Results for 'Principle of economy'

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  1.  92
    The Principle of Economy as an Evaluation Criterion of Theories.Styrman Avril - 2014 - la Nuova Critica 63:63-89.
    The principle of economy favours the theory which gives the most accurate predictions; of two equally accurate theories, economy favours the one which incorporates least metaphysics. The intention is to show that were metaphysical commitments of theories openly acknowledged and simplicity and other virtues generally accepted as judges in theory choice, the progress rate of science would likely become more optimal.
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    Principles of Political Economy and Chapters on Socialism.John Stuart Mill - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume unites, for the first time, Books IV and V of Mill's great treatise on political economy with his fragmentary chapters on socialism. His answers to policy questions are still highly relevant today, and Riley's introduction clarifies his distinctive liberal utilitarian philosophy.
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  3. The Principle Of Economy In The Learning And Teaching Of Mathematics, By David P. Hewitt. [REVIEW]Paul Ernest - 1995 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 8.
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    The Principles of Political Economy Volume Two: Iii. Principles of Political Economy Vol B.John Stuart Mill (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill took thirty years to complete and is acknowledged as the definitive edition of J.S. Mill and as one of the finest works editions ever completed. Mill's contributions to philosophy, economics, and history, and in the roles of scholar, politician and journalist can hardly be overstated and this edition remains the only reliable version of the full range of Mill's writings. Each volume contains extensive notes, a new introduction and an index. Many of the (...)
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  5. Principles of political economy. Books IIII-V.John Stuart Mill, Introduction by V. W. Bladen & J. M. Robson Textual Editor - 1981 - In The collected works of John Stuart Mill. Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund.
  6.  47
    Ethical principles of catholic social teaching behind the united states bishops' letter on the economy.Charles E. Curran - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (6):413 - 417.
    This article analyzes six ethical principles at work in the Pastoral Letter of the Roman Catholic Bishops on the United States economy. The first three principles derive from the Thomistic tradition with its attempt to avoid the extremes of collectivism and individualism. Human beings are by nature social and called to live in political society. The principle of subsidiarity guides the role of the state. Distributive and social justice furnish the criteria for a just distribution of human goods. (...)
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    Principles of Political Economy (Volume Two): Ii. Principles of Political Economy Vol A.John M. Robson (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill took thirty years to complete and is acknowledged as the definitive edition of J.S. Mill and as one of the finest works editions ever completed. Mill's contributions to philosophy, economics, and history, and in the roles of scholar, politician and journalist can hardly be overstated and this edition remains the only reliable version of the full range of Mill's writings. Each volume contains extensive notes, a new introduction and an index. Many of the (...)
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    Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy.John Stuart Mill (ed.) - 2004 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Stephen Nathanson's clear-sighted abridgment of Principles of Political Economy, Mill's first major work in moral and political philosophy, provides a challenging, sometimes surprising account of Mill's views on many important topics: socialism, population, the status of women, the cultural bases of economic productivity, the causes and possible cures of poverty, the nature of property rights, taxation, and the legitimate functions of government. Nathanson cuts through the dated and less relevant sections of this large work and includes significant material omitted (...)
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  9. Principles of Political Economy.John Stuart Mill & John M. Robson - 1965 - Philosophy 41 (158):365-367.
  10.  6
    T. R. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy: Volume 2.John Pullen (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Published in two volumes or as a set this provides a definitive scholarly variorum edition of Malthus's Principles of Political Economy. It contains the full text of the first 1820 edition, including Malthus's own invaluable 70-page summary, and contains details of all the additions, omissions and emendations that occurred between the first and the second, posthumous, edition of 1836. The first edition is extremely rare, and for over 150 years confusions and disagreements have inevitably occurred in the interpretation of (...)
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    T. R. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy 2 Volume Paperback Set.John Pullen (ed.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    This set provides a definitive scholarly variorum edition of Malthus's Principles of Political Economy. It contains the full text of the first 1820 edition, including Malthus's own invaluable 70-page summary, and contains details of all the additions, omissions, and emendations that occurred between the first and the second, posthumous, edition of 1836. The first edition is extremely rare, and for over 150 years confusions and disagreements have inevitably occurred in the interpretation of Malthus's economics because of the absence of (...)
