Results for 'Psychological explanation'

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  1. Psychological Explanation: An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Psychology.Jerry A. Fodor - 1968 - Ny: Random House.
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    The Mixed Blessing of Psychological Explanations.Nevia Dolcini - 2015 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 6 (2):335-340.
    After the recent “cognitive turn” it is commonly assumed that the domain of the cognitive is much broader than the domain of the linguistic. Consequently, the quickly decreasing appeal of “linguistic idealism” is now totally clouded by the view that language is not necessary for thought. I here highlight how the target paper is fully attuned to this mainstream view, which originally and fundamentally rejects any linguistic idealist claim. Furthermore, I propose a new formulation of an “old” methodological concern about (...)
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    Psychological Explanation and Behavior Broadly Conceived.Anthony F. Peressini - 1997 - Behavior and Philosophy 25 (2):137-159.
    I argue that a broad conception of behavior makes considerable headway toward an account of psychological explanation that preserves the intuitive correctness of belief/desire psychological explanations and whose explanatory utility is not undercut by neurophysiological explanations. The rough idea behind a broad conception of behavior is that the basic units of behavior, which constitute the primary explananda of psychology, are themselves essentially goal-directed. As such, behavior supervenes on more than the physical properties of the bodily motions which (...)
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  4. Individualism, Psychological Explanation, and Mental Representation.Robert Andrew Wilson - 1992 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    Individualism in psychology is the view that mental states must be individuated so as to be intrinsic to particular individuals. This view has been thought to impose an intuitive and plausible constraint on explanation in psychology. The dissertation is a sustained examination of individualism, especially with respect to its role in psychological explanation. My particular interest is in showing that individualism is not a constraint on psychology which follows from either psychology's scientific nature, or from the nature (...)
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  5. Psychological explanation and implicit theory.Frank Jackson - 2000 - Philosophical Explorations 3 (1):83-95.
    I offer an account of the relation between explanations of behaviour in terms of psychological states and explanations in terms of neural states that: makes it transparent how they can be true together; explains why explanations in terms of psychological states are characteristically of behaviour described in general and relational terms, and explains why certain sorts of neurological investigations undermine psychological explanations of behaviour, while others leave them intact. In the course of the argument, I offer an (...)
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  6. What is psychological explanation?William Bechtel & Cory Wright - 2009 - In Sarah Robins, John Symons & Paco Calvo, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 113--130.
    Due to the wide array of phenomena that are of interest to them, psychologists offer highly diverse and heterogeneous types of explanations. Initially, this suggests that the question "What is psychological explanation?" has no single answer. To provide appreciation of this diversity, we begin by noting some of the more common types of explanations that psychologists provide, with particular focus on classical examples of explanations advanced in three different areas of psychology: psychophysics, physiological psychology, and information-processing psychology. To (...)
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    A poetics of psychological explanation.Deborah Knight - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (1-2):63-80.
    Intentional, ‘commonsense,’ or ‘folk’ psychology is, as Jerry Fodor has remarked, ubiquitous. Explanations of what we say and do in terms of our reasons for acting are the stock in trade of intentional psychology. But there is a question whether explanations in terms of reasons are properly explanatory. Donald Davidson and Daniel Dennett, to name two, have defended intentional psychology and its reason‐explanations. Still, many philosophers – including Fodor, Davidson and Dennett – fail to pay due attention to the narrative (...)
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    The psychological explanation of the development of the perception of external objects (III.). (Reply to prof. Stout.).H. W. B. Joseph - 1911 - Mind 20 (78):161-180.
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    Psychological explanation and noise in modeling. Comments on Whit Schonbein's "cognition and the power of continuous dynamical systems".Joe Cruz - 2006
    I find myself ambivalent with respect to the line of argument that Schonbein offers. I certainly want to acknowledge and emphasize at the outset that Schonbein’s discussion has brought to the fore a number of central, compelling and intriguing issues regarding the nature of the dynamical approach to cognition. Though there is much that seems right in this essay, perhaps my view is that the paper invites more questions than it answers. My remarks here then are in the spirit of (...)
