Results for 'Postumii Albini'

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  1.  15
    The Last Postumii Albini.Manfredi Zanin - 2021 - Hermes 149 (4):474.
    The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century bce onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99, should be distinguished from the homonymous legate, brother of Sp. Postumius Albinus, cos. 110; that the two moneyers A. Postumii Albini were, in all likelihood, not directly related to each other and were probably sons of the last (...)
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    Il male: risvegliare l'umano in Hannah Arendt e Dietrich Bonhoeffer.Christian Albini - 2016 - San Pietro in Cariano (VR): Gabrielli editori.
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    Prestiti bizantini in ungherese.Umberto Albini - 1987 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 131 (1-2):162-164.
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    [Dem.] Xlii, 28 - 29.Umberto Albini - 1959 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 103 (1-2):309-311.
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    Multisensory and Modality-Specific Influences on Adaptation to Optical Prisms.Elena Calzolari, Federica Albini, Nadia Bolognini & Giuseppe Vallar - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:295601.
    Visuo-motor adaptation to optical prisms displacing the visual scene (prism adaptation, PA) is a method used for investigating visuomotor plasticity in healthy individuals and, in clinical settings, for the rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect. In the standard paradigm, the adaptation phase involves repeated pointings to visual targets, while wearing optical prisms displacing the visual scene laterally. Here we explored differences in PA, and its aftereffects (AEs), as related to the sensory modality of the target. Visual, auditory, and multisensory - audio-visual (...)
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  6. The universal humanity of Giambattista Vico.Alfonsina Albini Grimaldi - 1958 - New York,: S. F. Vanni.
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  7. Commentary on albini and ketcham.Richard Hull - manuscript
    The theme advanced and developed by Boris Albini and Gary Ketcham in two issues of the Reporter (May 7, 1987, and February 25, 1988) involve several key concepts: sentience and suffering, life and death, compassion, contradictory rights and conflicting values. I propose to recapitulate those developed themes in order to assess what has been clarified, what still remains obscure, and what has gone unaddressed. For me the issues of which they write are live ones, and my own mind is (...)
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    Die trinitarische Schöpfung und die Würde des Menschen - Ein Kommentar zu Ps.-Alkuins „Dicta Albini de imagine Dei -. 황보정미 - 2020 - The Catholic Philosophy 34:73-129.
    인류가 남겨준 수많은 종교와 신화의 창조설이 있지만, 창세기 1 장 26-27의 “인간은 신의 모상으로 창조되었다”라는 유대-그리스 도교의 창조설은 신화를 넘어 하나의 철학사상이 되었다. ‘신의 모 상’(imago Dei)이라는 비유적 언어가 서양 정신사에서 하나의 철 학개념으로 정착될 수 있었던 이유는 인간존엄이념의 원천이 바로 그곳에 있다는 통찰이다. 본 연구는 바로 이 원천으로부터 그리스 도교의 인간존엄성에 대한 이해를 시도한다. 연구대상은 중세 초 기 문헌으로 추정되는 필사본 인간의 존엄성에 대하여(De dignitate conditionis humanae)에 수록된 (僞) 알퀸의 신의 모상 에 대한 알비누스의 논고(Dicta Albini de imagine (...)
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    Andocides, De Reditu- Umberto Albini: Andocide, L'orazione De Reditu. Introduzione e commento. Pp. 110. Florence: Le Monnier. 1961. Paper, L. 1,200. [REVIEW]K. J. Dover - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (1):35-36.
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    Platone: Ione. Con Introduzione e Commento a cura di Umberto Albini. Pp. xv+54. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1954. Paper, L. 300. [REVIEW]D. Tarrant - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (3-4):316-317.
  11.  34
    Hands and Scribes.E. Lobel - 1928 - Classical Quarterly 22 (3-4):202-.
    In pi. 48 of his Facsimilés de manuscrits grecs des XVe et XVIe Siècles M. Otnont gives a specimen of what purports to be the hand of Valeriano Albini. The MS. from which it is reproduced, Paris, gr. 1687, has at f. 158v τατην δ ββλον Οαλερίανοσ фορολβεσ Άλβνου Ενετσ, ν τψ το αοΕνετου μοναστηρψ εˣραΨε, εˣτη του κυρίον ᾑμων … αμ … , which might be thought warranty enough. Unfortunately MS.
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