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  12.  47
    Principles of Political Economy.J. Shield Nicholson.Benjamin Kidd - 1894 - International Journal of Ethics 4 (3):400-403.
  13.  23
    Principles of Political Economy with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy. [REVIEW]H. R. Mussey - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8 (1):26-26.
  14.  32
    The Principles of Political Economy.Henry Sidgwick - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Henry Sidgwick,, philosopher, classicist, lecturer and fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and supporter of women's university education, is well known for his Method of Ethics, a significant and influential book on moral theory. First published in 1883, this work considers the role the state plays in economic life, and whether economics should be considered an Art or a Science. Sidgwick applies his utilitarian views to economics, defending John Stuart Mill's 1848 treatise of the same name. The book calls for a (...)
  15.  6
    The Principles of Political Economy: With a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Science.J. R. McCulloch - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    A friend, correspondent and intellectual successor to David Ricardo, John Ramsay McCulloch forged his reputation in the emerging field of political economy by publishing deeply researched articles in Scottish periodicals and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. From 1828 he spent nearly a decade as professor of political economy at the newly founded University of London, thereafter becoming comptroller of the Stationery Office. Perhaps the first professional economist, McCulloch had become internationally renowned by the middle of the century, recognised for sharing (...)
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    (1 other version)T. R. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy: Volume 1.John Pullen (ed.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Published in two volumes or as a set this provides a definitive scholarly variorum edition of Malthus's Principles of Political Economy. It contains the full text of the first 1820 edition, including Malthus's own invaluable 70-page summary, and contains details of all the additions, omissions and emendations that occurred between the first and the second, posthumous, edition of 1836. The first edition is extremely rare, and for over 150 years confusions and disagreements have inevitably occurred in the interpretation of (...)
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  17.  7
    Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy.Stephen Nathanson (ed.) - 2004 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Stephen Nathanson's clear-sighted abridgment of _Principles of Political Economy_, Mill's first major work in moral and political philosophy, provides a challenging, sometimes surprising account of Mill's views on many important topics: socialism, population, the status of women, the cultural bases of economic productivity, the causes and possible cures of poverty, the nature of property rights, taxation, and the legitimate functions of government. Nathanson cuts through the dated and less relevant sections of this large work and includes significant material omitted in (...)
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  18. David Hume : Principles of political economy.Andrew S. Skinner - 1993 - In David Fate Norton & Jacqueline Taylor (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Hume. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  19.  33
    Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Least Radix Economy.Vladimir Garcia-Morales - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (3):295-332.
    A new variational method, the principle of least radix economy, is formulated. The mathematical and physical relevance of the radix economy, also called digit capacity, is established, showing how physical laws can be derived from this concept in a unified way. The principle reinterprets and generalizes the principle of least action yielding two classes of physical solutions: least action paths and quantum wavefunctions. A new physical foundation of the Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is then (...)
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  20.  31
    Principles of Political Economy.Benjamin Kidd - 1893 - The Monist 4:474.
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  21.  54
    Principles of Political Economy. J. S. Nicholson.C. I. Hamilton - 1903 - International Journal of Ethics 13 (2):265-266.
  22.  49
    Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy, by John Stuart Mill. Edited by V. W. Bladen and J. M. Robson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. 2 vols. pp. LXIII - 1166. $25.00. [REVIEW]W. A. Mackintosh - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (2):252-254.
  23. Hume's principles of political economy.Andrew S. Skinner - 1993 - In David Fate Norton & Jacqueline Taylor (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Hume. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  24. Reviews : Kozo Uno, Principles of Political Economy : Theory of a Purely Capitalist Society, (Harvester 1980) Make to Itoh, Value and Crisis: Essays on Marxian Economics in Japan, (Monthly Review Press 1980). [REVIEW]Michael Eldred - 1984 - Thesis Eleven 8 (1):166-170.
    Reviews : Kozo Uno, Principles of Political Economy : Theory of a Purely Capitalist Society, Make to Itoh, Value and Crisis: Essays on Marxian Economics in Japan.
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    Principles of Social Economy[REVIEW]A. Claydon - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 10 (1):126-127.