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  10. The Psychological Explanation of the Development of External Objects.H. W. B. Joseph - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:458.
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  11. Folk psychological explanation, and causal laws.Angela Arkway - 1998
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    Simulation, Folk Psychological Explanation, and Causal Laws.Angela J. Arkway - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 35:27-33.
    The assumption that commonsense psychological explanations of behavior are causal underlies current debate between simulation theory and theory theory regarding the nature of cognitive mechanism responsible for our folk psychological practices. Theory theorists claim that these explanations are subsumed by the covering law model of causal explanation. Simulationists are not explicit about the nature of the explanations produced by simulation. In what follows, I propose a set of plausible conditions that a correct causal simulation-produced folk psychological (...)
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  13. Is psychological explanation going extinct?Cory Wright - 2007 - In Maurice Schouten & Huib Looren de Jong, The Matter of the Mind: Philosophical Essays on Psychology, Neuroscience and Reduction. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Psychoneural reductionists sometimes claim that sufficient amounts of lower-level explanatory achievement preclude further contributions from higher-level psychological research. Ostensibly, with nothing left to do, the effect of such preclusion on psychological explanation is extinction. Reductionist arguments for preclusion have recently involved a reorientation within the philosophical foundations of neuroscience---namely, away from the philosophical foundations and toward the neuroscience. In this chapter, I review a successful reductive explanation of an aspect of reward function in terms of dopaminergic (...)
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  14. Psychological explanation: The 'private data' hypothesis.Michel Treisman - 1962 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 13 (August):130-143.
  15. Problems of powerlessness: psychological explanations of social inequality and civil unrest in post-war America.Karen Baistow - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (3):95-116.
    This article concerns the emergence of psychological constructs of personal power and control in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s and the ways in which they contributed to contemporary political explanations of social unrest. While social scientists and politicians at the time saw this unrest as a social problem that posed threats to social cohesion and stability, they located its cause not in the power structure of society but in the individual’s sense of his or her own (...)
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    Psychological explanations of style in art.Helmut Hungerland - 1946 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (3):160-166.
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  17. Folk-psychological explanations.Jonathan Bennett - 1991 - In John D. Greenwood, The Future of Folk Psychology: Intentionality and Cognitive Science. Cambridge University Press. pp. 176.
  18. Models and mechanisms in psychological explanation.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2011 - Synthese 183 (3):313-338.
    Mechanistic explanation has an impressive track record of advancing our understanding of complex, hierarchically organized physical systems, particularly biological and neural systems. But not every complex system can be understood mechanistically. Psychological capacities are often understood by providing cognitive models of the systems that underlie them. I argue that these models, while superficially similar to mechanistic models, in fact have a substantially more complex relation to the real underlying system. They are typically constructed using a range of techniques (...)
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  19. The Nature of Psychological Explanation.Robert Cummins - 1983 - MIT Press.
    In exploring the nature of psychological explanation, this book looks at how psychologists theorize about the human ability to calculate, to speak a language and the like. It shows how good theorizing explains or tries to explain such abilities as perception and cognition. It recasts the familiar explanations of "intelligence" and "cognitive capacity" as put forward by philosophers such as Fodor, Dennett, and others in terms of a theory of explanation that makes established doctrine more intelligible to (...)
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    Categories of psychological explanation.D. R. Finn - 1968 - Mind 77 (October):550-555.
  21. Psychological explanation and causal deviancy.Joseph Owens - 1998 - Synthese 115 (2):143-169.
  22. On the psychological explanation of visual perception.B. A. Farrell - 1977 - Synthese 35 (3):353 - 379.
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    Review of Time and psychological explanation[REVIEW]Adelbert H. Jenkins - 1996 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 16 (1):67-72.
