pharmaceutical industry leaders based in Australia, we explore the normalized and structural management of conflicts of interest within pharmaceutical companies. We (...)
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  35.  24
    Could these sex differences be due to genes?Steven G. Vandenberg - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):212-214.
  36. Morality and Action.Warren Quinn - 1993 - Philosophy 69 (270):513-515.
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    Phenomenology and educational discourse.Donald Vandenberg (ed.) - 1997 - Johannesburg: [Distributed by] Thorold's Africana Books.
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    Identity Politics, Existentialism and Harry Broudy's Educational Theory.Donald Vandenberg - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (3‐4):365-380.
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    A Politics of Objectivity: Biomedicine’s Attempts to Grapple with “non-financial” Conflicts of Interest.Quinn Grundy - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-18.
    Increasingly, policymakers within biomedicine argue that “non-financial” interests should be given equal scrutiny to individuals’ financial relationships with industry. Problematized as “non-financial conflicts of interest,” interests, ranging from intellectual commitments to personal beliefs, are managed through disclosure, restrictions on participation, and recusal where necessary. “Non-financial” interests, though vaguely and variably defined, are characterized as important influences on judgment and thus, are considered risks to scientific objectivity. This article explores the ways that “non-financial interests” have been constructed as an ethical problem (...)
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  40.  46
    When is a cladist not a cladist?Aleta Quinn - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (4):581-598.
    The term “cladist” has distinct meanings in distinct contexts. Communication between philosophers, historians, and biologists has been hindered by different understandings of the term in various contexts. In this paper I trace historical and conceptual connections between several broadly distinct senses of the term “cladist”. I propose seven specific definitions that capture distinct contemporary uses. This serves to disambiguate some cases where the meaning is unclear, and will help resolve apparent disagreements that in fact result from conflicting understandings of the (...)
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    Justice and Legal Theory in Ireland.Gerard Quinn, Attracta Ingram & Stephen Livingstone - 1995
    Papers presented at a conference held in University College, Galway, in June 1993.
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  42. Mandeville, Bernard.Phyllis Vandenberg & Abigail DeHart - 2013 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733) Bernard Mandeville is primarily remembered for his impact on discussions of morality and economic theory in the early eighteenth century. His most noteworthy and notorious work is The Fable of the Bees, which triggered immense public criticism at the time. He had a particular influence on philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment, most […].
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    Relationships and the spectator perspectives in Hutcheson, Hume, and Smith.Phyllis Vandenberg - 2008 - Cultura 5 (1):142-156.
    Looking closely at Adam Smith’s account of the spectator perspective – along with the compatible spectator accounts in Hutcheson and Hume – is especiallyhelpful to understanding one of the main themes of the Scottish Enlightenment. The Scots in response to Hobbesian egoism described a morality that does not need to overcome a human nature that pits individuals against each other. Rather each of the three Scots describes the empirical formation of our humanity and our moral sentiments in the context of (...)
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    A guide to educational philosophizing after Heidegger.Donald Vandenberg - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (2):249–265.
    This paper heeds the advice of EPAT's editor, who said he 'will be happy to publish further works on Heidegger and responses to these articles' after introducing four articles on Heidegger and education in the August, 2005, issue. It discusses the papers in order of appearance critically, for none of them shows understanding of Heidegger's writings and descriptions of human existence in his most important work, Being and Time, nor the work of the internationally recognized educational philosopher who has written (...)
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Education, Religion, and a Sustainable Planet.Donald Vandenberg - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 43 (1):58-72.
    Religious pluralism led to the colonies' separation of church and state by 1776, to Mann's campaign for common schooling, and to the complete secularization of public schools by 1900. The dependence of Western theology upon untenable Greek metaphysics justifies an explanation that the evolutionary purpose of religion was to promote personal integration and social cohesion. This also occurs in civic religion, herein explicated as the common faith established by truths from intersubjectively valid inquiries and by experienced qualities (i.e., the goodness) (...)
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  47. Fake News, False Beliefs, and the Need for Truth in Journalism.Aaron Quinn - 2017 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (1):21-29.
    Many of U.S. President Donald Trump’s business interests—and those of his family and close associates—either conflict or could conflict with his position as the country’s top elected official. Despite concerns about the vitality of the journalism industry, these actual or potential conflicts have been reported in great detail across a number of journalism platforms. More concerning, however, are the partisan news organizations on both the right and left that deliberately sow social discord by exciting deeply polarized political tensions among the (...)
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Philosophy's Role in Theorizing Psychopathology.Quinn Hiroshi Gibson - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):1-12.
    It is a mistake to think that any philosophical contribution to the study of psychopathology is otiose. I identify three non-exhaustive roles that philosophy can and does occupy in the study of mental disorder, which I call the agenda-setting role, the synthetic role, and the regulative role. The three roles are illustrated via consideration of the importance of Jaspers' notion of understanding and its application to specific examples of mental disorder, including delusions of reference, Capgras delusion and other monothematic delusions, (...)
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