  26.  51
    Principles of Political Economy. By John Stuart Mill. Introduction by V. W. Bladen. Textual Editor, John M. Robson. (University of Toronto Press. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London. 1965. Two vols., pp. xciv + 452 and 713. £8 8s. 0d. the set.). [REVIEW]J. G. Rees - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (158):365.
  27. Principles of political economy. Books I-ii.John Stuart Mill, Introduction by V. W. Bladen & J. M. Robson Textual Editor - 1981 - In The collected works of John Stuart Mill. Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund.
  28.  25
    The principle of «Integrity» and The Economy of the Earth.L. S. Westra - 1992 - Global Bioethics 5 (1):21-30.
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    The “Tenderness” of the Principle of Least Action: From the Philosophy of Physics to the Paradigm for Sustainable Development.Мария Янушевна Мацевич - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (3):122-159.
    The paper delves into the methodological aspects of how foundational mathematical and physical tenets, most notably the principle of least action, are interpreted and assimilated within humanities discourse. The pursuit of the article’s objectives is driven by the necessity for a philosophical and methodological analysis of the current conceptual status of the principle of least action. This analysis is informed by cognitive-axiological and teleological imperatives of a “synthetic” development program for the principle. Any fundamental principle will (...)
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  30.  22
    Language-P Rticular Processes and the Earliness Principle a ______________________________________________________ _____________ .Economy is T. O. Strong - unknown
    In a recent paper, Chomsky (1989) has proposed two principles which choose among competing transformational derivations. He calls them principles of “Economy of Derivation”. These are the Least Effort principle and the Last Resort principle, seen in (1a-b). (The _________ _________ _ _ nomenclature is partially my own: Chomsky uses the term “Principle of Least Effort” for (1a-b) together.).
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  31.  85
    The Principle of Thrift.Franz Crahay & Simon Pleasance - 1974 - Diogenes 22 (85):31-46.
    The standpoint of this article is, first and foremost, a historical one, giving an introductory outline of a general theory of thrift. More specifically, it aims at comparing the principle (or: principles) of economy of thought and the principle of “natural economy” to coin a short term.By way of a prologue, a historical and interpretative summary of events shows the consequences of a cultural fact which hallmarks the 14th century and, in itself, restores the first frank (...)
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    Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy : The Political Order of a Free People.F. A. Hayek - 1982 - Routledge.
    First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  33.  46
    The Principle of Nature and the Natural Law of Confucianism.Hee Kwon Chin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:221-226.
    In 'Yeogi (禮記)', the Chinese scriptures of Confucianism, they recoded the solar calendar of modern viewpoints. According to the ancient document, the 24 solar terms was one of seasonal divisions in a year. The regularly change of the four seasons play an important part in the national economic project. For a national economy depended on agriculture in East Asia of ancient times, the administration to pay no regard to the change of the season was directly connected to the fall (...)
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  34.  15
    The first reception of James Steuart in Italy: Giovanni Tamassia and his liberal economic reading of the Principles of Political Economy.Cecilia Carnino - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (2):182-193.
    ABSTRACTThis article has two aims. The first is to explore the early reception of James Steuart in Italy, focusing on Giovanni Tamassia’s writings. In his Dello spirito di riforma, written between 1799 and 1800, Tamassia was the first Italian author to assume Steuart as a point of reference in economic analysis. Largely re-proposing Steuart’s considerations on the issues of redistribution of land, of luxury, and of comparison between ancient and modern times, he contributed decisively to the first circulation in Italy (...)
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  35.  19
    The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 1, on the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.Piero Sraffa (ed.) - 1951 - Cambridge University Press.
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  36. The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 2, Notes on Malthus's Principles of Political Economy.Piero Sraffa (ed.) - 1951 - Cambridge University Press.
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  37. Bronislaw Malinowski on the Principle of the Economy of Thought.Edward C. Martinek & Bronislaw Malinowski - 1985
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  38.  34
    Polity and Economy: An Interpretation of the Principles of Adam Smith.A. L. Macfie & Joseph Cropsey - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (35):181.
  39.  13
    The Principle of Subsidiarity as a Valuable Benchmark in the Regulation of Economic Relations.Virginija Kondratienė - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (4):65-78.