    Reviews the book Time and psychological explanation by Brent D. Slife . In this book Prof. Slife has taken on the task of showing how the Western conception of time is a construct whose use in psychology is in need of just such a review. The object of Slife's critique is the modern Western tradition which takes time to be an objective and linear entity. This perspective, of course, derives from the work and thinking of Sir Isaac Newton, (...)
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    The psychological explanation of reasoning: Logical and methodological problems.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1979 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 9 (3):277-291.
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    The psychological explanation of the development of the perception of external objects (I.).H. W. B. Joseph - 1910 - Mind 19 (75):305-321.
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    Philosophical criteria for psychological explanation.Michael H. Birnbaum - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (6):562-565.
  27. Heidegger and psychological explanation: Taking account of Derrida.James Faulconer - 1990 - In James E. Faulconer & R. Williams, Reconsidering Psychology. Duquesne University Press. pp. 116--135.
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    Hume’s Psychological Explanation of the Idea of Causality.A. K. Phalén - 1977 - International Philosophical Quarterly 17 (1):43-57.
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    Psychological Explanation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology. [REVIEW]Charles Taylor - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (1):108-113.
  30. The Role of Psychological Explanations of the Rejection or Acceptance of Scientific Theories* By Adolf Griinbaum.Adolf Griinbaum - 1979 - In Jan Bärmark, Perspectives in metascience. Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället. pp. 2--95.
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    (1 other version)I.—the psychological explanation of the development of the perception of external objects.H. W. B. Joseph - 1910 - Mind 19 (1):457-469.
  32. Mechanisms and psychological explanation.Cory Wright & William Bechtel - 2006 - In Paul Thagard, Handbook of the Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science. Elsevier.
    As much as assumptions about mechanisms and mechanistic explanation have deeply affected psychology, they have received disproportionately little analysis in philosophy. After a historical survey of the influences of mechanistic approaches to explanation of psychological phenomena, we specify the nature of mechanisms and mechanistic explanation. Contrary to some treatments of mechanistic explanation, we maintain that explanation is an epistemic activity that involves representing and reasoning about mechanisms. We discuss the manner in which mechanistic approaches (...)
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  33. Knowledge, provenance and psychological explanation.Robert Lockie - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (3):421-433.
    Analytic theories of knowledge have traditionally maintained that the provenance of a true belief is critically important to deciding whether it is knowledge. However, a comparably widespread view is that it is our beliefs alone, regardless of their (potentially dubious) provenance which feature in psychological explanation, including the explanation of action: thus, that knowledge itself and as such is irrelevant in psychological explanation. The paper gives initial reasons why the ‘beliefs alone’ view of explanation (...)
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    “The Power of Imagination”: Psychological Explanations in Mid-Seventeenth-Century England.Beverley C. Southgate - 1992 - History of Science 30 (3):281-294.
  35. Psychological explanations of religious belief.David O'Connor - 2012 - In Alan Bailey & Dan O'Brien, The Continuum Companion to Hume. Continuum. pp. 265.
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  36. Rationality and psychological explanation without language.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2002 - In José Luis Bermúdez & Alan Millar, Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality. New York: Clarendon Press.
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    Historical and psychological Explanation of the Hereklitan teachings of Aenesidemus.Mary Mills Patrick - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:233-237.
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  38. Direct reference, psychological explanation, and Frege cases.Susan Schneider - 2005 - Mind and Language 20 (4):423-447.
    In this essay I defend a theory of psychological explanation that is based on the joint commitment to direct reference and computationalism. I offer a new solution to the problem of Frege Cases. Frege Cases involve agents who are unaware that certain expressions corefer (e.g. that 'Cicero' and 'Tully' corefer), where such knowledge is relevant to the success of their behavior, leading to cases in which the agents fail to behave as the intentional laws predict. It is generally (...)
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    Wittgenstein and homuncular psychological explanations.A. Ward - 1991 - Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14 (2):31-47.
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    Psychological explanations and knowledge-dependent processes.Zenon W. Pylyshyn - 1981 - Cognition 10 (1-3):267-274.
  41. Connectionism: Debates on Psychological Explanation.Cynthia MacDonald & Graham MacDonald (eds.) - 1991 - Blackwell.
    This volume provides an introduction to and review of key contemporary debates concerning connectionism, and the nature of explanation and methodology in cognitive psychology. The first debate centers on the question of whether human cognition is best modeled by classical or by connectionist architectures. The second centres on the question of the compatibility between folk, or commonsense, psychological explanation and explanations based on connectionist models of cognition. Each of the two sections includes a classic reading along with (...)
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    Chapter 5. determinism and psychological explanation: A postscript.Stuart Hampshire - 1965 - In Freedom Of The Individual. Princeton, N.J.: Harper & Row. pp. 113-142.
  43. Williamson on knowledge and psychological explanation.P. D. Magnus & Jonathan Cohen - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 116 (1):37-52.
    According to many philosophers, psychological explanation canlegitimately be given in terms of belief and desire, but not in termsof knowledge. To explain why someone does what they do (so the common wisdom holds) you can appeal to what they think or what they want, but not what they know. Timothy Williamson has recently argued against this view. Knowledge, Williamson insists, plays an essential role in ordinary psychological explanation.Williamson's argument works on two fronts.First, he argues against the (...)
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    Neurophysiological reduction, psychological explanation and neuropsychology.Laurence F. Mucciolo - 1975 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 5 (3):451-462.
  45. An interventionist approach to psychological explanation.Michael Rescorla - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):1909-1940.
    Interventionism is a theory of causal explanation developed by Woodward and Hitchcock. I defend an interventionist perspective on the causal explanations offered within scientific psychology. The basic idea is that psychology causally explains mental and behavioral outcomes by specifying how those outcomes would have been different had an intervention altered various factors, including relevant psychological states. I elaborate this viewpoint with examples drawn from cognitive science practice, especially Bayesian perceptual psychology. I favorably compare my interventionist approach with well-known (...)
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    Psychological explanations and interpersonal relations.Michael Schleifer - 1973 - In Alan Montefiore, Philosophy and Personal Relations: An Anglo-French Study. Montreal,: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 170-190.
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    Externality, psychological explanation, and narrow content.Martin Davies - 1986 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 60:263-83.
  48. Mechanisms and psychological explanation.William Bechtel & Cory Wright - 2006 - In Paul Thagard, Handbook of the Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science. Elsevier.
    As much as assumptions about mechanisms and mechanistic explanation have deeply affected psychology, they have received disproportionately little analysis in philosophy. After a historical survey of the influences of mechanistic approaches to explanation of psychological phenomena, we specify the nature of mechanisms and mechanistic explanation. Contrary to some treatments of mechanistic explanation, we maintain that explanation is an epistemic activity that involves representing and reasoning about mechanisms. We discuss the manner in which mechanistic approaches (...)
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    Propositional attitudes and psychological explanation.Keith Quillen - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (2):133-57.
    Propositional attitudes, states like believing, desiring, intending, etc., have played a central role in the articulation of many of our major theories, both in philosophy and the social sciences. Until relatively recently, psychology was a prominent entry on the list of social sciences in which propositional attitudes occupied center stage. In this century, though, behaviorists began to make a self-conscious effort to expunge "mentalistic" notions from their theorizing. Behaviorism has failed. Psychology therefore is again experiencing "formative years," and two themes (...)
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  50. Non-conceptual Psychological Explanation: Content and Computation.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1996 - Dissertation, Oxford
    2.4 The Example: Infants and object-(im)permanence : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 2.4.1 Why a contentful account is warranted: Perspectival sensitivity : : : 17 2.4.2 The \searching under a cloth" and \AB" data : : : : : : : : : : : : 24 2.4.3 Two constraints on objectuality : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (...)
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