    The principle of subsidiarity can be an effective tool for adjusting economic systems and establishing the social rule-of-law concept in public organisation. In considering the usability of the principle of subsidiarity, the following aspects thereof are discussed: the role in the development of the European social model; employment in determining limits for the powers of the public and private sectors; the application in the market and planned economy systems; and the social justice function in the development of (...)
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    The Principle of Merit and the capital-labour split.Jeppe von Platz - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (1):1-23.
    Some meritocratic defenders of capitalism rely on the principle that cooperators should receive a share of the product commensurate with their contribution. However, such defences of capitalism fail due to a dilemma. Either they rely on an understanding of contribution that arguably will be reflected by the capital-labour split in suitably idealized capitalist economies, but cannot serve as a plausible standard of merit; or they rely on an interpretation of contribution that is a plausible standard of merit, but which (...)
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  41.  20
    Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political... Economy.F. A. Hayek - 2012 - Routledge.
    With a new foreword by Paul Kelly 'I regard Hayek's work as a new opening of the most fundamental debate in the field of political philosophy' - Sir Karl Popper 'This promises to be the crowning work of a scholar who has devoted a lifetime to thinking about society and its values. The entire work must surely amount to an immense contribution to social and legal philosophy' - Philosophical Studies Law, Legislation and Liberty is Hayek's major statement of political philosophy (...)
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  42. MILL, John Stuart.-Introduction by V. W. Bladen. "Principles of Political Economy". [REVIEW]J. C. Rees - 1966 - Philosophy 41:365.
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  43.  65
    The Principle of Gratuitousness: Opportunities and Challenges for Business in «Caritas in Veritate».Dennis McCann - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (S1):55-66.
    One major theme in Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Caritas in Veritate is the “Principle of Gratuitousness.” The point of this essay is to begin a reflection on what it actually means and its possible relevance. By comparing the “Principle of Gratuitousness” and its normative assumptions about “the logic of gift” with anthropological studies focused on the same phenomenon, I hope to show, not only the relevance of the encyclical’s normative vision but also where and how it needs further (...)
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    Fichte’s First Principle of Right.Michael Nance - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:248-266.
    This paper addresses the following questions: what is Fichte’s first principle of right, how does he argue for it, and how does it function as the first principle of his substantive political theory? To answer these questions, the paper offers an overview of the main steps of Fichte’s derivation of the principle of right, explains its relationship to Fichte’s account of individual personhood, and then specifies some of the senses in which the resulting principle serves as (...)
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  45. The Theory of Capitalist Development. Principles of Marxian Political Economy[REVIEW]Oscar Lange - 1943 - Journal of Philosophy 40 (14):378-384.
  46.  80
    Can we derive the principle of compositionality (if we deflate understanding)?Antonio Rauti - 2009 - Dialectica 63 (2):157-174.
    Paul Horwich has claimed that we can derive a certain form of the principle of compositionality from a deflationary account of what it is to understand a complex expression. If this were the case, we would realize a surprising theoretical economy, and if the derivation involved basic ideas from a use theory of meaning, we would have a novel argument for use theories of meaning. Horwich does not offer a detailed derivation. In this paper I reconstruct a possible (...)
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  47. Thirteen Pages on Intellectual Property, with Special Reference to a Doubtful Doctrine of J.S. Mill [in His Principles of Political Economy] by One of His Pupils [Signing Himself N.N.].N. N. & John Stuart Mill - 1876
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  48. "Collected Works of J. S. Mill" Vols, II and III, "Principles of Political Economy with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy". Ed. J. M. Robson. [REVIEW]J. P. Day - 1966 - Mind 75:601.
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    Rhythm as Key Principle of Human Evolution.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter At the end of the 19th century, the University of Leipzig became a kind of Mecca for the theory of rhythm. Wundt had been offered a position as soon as 1875 and had opened in 1879 his laboratory of experimental psychology, the head of which he remained until his retirement in 1917. Meumann accepted a position at the University of Zürich in 1895 but stayed in close connection with his alma mater. Schmarsow was promoted at Leipzig in 1893 (...)
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  50.  16
    (1 other version)Economy of Effort or Maximum Rate of Information? Exploring Basic Principles of Articulatory Dynamics.Yi Xu & Santitham Prom-on - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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